The Pumpers Thread!

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Thanks for your thoughts and sympathy -- it *was* pretty dreadful. Hard to last through.

Never had a set come off at night -- it was actually the whole thing, cannula and all! Somehow he just pulled the lot off...checking for ease of coming off is prob a v good idea.

Wondered about the second correction/injection thing. It seemed an *endless* wait last night. But when we had to go to hosp a couple of weeks ago, was same amount of time basically, and that was injection.

I'm sorry to hear you are having to prop J up so much. Good grief. Exhausting for both of you. I feel for you.

E is shattered but basically just full of cold. Hypo-ed at 9am (!), so now off temp basal. At least it won't take days to come fully down like it did last time! He's quite bright though, a bit like 'phew, made it'.

Meanwhile I'm overloaded with last minute things to do and I want to set up the house etc so all is as easy as it can be. Ugh. Too much!


OMG Patricia and Adrienne!

Patricia- how horrible for you all - especially poor E. After the other weekend he is obviously terrified of high's and rightly so. My heart goes out to him and i could cry for him when you describe his fear. Not something a parent ever wants to witness is it? Like Adrienne, I am wondering why the whole thing came off? A has never let it loose in the bed - he always wears a pouch or lately his spibelt - I have to say i would be worried if he didnt have it strapped to him- but then thats how it has always been - so we dont know any different.
Did you send for a spibelt? If not- we have a spare if you wanted to use it whilst your away - it may give you piece of mind? If you would like it -send me a pm and i will be more than happy to send it to you today.

I am sending a huge big HUG to you all - i dont know what else to say - i just *know* how awful and useless it makes you feel when these things happen.

Adrienne - poor you and poor J! Is there any particular reason that she was so low through the night? Food - exercise? Or is it just one of those 'diabetes blips' that we cant explain? I do know how awful and tired you must feel - its horrible isnt it? I hope J is feeling better today and that you can get some rest! If i lived nearer to you i would offer to give you a break.🙂 x

A had 4 x hypo's between 4pm and midnight last night - no idea why - i am just glad i hadnt changed his evening basal as i was going to do or he would have been very low! Only thing i can think is his evening meal was boiled pots sweetcorn, poached egg and banana -all very quick i think - so wont be giving that combination again!😱

I had a bit of good news this morning - the cardiologist said there is absolutely nothing wrong with my heart trace and i should forget about it now and get back to cycling and try not to get stressed!🙂

Hope everyone else is ok? 🙂Bev
Bev, thank you...Is it difficult to adjust the pump then when it's in the spibelt? We quite frequently make adjustments at night...But yes, he does have it free and always has done...confess am re-thinking this! He doesn't clip it to pjs cos says it is uncomfortable...

Didn't order spibelt cos he said he wasn't really bothered at all, so didn't want to push it. Though I like the look of them!

Will ask him though about the short term Bev, so appreciate it.

Lordy. Sorry about A's hypos! Just HATE that.

BUT good news re heart: phew. Get on the bike. Here the sun is shining!

Patricia, all you have to do is unzip it and it falls out - its only like a thin elasticated pouch. If E changes his mind - let me know and i will send it to you. I am just thinking that it took 10 days for A's to arrive from America. So if you wanted one sooner - then dont hesitate to let me know.

I have to say that they give A a feeling of security - the belt doesnt move round much and it stops the pump from falling too far from the set (if that makes sense). I had made him a couple - one was sewn which he loved and then i knitted him one - which he loved - until the spibelts came along!:(🙂

I do hope E is feeling better today. I also know that you will feel bad about leaving him. But try not to worry Patricia, unlike me, you have the best support E could wish for - his dad sounds 'on the ball' and so does his lovely sister - he will be in the best of hands! Perhaps it will help to re-charge your batteries having a few days away, and you will come back all refreshed and ready to battle with diabetes! We all need a break and you will be able to catch up with family etc - it will do you good! Your a great mum and you always do the best for E - so dont feel guilty (if you are) for having to go away for a bit.🙂Bev x
Blimey you lot - ever though of writing a book! Surely you've all had to cope with more over the past few days than most do at all!

Sorry to hear you're all having such rough times, your poor kids must be exhausted.

What sets do you use? ive never had one of mine come unstuck, in fact they can be quite tricky to get off sometimes. Ive even caught the tubing on a few door handles and its pulled me backwards - very sore but the set held in place!

Do you have different set options with the pumps your using?

Really hope all involved start feeling better soon! xxx

Jessica always has had the pump free in bed with her. A few reasons for this. She gets so hot and sweaty anyway that with something wrapped around her, it would be horrible. Also, as Patricia has pointed out, it is so much easier to get to the pump if not inside anything. We have tried before and if she is sleeping on it then you have to turn her over or reach around under neath her pull the case around to unzip it etc etc. Just finding a pump is easier for me. The main thing however is the sensor alarms. If you have them incased inside something there is no way on earth you would hear them, they are just not loud enough. Even the VEO's are loud enough until it shuts itself off and sirens very loudly. The siren before it goes into switch off mode is the same as the 522/722 an is not loud.

Bev, I'm so pleased your heart is ok and you are feeling fine. Nightmare with the hypos. Wonder why.

I find meals with just potatoes as carbs ie roast or boiled need hardly any insulin at all. I don't count the gravy.

Patricia, I hope E feels better soon.

Bev, I'm not getting any rest today unfortunately, I have a bathroom to paint and it has to be done. We are not here at the weekend, Jessica has contact so we are away. Oh well, the finished result will be good. 🙂
Hello again all (hi Viki!)

Spoke to E about spibelt -- he's not keen. He says this has only happened once, etc...He's his father's son, very balanced! Thanks anyway Bev -- if he changes his mind, I'll be in touch!

His numbers are very good today. A relief after the two days last time it took to recover.

I have yet to rest today either, though I'm now feeling it. We have a black tie do tonight, on top of everything else. One suspects yours truly will look sort of like nine kinds of hell...Oh well. At least it looks like we're going. Last weekend we were supposed to go to a party -- and E's numbers sky-rocketed as a result of cold, so we had to stay in. :(

We use quicksets Viki. What do you use?

Take care Adrienne. We're in this together today!


Not sure I quite get this. Are you going hypo or hyper. The example you have given ie tea 12.1 you have gone up so you would need to increase the basal about two hours before that. But you have also said you go hypo or drop considerably.

You need to maybe plot a graph of a weeks levels and always test at these times. Then you will have an idea of whether you are going up or down and which one is more ie more ups then increase the basal and when you go shopping put on a decreased temp basal or if you have more hypos then decrease the basal but put on an increased temp basal when you don't go shopping.

Does that make sense? Without all the readings I'm a bit stuck as I'm not following this bit very well. Sorry.

It fine, thanks, its confusing me somewhat too, yes i can go up or down at these same times, need bit more invstigating i think, but thank you for your input, hope all is with with you and Jessica?
Hello again all (hi Viki!)

Spoke to E about spibelt -- he's not keen. He says this has only happened once, etc...He's his father's son, very balanced! Thanks anyway Bev -- if he changes his mind, I'll be in touch!

His numbers are very good today. A relief after the two days last time it took to recover.

I have yet to rest today either, though I'm now feeling it. We have a black tie do tonight, on top of everything else. One suspects yours truly will look sort of like nine kinds of hell...Oh well. At least it looks like we're going. Last weekend we were supposed to go to a party -- and E's numbers sky-rocketed as a result of cold, so we had to stay in. :(

We use quicksets Viki. What do you use?

Take care Adrienne. We're in this together today!


Yes but I'd rather being going to the black tie do than Brownies!!!!!! Where Jessica goes, I go. I am called Fluffy Owl - this is no joke 😱 and bathroom nearly all blue, have to finish on Monday, Brownies beckons.
Bev, thank you...Is it difficult to adjust the pump then when it's in the spibelt? We quite frequently make adjustments at night...But yes, he does have it free and always has done...confess am re-thinking this! He doesn't clip it to pjs cos says it is uncomfortable...

Didn't order spibelt cos he said he wasn't really bothered at all, so didn't want to push it. Though I like the look of them!

Will ask him though about the short term Bev, so appreciate it.

Lordy. Sorry about A's hypos! Just HATE that.

BUT good news re heart: phew. Get on the bike. Here the sun is shining!


Patricia how awful its been for you, hope it all settles soon and you sort out why the sets are coming off? I understand about the being uncomfortable in bed thing, just wondering what position your boy sleeps in or is he a wriggler like J. The thing is I know i only sleep on my sides, not my back or front, therefore i clip my pump right in the middle of my waistband on pjs and i dont feel it at all and I dont wake up because of it. dont know if this help you at all was just hoping it might give you an idea of where to clip it. I think i would be worried to have my pump just loose in the bed though.

Bev great news re the heart trace, think you have just been might stressed and no wonder! Hope A is good.

Adrienne, wow you are all going through so much at the moment, my heart goes out to you all. Hope J and yourself have had a better day today.
Yes but I'd rather being going to the black tie do than Brownies!!!!!! Where Jessica goes, I go. I am called Fluffy Owl - this is no joke 😱 and bathroom nearly all blue, have to finish on Monday, Brownies beckons.

FLUFFY OWL!!!!!!!!Fantastic - I think you should change your name on here to fluffy owl! I dont know who chose the name - but i wouldnt have decribed you as 'fluffy'!(in the nicest possible way).😛:D😉Bev x
Well, just to let you all know, if i havent mentioned it already, going away till Thursday, first trip in 2 years, took me all day to pack, cant believe all the back up stuff etc ah well,🙄

Sure i will have a lot to catch up on when i return, take care all xxxxxxxx🙂
I hope your going somewhere warm! Its about to get cold here at the weekend. Just been checking the logs situation and think i may light the first fire of the winter tonight! You deserve a nice break - all the waiting for the pump and then changing and adapting etc..
Hope you have a brilliant time and let us know how it all goes! Hope youve packed your manual for the pump!:DBev x
hi not hyjacking just wanted to wish tracey happy hols , you deserve a good hol hun take care and relax xx
Sorry to hear about the highs and the lows that the kids have been going through! Hope they are feeling a bit better now! You should both be very proud of yourselves as you are doing a grand job! sending hugs!

Tracey, Have a great hol hun! you deserve it! hope all goes well with the pump. Hopefully I may have some news of my start date when you get back, I've been watching the phone like a hawk and twitchin everytime it rings!

Hope everyone else is ok. Have had 2 hypo's today but sugar seems fine now. Although, I think I can feel another one brewing.....fella has just told me we need to spend 1500 on the car and we only bought the damn thing a few weeks ago!!!!😱

Point me in the direction of the drinks cabinet is what me thinks!!!

lesley x
We use quicksets Viki. What do you use?

I use inset II - i looked up the quickset and although they look a bit different they are essentially the same and have the same feature etc.

Do your pumps use luer lock fittings or are you tied into using the manufacturers infusion sets?
Oh gosh, Patricia! What an awlful experience for you and E. I could just weep when i even think about it, let alone live through it. Blasted diabetes! So unfair on our precious kids! I do hope things have settled down and that he recovers well from his cold. As you know, we have had problems with my son coming detached from the pump but never the whole thing coming out! Not what you needed when you about to go away. But, on the positive side, at least it happened before you went and it would be very unlucky to have it happen again so hopefully that is not something they will have to cope with when you away. I send you HUGE hugs. xx

Adrienne (fluffy😉) - sorry you having problems with J being low at moment. Hope it gets better soon. x

Bev - great news re your heart! Get on that bike asap!!!!!!! 🙂

Tracey - Happy hols!! x

Steph - Hi! How you doing? 🙂

Lou, Becca, Lesley, Viki and all - have a good weekend.

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Oh no Patricia, that was such a sad read. I could have cried. I am racking my brains trying to work out what to say. This is devestating---

I am with Tracey on this one and clip to the centre of the waste in the middle. It doesnt seem to affect sleeping. I have spibelts in the post which havent arrived as yet. I may change my routine.

With regards to spibelt I got an email today, 10% discount on childrens spibelts. If anyone wants the email PM me and I will happily forward on (but I think the codes are ones we already know of!).

Have you tried sprays to make the canula a little more sticky? When I sent off for the sample of lift off spray that Adrienne suggested a while back I ticked most of the sample boxes. Its called Skinsafe non-protective film order code 6601. You simply spray it on, leave it a few moments and put your canula in. I started doing this because I was having trouble with the adhesive and sweating in the gym. Seems to work for me. Free sample anyway, may be worth a shot.

I am miffed it came out like that. Like Viki, Ive been reeled in sharply on several occassions, mainly walking round my bed posts and door handles and have always sprung back, with an ouch almost every time- but no disconnection...

I hope you get everything done!

Fluffy- any regreats on sharing that info?! :D
In some haste, friends...But just to say I'm holding on to your thoughts and care. I will investigate all suggestions upon return. The clipping in the middle may be the one worth cajoling first!

E snotty but fine. We did something different last night that worked. He was 4.9 at 12am, heavily asleep and SO exhausted. No active insulin. So we put him on 10% basal for 1.5 hours. He was 5.5 this morning! So could have gone on a little longer, and he may be dropping a little overnight -- but it was a good call, and saved hauling him up and giving him juice.

Black tie do was entertaining. Minor royalty. Lots of shiny shoed men with earpieces. Not enough champagne! A fabulous quintet.

Packing today. I'm sure I'll check in while away -- you're family!

All we can all do is sometimes give into despair, and then just get on. That's it, really, isn't it?

Fingers crossed they have a clear week and a bit. I have a very good friend on back up and ready to go in any situation day or night, so that's put my mind at some ease.

Lou, I think the sweating thing may be relevant here...He's generally a hot sleeper, but being unwell I suspect he was very tossing and turning AND hot. So you have found this makes them slip more? Hmmm...

Viki, not sure we are tied into a type of inserter with our pump. Do you know Fluff -- I mean, Adrienne?!

Mand, I hope things are okay with you. Are they?

Everyone else: think of me! Seven flights in nine days. Ergh. BUT my (same) good friend just reminded me that life is an adventure. She's right.

I'll be in touch! Hang in everyone. (Tracey: have a FAB time yourself. Tell us all about it.)

Yes, Patricia, all fine with me, thanks. We still tweaking away here and there to smooth things out but still in love with the pump compared to mdi. Set changes going very smoothly and, generally, life is just that bit easier with pump - despite hic-cups now and then with the cannulas.

Patricia, i wish you a very safe journey. Sounds like you have a pretty fab friend! Good to know she there for your family. I think this break will do you good. I hope you manage to relax (easier said than done, I know!) but if you manage to switch off for a bit then hopefully you will come back refreshed and feel stronger. I will be thinking of you. xx

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. 🙂🙂
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