The Pumpers Thread!

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Lou - My son's dsn recommended setting a general alarm as the bolus reminder (rather than the actual bolus alarm). She said you can set up to 10 alarms on the Veo for whatever purpose you want. All you need to do is remember why you set the alarm!! :D

Not good numbers yesterday so hoping for a better day today. 🙂

Geeez mand, of course! I forgot that. I have an alarm set for 22:00 for meds, I was thinking it was like my (prehistoric) mobile phone and I could only set the one....thanks for bringing that one up! I know these tings seem so simple probably, but theres so much to think about with pumps sometimes I miss the obvious. Ta!

Fingers crossed for better numbers today hon xx
Lou - Glad to be of help! 🙂 Did it work ok for you as a reminder? x

Not good numbers again today but he is unwell so i guess that why we keep getting around 16! 😱 But last night i gave pizza and monitored him. Two hours later he was 7.0 and then at midnight he was 2.8! 😱 Gave him two jelly babies and he woke on 6.8 this morning. But he 16 again before lunch today and 17 before tea this evening!

What do you all do for illness? Temp basal? Extra units with meals? or just keep testing and correcting? :(

Anyway, I am pretty tired at moment and have to set alarm for midnight again tonight which is horrible as i go to sleep at 10pm then have to wake just a couple of hours later. If he not ok at midnight then set another alarm for 2am. Torture or what! Good job i love him!! Moan over! Sorry!

How you all doing? xx
Hi Mand,
I sympathise with the sleeping patterns!😱

I know that everyone on the other list sets a temp basal for illness. I asked our team on tuesday about this as i have only done temp basal below 100% for exercise. They said start at 130% and work up by 10% until you see results. Remember that 30% of the original basal is tiny tiny amounts so dont be scared of doing it. If you started a temp basal at 8pm then this would start having an effect by 9pm'ish so you would know if it is working or not - it is only a gently change so dont be scared! I hope yur son feels better soon.🙂Bev
Oh Mand, (((((hugs)))))

I can imagine that is really horrible. You must be exhasted.

Sorry but I doubt I can be much help on that one- touch wood I havent been unwell since pumping in the last few months. I had that period of heavy stress and couldnt get those bad numbers down, probably equates to the same thing, our bodies feeling the physical effects. I could never increase my basal on MDI because the peak of lantus would hypo me so I am not sure of the answer here.

I know what the mantra says- sick day rules and increase your basal. But the basal control is much more specific in pumping, perhaps some others can shed light on what works best.

If I were to get unwell tomorrow mand I think I would be temp basaling, but only during the day when I can self-test.

Any chance of you getting sensors? Is that a road you are hoping to go down?

Hiya Mand

I hope your young chap feels better soon.

Bev is right about the increase of temp basal but go slowly with it. We have had it at 200 % before as have others. Infact that wasn't enough so we set pattern A at the 200% basals and then put on temp basal onto that !!!

As it is the first time only set it for a bit at at time and test a lot more especially if he is having lows as well, that would be a disaster.

As to the sleeping - I have been doing this for 9 1/2 years now. Not sure what my body thinks. I was always a morning person but I am now a night owl, I have no choice. I can't go to be at 10 pm and wake up at midnight, my mind would not do that. I stay up until then, well between 11 pm and midnight and test, normally at 11.30 pm ish, go to bed and then I get up once or maybe twice a night but I don't always have to test, I look at the sensor.

One of the speakers at the FFL conference in August said about this nighttime testing. He said if you can make it only once, then make that once count ie get up at the right time ie between 2 am and 3 am as that is the dropping period generally.

Take care

Bev - how's that site doing? Bruise gone or pain gone or sensor out?
Hi Adrienne and all,

I have left the sensor in as i think it was as you said - dried blood. But i wanted to ask you - would the event of having the sensor in send his numbers up? Normally he is lovely numbers at 2 hour check etc - but he has just tested and was 16! Also at this afternoons 2 hour check he was 11! This is unusual for him - so wondered could it be the set?
Also last night he stayed on 11 all night - i had done a dual wave for chips etc - so thought it was that and had gone wrong. But it seems he is on the way up generally.:confused:
Also , on sensors do you still manually log it down? I am thinking we can get all the info when i set up carelink.🙂Bev x
Hi Adrienne and all,

I have left the sensor in as i think it was as you said - dried blood. But i wanted to ask you - would the event of having the sensor in send his numbers up? Normally he is lovely numbers at 2 hour check etc - but he has just tested and was 16! Also at this afternoons 2 hour check he was 11! This is unusual for him - so wondered could it be the set?
Also last night he stayed on 11 all night - i had done a dual wave for chips etc - so thought it was that and had gone wrong. But it seems he is on the way up generally.:confused:
Also , on sensors do you still manually log it down? I am thinking we can get all the info when i set up carelink.🙂Bev x

Right, bit by bit:

When we put sensors in, sometimes she goes up for a couple of hours and we use a temp basal but not every time.

I don't log anything down ever anymore. I spent 7 years doing graphs and charts and got frustrated doing it. I now download all data from the glucometers onto the carelink and their own software so I have it all at my fingertips. You can download some meters onto carelink, not just pumps. I do both. Do not every purely rely on the sensors, until you know how they work for you. When you say he was 16 and 11 was that from the sensor or a finger test. If it was the sensor I wonder if the finger test would have said different slightly.

When you see my charts which are called overlays they are not an entirely true picture. They don't pick up all the hypos or hypers. On the last one which looked perfect, she had a few hypos and one or two hypers but the sensor has to catch up you see and if it is on its way up to a 15.0 (for example) and in the meantime you have given a bolus and are coming down then the sensor may never reach that 15.0, it may just settle at a nice number that will be the number you have bolused down to.

If you have your basals pretty near perfect then your sensor will be more likely to be pretty spot on. The mum with the two boys has got this as has our other friend with her son. However don't compare yourself to them. I used to but even if you did exactly the same as them your child is different so different thigns work !

He could always be coming down with something you know.

Hope that helps.
Thanks Adrienne,

I must admit, i am finding it odd not having the figures written down and i havent set up carelink yet. I will do this tomorrow if i can. I do have smart pix for the nano which i look at.

Your explanation of having the basals right etc makes sense. In the morning he was spot on with the sensor and the finger prick test. But earlier tonight he was 16 on his finger prick test and 10 on the sensor. We dont ever trust the sensor figures - always test using blood. Perhaps this is something we will get used to - trusting the sensor figures.

I am planning to do some basal testing over the next few days/weeks - so if you have any tips - that would be appreciated!

Of course , it could just be that coincidentally his basals are changing through growth etc...🙂Bev x
Hi all

On my knees here in Virginia -- two more plane rides later, with an unexpected six hour layover in Washington DC 😱. The worst pitching and rolling ever experienced, but hey! it was fine in the end...

All well at home. One iffy night of swings, but other than that, all well. Main problem seems to be a seriously missing her mum little girl... :(

I'm envious of your sensor experience, Bev - I haven't yet got to the bottom of how you are feeling about it...How is it actually? Is it useful yet?

The rising basals could be a blip of course, or getting an illness -- or just growth.

Mand, ergh. I know those nights. Exhausting. Yes we do temp basal at any time when we are needing to correct more than once to bring numbers into range. We started at 120%, but found that for numbers like that 16,17 -- it just didn't touch it. 150% is more impactful. We find with E that 120% is good for 9s and 10s...!

I hope things are improving?

Tom: good luck with everything. It sounds like you are on a productive road. I admire you. You take so much responsibility for your care and decisions, and with such maturity. I hope you are able to start exploring the pump soon. It does indeed sound like the right choice for you.


I'm over jet-lag now, but am working and drinking rather hard.... the whole tone now has changed to more of a raucous thing, with lots of meetings and heavy relaxation at night. Fortunately I came a little adrift last night, so have avoided indulgence tonight!

14 hours of business/socialising SCHEDULED for tomorrow. Argh.

Lou: how's it hangin?

Hi everyone

Thanks for your kind words and your advice. I have sent him to school today on a 125% basal to last during the school day. The pump would not allow me to go higher than 125%. It just went back to 0% instead of 130%. Anyone know how i overide this? Presumably it is something to do with the factory setting for max basal? When he home this eve then perhaps i will have a fiddle about with it.

I am doing the de-gassing technique and have found it easier to fill reservoirs so far. Beginners luck? or the technique works? Time will tell!

Hope you all doing ok. x 🙂
.....howdy patricia!!!

Oh you are on my old stomping ground Mrs! Once upon a time when I was a wee lass I went Au Pairing in Arlington Virginia, i loved it there, spent a lot of time in DC. Until one day I drove off at a rate of knots on the wrong side of the road (forgot where I was?) and caused a stonker of a road accident and lost my job and visa etc....ho-hum! These days I only trust myself with an Oystercard!

Glad you are having a mingle and a tipple! And good news that everything on the home front is well, apart from the little lady missing mum, its good to know you are missed though isnt it 😉

......howdy Bev!!!!

Sensors sound like they are keeping you on your toes? In my mind this is as big as getting a pump again. Sounds very intensive, but like you are doing a fab job. It must be really hard when you are getting a difference in readings? Keep up the good work hon, you are a powerhouse 😉

.......howdy Mand!!!!

Geeez mrs, you are degassing? This is like some kind of bad, bad punishment?! I got half way through one and wanted to stick the needle in my eye. How much will you charge to come round my house and do mine for me? Quote me on mass pls 😉

How is the young man doing? Is he any better and the numbers too? Are you getting some snooze? Fingers crossed for an improvement over the weekend.

.........howdy Adrienne!!!!

Hows things with you? You have done a few pages of help and Im not sure how things are with you, hope all is ok. Some nice plans for the weekend I hope.

I was wondering if anyone draws up a couple of reservoirs and leaves them in the fridge pre-filled? Would be nice to do a whole batch one evening in front of the TV or something, with a kind of 're-load and go' idea for when I need a change? Or would this be too bubbly??

Hope you are well people xx
Hi (or should that be howdy!) Lou! I Like your post! 😉

I was making up two at a time but when i told my son's dsn what i was doing she said she would check with medtronic rep re whether i should be doing this. He said NO!!!!!!!!!

Apparantly the reservoirs of insulin should be used within three days of filling. So i am now only going to fill as i need one.

It's a pity because my theory was that if we had to change the set in the night, before school or just when short of time then one would be ready but sadly i have been advised not to. :(

It would be interesting for you to check with your dsn and see if we get the same advice!

Hi to everyone. Hope you are all doing ok. Hope your trip still going well, Patricia. 🙂

Can anyone answer my question from my previous post re basal increase? 🙂

Hugs to all. x
Oh you are on my old stomping ground Mrs! Once upon a time when I was a wee lass I went Au Pairing in Arlington Virginia, i loved it there, spent a lot of time in DC.x

in summer 2007 i worked in a YMCA in Alexandria, Virginia, which is right next to Arlington. i absolutely loved it over there! when i can afford it i'm hoping to go back. DC is amazing, there's so much to do! unfortunately i hated the YMCA but i miss Alexandria and DC like mad.

(i don't have a pump but i like to read this thread anyway 🙂)

Everyone should have sensors - they are brilliant. I watched what happend for 8 hours after A eating pasta - so tonight we are experimenting again and have made changes to the dual wave - i wouldnt have known that his level went up to 13mmols after pasta if we didnt have sensors - ALL the 2 hour checks are telling us that he is within range - but half an hour after eating he isnt - so am now working on both basal and ratio and also giving bolus 10 miutes before meals - advice given by an expert on the other forum who has 2 diabetic boys and knows everything there is to know about pumping! (along with Adrienne of course).

Mand, i think your pump must have the factory settings - you must be able to override this as thats the point of temp basals! If Adrienne reads this i am sure she will tell us. If not, i might text her to ask!

Hope your all ok and having a nice saturday night. Meeting up with lots of diabetic children and families tomorrow for a day out.🙂Bev
Hi everyone

Thanks for your kind words and your advice. I have sent him to school today on a 125% basal to last during the school day. The pump would not allow me to go higher than 125%. It just went back to 0% instead of 130%. Anyone know how i overide this? Presumably it is something to do with the factory setting for max basal? When he home this eve then perhaps i will have a fiddle about with it.

I am doing the de-gassing technique and have found it easier to fill reservoirs so far. Beginners luck? or the technique works? Time will tell!

Hope you all doing ok. x 🙂


That is not right. You are allowed to go up to 200%. It should be in the instruction booklet or look on line. If you google Paradigm VEO you will get the instruction booklet. It must be set wrong, I've never heard of this. If you can't sort it out, then ring Medtronic on Monday to get them to sort it or at least tell you how.

By the way the lady on the other email group with the two children with D helping with the dual waves, is absolutely fabulous and knows how to work these dual waves so if Bev says she has said something, then go with it but we are all very well aware that each child is different but it is a starting point.
Hi mand,

sorry quick rep- Im on lunch at work...

Just tried mine and the percentage goes up to 200%. As you know I use units rather than percentage so this muct have been my factory setting. I would give them at pump HQ a buzz as Adrienne suggests.

catch you all later xx
Hi all

Sorry have not been replying much, have been reading but just haven't got the oomph to reply...feel bad....hope everyone is well...

Thanks everyone. Will see if i can overide factory setting and if not then i will give medtronic a ring. 🙂

My son still unwell with a cold and sore throat but blood sugars have come down today which is a relief.

Becca - hope you ok. I know how it feels to run out of energy. When you feel like that it is best to do the essentials only until you feel more energised to deal with more. 🙂

Hugs to everyone. x
Hi everyone

I am phoning my DSN tomorrow to discuss the possibility of going on a pump. I really think going on one would help me, because things with my levels are a bit rubbish on MDI's. I could do with tighter control, I'm utterly terrified of hypos.

Anyone got any advice? I have no idea about any of it, if it would suit me or anything.

I had a look at the omnipod online last night, and have fallen in love with it. Mainly cuz you can get it in pink XD

I'm just not sure how to go about this, whether i'd be able to get one or if it would help me
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