The Pumpers Thread!

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No not envy. I'm angry. She shouldn't even have one
Yea, she's type 2 and very uncontrolled. They gave her a pump for more control and she ignores it, won't bolus at meals, won't carb count and is always around 20...and wonders why! And they tell me not to get one cuz its a pain in the backside BUT ITS ONLY A PAIN CUZ SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!
Yea, she's type 2 and very uncontrolled. They gave her a pump for more control and she ignores it, won't bolus at meals, won't carb count and is always around 20...and wonders why! And they tell me not to get one cuz its a pain in the backside BUT ITS ONLY A PAIN CUZ SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!

Wow- Im suprised she has one if she behaves like that! I was under the impression they dont give them to anyone who is so non-compliant?!
Helloooo pumpers just bringing this thread into 2010 as it has not been used for nearly a month

How is everyone doing then ??
Helloooo pumpers just bringing this thread into 2010 as it has not been used for nearly a month

How is everyone doing then ??

Helooo Steff,

Im fine, finding it all a bit much with all the different threads now. Takes me a while to get used to change, I preferred it before personally. doesnt seem that personal now, maybe thats why no one is using this one anymore?
Things going well for us at moment. Pump working well. Improvement in hba1c since pumping too.

My son unwell at moment. Yesterday and today have him on 200% temp basal which is keeping him steady between 5.1 and 5.7 with the odd 9.something. Took temp basal off late last night (too exhausted to do night checking) but he woke on 13.6 so back onto 200% again today. Thinking of putting him on 150% for tonight and checking during night??

We plodding along ok for now. Hope everyone doing ok.

Hi Steff! 🙂
Helooo Steff,

Im fine, finding it all a bit much with all the different threads now. Takes me a while to get used to change, I preferred it before personally. doesnt seem that personal now, maybe thats why no one is using this one anymore?

Yes Tracey I agree thats why i never got involved in the thread that was talking about change, well I saw it and thought it was the original pumping thread so why not revive it xx
Things going well for us at moment. Pump working well. Improvement in hba1c since pumping too.

My son unwell at moment. Yesterday and today have him on 200% temp basal which is keeping him steady between 5.1 and 5.7 with the odd 9.something. Took temp basal off late last night (too exhausted to do night checking) but he woke on 13.6 so back onto 200% again today. Thinking of putting him on 150% for tonight and checking during night??

We plodding along ok for now. Hope everyone doing ok.

Hi Steff! 🙂

Heya mand,

Nice to hear from you sorry to hear your boy is poorly at the minute hope he is back to himself soon , glad they has been improvements on the hbA thats good to hear.
The problem was that when this was just one thread it was very difficult for others with pumping queries to find out some of the excellent information that was being given out, so for new people to the forum it might have put them off asking things and participating.

Certainly nothing wrong with people continuing to use the thread though!🙂 And of course we want pumpers to spread their wit and wisdom throughout all the other boards!🙂
It's all such a compromise, isn't it? Alas. I agree, there was a real conversational feel to this thread, but information was buried...Oh dear.

Anyway, we are fine. Have been on 110-120% temp basal for last three days (though not most of yesterday -- why not necessary, who knows?) -- so basal and everything else set to go up in response. No illness. Just growth. Child has grown 2 centimetres I think in six weeks. Eating absolutely everything in sight. Constantly hungry.

Like a *nightmare* for the diabetes...Ho hum.
The problem was that when this was just one thread it was very difficult for others with pumping queries to find out some of the excellent information that was being given out, so for new people to the forum it might have put them off asking things and participating.

Certainly nothing wrong with people continuing to use the thread though!🙂 And of course we want pumpers to spread their wit and wisdom throughout all the other boards!🙂

I understand what you mean about the info northener, I just hope the pumpers return to this one, I feel as though I have lost my pumping family :(
Ill make sure of it Tracey i got this thread subscribed to ill keep it going :D:D x

(even though im not a pumper) really losing the plot with the threads!! I know it'll get easier when i'm used to it....
I've been skimming through this thread again now that I have my pump, and I know what you mean, this thread has a lovely conversational feel to it. I agree with Northerner though, there's no reason why we can't continue this as a general pumping thread and post other threads for specific questions. 🙂

Hi everyone

Just popping in to say all is still going well for my son on the pump. We are not having to mess about with the settings much lately as they all seem to be right and generally getting good numbers. Sometimes we get a weird number despite best efforts but i think this is just how it is with diabetes.

The problem we have now is that at 13 my son is out and about with friends so much and eating at their houses etc. We are experiencing some forgotten blood tests, forgotten boluses, mis-calculated meals at friends houses etc. So we working on that at the moment. It is our priority.

I had a chat recently with his dsn. If I have understood correctly (and please check this out for yourselves in case i have mis-understood) then exercise only brings down blood sugar levels if there is background insulin about.

I always thought that if the pump was off for, say, two or three hours due to doing an activity then the blood sugars would not rise because although you not receiving your basal, the exercise would keep your bloods down. In fact i pressumed you could go hypo as you could do more exercise than the basal would have been (hope that makes sense!).

However, it seems that without background insulin your blood sugars can actually rise during the activity you are doing. The exception being that if you have perhaps bolused for food not that long before the activity then you would have insulin around. Also two hours later you would have the 'tail' of the bolus still about.

If anyone can understand all that i have just said, what do you think? Have i understood correctly? What is your knowledge?

Anyway, I hope you are all doing ok on your pumps and those of you still waiting for theirs I hope you get it soon.

Sugarbum - have you received your replacement veo? 🙂

I do not post so often now but i regularly look in to see how everyone is, to benefit from your posts and to offer support where i can.

Sending hugs to all.

Mand 🙂
Ok, been a while since we were on here, but just thought id share..........

Clinic appointment today. Although Hba1c was the same at 7.3 (expected as had rough couple of weeks etc), not too bad i suppose.

Cholesteral (sp?), 4.4 and hdl and ldl in perfect range :D
Kidney function, told was perfect :D
everything else negative like thyroid function etc :D

so overall quite pleased, just really want to work on bringing my hba1c down now. Bit difficult at moment as have terrible cold, been fighting 16mmol all afternoon, :(
All good though tracey least it aint risen, wish my ldl and hdl was that good hehe.

p.s nice to see the thread ressurected

hope the cold shifts soon for you , colds are terrors with peoples numbers x
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