The Pumpers Thread!

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Well done, Tracey. I am really pleased for you! 🙂
Hi LOU, welcome back, I see i was right about the wind :D, glad you enjoyed the trip.

Just had my 1st hba1c since pumping down to 7.3 from 7,8! Funny cos that was the number i had in my head, spooky. They were pleased and so am I.


That is just fantastic, I bet you are really pleased.
Hi LOU, welcome back, I see i was right about the wind :D, glad you enjoyed the trip.

Just had my 1st hba1c since pumping down to 7.3 from 7,8! Funny cos that was the number i had in my head, spooky. They were pleased and so am I.

Excellent Tracey! With all the changes you've had to make in adapting, that's really terrific!:D

(I notice you lot can't get used to having a whole new section to play in!😉)
No, Northerner, you're right...We're sort of floundering maybe?! Oh well. Will get there.

Tracey: so pleased for you. Excellent job in such a short time, and god knows how much work goes into the early weeks...Brilliant.

Lou: hey lady, do you think I have NO taste?! The twins?! Every week we are in agony about them...though the children have this strange rational reaction sometimes, eg they are entertaining...blah blah. No, I'm a fan of Ollie, Stacey, Joe and Danyl...My daughter regularly rates Lloyd higher than we do -- herein lies his popularity of course...And no, we don't even VOTE. Don't believe in it. How's that for setting out the stall...

Give yourself a break about numbers Lou. You will get back on track. Glad you had a good time.

Glad too all working out for Veo folks at the moment.. -- how J and A, Adrienne and Bev?

Here we are frantically busy. Today is the first anniversary. I've been emotional all day, though at work and coping fine. We had a lovely dinner together and acknowledged it, acknowledged too my daughter's year, which was incredibly rough in its own way, indeed, rougher than could really be seen. Anyway. We praised everyone...and are left with ourselves. I know I've done as well as I could. But it is heavy sometimes.

Okay, moving on...Ironically, E took his first GCSE coursework exam TODAY. What a way to mark it, and what a good metaphor.

Hi Patricia

I so understand the emotions of today for you. On and up from now on, eh? 🙂

Mand xx
Thanks Mand. Do feel better today!

Here we go again otherwise: irregular night levels (why down this time? why stable that time? argh!) and two hypos today at absolutely typical times (late morning and late afternoon). Relatively recurrent, despite tweak city in the last few weeks. Sigh.

Don't think numbers are bad overall, but these hypos... could do without them, I'm sure.
Sorry - i missed your thread about the anniversary. It will be A's on 24th - so i do know how awful it must have made you all feel. I am not sure that A has remembered it is next week. He did mention it last month and i asked would he like to mark it in any way. He declined and said 'why would i want to remember a time when life was normal'? I almost cried in front of him.

I have no wise words for you - just wanted to say i understand.🙂

Hello to all - hope your all ok.🙂Bev x

Sorry its a late visit, but just to say as well I will be thinking of you with these anniversaries....

lots of love xx
Hi all

A quick one (famous last words), feeling out of touch... Bev and all, thanks for words. Will be thinking of you. Didn't know our boys were so *very* close in diagnosis days. Sigh.

We are finding ourselves really FED UP at the moment with aspects of this damn unpredictability... We are sure E is growing, and this is a component, but sheesh, what a pain in the butt!

Nighttime is a bit of mess. Have corrected at bed and got up to check correction every night for a week. The knock on of which is that he's been dropping overnight. Finally shift the dinner/pre bed levels such that he actually looks like he's going to be even a little low by our bedtime, so we free carb 10g. At 12.30am he is 9mmols. Hallelujah. We anticipate a drop so this should for once be a good measure of his nighttime basal.

Woke on 13.9mmols! What?!!!! As I wrote ages ago, we have found some milk and a tiny biscuit to send him up for ages as free carb...although this seems reasonable in theory, we really thought he was dropping at nights...ARGH! Of course he also woke with a sore throat, so hey, it might be THAT too raising him...


We have a clinic appt with the pump folks on Thursday. His numbers have been kind of all over and we've lost a bit of rudder somehow. We are so TIRED of it all, such a flipping BORE for all involved.

Plus we are dealing with a massive breakfast spike, followed by a hypo -- every morning at school. We have adjusted basal, fingers crossed, and now will try to properly bolus before breakfast as a way of getting onto spke...but this means ANOTHER STEP, eg testing him the minute he wakes up, in order to bolus...Normally he would test when he comes downstairs.

I don't think his hba1c will be dreadful or anything --not that wacky out of control -- but we are just on a roller coaster. Let's see if the adjustments today can get rid of the TWO daily hypos he had all last week!

Sorry for moan...

Everyone else okay?! 😱
Sorry your feeling so fed up - but SNAP! Its awful isnt it? We too are on a rollercoaster - one day lots of high's so we think change basals -but then decided to leave it another day to check for a pattern - then NO PATTERN!
I am also fed up and bored of the whole subject to be honest. My eldest came to visit over the weekend and she said i need to start thinking of other things apart from diabetes as its taking over my life and stops me from doing anything i enjoy. She is right of course - is just hard to hear.

Every day last week the school rang me - mostly because he was high - but on 2 occasions he had tummy ache. So now i am thinking maybe ceoliac?(sp?).

I think whilst the boys are growing - we wont get very good levels - hormones and growth hormones are little beggars and seem to have a life of their own. I know that Alex's hba1c will be worse than last time - too many high's - but at the moment there doesnt seem to be anything i can do as there isnt any pattern to the highs.

Hope you all start to feel happier soon - i do know how draining it all is...I feel like a failure a lot of the time - especially when i cant even work out what the problem was - that makes me feel useless.

Thinking of you.🙂Bev x
Hi Bev

Oh ugh, I do feel for you. So are there too...I know what it's like.

I don't know if A has ever shown this when high, but E frequently gets tummy ache when he's high. Don't know why. It was one of his only symptoms before he was diagnosed. So maybe just maybe it's not coeliac. Would be such a bummer if it were.

I agree with your daughter of course about getting a life. It is so very difficult though. I confess that in the last couple of weeks I've found myself more and more able to let go. It's taken a very, very long time.

Sometimes I think it would be easier to get on with things and not think about it every last second of every day if people knew what it was like. This sounds contradictory, like others knowing about it would make me think about it more...but I think that some understanding and knowledge might just be enough for me to think 'okay, don't have to do *that* job of educating/sticking up for/advocating as well as everything else'...I might ease off a bit.

I have though allowed my 'old' life a bit more of a look in recently. Generally it feels good. BUT it hasn't made the frustration and anger of diabetes any less. My obssessing about it all is better, but I'm still just as hacked off.

Not helpful really, sorry...

You may feel better after tomorrow Bev. I feel a bit better in myself after last week.
Hello all,

Just a quick query, at the meet up this weekend I was given an infusion set by Viki, very kindly, and have been wearing it since yesterday. I've just taken it since I noticed some blood in it, not much but still some. More to the point it's left my skin slightly red where the adhesive was. Is that normal?

Hello all,

Just a quick query, at the meet up this weekend I was given an infusion set by Viki, very kindly, and have been wearing it since yesterday. I've just taken it since I noticed some blood in it, not much but still some. More to the point it's left my skin slightly red where the adhesive was. Is that normal?


Youll get blood in it because its not connected to anything. You dont normally as the insulin keeps it all pushing through.

Mine are usually a it red when i first take them off but it settles down after a while. I think they do some sort of spray or something if you turn out to be sensitive to the glue but i think it would have itched or something whilst it was on if you were.
Youll get blood in it because its not connected to anything. You dont normally as the insulin keeps it all pushing through.

Mine are usually a it red when i first take them off but it settles down after a while. I think they do some sort of spray or something if you turn out to be sensitive to the glue but i think it would have itched or something whilst it was on if you were.

Thanks Viki,

Mine is setteling down now. Much less redness. I tell you the insertion was painless, I'd guess that's due to the speed. I didn't really know it was there unless I was playing with it to gross out flatmates and people on my course! It's now pinned on my wall...

I think that's my worst fear about the pump dealt with. All I fear now is the bad readings and rough times when I start on one. I've made my decision, roll on the pump and the end of injections.

Patricia and Bev. I do so understand how you both feel.

Without a doubt, my son levels are better now he on a pump but boy is it hard work chasing those numbers! No two days or nights seem to be the same, so what chance do we stand?! I guess all we can do is to try and keep up!

Can't get him right at school. He had two consecutive days where he was too low at 10am so i said if it happens a third time then we need to make a change and guess what? He was 14 at 10am the third day! So we wait until the fourth day.............sigh..............

We gave ourselves the last two nights off for night testing as we really needed to catch up on our sleep. He was 7.7 at 11pm the first night and 12.0 at 7am the next morning. Last night he was 7.0 at 11pm but woke up on 13.1

So back to night testing today to see where the rise is happening.

Hi to everyone and sending hugs. xx
Mand and Bev et al

SNAP! Listen to this: went to bed on 9mmols night before last. Small milk and biscuit (as per previous post), woke on 13mmols. THEN last night: went to bed on 8.3mmols. Woke up on 1.7mmols!!! 😱

Heaven help us. Is he rising or dropping overnight? Sheesh!!

We're going to go to clinic looking like FOOLS. Nightmare.

How was your son this am Mand?

Hi all,

Sorry I havent posted much over the last week or so on the thread...I dont seem to have any great pumping news to report!

I seem to be stuck in a phase of rubbish numbers for about 2 or 3 weeks now, very random, Patricia I sympathise! I am off to the clinic on monday, to see the pump specialist and although I met her during DAFNE, I have never seen her as a doctor as everything was done through my DSN. I constantly call on my psychic powers (ahem) trying to predict mondays HbA1c. There is alot of pressure I feel, have been given this pump to get a better number- I think it wont be a good one. Every day I feel I am trying hard. But the numbers are bizzare....I woke up to 14.8mmols......whats that all about?

Its like the whole thing needs re-programming....?

I had the swine flu jab today at work and you dont get an "Ive been brave" sticker or nothing. I think it's made me feel rather miserable :(

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