The Pumpers Thread!

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Hi everyone

I am phoning my DSN tomorrow to discuss the possibility of going on a pump. I really think going on one would help me, because things with my levels are a bit rubbish on MDI's. I could do with tighter control, I'm utterly terrified of hypos.

Anyone got any advice? I have no idea about any of it, if it would suit me or anything.

I had a look at the omnipod online last night, and have fallen in love with it. Mainly cuz you can get it in pink XD

I'm just not sure how to go about this, whether i'd be able to get one or if it would help me

Ive seen a lot of your posts lately and I think a pump is a great idea! Its definately something that you have to WANT though, so perhaps get going on the research a bit and see if that drives you a bit more to it or not.

I am unsure about the omnipod in the UK as I didnt think it was licenced here yet (I could be wrong?!), I heard it wasnt NICE approved but Im sure someone will clarify it (its what 'whatshisname' has from the Jonas Brothers has who loves it apparently...).

Anyhoo......lots of good luck for the phonecall xx
Omnipod wont be coming here.

I would say that if you want a pump - look at the NICE guidelines. Are your team into pumps?

Pumping is hard work - it needs dedication - but the benefits are worth every sleepless night and every extra test strip!🙂

Becca, are you ok?

Mand - yes get on to medtronic - this is wrong.

Lou -hi!

Patricia - where are you now?

Hello everyone else!🙂Bev
Omnipod wont be coming here.

I would say that if you want a pump - look at the NICE guidelines. Are your team into pumps?

Pumping is hard work - it needs dedication - but the benefits are worth every sleepless night and every extra test strip!🙂

Becca, are you ok?

Mand - yes get on to medtronic - this is wrong.

Lou -hi!

Patricia - where are you now?

Hello everyone else!🙂Bev
Ive seen a lot of your posts lately and I think a pump is a great idea! Its definately something that you have to WANT though, so perhaps get going on the research a bit and see if that drives you a bit more to it or not.

I am unsure about the omnipod in the UK as I didnt think it was licenced here yet (I could be wrong?!), I heard it wasnt NICE approved but Im sure someone will clarify it (its what 'whatshisname' has from the Jonas Brothers has who loves it apparently...).

Anyhoo......lots of good luck for the phonecall xx

lol, yeah Nick or whatever his name is. I dont think its coming here...its a shame cuz it looks awesome. I'm still a little unsure to be honest, I think just having a chat with my nurse to start with is a good idea.

Omnipod wont be coming here.

I would say that if you want a pump - look at the NICE guidelines. Are your team into pumps?

Pumping is hard work - it needs dedication - but the benefits are worth every sleepless night and every extra test strip!

Where can I find the nice guidelines? I think looking at the site Northe suggested, that maybe in some ways I come into what's needed, lots of highs and lows during the day.

The sleepless nights are what worries me. I'm scared of it to be honest with you. Matt's a bit worried that if I had one it would 'get in the way' if you get what I mean, and that it would be a nuisance, and i'd feel it all the time. I'm awful at getting out of bed as it is. I'm scared that if I got one, it'd all go bottoms up as soon as ive got it.

I don't know. I guess its just an idea at the moment, and one I'm definitely thinking of discussing.

I haven't met my team yet, I havent even been referred. Plus, I'm not sure how long we'll be in this area anywhere. So maybe this will be just an idea for a long time yet :(
Its a good thought to follow through on sam.....most of my thoughts on wanting a pump came from a good old session on the world-wide interhole (as my mother calls it). Give it some time, and a bit of research. Have you had a chance to see or hold a pump? If you are coming to the London meet up I can show mine if you want and we can have a chat.

Hope everyone else is well.

Bev, am I seeing double or are you posting twice? he he he =)

Lots of love to everyone xx
Its a good thought to follow through on sam.....most of my thoughts on wanting a pump came from a good old session on the world-wide interhole (as my mother calls it). Give it some time, and a bit of research. Have you had a chance to see or hold a pump? If you are coming to the London meet up I can show mine if you want and we can have a chat.

Hope everyone else is well.

Bev, am I seeing double or are you posting twice? he he he =)

Lots of love to everyone xx

I'm not sure if I'm coming yet, but if I can make it that would be lovely 🙂 I've never seen an insulin pump or anything, just looked at them on the interwebs. They look complicated. But Ive seen animas do a pink one! I like pink hehe :D

Its an idea. And one I'll definitely have a good long think about. Because tbh, I can't keep going the way I am on the injections. Its just getting stupid now. The other night I was terrified of having another huge hypo, I ended up making poor matt stay up half the night with me to make sure my sugars didnt drop :(

In a way it seems as if this is a pretty good option. I'll have to see how the phone call goes.
You cheeky monkey! I have a stutter...😛

Cant answer any questions on the intimate side of things - but if you use a spibelt i am sure the pump would stay put etc....😱🙄Bev
I'm not sure if I'm coming yet, but if I can make it that would be lovely 🙂 I've never seen an insulin pump or anything, just looked at them on the interwebs. They look complicated. But Ive seen animas do a pink one! I like pink hehe :D

Its an idea. And one I'll definitely have a good long think about. Because tbh, I can't keep going the way I am on the injections. Its just getting stupid now. The other night I was terrified of having another huge hypo, I ended up making poor matt stay up half the night with me to make sure my sugars didnt drop :(

In a way it seems as if this is a pretty good option. I'll have to see how the phone call goes.

Ive got the animas 2020 so you could have a look at a couple of different ones and get an idea of how they work etc. Id not actually seen any of the others (except pictures) when i made my choice. But it was the greeness of the 2020 I liked!

When it comes to it "getting in the way", i dont think it does, you both get so used to it that its not a problem. But you can always disconnect if youre worried then you just have the tiny plasticy it of the cannula left on you. Just means you need to remember to reconnect before going to sleep! 😉

PS. I saw quite a lot of articles on the omnipod from the US, apparently there have been quite alot of probs with the adhesive and the needle inserter etc. Dont think the all in one technology is quite there yet but looks promising!
I think its important to say (just quickly before I go snooze!) to Sam, I think a pump gets less in the way in a girls life than what you are going through right now- it might just be the things that gets you back in control of your the moment it sounds (and I dont mean to cause any offense or cause any upset) that perhaps it is having a little too much control over YOU and YOU are what is important hon. Im sure Viki and I can tell you more face to face, and also put your mind at ease abit how it may affect matt.

BTW, girl get on google- Medtronic Veo comes in pink, and it has changable skins, make it whatever colour or pattern you want it to be! And the colours on the animas 2020 are all absolutely gorgeous!

V- one good thing I picked up on an american pump website is that Omnipod now have a recyclable version out! Its huge apparently (in popularity I mean)- as many of us hate the amount of waste we generate in all this packaging and supplies. Game on! I do agree, it needs a lot of sorting out. If they offered it to us here now I wouldnt take it- no way!

Viki Im really looking forward to meeting you and a chin wag at the meet!

Night all xx
I think its important to say (just quickly before I go snooze!) to Sam, I think a pump gets less in the way in a girls life than what you are going through right now- it might just be the things that gets you back in control of your the moment it sounds (and I dont mean to cause any offense or cause any upset) that perhaps it is having a little too much control over YOU and YOU are what is important hon. Im sure Viki and I can tell you more face to face, and also put your mind at ease abit how it may affect matt.

BTW, girl get on google- Medtronic Veo comes in pink, and it has changable skins, make it whatever colour or pattern you want it to be! And the colours on the animas 2020 are all absolutely gorgeous!

none taken, you're right. It is controlling me at the moment :( I don't want it to, and I'm trying not to let it, but it is :(

thank you for your lovely comments. I want to get back in control and maybe this is the way to do it!!
Hi Sam. I would recommend a pump having had some experience with them now but they do need dedication. Sounds like you would have this. They are a tool and need to be managed but good results can be achieved with them. I think one would make you feel more in control of your diabetes (rathen than it contolling you) because there are so many fuctions in them that you can use to help your control. And at the end of the day, you could return to mdi if pumping really isn't for you. 🙂

Well, we on our knees this morning, having got up every couple of hours, as my son steadily rose through the night despite giving corrections. In the end we injected novorapid and did a set change at 3am and he is 8.1 this morning. He is unwell so we still wondering if this is affecting him. The other problem is that i think he had put his quickset into a spot just a bit too close to the lumps on his tummy (these developed when he on mdi and still not gone) so perhaps the insulin not getting through as it should? Will see how things go today. I am happy where he has put his new quickset.

Must dash as have to go to work this morning. Now, where are the matchsticks? :(
Morning all,

Well, illness is abating I think. At bloody last. I'm fed up with high bloods. I'm taking bets on my pre evening meal blood which for the past two or three days has managed to reach 20 mmol/L without any explaination. Over the past week I've upped my levemir by a massive ten units to thirty four. I was considering splitting the dose again at one point. This is all having a bearing on my thoughts about a pump and it's getting closer and closer to me saying yes. I'm going to book an appointment to see my DSN to talk about a pump for Wednesday I think. It has to be done.

Hi everyone, just spoken to the nurse. What a lovely lady. I asked about a pump, and she said it sounds like I'd be a good candidate for one and we'll have a chat on thursday but first I need to sort everything else out. She's putting me on an education course and carb counting course so hopefully that will work out. Got an appointment for thursday to sort all that out, and also discuss a pump, but she said I'd need to talk to a consultant really about that when im finally referred.

But for now, she says no more coco pops :( and try upping my lantus again. And eat a banana or something before work. Also, lower novorapid (I've already done that!!!) to try and stop lows at work.
Are you carb counting at all at the moment?

I know that was a huge turning point for me in terms of feeling more in control and like it wasnt over shadowing my life. I didnt even want to eat before doing DAFNE because i didnt have a clue what i was doing!!

Its also pretty critical to successful pumping to know how you react to certain carbs etc.

Dont worry you'll soon be back on the coco pops!! 🙂
Are you carb counting at all at the moment?

I know that was a huge turning point for me in terms of feeling more in control and like it wasnt over shadowing my life. I didnt even want to eat before doing DAFNE because i didnt have a clue what i was doing!!

Its also pretty critical to successful pumping to know how you react to certain carbs etc.

Dont worry you'll soon be back on the coco pops!! 🙂

I've never ever been on a carb counting course. I've tried to teach myself but obviously without the proper guidance I can't really work out ratios and whatnot. Am trying the whol 1 unit for 10g of carbs at the moment. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes I get scared to eat though :( If it seems very carby and I think I'll have to inject loads then i dont want to eat it :( like pizza. Evil stuff.

I don't think I'll be doing a DAFNE course, as i cant afford the time off work. Nurse said that this one is done 1 day a week so I can take it on my day off.
I've never ever been on a carb counting course. I've tried to teach myself but obviously without the proper guidance I can't really work out ratios and whatnot. Am trying the whol 1 unit for 10g of carbs at the moment. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes I get scared to eat though :( If it seems very carby and I think I'll have to inject loads then i dont want to eat it :( like pizza. Evil stuff.

I don't think I'll be doing a DAFNE course, as i cant afford the time off work. Nurse said that this one is done 1 day a week so I can take it on my day off.

That'll be the course that I did Sam. It's not as intensive on the carb-counting as DAFNE, but covers all aspects of diabetes management and they also get people to come in and talk about complications etc. - we had a podiatrist and someone talking about retinopathy. There are usually 4-6 people on the course, and it was really good to share stories with them. I came away from it feeling much better able to take care of myself, and have done a pretty good job over the last year!

Glad you liked the DSN you talked to, I think they are angels!🙂
Hi, how is everyone this morning?

I finally got my pump confirmation letter with my start dates! :D I go in next month for a demonstration and to pick the pump I want, and then I start in January. We're doing it in groups, and I have a week's saline trial before starting on insulin. January seems so far away now, but I'm so excited! :D

I've never ever been on a carb counting course. I've tried to teach myself but obviously without the proper guidance I can't really work out ratios and whatnot. Am trying the whol 1 unit for 10g of carbs at the moment. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Sam, have you tried picking up any books on carb counting? I really recommend Pumping Insulin by John Walsh, or Think Like a Pancreas by Gary Scheiner. I had a long wait to get on a DAFNE course, and these books really helped me while i was waiting - to the extent that I knew most of the stuff on the DAFNE course! They explain how to go about working out your carb ratios and making sure your basal is set right (as well as a whole bunch of other stuff about diabetes). It might help while you're waiting. 🙂
WOOOOOOOPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Thats great news randomange! Let us know which pump you choose.🙂Bev
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