The Pumpers Thread!

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Thanks Lou :D I like to think I have a vague idea of whats going on :D I'm definitely going to be fighting to get a hold of a pump, even if it means a bit of fighting dirty...

What sort of stuff will they want to know?
There are lots of things....I will probably think of more over time but I am sure people will also chip in, there are lots of things!

First and foremost I would familarise yourself with the NICE guidelines for pumping. KNOW the criteria, because they will. I would definately say it is imperative you scrall inputs website to bring you up to speed with info before getting in there....

Lots of places are very pro-pumping-this isnt to put you off. Some people find it a challenge getting past the first hurdle.

I dont know if you write down your blood sugars in a book but that was required of me befre going in. I had to show them I was diligent enough to do this. I had to do DAFNE and the Psychological Support Group before qualifying (the psych thing I dont think is every clinic).

I am going to PM you a couple of things hon....I dont want to look like I am telling you what to say!

There are lots of things....I will probably think of more over time but I am sure people will also chip in, there are lots of things!

First and foremost I would familarise yourself with the NICE guidelines for pumping. KNOW the criteria, because they will. I would definately say it is imperative you scrall inputs website to bring you up to speed with info before getting in there....

Lots of places are very pro-pumping-this isnt to put you off. Some people find it a challenge getting past the first hurdle.

I dont know if you write down your blood sugars in a book but that was required of me befre going in. I had to show them I was diligent enough to do this. I had to do DAFNE and the Psychological Support Group before qualifying (the psych thing I dont think is every clinic).

I am going to PM you a couple of things hon....I dont want to look like I am telling you what to say!


Thanks sweetie 🙂 Reading now!
Thanks Lou :D I like to think I have a vague idea of whats going on :D I'm definitely going to be fighting to get a hold of a pump, even if it means a bit of fighting dirty...

What sort of stuff will they want to know?

Hi Sam, when I inquired about a pump at the RSH, they didn't immediately shout me down. Although my levels are generally good and my HbA1c has been excellent - which I thought would preclude me - the DSN thought that it would be better for me with my running, so it would be fine to discuss with the consultant. Just got the impression that maybe I wouldn't have to fight so hard so hopefully it will be the same for you. You also meet a lot more of the guidelines, as you have bigger swings and higher HbA1c than me.

Good luck!🙂
ugh i am keen to get on a pump still, BUT since i have been worshipping the DAFNE handbook and recording all my results, my levels do seem to be getting better (to the point where i have reduced my basal from 28 to 24 and generally my levels are staying between 6 and 9, obv with some higher/lower on occasion)

so i'm thinking of throwing in the 'i'm thinking of starting a family' thing. which is a total lie - i don't intend on trying for kids for another few years (hell i'm only 21) but i'm willing to lie if it gets me a pump.
so i'm thinking of throwing in the 'i'm thinking of starting a family' thing. which is a total lie - i don't intend on trying for kids for another few years (hell i'm only 21) but i'm willing to lie if it gets me a pump.

my thoughts EXACTLY!

Matt's gunna be coming with me tomorrow, and i've warned him I will be saying this. His face was a picture and he was like 'I'll stay in the waiting room' hahahaha. Bless him.

It's not a pump clinic though, i dont think the RSH has one yet, but they want to start one.

Right, off to pull up the NICE guidelines
Ahhhh its funny seeing someone else counting down Tom hehehe, I started counting from 90 days.... Im gonna start counting how long Ive had her so....pumping = day 5 hehehe

So excited for you, its hard work and tiring but worth it on the whole so far!!!

Cant wait to compare notes 🙂
It'll definitely be great to compare notes! I'm going to e-mail my DSN to see if she can ask how things are coming along. I've got twenty two days left to go...
It sure will 🙂

R u going to name ure pump????
It'll be my PIMP - Pancreas In My Pocket. I think I might call it Hans. These things administed insulin with Germanic precision.
Lol tom! Pimp! That's ace!

I want my pump and I want it NOW!
hahah thats hilarious!!! Can you make the meaning for POPPY ?????

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I finally got to choose which pump I'm getting! I've gone for a snazzy blue animas 2020 :D Only 29 days til I get my hands on it...

I'm so pleased that there's a few of us all starting so close together - we can all go through the initial hurdles together and the experienced pumpers can hold our hands when we need it. 😉 🙂
Wooo rando...another one in the pump club hehehe 🙂 congrats!!!

Im mega greatful for the support I get from this forum, it's ace 🙂 x
The next time I hear how much of a pain a pump is, I will scream. The only reason my gran finds it a pain is because she has no idea how to use it, she can't control her sugars or rather refuses to with it, she won't bolus at meals! I am at my wits end! And the next time they tell me not to get one, put me off I will SCREAM!
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