The Pumpers Thread!

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Hi all....

Am going to be going onto the Accu Check Combo sometime before xmas hopefully...any advice from anyone on them or in a little worried about wearing the pump 24/7...but at the same time very excited to get going!!

Thats great news!🙂My son is on the medtronic veo -he has been on it for 4weeks now and he/we love it! It is hard work for the first couple of weeks and you have to re-think everything and forget about MDI- but it is sooooo much easier to make changes than on injections. Life is a lot less stressful and he would never go back to injections.
He says he doenst even notice he is wearing it anymore and he has a belt to wear at night to stop it catching on things. Its called a 'spibelt' - brilliant.
I think Tracey is on the combo - she may be able to help with the technical side of the pump - but you will get loads of help and advice on here so dont worry.🙂Bev
Hello all!

Sitting here at 10.30 am Canadian time, jet lag catching up with me...Want to sleep! Journey fine and kids ok so far. Even talked to OH on skype so KNOW from his face that all is well!

Am keeping up with entries somewhat...though this is my most free day, so not sure about other days...

E has swum loads with pump...and never lost a cannula. Hmm..Both in sea and pool. Would say Lesley that the things for the sea are: a) put the cover on the cannula, so it doesn't grit up with sand or b) get the acquapak thing Tom mentions and/or Bev and others...Because you can easily take off pump to swim but where to put it on a beach?

No pump doesn't say No Delivery -- like Bev says, it *thinks* it's sent the insulin through...


See ya'll later...
Hi Patricia. Hope all goes ok with your trip and that things continue to go well at home. Hope you manage to sleep the jeg lag off. Take care. 🙂

My son forgot to bolus again for lunch today so came home on 25.6😱

His dsn back from holiday tomorrow so going to ring her re safety of using bolus reminder on veo! Not keen to set it after all the info on here but still not received anything at home from Medtronic. I will phone them mysef if dsn has no info. :confused:

Hi to you all. How's things? 🙂
Hi all,
Patricia - have a great trip - i hope you dont worry too much and try to get some well earned sleep!🙂

Mand, I wouldnt use the reminder as this is one of the problems it tells you that you havent bolused when you have! We have clinic tomorrow and i will be asking lots of questions - i will let you all know if there is any news.

Lou - spill the beans lady!:DBev x
Hi all....

Am going to be going onto the Accu Check Combo sometime before xmas hopefully...any advice from anyone on them or in a little worried about wearing the pump 24/7...but at the same time very excited to get going!!

Hi Shelb1uk, Great news. Are you looking forward to it? I can't give any advice other than this is the pump which I have chosen, only last week so hopefully I will be starting on it in the next few weeks. Just waiting to get a start date sorted!

I agreed about the worry of the 24/7 thing but I just think that it can't be that bad if it makes my control and health better. I can get used to it! I'm sure you will be fine. Keep us posted regarding your start date!

Has everything been agreed or are you still needing to get the funding sorted?

Lesley x
Hello all!

Sitting here at 10.30 am Canadian time, jet lag catching up with me...Want to sleep! Journey fine and kids ok so far. Even talked to OH on skype so KNOW from his face that all is well!

Am keeping up with entries somewhat...though this is my most free day, so not sure about other days...

E has swum loads with pump...and never lost a cannula. Hmm..Both in sea and pool. Would say Lesley that the things for the sea are: a) put the cover on the cannula, so it doesn't grit up with sand or b) get the acquapak thing Tom mentions and/or Bev and others...Because you can easily take off pump to swim but where to put it on a beach?

No pump doesn't say No Delivery -- like Bev says, it *thinks* it's sent the insulin through...


See ya'll later...

Hope you have a good trip Patricia. Take advantage of not having a broken nights sleep. I'm sure the family will be fine.

Lesley x
Hi Patricia. Hope all goes ok with your trip and that things continue to go well at home. Hope you manage to sleep the jeg lag off. Take care. 🙂

My son forgot to bolus again for lunch today so came home on 25.6😱

His dsn back from holiday tomorrow so going to ring her re safety of using bolus reminder on veo! Not keen to set it after all the info on here but still not received anything at home from Medtronic. I will phone them mysef if dsn has no info. :confused:

Hi to you all. How's things? 🙂

No don't use it Mand. It is better to get a watch with an alarm. Definitely do not use that feature nor the Contour Link feature. Disable them both. I spoke to our hospital today (not that we have a VEO) and they told me that Medtronic seem to be speaking to the DSN's rather than patients and the DSN's are supposed to be contacting patients. Our DSN's (we have three) took a part of the list each and rang each patient last Tuesday.

Our main DSN has a good contact with Medtronic so maybe they called them one of the first. I said no-one had received their letters and that was put down to the post strike and that the letters would be 2nd class, didn't think of that but could be true.
Evening all,

Today has really put the point on how good pumping can be. For my lunch today I was obliged to round up my insulin dose and as a result I was hypo before tea. Something that I think wouldn't have happened had I been on a pump and been able to adjust the dose to precisely what I need or drop a basal rate to accomodate a short walk back home.

I've still got a fair bit of thinking to do but I think I will be asking for a pump in the near future. I still have to give uni life on MDI more than a fortnight to go on.

Hi all....

Am going to be going onto the Accu Check Combo sometime before xmas hopefully...any advice from anyone on them or in a little worried about wearing the pump 24/7...but at the same time very excited to get going!!

Hey Shelly, its Louisa!!! We seem to be moving in the same circles (no pum inteneded!) this week!!!

When we meet I will have to show you my pump and bore you stupid with it! I can guarantee it will take the nerves away and you will want to get going asap! Tracey W uses the accu check spirit combo and Im sure she will have something to add. I think it sounds like a great pump and great features. I am slightly jelous of this I must confess when I first heard about the meter-pump control. I think its fantastic for us 'ladies' wot dont wanna be pulling the pump out their bra every five mins!

When is your start date? Does anyone else in the Kent group pump? Keep us updated.

Hi all,
Lou - spill the beans lady!:DBev x

My DSN was extremely disapointed in medtronic, they are now getting a few enquiries in (mostly mums- I did laugh, but had to explain they are the most on the ball group on the internet so Im not suprised!). The local medtronic link doesnt appear to be fantastic and she is now tasked with letting people know the 'limited' amount she has been told, which ironically came because of me. She had been trying to order veos for her clients and she was told they were out of stock lately, which we now know to be that they were with-held for software problems.

She was impressed with spibelt website, and had a look at my carelink. Im sure half the stuff we gossip about isnt anywhere near the agenda but she is like a second mum. And she gives me man advice 😉

I forgot to ask Bev about the temp basaling, sorry. I got massively caught up in my hba1c and by the trick scales and I peed on my hand instead of the pot again...the list of excuses is endless....

So the biggest crime of the day has to be my Hba1c, errr...I'll never be in the hba1c hall of fame as you know. Its down a minascule 0.4% for all that work Ive done. Well my life has been like a Jeremy Kyle show for the last 4 months so the boss didnt think Id done too badly actually. Bless her, but I felt I have been wronged somewhat. I have to stop having big life dramas and get my act together. Back to the drawing board....

No don't use it Mand. It is better to get a watch with an alarm. Definitely do not use that feature nor the Contour Link feature. Disable them both. I spoke to our hospital today (not that we have a VEO) and they told me that Medtronic seem to be speaking to the DSN's rather than patients and the DSN's are supposed to be contacting patients. Our DSN's (we have three) took a part of the list each and rang each patient last Tuesday.

Our main DSN has a good contact with Medtronic so maybe they called them one of the first. I said no-one had received their letters and that was put down to the post strike and that the letters would be 2nd class, didn't think of that but could be true.

Im still using the link unless my stalls....there are paradigms on standby at the place I go to so Im going to carry on. Ive disabled the missed bolus as I can live without it.

Im proper impressed P chats to hubbie on skype! Anyone else?
Hi Lou,
Yeh - I'm proper impressed about P talking with hubby on skype too - what is skype?.....😱

Lou, apparently for lots of new pumpers the hba1c does go up - not sure why - but its very common - so although your not pleased with the slight reduction - at least its heading in the right direction!🙂

Clinic tomorrow - so will be asking lots - i will let you know any new info - but from what i can gather its all still the same as before - wait until January for new pump.....We are supposed to be looking at sensors on wednesday with medtronic rep - but i doubt we will start using them with the problems with the veo at the moment...bummer....I was so looking forward to aswell.

Had an interesting pasta evening tonight. Gave 50% upfront then 2 hours later checked and he was 5 - so left it another half an hour and he was 6 - so thought he was starting to go up so gave remainder - BIG MISTAKE!!!
He went to bed and 10 mins later was down looking awful - 2.3mmols! Took lots of hypo treatment to get him back up - so i thnk he will go high later when rest of pasta hits. Will be doing dual waves etc on wednesday - so hopefully will find a way round pasta.😱

Lou - you have had a lot of change lately - so it will show in your hba1c - dont be hard on yourself - you have put effort in - but you cant account for upset and trauma - its not your fault.

Hope everyone else is ok?🙂Bev
Thanks everyone, I won't use the bolus reminder then. I look forward to hearing anything that any of you find out and i will be speaking to my son's dsn today too.

Sorry to hear about your disappointment with your hba1c Lou, but as Bev said, there could be some up and down going on. I would say to continue with all your good efforts and hope for a better improvement next time - fingers crossed!!!

Skype is good! If no-on has tried it, i would recommend it. It is free to download and free to use. I make overseas calls on it for free!!

Hope all going well, Patricia.

Catch you all later. 🙂
Hi All,

Hope everyone is ok. On my lunch so can't stop on long. Thought I would keep you all updated. Got a call from my pump nurse this morning and she has made an appointment for me to see her on the 20th to pick up my pump and go through it again! I can then take it home and get used to wearing it and the features, read the manual and all that and then I will be seeing her a week later on the 27th October for GO LIVE!!!!😱

I had butterflies in my tummy! I am really excitedly nervous!!!! Anyway, got to go, will come on tonight to chat more!

Lesley x
Hi All,

Hope everyone is ok. On my lunch so can't stop on long. Thought I would keep you all updated. Got a call from my pump nurse this morning and she has made an appointment for me to see her on the 20th to pick up my pump and go through it again! I can then take it home and get used to wearing it and the features, read the manual and all that and then I will be seeing her a week later on the 27th October for GO LIVE!!!!😱

I had butterflies in my tummy! I am really excitedly nervous!!!! Anyway, got to go, will come on tonight to chat more!

Lesley x

Terrific news Lesley!🙂
Hi All,

Hope everyone is ok. On my lunch so can't stop on long. Thought I would keep you all updated. Got a call from my pump nurse this morning and she has made an appointment for me to see her on the 20th to pick up my pump and go through it again! I can then take it home and get used to wearing it and the features, read the manual and all that and then I will be seeing her a week later on the 27th October for GO LIVE!!!!😱

I had butterflies in my tummy! I am really excitedly nervous!!!! Anyway, got to go, will come on tonight to chat more!

Lesley x

Great news.

With kids they send them home pumping saline for a week on and off. You could ask for that. I don't see why they can't do it for adults as well. Its great. You can actually pretend you are using it properly but have saline in it. (You would have to do your normal injections as well unfortunately !)
Hi all,
Clinic this morning went well - very pleased with A's levels compared to MDI and they said well done!🙂

They are changing the way they support new pumpers after the email i sent them - so they have started 2 new pumpers using the advice i gave that they should contact them daily as other clinics do. They have also opened a 'pump clinic' giving us all extra time than we had on previous clinics - they consultant thanked me for my input and said that he wants our team to be the best it can be for our children! I am so pleased - pity we couldnt have had this support - but i am glad other families are now getting it - it will make a huge difference to a pump start.

BUT - medtronic have not told our team anything about the problems and our team arent happy about it either. I rang medtronic and complained about their lack of information for what is essentially a life support machine - and i have told them that i am thinking of changing to another pump as i am not impressed. Someone is ringing me back tomorrow morning as she is off today and she deals with complaints! They also knew about the problem with using a temp basal on 0.025 bringing it down to zero for possibly hours! Why havent they told us or put an alarm on it? Not happy.😱They reckon all letters went out last friday! Will see what they say tomorrow.

Hope everyone ok - Lesley dont be put off by these minor problems - they are very rare and you will be fine - dont worry - I am excited for you!:D

Hope everyone ok - and Patricia - i hope your catching up on some sleep! I am jealous!😛Bev
Hello all

Lesley -- well done! Excited for you. That wasn't as long a wait as feared, was it? Brill.

Bev -- RESULT lady. I know it's rough that you didn't have the support, but you've made a difference. I'm not sure any of us can ask for more than that. Well done to you too.

This whole thing with the Veo is a flipping nightmare and surprisingly poorly handled. Medtronic are the market leaders, and usually so good from what I hear...really a bit poor. It's the last thing that any of us want to deal with, this lack of reliability. It's kind of the last straw...

Here in Canada (oh Canada), all is well. Skype continues to be the best thing since sliced bread and although I am only able to have snatched conversations with my family due to time, I gather all is well. E's numbers have been great. My daughter is in her words 'rather glum' :(. But she's okay I know. Pretty much...

I'm finally getting over jet lag, but still missing sleep as in my effort to stay up late so I could sleep through the night -- I've ended up still getting up at 6am! Oops.

Tomorrow I'm going to the States, so another yucky travel day.

It's so good to know how everyone is. Sending good thoughts..

xxoo SPIBELT is here!!!!!:D:D:D

Hi all, thats the only news in my camp! both my spibelts are here and its all mightily exciting!!! I have to say, I am very impressed, are you as well Bev? Lesley, was it you as well who ordered? I dont think you are going to be disapointed....

I shall wear it to work tomorrow and see what happens, thats the ultimate test for me.

I think I am in love with them though, I know people (you know, them abnormal ones who prefer to use their own pancreas 😉) who I think might like these for christmas presents! Great for the gym or out walking (I should be on comission)....

Lesley, great news about the pump, congratulations. I bet you cant wait, I was so excited as well. I did about 6 days with saline in it, was definately worth doing, just to get used to handling the pump and not panicing you pushed the wrong buttons etc.

Well done at the clinic Bev. I was wodnering if you feel a little let down by medtronic like I do. I wonder about Mand as well. It seems none of the DSNs have had much info on the Medtronic latest and its sad really. We invest so much faith in these people and I dont feel they are out there fighting on our behalf to get vital information out to the people....and I just saw on the TV another postal strike for London this week. tut tut. I shouldnt think I will see that letter for a while. ho-hum.

I am off to bed with my lovely new spibelt! To hell with it, I might even wear them both!

Hows it going fluffy?!

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