The Pumpers Thread!

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Nothing to do with pumping but I am sat in my flat with what looks like a gang member installing my new oven wearing a pirates scarf on his head with gold teeth and have just had to identify the wire colours for him becusse of his COLOUR BLINDNESS! I hope I am not about to die.

Laters (Ive got one eye on the situation) x
Nothing to do with pumping but I am sat in my flat with what looks like a gang member installing my new oven wearing a pirates scarf on his head with gold teeth and have just had to identify the wire colours for him becusse of his COLOUR BLINDNESS! I hope I am not about to die.

Laters (Ive got one eye on the situation) x

that's hilarious! goodluck 😱 i'm watching a documentary about biggie smalls and tupac, he'd feel at home in my house!
Nothing to do with pumping but I am sat in my flat with what looks like a gang member installing my new oven wearing a pirates scarf on his head with gold teeth and have just had to identify the wire colours for him becusse of his COLOUR BLINDNESS! I hope I am not about to die.

Laters (Ive got one eye on the situation) x

Ha ha! Your mental Lou! I do hope your not colour blind too! Just make sure your wearing rubber soles when you first turn the oven on.:DBev x
Job done ladies....Katie that must have been Tupacs brixton twin installing my oven...he even had gold teeth as well as a pirate scarf on his head! I had to say no to crack as well and ask him to pull his trousers up....😉

Phew. It even works. Moral of the story is dont watch crimewatch. It makes you paranoid about everything. You order a new kitchen oven and you must be then about to get mugged or burgled.

Ive got the plumber on Monday. I will put down the fingerprint dust in the bathroom and offer this one a cup of tea just to get a copy of his DNA on the mug. Im not mad at all....!

Pizza for tea, from my new oven! I must PM Einstein- he was telling me about what wires go where!!!

I feel massive achievement!

Anyone been swimming since pumping? Alex went to a swim party today and his canula came off after about 20 minutes in the water! Someone on the other forum said there is something called 'tegaderm' to put over the canula- but that it may pull the canula off when you remove it. Any ideas?🙂

Lou - enjoy your pizza - do you dual wave for it?:DBev x
Hi Bev,

I dont think I am going to dual wave this one, the duals havent been great of late!

Havent swam bev since the pump. However, haved used tegadern in nursing for years and I cant imagine its up to the job of sticking on a child in water who is probably going to be pretty active. Having said that, someone on the other forum sounds as if it has worked for them so I could be wrong.

As far as I remember you can buy it in boots. May be worth purchasing one and trying it out before getting the prescription done.
Just wondering actually, my friend has an animas and they are waterproff and he swims with it- maybe they do a special more adhesive waterproof dressing? Perhpas have a look at the animas website or maybe contact viki who uses anmas?

As far as I know you can buy waterproof covers for pumps. I was looking at some when I was investigating pumping. Still definitely thinking about it.
Job done ladies....Katie that must have been Tupacs brixton twin installing my oven...he even had gold teeth as well as a pirate scarf on his head! I had to say no to crack as well and ask him to pull his trousers up....😉

I feel massive achievement!


hahah! well done for surviving. I know what you mean about crimewatch, watchdog is similar too - make sure everyone is GAS SAFE! Or you WILL die.

Enjoy the pizza 🙂
Anyone been swimming since pumping? Alex went to a swim party today and his canula came off after about 20 minutes in the water! Someone on the other forum said there is something called 'tegaderm' to put over the canula- but that it may pull the canula off when you remove it. Any ideas?🙂

Lou - enjoy your pizza - do you dual wave for it?:DBev x

Hiya Bev

I haven't read all you replies on the email group but thought I would add my bit. I'm at my mums so I can't reply on the email list, only here.

Jessica swims with her cannula on and pump off. She has swum for hours in the sea on holidays, in and out of the water all day long and never had a problem.

However we use Cavilon, do you? I can't remember. If not, then get some. It acts as a barrier on the skin, Jessica came up red to the cannula at the beginning. However it also helps the cannula to stick better.

We also have the sensor and transmitter in the water as well for the same amount of time. This, however is covered with clear sticky stuff, three of them about 2 x 3 inches each. I'm not at home but they come from Medtronic when you have the sensors, look in your box, you should have a few in the small clear plastic bag. They are called something like IV300, I'll have a look when I get home tomorrow. If A has another swim session maybe stick one of these on it but then my feeling is that when you try and pull it off, the canula will come off as well so you would have to stick it in such a way that you leave it on.
Hiya Bev

Jessica swims with her cannula on and pump off. She has swum for hours in the sea on holidays, in and out of the water all day long and never had a problem.

I must admit, this is one thing that concerns me about the pump. What to do when I am on holiday and want to go in the sea and stuff? I know I will have to take it off but it would be good to hear everyone's views on how you have all got on with the pump on holiday. Also, if wearing a bikini where do you put it (the pump of course not the bikini).

haha! I am not a bikini wearer Lesley so I will have to abstain there!

In my pump induction with my DSN we had a series of group class sessions, I believe each approach seems to be different) we discussed lots of things. In these situations it can be possible to take a "pump holiday" if that is what you decide to do. A day of injections and close blood sugar monitoring if you are a sun worshiper! Remember for hours in the blazing hot heat you should consider purchasing a frio to just pop your pump in and keep your insulin cool whilst you soak it up...

Other options may be to bolus and disconect on a frequent basis. Pumping is something you really learn to adapt as you go along, just like MDI. But if you are concerned about how visual it can be in a bikini, then do read up on "pump holidays" as it is referred to. I personally think I would still consider something like the spibelt to avoid your bikini bottoms falling down with the weight of it! People just think you have an ipod I would imagaine.

When is your start date lesley? I have forgotten. Very exciting hey?


Can I ask, on a different note.....I am just doing some reading pre-seeing DSN tomorrow. Have I completely missed the point on something, but why when a canula kinks or has bent (for example like with E when he has got poorly) does the pump not alarm "no delivery"? I thought this was the point of this alarm or is the pump not sensing it is not going through?

I am trying to think of things I need to ask DSN tomorrow too, if anyone has any ideas, but I think everything is ok. Dual waves are a problem but I think (not to sound rude towards her) but this is something you cant take much advice on, it has to be learned through experience, and I have been getting help on here.

Obviously I will be discussing the Veo and medtronic problem. If anything new comes to light -but I dont think it will- I will update you.

Enjoy the sunshine peeps! xx

I'm just wondering what you pumpers carry around with you? What sort of things do you all tend to take with you when you're out and about? For example my sort of things to carry around would be at least one of my pens, my blood machine, spare cartridges of both insulins, spare lancets and spare needles, a pen to write on my blood diary with and hypo treatment; lots of it.

Would you guys carry things like a spare infusion set/reservoir?


I'm just wondering what you pumpers carry around with you? What sort of things do you all tend to take with you when you're out and about? For example my sort of things to carry around would be at least one of my pens, my blood machine, spare cartridges of both insulins, spare lancets and spare needles, a pen to write on my blood diary with and hypo treatment; lots of it.

Would you guys carry things like a spare infusion set/reservoir?


Hi Tom,

I only carry a spare infusion set with me normally because it comes in a sealer self contaion little unit so i just keep one in my handbag (and the normal hypo/monitor kit etc). But if i was going somewhere further away than about an hour id take a spare insulin vial and cartridge too.

I think your supposed to carry a spare QA pen round too in case your pump fails but i dont.
haha! I am not a bikini wearer Lesley so I will have to abstain there!

In my pump induction with my DSN we had a series of group class sessions, I believe each approach seems to be different) we discussed lots of things. In these situations it can be possible to take a "pump holiday" if that is what you decide to do. A day of injections and close blood sugar monitoring if you are a sun worshiper! Remember for hours in the blazing hot heat you should consider purchasing a frio to just pop your pump in and keep your insulin cool whilst you soak it up...

Other options may be to bolus and disconect on a frequent basis. Pumping is something you really learn to adapt as you go along, just like MDI. But if you are concerned about how visual it can be in a bikini, then do read up on "pump holidays" as it is referred to. I personally think I would still consider something like the spibelt to avoid your bikini bottoms falling down with the weight of it! People just think you have an ipod I would imagaine.

When is your start date lesley? I have forgotten. Very exciting hey?

Haven't yet got a start date but on tuesday when I saw my pump nurse she said she would order it. She said that she has a lot of people starting on the pump and she only dedicates a Tuesday to it. So she said that I could play with it for a week or two before go live but she needs to work backwards from when she can fit me in! It is so aggrivating knowing that my pump is probably sat in her office and I can't have it yet! Just waiting for the crucial phone call. Hopefully she will ring me next week!

Lesley x
haha! I am not a bikini wearer Lesley so I will have to abstain there!

In my pump induction with my DSN we had a series of group class sessions, I believe each approach seems to be different) we discussed lots of things. In these situations it can be possible to take a "pump holiday" if that is what you decide to do. A day of injections and close blood sugar monitoring if you are a sun worshiper! Remember for hours in the blazing hot heat you should consider purchasing a frio to just pop your pump in and keep your insulin cool whilst you soak it up...

Other options may be to bolus and disconect on a frequent basis. Pumping is something you really learn to adapt as you go along, just like MDI. But if you are concerned about how visual it can be in a bikini, then do read up on "pump holidays" as it is referred to. I personally think I would still consider something like the spibelt to avoid your bikini bottoms falling down with the weight of it! People just think you have an ipod I would imagaine.

When is your start date lesley? I have forgotten. Very exciting hey?


Can I ask, on a different note.....I am just doing some reading pre-seeing DSN tomorrow. Have I completely missed the point on something, but why when a canula kinks or has bent (for example like with E when he has got poorly) does the pump not alarm "no delivery"? I thought this was the point of this alarm or is the pump not sensing it is not going through?

I am trying to think of things I need to ask DSN tomorrow too, if anyone has any ideas, but I think everything is ok. Dual waves are a problem but I think (not to sound rude towards her) but this is something you cant take much advice on, it has to be learned through experience, and I have been getting help on here.

Obviously I will be discussing the Veo and medtronic problem. If anything new comes to light -but I dont think it will- I will update you.

Enjoy the sunshine peeps! xx

Hi Lou,
No i dont think the pump does alarm 'no delivery' as far as the pump 'knows' it has delivered out of the pmp, it doenst know that the canula is bent.

We have clinic too on tuesday, but we had a little problem today, A is on 0.025 between 8am and noon. I set a temp basal for 5 hours at 50% - so the figure came out as zero! Luckly i noticed and he only had 20 minutes on zero - but surely this is dangerous to have no insulin for 5 hours? Can you ask your clinic if there should be an alarm or something to stop this happening? I intend to ask mine - but i might forget! Thanks.:DBev x
Hi Lou,
No i dont think the pump does alarm 'no delivery' as far as the pump 'knows' it has delivered out of the pmp, it doenst know that the canula is bent.

We have clinic too on tuesday, but we had a little problem today, A is on 0.025 between 8am and noon. I set a temp basal for 5 hours at 50% - so the figure came out as zero! Luckly i noticed and he only had 20 minutes on zero - but surely this is dangerous to have no insulin for 5 hours? Can you ask your clinic if there should be an alarm or something to stop this happening? I intend to ask mine - but i might forget! Thanks.:DBev x

Thats proper weird Bev- you would think there should be some alert to warn you that this is going to happen? Also restarting after the 5 hours wouldnt be advisable surely as I have heard the insulin can stick in the line and occlude if it isnt moved for a while. When I take mine off for gym and leave it in the locker, I still run at 0.025 just to keep small movement.

When I temp basal I always do it by adjusting the units and not percentages so this isnt likely to catch me out in the same way, I guess. I would also suggest dropping a line to medtronic too. Perhaps they havent thought about it? Does the black circle come up for no delivery?

I have my spibelt on order!! i ordered it as soon as i knew i was getting a pump
Soon to be pumping...advice please :0)

Hi all....

Am going to be going onto the Accu Check Combo sometime before xmas hopefully...any advice from anyone on them or in a little worried about wearing the pump 24/7...but at the same time very excited to get going!!
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