The Pumpers Thread!

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Im a bright green Animas 2020 girl! :D

It the only one ive ever really seen, im intrigued to see some different ones and how well the can be hidden compared to mine!

Oooh yes Im with you there- when I was choosing between the medtronic and the animas, it was the green in the animas I wanted if Id have gone down that road!
Good morning all

I slept like a log last night! Sure made up for the night before! It is a bit worrying though because we generally not checking him in the night now, unless we suspect there could be a problem, so how would we know another time if he became detached? 😱 Hopefully, it will have been a one off?

Tom - one of the real plus points for us is that my son does not have to do Levimir in the eve. He is 12 (nearly 13) and beginning to go to one or two evening events such as a 13th birthday party or the local youth roller disco etc which are on until after 9pm (which was his Levemir time) and it great that he does not have to take his other jab. It was not just the jab, it was also remembering to do it! I feel this will be a great benefit to him now he getting that bit older and evening things are beginning to happen. Keep posting any thoughts you have as we can hopefully help answer your questions. 🙂

Bev and Adrienne - you are stars for all the info you have relayed re the Veo recall. Like Lou (Hi Lou! x) I have found it all very worrying but you have put my mind at rest now as it sounds like we won't have to go back to mdi.

I do not use those two facilities yet so have never had an error warning. In fact the pump has worked perfectly so far (now i have just tempted fate, haven't I!!). It is the sets that have caused any problems we have encountered.

Lesley - Exciting! With all that reading hopefully everything will go smoothly for your pump start! Look forward to reading your future posts.

Tracey - Sounds like you getting to grips with it all. Great! Hope you sort out the shopping hypo.

Patricia, Becca and everyone else - how's it going? Hope you jogging along ok. x

Well, must go, time to wake up my son for school.

Hugs to all. x
Tom - one of the real plus points for us is that my son does not have to do Levimir in the eve. He is 12 (nearly 13) and beginning to go to one or two evening events such as a 13th birthday party or the local youth roller disco etc which are on until after 9pm (which was his Levemir time) and it great that he does not have to take his other jab. It was not just the jab, it was also remembering to do it! I feel this will be a great benefit to him now he getting that bit older and evening things are beginning to happen. Keep posting any thoughts you have as we can hopefully help answer your questions. 🙂

Yeah, memory and alcohol don't exactly mix well! Ok, so far I have remembered to take the levemir but it's only a matter of time until I forget to and suffer the consequences of that. I don't like the idea of checking out the A&E here in Brighton.
Tom - hope you never get to see the A&E in Brighton! Yes, I can imagine that when alcohol comes into the equation too then remembering Levemir is a hard one! 🙂

Tracey- forgot to say before, thanks for de-gassing tip. Glad it worked for you. I will give it a try! 🙂

Can I ask - does anyone else use the de-gassing method? 🙂
OMG, so MUCH to catch up on! And yes, I am frantically busy!

Can't actually stop this morning to say much more than hey, and I am reading everything when I can...just can't comment!

Tom: you sound a wise dude. To have identified so quickly that a pump seems a good idea is on the ball...Here I am in the middle of first year students, so have some idea what you are on about!

Mand: eek, bad night for you. Glad you slept well. These random things are crazy-making. Really. If only so MUCH of it weren't unpredictable...

Tracey: de-gassing sounds good. We have had more trouble filling reservoirs. Someday we will check this out. Your basal situation in the early evening sounds awkward -- BUT wow you sound on top of things, too. I'm so pleased for you.

Lesley: well done! Join the crew. Eager to know how things go, and when.

Viki: bright green lady. Good to hear your voice. How are you doin'?

Adrienne, Bev, Lou: Veo probs! Ack. I would be incredibly unsettled, but it sounds like the worst is over in terms of not knowing. Thanks Adrienne for all your support here, and I would add my voice too -- we have the 722 I think (think it's wrong on the email list, oh well!), and it seems just the same except as Adrienne says no cut off and increments not as small. Not great for A, maybe, with his low amounts? Hmm...Anyway, we have never had any real problem. I'm sure the switch will be straightforward. Hope the VEO returns all snazzy and sorted, though. :(

Everyone else: always good to see you!


Our house has been a pretty calm one now, numbers back to normal, virtually no hypos. Last night had a mild one late -- once again, breaded things with oven chips causing problems! We just can't get our heads around this. We expected him to wake high (chips, even oven?) but no, he woke on 5.8 even with a hypo treatment at 11.30pm. Anyone else struggle with breaded things? We think we may have noticed a strange pattern with things like the cheaper chicken kievs, and scampi... Several times now he has hypo-ed AFTER the peak of the we expect it to come ini later, but it doesn't!

Just a warning shot from me too: I am going away for 9 days on Sunday. 😱 Am trying not to be totally freaked out about it. For business, to visit Canada and the US, seeing my relatives on the way. Hence my freneticism and getting work and home sorted before going.

I am not a good flyer. I am taking seven flights. I'm worried about E in the night and the incredible wear on my full time working but perfectly capable husband. I know they will survive. Just not sure it's going to be worth it.


Hiya, only got a min but I have just PM'd a big message. Important news and Mrs Chatterbox has a full box! BEV PLEASE DELETE A MESSAGE OR 50, I NEED TO FWD IMPORTANT VEO INFO!

I might not be on for a couple of hours. Will forward to you then unless anyone from pump-central see's you in the interim! 😉

Thanks, Lou xx
Message recieved and understood - have cleaned out my inbox - awaiting further instructions.........😛:DBev
Tom - hope you never get to see the A&E in Brighton! Yes, I can imagine that when alcohol comes into the equation too then remembering Levemir is a hard one! 🙂

Hence my near teetotal act! Yeah, I might just want to avoid that one lol! Yeah, in all seriousness that's the reason I try to stick to no more than three or four pints as a maximum per night out. As a rule of thumb I only drink about two pints a night. It isn't worth ending up in A&E because I could have avoided it by drinking less. I can't stand selfinflicted injuries.
Tom - you sound like a sensible young man! I think you have a bright future ahead of you! Go for it! 🙂

Patricia - I hope you enjoy your trip. I understand that you will worry but i hope that the break will do you good. And it sounds like you have a trustworthy OH! xx 🙂

Thanks so much Lou. What are everyone's thoughts?

I have been reading through my pumping insulin book and thought of you. you should have a quick read through chapter 12. It explains about adjusting your basal and bolus on the pump. Have a dip in and see what you think!

I'm eagerly waiting the call from the nurse to say that my pump is in! I know I know that I am impatient! she said that when she orders them they come in the next day.

Hope everyone is ok! Looking forward to the weekend!

Lesley x
Hey Lou, you're turn to clear out your messages 🙂 Can't send the PM one i've just done.... lol
:Dhaha!!! I just had to clear out to send to Bev, who has now cleared out! Quick send now before Im full again if Bev replies!!!:D
Louisa! Clear out your inbox please young lady! I have just spent 5 minutes replying only to find your inbox is full!:D

Thanks for the info on veo-gate Lou....🙂Bev x
Hi Patricia, et al!

I only just got round to reading properly the posts I wizzed through earlier (I was hot on the tails of Veo-gate).

WOW- your trip to Canada sounds like a big one but I hear your anxiety both about they flying and your husband having the whole workload of everything. For what its worth, I hope you have a good trip and visiting your rellies at least. Hope its not all too frantic and stressful. You are one BUSY woman...I hope its a good trip and a safe one. I missed you when you were away last time so dont be gone too long!

Im becoming speachless over Veo-gate. Perhaps I need to check in the dictionary the difference between re-programming and re-calling? Medtronic and I arent speaking the same lingo =(

Hi Tracey

Not sure if I am understanding this right but throught I would chime in anyway.

If you are going hypo at say 6 pm then you need to change the basal at approx 4 pm, no good changing it at 6 pm.

So if your hypos are 5pm to 7pm then I would look at your basals at say 3pm or 4 pm, depending when your hypos really are.

If you hypo going shopping then putting on a temp basal at the time you go may not have any effect until you get back. You may find you are a bit high later !

If you know you are going shopping at say 5 pm and you know you go hypo then put on the lower temp basal at say 4 pm and see what happens. I can't remember what basals you are on but if they are low then a temp basal of say 70% will do nothing at all. You may need to see what 50% or even 30% does or any number and work from there.

thanks for that, much appreciated, i tend to hypo around 5.30 to 6pm ish, if i have been shopping usually do that afternoon time 3ish? Dont know if there is a connection, just that i must be quite active on my day off. On mdi i always noticed a drop anyway regardless from 5pm onwards. for instance i would test at 6pm for the drive home and would have a snack if less than 7, as i could drop 4-5 within 45mins at this time. Apart from the times i have had a hypo, i seem to rise a little on the pump from the lunch reading,

for example lunch 9.3, tea 12.1, so i understand the reason for upping the basal the rise is about 6 or 7pm, with this extra info do you think i should up basal from 4-6 maybe instead of the 5-7 that i have done.

hope you can understand my waffle? thanks

I have been reading through my pumping insulin book and thought of you. you should have a quick read through chapter 12. It explains about adjusting your basal and bolus on the pump. Have a dip in and see what you think!

I'm eagerly waiting the call from the nurse to say that my pump is in! I know I know that I am impatient! she said that when she orders them they come in the next day.

Hope everyone is ok! Looking forward to the weekend!

Lesley x

thanks Lesley, am planning to take it on my holiday as i dont have time to read it at the mo, as i am still working through the manuals, as you will soon see. :D:D
thanks for that, much appreciated, i tend to hypo around 5.30 to 6pm ish, if i have been shopping usually do that afternoon time 3ish? Dont know if there is a connection, just that i must be quite active on my day off. On mdi i always noticed a drop anyway regardless from 5pm onwards. for instance i would test at 6pm for the drive home and would have a snack if less than 7, as i could drop 4-5 within 45mins at this time. Apart from the times i have had a hypo, i seem to rise a little on the pump from the lunch reading,

for example lunch 9.3, tea 12.1, so i understand the reason for upping the basal the rise is about 6 or 7pm, with this extra info do you think i should up basal from 4-6 maybe instead of the 5-7 that i have done.

hope you can understand my waffle? thanks


Not sure I quite get this. Are you going hypo or hyper. The example you have given ie tea 12.1 you have gone up so you would need to increase the basal about two hours before that. But you have also said you go hypo or drop considerably.

You need to maybe plot a graph of a weeks levels and always test at these times. Then you will have an idea of whether you are going up or down and which one is more ie more ups then increase the basal and when you go shopping put on a decreased temp basal or if you have more hypos then decrease the basal but put on an increased temp basal when you don't go shopping.

Does that make sense? Without all the readings I'm a bit stuck as I'm not following this bit very well. Sorry.

Hi all

A moan.

So E comes home yesterday full of another cold, feeling rather rotten. Like last time, he'd been low all day.

Had nothing for dinner but pasta. Not best choice but there we are. 6 hour dual wave, with the spag bol sauce bolus up front. Worked quite well last time.

At 2.5 hours is 5.3mmols. A bit low we think, esp given the day. Give some milk and biscuit.

At 5.5 hours he is 17mmols! OH stops dual wave, corrects and does temp basal. We think this is a) pasta coming in, b) cold/infection or c) too much milk and biscuit.

As per usual, we also test 2 hours ish after correction. This is 3am. I haven't slept since 1am, the last test, for some reason.

He is 24.6mmols. 😱😱 He and I both scrabble for the pump: the set is OUT!!!

Wake up OH. Takes three times to get the damn quickset NOT TO STICK to the sides. E fighting hysteria and feeling terribly in danger.

Set change done. Only just over traces ketones. Whack of insulin. We retire to test again in an hour. E soon calls me back however, and holds onto me.

Then follow two more hours of real awfulness. E feels terrible. He wants to die. He feels so sick he can't cope. He wants it to be over. He begs me to make it go away. We test quite a lot, and follow the numbers going down.

At 5am he throws up, and quickly feels better. He soon sleeps, and eventually, so do I, having been up four hours.

How can this happen AGAIN?! The two things that can go really wrong: bent cannula, and the set change coming out, have happened in the last two weeks!! Two days before I leave!!!

He's sleeping. Down to 12 by 7am, and we've corrected, put him on temp basal.

Only good thing is now we will know to *always* check the connection to the body if there's a high number at night, despite what may be other likely reasons...

Thanks for listening. But frankly, I've had enough. I never bargained on anything like this, ever. I never thought I'd have to listen to my child begging me to make it stop. And have to be strong enough to jolly him along.



Becca, I'm sorry I realised I didn't commiserate with the rotten time you had with R a couple of days ago. Sounded grim. :(

bye for now...

Oh no Patricia, poor E, he must have felt horrid. Poor you. I am wondering about these sets coming off. Does he have the pump loose in the bed. We do. I find that some of the quick sets can be undone quite easily and others are quite tough. Perhaps the ones that have come off from E have been very easy ones to undo and with the moving around in bed it actually just twisted off. Maybe when he has a set that is easy he needs to not have the pump loose and see what happens. Just a thought.

One friend from the other group always does the second correction with a pen as it seems to work quicker. I haven't done that and don't imagine Jessica would let me but maybe worth talking to her about.

I hope he is ok today and you of course.

I have kept Jessica off school today as we have also had some very rough nights but opposite to you, very low ones.

She has had 2 1/2 cans of coke over night last night and I have been awake since 3.12 am when the pump first alarmed.

I have been fighting with trying to keep her over 4.0 using coke and temp basals for 30 mins at a time.

I agree with E why the hell have these kids got what they have, its not fair. At least with Jessica we know why she has, it is genetic from me and her dad and I'm a carrier because my dad is a carrier as are my two siblings but for normal type 1's, what the hell is the reason. 😡
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