The Pumpers Thread!

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Hi velcrohead, welcome to the forum! 🙂

Are you doing your trial in Cambridge? I took part in an earlier trial looking at the effect of food. If that's where you're doing it, I reckon it'll be the same team - they're all lovely! :D

I certainly am, Good to know the team are good there.
All my diabetes care is from Addenbrookes and the team I see are absolutley brilliant.
I did my DAFNE course in May 2007 and have taken care of my self properly ever since, You could count on one finger the tests I used to do in a year.
Now I am doing at least 10 a day, I have nothing but praise for them.
I have had some email contact with the research team and they seem very nice as well, I will find out on Thursday when I have my Pre screen appointment, then on Friday evening at 18:30 the test begins until 12:30 Saturday, I cant wait to be honest.

thanks Bev for the nudge 🙂 Rose took part in the trials in March and May this year. She had 2 overnight stays testing the teatime food onwards. Her blood was taken evey 15 mins through a cannula. The team are absolutely fantastic, i presume it will be the same team that does the paediatrics as well? Janet the nurse is lovely 🙂

Rose is under the paediatrics at Addenbrookes and they are fantastic as well, they have answered an SOS from me today, things have been a bit of a nightmare for the past 3-4 weeks. No levels are ever perfect i know that but what we would do for Rose normally to get things back on an even keel are just not working. Had to do another set change at school yesterday - levels were 26mmol!!! Corrected and within 2 hours she was 2.2 argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure what is going on......We had such a lovely period of levels under 10 and now it's kind of coming round and biting us on the bum for being complacent! :( Hopefully get answers next week - she should be having a sensor put on as well.

Lou, i cannot believe the day you have had!!!!!!! I'm really disappointed in Medtronic over the way they have dealt with this....
I certainly am, Good to know the team are good there.
All my diabetes care is from Addenbrookes and the team I see are absolutley brilliant.
I did my DAFNE course in May 2007 and have taken care of my self properly ever since, You could count on one finger the tests I used to do in a year.
Now I am doing at least 10 a day, I have nothing but praise for them.
I have had some email contact with the research team and they seem very nice as well, I will find out on Thursday when I have my Pre screen appointment, then on Friday evening at 18:30 the test begins until 12:30 Saturday, I cant wait to be honest.

I'm the same - all my care is at Addenbrooke's and it's made such a difference to my own self care having a team that is so good! I really enjoyed my time at the trials as well, it was really interesting, and the guy who does all the algorithm stuff is scarily smart! :D

I see you went onto a pump fairly recently - can I ask how your start went? I'm due to go in next month to choose my pump, and then starting in January, and you're the first person I've seen who's gone through the same thing at Adenbrooke's, so I'm quite excited! 😱 😉

Hi everyone, just trying to catch up, such a lot going on,

Lou how awful for you, very stressfull im sure :(

hope everyone is well, I had a great holiday and pump was good with no problems, kept my numbers a little higher on purpose. First day i put on temp basal as weather was 30 degrees and i was worried, as on basal/bolus i had loads of hypos in the heat.

Found that it did not seem necessary at all, just went higher. I suppose im still at the stage where i find it hard to believe that pumping is much more like having a real pancreas and is different to injections. need to start looking at my basals now that im back as numbers although not bad, are not as low as i would like. The thing im finding the absolute best is how steady i stay now without horrible peaks and troughs and in turn i feel so much better. My oh commented the other day how much happier i seem, and friends and colleagues keep telling me how well i seem. Pumping is wonderful even though there are obvious difficulties at times. sorry to waffle, just wanted to share. 🙂🙂
I must admit, this is one thing that concerns me about the pump. What to do when I am on holiday and want to go in the sea and stuff? I know I will have to take it off but it would be good to hear everyone's views on how you have all got on with the pump on holiday. Also, if wearing a bikini where do you put it (the pump of course not the bikini).


hello Lesley, congrats on your pump date!!

well just got back from first hol with a pump, as you know :D

I have to say all the worries i had were the same as yours before i got it, ie, what will it be like wearing it 24/7, where will i hide it on my person, will people be able to see it, what about bikinis? etc etc.

To be honest from the minute i put it on i couldnt care less about any of that, just wanted it to work for me. I havent found it a problem being attached from the off, sure you will feel te same too. I dont care if people can see it, yes i do try to put in a pocket for example if im wearing jeans, but just clip to my waistband under a top for example, sometimes it may be on show, but honestly who cares, dont think anyone has noticed to be honest. Its like that whole injecting in public thing, until you do it you worry about it, when you do its not a problem.

As for the bikini........ for me . when i had the ones on that are like shorts I just clipped it on, when walking around, cliped on shorts or in pocket, when sunbathing i found i liked to just put it behind me in the small of my back 🙄 if that makes sense. but my reason for that was, i didnt want the insulin in the sun, it was not the fact about it being on show. It will all make sense when you get it, but like others im sure you will find your own way and do what you are comfortable with. for instance i never put mine in my bra, i prefer it around my waist or in a pocket. I dont tend to wear dresses though.
Hi all,

I am back from my sisters now and exhasted from a very hectic 24hours!

Its very strange, I only left my place 24 hours ago and I have come back in with a completely different pump!

I am now attatched to a Paradigm 552, in the blue as you can see!


So I am just trying to get all my settings etc programmed in. It doesnt have the small increments in like the Veo but essentially has the same sort of set up.

My DSN repsonded to my SOS this afternoon as well. She was really worried I may have lost my confidence in Medtronic. They had a big meeting this afternoon and are phoning all their clients on Veo and telling them to go on to Paradigms, regardless of problems or not until it is sorted out. They have told medtronic too. She was about to have the task of phoning everyone this afternoon. She is sending me a letter, as they are everyone explaining the hospital are withdrawing on this and have enclosed a letter they have requested from medtronic. Checked my letterbox on arrival again just now and still not got a copy from is poor.

Oh, the drama...

Anyway, what do you think of the blue? Its not as pretty as the veo but I like the blue I think (something different anyway).

Anyhow, ENOUGH about me! How are you's lot?

Glad youre hooked up again!!

Love the blue, is it sparkly??? :D
Glad youre hooked up again!!

Love the blue, is it sparkly??? :D

Glad you like it, I'm not 100% sure but thought I would give it a shot! This isnt my long term pump so I thought I would see what a little colour in my life did for me!

When the replacement veos come out again, I am going to opt for a colour Im sure. Strike a light, the pink one I slagged off with avengance is currently front runner....oooh I feel a picture and a pole coming on!

Nothing compares to youre green tho Viki!🙂
Nothing compares to youre green tho Viki!🙂

I wonder if i could persuade them to make me some green infusion sets . . . :D
I wonder if i could persuade them to make me some green infusion sets . . . :D

Now you talking my language!

I got new uniforms for work 2 weeks ago and the uniform turned my tubing and canula dressing dark blue! Perhaps wear a bit more green??!:D
Now you talking my language!

I got new uniforms for work 2 weeks ago and the uniform turned my tubing and canula dressing dark blue! Perhaps wear a bit more green??!:D

I think if i wear any more green i may be mistaken for the incredile hulk!! (although there would be serious repercussions for any one who called me that :D). I may have a small obsession 😉
I'm the same - all my care is at Addenbrooke's and it's made such a difference to my own self care having a team that is so good! I really enjoyed my time at the trials as well, it was really interesting, and the guy who does all the algorithm stuff is scarily smart! :D

I see you went onto a pump fairly recently - can I ask how your start went? I'm due to go in next month to choose my pump, and then starting in January, and you're the first person I've seen who's gone through the same thing at Adenbrooke's, so I'm quite excited! 😱 😉

The start was and still is perfect, A group of us had a 2 hour (approx) session with a couple of DSN's and a Dietician.
They had a very good powerpoint presentation on the pro's and cons (not many) of using pumps and explained all the various different types of modes and setting you may come accross. They also had some different working pump models to play with, along with insusion sets.
My original set up and first pump install meeting was slightly different to most from what I can gather as I was the only one to select the Animas 2020, So I basicaly had one to one sessions with the DSN, I think the first coule are usually group based, but I cant confirm this.
I have daily contact via email by sending in a supplied excel spreadsheet, I also have all the phone numbers for the group and also have my DSN's mobile number for emergencies.
Everyone was laughing and smiling so it all went well.
I can't praise the Addenbrookes team enough, You will be fine and have a good time.
I think I answered you question there, but anything else, Just ask.
All gone to pot!

Hi all

Tearing my hair out at moment. I spoke too soon when i said my son's levels coming down! I just do not understand what it going on! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

He not ill anymore, set changes going well, pump working ok but levels too high! or he hypos! Just seem to have lost control!

Anyway, last night i set new basals and going to see if a difference is made today. Also going to work 1:6 instead for breakfast instead of 1:7.

Any thoughts anyone? :confused:

Lou - I like the sparkly blue! 😉 How is it going? x
Mand - SNAP!!!!!!!!!!

A has gone higher and higher over the past 3 or 4 days. Last night his alarm kept buzzing as he was 13 and then 16!!!!!!!!!

Lots of corrections etc

I have increased his 8am basal as i think if you get the earlier ones lower then it follows that the rest of the day should be lower too not sure if this is right - but its trial and error. His 2 hour breakfast check used to be 7 or 8 - it has been up to 11 this week! So theory is get this right and it should help with lunchtime reading and so on.

Also i think as they have been back at school a few weeks that the anxiousness and excitement has calmed down so less adrenalin etc making their levels naturally a bit higher.

I have decided to tackle one little problem at a time - its too daunting to try to change it all in 24 hours. Perhaps if you could pinpoint the worst part of the day for your son then you can make that tiny change and take it from there?

I do know how you feel though - things were ticking along nicely and then its all change.😱

Dont see this as a failure - see it as the numbers are trying to tell you something needs changing.🙂

Lets tackle this together and swop notes later.🙂Bev
Hello all!!!

Forgive what will be lots of probably nonsensical waffle...firstly because I'm bascially trying to stay awake. Flew in this morning.

All went well, basically. The whole trip was rather hard work, all go, and the visit to relatives was... mixed.

Good news: E's numbers generally very good I gather, though yesterday he forgot a temp basal and had, like, endless hypos through the evening. Ergh. OH was certainly up most nights I think, so I don't know what shape everyone will be in. Spoke to them this morning from the taxi, climbing around the M25... Everyone perky. Other piece of good news is that for the first time in my life I actually managed to grab some sleep on a transatlantic flight. At least I think that's what happened after a gin and tonic and two glasses of wine!

Bad news: Luggage is missing. Damn. They (BA powers that be) 'have faith' (this is what the nice customer service man said) that my bag will be on the next flight from Philadelphia. Also bad news is that I teach in three hours... This means that a) I have to stay awake b) I have to make sense and c) first I have to stand up, which seems a little beyond me at the moment....


Lou: LORDY! Gosh what an awful thing to happen. I'm feeling for you. Must have been very scary. You did well though to get things back in control. Oh dear. Medtronic has some talkin' to do... (in the blue ridge mountains of virginia la la...yes, it's beautiful).

Bev and Mand:Sorry about these high numbers. Hair tearing, yes? How are things today?

Randomange: Very cool news. Congrats!

Salmonpuff: Don't let the blips throw you off the whole picture of the pump... Every system has its faults. You do sound like a perfect candidate. I really hope it works out. You deserve to feel safer.

Tom:Good on ya. You know we will be here for everything should you need us!

Others:(sorry, fuzzy brain) We too are with Addenbrookes in a shared care situation, and we absolutely cannot fault them. The minute we started with them, we felt in brilliant hands. It's an inspiring team.

Finally: while away, OH sent me this link. Dig it.

I wonder how long we will have to wait?!

Okay, I'm now going to try to stand up long enough to shower and go to work and function. TMI, I know.


Glad you like it, I'm not 100% sure but thought I would give it a shot! This isnt my long term pump so I thought I would see what a little colour in my life did for me!

When the replacement veos come out again, I am going to opt for a colour Im sure. Strike a light, the pink one I slagged off with avengance is currently front runner....oooh I feel a picture and a pole coming on!

Nothing compares to youre green tho Viki!🙂

looks good in the blue, I know you have been a bit jealous of my pump features, but if i tell you tey only do black will it make you feel a bit better? :D

Its good you have got great support from your nurse and hospital, hope all going ok on new pump too. Sounds like medtronic service has been very substandard for you, i hope it improves.
School just rang and Alex was 18mmols at his 2 hour check and then gave himself 1.5 units correction - 1 hour later still 17mmols!!!!!!!!

Not sure if its the set - but i had increased his morning basal aswell so this is very odd? I will go and see him at 12 and do a set change at school - he wontlike that - but not sure what else to do - dont want to take him out of school..Bev
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