The Pumpers Thread!

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Lou - Bit of a shame re lack of sticker! You certainly deserve one! How is the arm? My son's was sore and 'heavy' for a couple of days.

If it any consolation our numbers not always brill either and we do try so hard. As you will see from my previous post, tonight i am going to track him through the night to see when he rises (or dips and bounces back) because he gone to bed on good numbers the last two nights but woke up 12 or 13. So some basal tweaking needed i think.

Guess what? The new Veo threw up an error code1 today whilst we were bolusing for tea!!!!! 😱😱 I remember Medtronic saying that if the replacement Veo did this then we to start new box of quckserts (different batch). But we only just had changed the flippin thing and so my son not keen to re-do yet. So provided it does not throw up the code again during next 48 hours then we will keep current cannula in and swap to new one from new batch on Thursday (we change every 48 hours).

When i frst spoke to Medtronic re original pump problem they said it unlikely the pump at fault and more likely to be the quicksets. They then said they would send a replacement pump (which they did and he now using) and if the error code occured again then it would prove it was the quicksets and not the pump. So we shall see. I not convinced but i certainly hope they are right!

We have bolus wizard set up and are using it but no other facilites are swtiched on or have been since we got the new one.

Anyway, apologies for the essay.

Will let you know how tonight goes!
Gosh, good luck with that Mand....a long night ahead?!! (hugs)

What a bloody nightmare with the error code? I bet your insides nearly fell out! I have to say though, having given it some thought I would suspect it to be the canula. "Motor error" rather than a coded error I think was the major dramas of the Veo software, so i am crossing my fingers for you.

I wrote an email to medtronic, snotty one, about my long lost veo......not a sniff from them!

My arm is fine thanks. I havent oinked yet either 😉

Hope tonight goes ok! xx
What a night!

Hi all

Best laid plans and all that! All out the window!

He was 25.2 at 11pm last night! Bolused a correction
He was 17 by 12.30am.
Checked him at 2am and he 14.2. We not happy so we did a set change (not nice having to wake a child at that time when they so heavily asleep!) and did a correction.
Inspected cannula and found it to be bent 😱
4.30am he was 6.8 (phew!!!!)
7am he was 3.5 and mild hypo.

Needless to say it was a very long night and we are very tired!

At least it has probably proved that motor error 1 is to do with the pump not being able to deliver due to fault of cannula. At least now he has a cannula from the new batch and we won't use the last few from the previous batch.

Lou - i do so hope your new Veo arrives soon. They obviously have some if we have one but i do not know the priority order. Let's hope it not much longer. x

Roll on bedtime tonight! I think it will be an early night!

Sleepy mand xx
Oh lord Mand, been there! Best laid plans, exactly... Argh.

Lou, sorry things up and down. Seems like we are all a bit wobbly at the moment. So frustrating.

Here another weird night. 13 at his bedtime, still 13 at ours (end of bolus) -- argh. So corrected only one unit because of weird night 2.30 was 6.5! So a huge drop. Put onto 90% basal to try to hold it there cos suspected overall dropping... But at 4am, was 3.2mmols...Sigh. Woke him up for juice. Kept 90% on...and woke up on 9mmols! Argh again.

We think now that early morning basal is too low, but that late early morning is maybe okay. The rise from 3.2 to 9 is more than a box of juice, anyway, so the 100% basal is maybe right...

Oh man.

One good piece of news: no hypos at school so far this week. Weak hurrah.

One good piece of news: no hypos at school so far this week. Weak hurrah.

Good news Patricia! At least something is going well. Boy, it is all so frustrating, eh?! We must appreciate the good bits - however small! Sending hugs. xx
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Hi all

My son was 6.4 at 11pm last night so did not set a night alarm. I checked him at 7am this morning and he was 8.4.

So presumably he came to no harm and i got a nights sleep. Hurrah!

Catch you all soon. x 🙂
Hurray! Well done Mand's son. And Mand, hope you enjoyed your sleep...

We were up twice. See 'hopeless control' thread. Grr.

Back to marking...
Woooo! It's come! I've got my pump clinic on Wednesday next week. I'm getting really excited about this and want to get started on my pump as soon as I can! I've asked them to get me a Medtronic Veo.
Woooo! It's come! I've got my pump clinic on Wednesday next week. I'm getting really excited about this and want to get started on my pump as soon as I can! I've asked them to get me a Medtronic Veo.


Look forward to hearing all about it- time to take a leaf out of shelleys mantra now and start getting bloody EXCITED!!!!!
Awesome news Tom!! 🙂
Oi Lou how'd it go today? Thought of you.


Bless you Mrs P! Not great actually.

Started off well, good weightloss, 2kg- always pleasing.

Nice consultant, very kind and very thorough. HbA1c has gone up though so I cried all over her. Ive tried so hard Patricia, I just dont know what the answer is.

It had only gone up an increment, but she was kind enough to say that with everything else going on it would have been higher on MDI most likely.

Bloody depressing HbA1c. Bored of diabetes. Tired of it. Fed up. I swear to god this is impossible! In short, miserable.

I will be back on track tomorrow, honest x
Hey Lou,

Sorry it didnt go so well. No advice or words of wisdom coz im sure you bought a truck load of that back from the hospital . . . and im not very wise 🙂

But sending lots of diabetes 'Grrrrrrs' your way!

Oh Lou! I am so sorry to hear about your appointment. I understand how disappointing it must be. Wish i had the answers for you. All i would say is keep up your hard work and fingers crossed next time you will see an improvement. It is still early pump days so maybe you just need more time to benefit?

Hope you feeling better today. Sending 'hugs'. xx

ps i not posting so much lately but i am still reading as often as possible. All going well for us at the moment. xx
Really sorry your feeling down.

I just wanted to say that it is very often the case that things go a bit pear-shaped when your new to pumping. There are quite a few on the childrens forum who's hba1c takes a dip for the first few hba1c's after starting on a pump. Its a lot to do with experimenting and trying to look for patterns etc.

Have you considered using the CGMS? I know the PCT'S dont fund easily -but we got a box of 10 in the starter pack. We have found them invaluable for watching food trends and sleep trends etc.. (although we are still in the thick of it!). I am fullly expecting A's hba1c to be worse than before pumping for the reasons i have said.

Keep your pecker up and start on a tiny amount each day and give yourself time.🙂Bev
Hey Lou

I'm sorry about it all... I'm trying to think if there's anything I can do... The worst feeling in the world as far as I'm concerned is that of trying and trying and giving it your all and ending up with little in return. It's dire.

This will pass, as you know. But I'm sorry you (and we all) have to keep just getting back on that horse. That's a feeling of helplessness and loss of control in itself: no choice.

If only there were some way of properly expressing how flipping annoying and dragging down this condition can be to live with -- we are all sitting here feeling it, knowing it, yet are hardly able to say it right. We just keep trying!

Oh dear. Depressing myself now. Can't imagine this is helping!

Okay. So. Lou. Do you have some adjustments/directions to go on? Have you been able to look at the whole range of things: basal rates, ratios, correction factors, targets? Maybe not all at once 🙄

We have found things coming more into range several times when we made target and correction factor adjustments: at the moment for instance, E's targets are 6 mmols lowest, 7 highest. And different targets for different times of day, eg day and night. And I've talked about correction factor elsewhere -- this has been surprisingly impactful. We have tended to ignore the correction and the targets in favour of the ratios and basals...but actually, the former seem every bit as important, just harder to track and more subtle generally.

Okay, nuff from me.

Thinking of you. It'll all feel better even with a few numbers you want in a row. This *will* happen.

Did your consultant/nurse 'Adriennise' you? This is what you need?

Sending lurve,

Yes Lou , would it help (as P says) to give us your data and see if we can all help to 'Adrienise' you?😉

After battling with high's for the past few weeks - we are now in low land!

For weeks A has been too high at night and have been battling to keep on top of it. No 2 nights were the same so we couldnt really do any basal changes. Anyway, for the past few nights he has been 4.9 at 12midnight, so been giving juice to keep him steady until 3am check and then on to morning. He has been waking on 7 or 8 - huge improvement on the 10 or 11 he has been waking on.

Last night i was too knackered to test at 3am - and he woke on 7.4.🙂

I suspect a big growth spurt is the reason for the past few weeks changes and now he is back to his old levels (touch wood).

Also - not sure what we would have done without temp basals! The 230% after his flu jab was the only thing that kept him under 10mmols!😱🙂Bev
Hi all!

Thanks for your kind words and support as always. I'm fine now, back in the game.

My doc didnt 'adrienise' me as such, but did put to rest some things about my basal that I was unsure of. My DSN had told me I was going to be using less insulin on the pump and I dont feel on my current basals that is strictly true and I dont want to be on too much insulin. She worked out what I should be on which she says is 0.8units insulin per Kg of weight and that was fine, I can crank up a little more. I am worried about too much insulin and weight gain.

She took me off statins too! "Why do you take statins?". Unbelieveable. I have been in a closed loop arguement with my GP and pharmacist for 4 years about this. I dont want to take them. I do not have high cholesterol. I never did. But accrding to them I have low cholesterol because I take the statins.....😡 Really annoying.

Lovely doc says because I havent had this too long (?4-ish years) my risk of sinester factors like stroke, M.I etc is the same at my age as someone who doesnt have diabetes 🙂 LOVES IT! Cant wait to download to my pharmacist later today- he will hate that!

She also thinks being off statins for a bit might help my feet tingling. Cracking.

I asked her as well about hypos and my exercise because I cant seem to get over 5-ish Km in the gym without a hypo worry if I dont start quite high. She told me to look up on the internet a name- which I have forgotten- of the sports advisor to Steve Redgrave who coached him into his pump which he got just going into the olympic training who has some stuff published and pumping and exercise? Might be interesting, but Im sure obviously its miles away from the "jog" I currently do!

Glad everyone is doing ok, Mand thank goodness things are calm in your camp. Oh, the drama!

Take care all xxx
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