The Pumpers Thread!

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This Veo recall stuff- is this in adition to what we were chatting about a few weeks back? Becca did a thread detailing the software flaw and motor error. If this is the case, what will be given when our pumps are recalled? If anyone has spoken to medtronic or their team i would be really interested to know what the offical word is. Thanks in adv.(I know I should be taking this VERY seriously but all I can think is that Im changing to a blue one :D).

Hi Yes this is the same thing we talked about before the software flaw and motor error. My msg above (or on another page by now) is from a diabetes team that are in the know (normally) so I would take it from them.

However on the other list, no-one else has heard this yet. I'll keep you all posted as to what is being said.
VEO - more info


Bit more info re the problem :

.........the problems are based around if you use the Contour Link BG meter & if you have BG reminders set for the sensor, they recommend you switch them off & don't use the Contour Link for now.......

Again this is what a friend has heard from her medical team. Apparently the staff at Medtronic were confused (I imagine the ones that answer the phones). There was all this stuff about the problem being the tiny increments used, this is bull* apparently and it is software.

Apparently everyone will be receiving a letter from Medtronic if you have a VEO so watch this space.
Hi guys

Wow it's been busy on here. Will go back over stuff, Bev will PM you as well....

Completely changing the posts - sorry :( just had to share what happened to Rose today....Did a set change last night and all working fine, levels at school before lunch today were 3.0 then up to 6.0. 2 hours later after clarinet lesson, bloods tested again (as normal day) and get a call from school - she's 30.1 😱 Rushed up to school and saw blood in the part of the quick set so did a set change at school - which didn't go down well with Rose......

Put her on a temp basal of 200% (would make it 0.5) for an hour and a correction - she had 0.3 ketone so not too bad. An hour later at home she was 20.6, then 1 more hour later she was 3.3 😱😱 ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, bless her, she's gone to bed tonight around the 8 mark complaining of bad tummy ache probably because she's been hypo from lunch up into the 30s and hypo again within 5 hours GRRR!!!!!! One of those days.....

So sorry to hear about Rose. Must have been awful! Hope she is feeling alot better today! big hugs! x
Ladies, ladies, ladies!!!!

I was only here at lunchtime before work and Ive just read EIGHT pages!!!!

BEANS, I do exactly what they say on the tin so I bolus- I should be so lucky they are free...

It did occur to me before you got the 24 hour tape its amost like you having a pump on, Bev! Really would be interested to know how you get on with the sleeping! Bless A, he must find that amusing that mum is pumping for 24 hours too! ope all the gallbladder stuff is ok.

This Veo recall stuff- is this in adition to what we were chatting about a few weeks back? Becca did a thread detailing the software flaw and motor error. If this is the case, what will be given when our pumps are recalled? If anyone has spoken to medtronic or their team i would be really interested to know what the offical word is. Thanks in adv.(I know I should be taking this VERY seriously but all I can think is that Im changing to a blue one :D).

Lesley, sounds like a great choice of pump. I would love to see one of these, I have little envious moments since hearing about Traceys...

Hope everyone is ok, must dash its late, starting work at 7.30am and Im not through all the new posts much to do, so little time!


Hi Lou and all,
Just spoken to medtronic. The 'technical' dept told me to stop using the 'bolus reminder feature' as it is giving false reminders. Also to stop using the 'contour meter' as the bg reading is misinterpreting the reading and giving a wrong amount to bolus or correct. You can manually put the bg in and this is fine. We will be getting a letter any day and will all have the veo's replaced by January. Luckily we havent used the contour meter as A prefers the nano, and we dont enter his bg - we just do it all manually as we were waiting for further training next week. But we do use the bolus reminder feature for lunchtime at school - so that will have to be disabled. They said a 'technical bod' had found this out and that no-one has suffered from either of these anomolies (sp?).😱🙂Bev
Well, everything went really well today at the pump clinic. Basically everything had already been approved by my consultant and the funding was already there so the nurse just wanted to go though some info with me about my doses now and also show me the pumps which were available. I have gone with the AccuChek Spirit Combo pump. She is going to order it for me (only takes a couple of days) and them she is going to ring me about pump start. She is really busy at the mo though and only does pumps on a Tuesday. She said that I will have the pump for 1- 2 weeks before "go live" so I can have a play and get used to sharing a bed with it etc! I am hoping that I don't have to wait too long but at least I know everything is definately happening now!

Yippppeeeeee (but also sort of papping myself!) x

YAY! That is fantastic news Lesley, I'm so pleased for you. :D
YAY! That is fantastic news Lesley, I'm so pleased for you. :D

Thank you! Looking forward to it but as I said I am quite nervous. Have been reading my "pumping insulin" book like mad. I put it on the back burner for a bit until I knew what was happening. I have read about 40 pages in an hour today!!!!:D

Hope everyone is ok today! x
Hi Lesley, really pleased for you! I'm sure you'll get lots of advice from 'those who have gone before'!:D
good evening gals xx

hows is everyone just thought id peep in and have a gander
Thank you! Looking forward to it but as I said I am quite nervous. Have been reading my "pumping insulin" book like mad. I put it on the back burner for a bit until I knew what was happening. I have read about 40 pages in an hour today!!!!:D

Hope everyone is ok today! x

Good Luck Lesley!! Very exciting 🙂
hello all,

Mand sorry to hear about your distressing night. It really is worth giving the degassing a go. I tried it but first go didnt manage, but drew out the insulin a few minutes later and so far my reservoir has been perfect, clear as a bell. I will keep using this method, good luck.

spoke to dsn today, she said to up basal from 5-7pm. I told her i had lowered here as this is when i am getting hypo. I did say this usually happens when i do the supermarket (dont know why 🙄), she said to do a temp basal for the i upped the basal, went to the supermarket and forgot the temp basal, came home, fell asleep on sofa and woke up to a 2.1😱 flippin heck, will keep the basal and see what happens tomorrow.

Bev, hope you are feeling better and A is ok? Hope his basals are keeping him more steady.

Lesley, i have pumping insulin but not had time to read yet as too much manual reading yet, will be taking on hol with me on Saturday though, looking forward to reading it.

Hello Steff

Lou, please try to keep up :D😉
Hmmmmmm.....good research Bev and Adrienne! Loving your work, but now I am slightly worried.....

So this is more serious than I thought. I am using both the functions that you have been warned against! I am have decided I am not going to disable those functions and carry on using the blous reminder and the contour link. Obviously if something happens I would immediately. I am wondering why medtronic decide the best way to inform us of a malfunction or product recall is by letter.....when in my area there is a postal strike 😡

It upsets me a little, as we have to have some faith in these people due to why we are in their custom, and I wouldnt know about any of these problems if the god people of the forum hadnt shared what they knew....I find it a little bizarre.....if not scary.

Thanks though for sharing what you know. Can I ask, if you feel comfortable to do so, would you mind letting me know what the letter says? I am getting nothing in the post that hasnt taken 3 weeks. Thanks peeps. I am interested on what they propose for the replacement. Are we going back to MDI?:confused:

Ho-hum.....and in other news.....!

Oh Mand, one of those nights? Poor you that sounds awful. Sounds like you were text book though in your treatment, well done (not easy at random hours!). Very strange the set popped off, I hope this isnt an on-going problem. You must be pretty tired today too?

Great to hear everyones news.....anyone for a roll call and quick fire round? 🙂 Adrienne, is Jessica's numbers settled now? Patricia, I can tell you are much busier now, everything going alright? Bev I hope you feeling better and 24 tape completed? Lesley, excited??! Im excited to read that as I know I was that excited too! Becca, hope yesterdays high hasnt made R washed out today and that you both recovered..... Tracey, hows the new basal rates? Viki, I have always wondered what pump you have? Perhaps we can swap notes at the London meetup?! Steff, Randomange always great to see you in pump central :D

Hope everyone in pump land is having a nice, relaxing evening xXx
Hi all,

Just a quick question. Given the fact that there seems to be a potential problem with the veo - what is the protocol for going back to injections if there is a problem?
I know this sounds stupid - but do i just go back to levemir and novo - and if so - how do i work the levemir out? Obviously on the pump there is a lot less background insulin -but i wouldnt know where to start if i had to suddenly swop! I feel as if i have forgotten all about injections!😱

Tracey - sounds like your getting on top of pumping - well done! A is doing ok thanks - just need to try to get his morning ratio/basal right now.🙂

Mand - sorry to hear of your sons problem in the night - we had a similar thing at 7am monday morning - big rush and lots of worry!😱

Hope everyone else is ok and keeping well.🙂Bev

Lou, didnt mean to leave you out! I doubt we will have to go back to MDI - dont worry. But i would be careful using the bolus reminder feature! p.s. loved your kitchen pics- like your utensils lots! Bev x
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Hi Bev,

Yes this is my immediate concern too. Should I crank up the supplies and the mindset of MDI again? Surely medtronic cannot take all pumps just like that and supply new fully functional and trialed models straight back into the market- will we actually have an immediate exchange? I am thinking not....

.....I dont like not knowing.

.....must be worse when you are trying to adapt your child to one then consider the other again?

......I am a little nervous about this!

spoke to dsn today, she said to up basal from 5-7pm. I told her i had lowered here as this is when i am getting hypo. I did say this usually happens when i do the supermarket (dont know why 🙄), she said to do a temp basal for the i upped the basal, went to the supermarket and forgot the temp basal, came home, fell asleep on sofa and woke up to a 2.1😱 flippin heck, will keep the basal and see what happens tomorrow.

Hi Tracey

Not sure if I am understanding this right but throught I would chime in anyway.

If you are going hypo at say 6 pm then you need to change the basal at approx 4 pm, no good changing it at 6 pm.

So if your hypos are 5pm to 7pm then I would look at your basals at say 3pm or 4 pm, depending when your hypos really are.

If you hypo going shopping then putting on a temp basal at the time you go may not have any effect until you get back. You may find you are a bit high later !

If you know you are going shopping at say 5 pm and you know you go hypo then put on the lower temp basal at say 4 pm and see what happens. I can't remember what basals you are on but if they are low then a temp basal of say 70% will do nothing at all. You may need to see what 50% or even 30% does or any number and work from there.
Hi Sugarbum

I would disable those features if I were you without a doubt. If has been confirmed that these are the two feature going wrong and others are disabling them. What would happen is that if you get a motor error sign then you would ring Medtronic and within 24 hours you get a 522 or 722 (same as what Becca and we have, they are fab). Then when the VEO's get replaced in about January you will get the new batch of VEO's.

There is unrest that Medtronic didn't act on this immediately, people are not happy. They should have announced this pretty damn quick and told all hospitals who could have told their patients. A statement on their website will be up within 24 hours apparently.

Once I get my eyes on a letter, one will be scanned on the email group, then I'll let you have a copy but I imagine you would all get yours on here first.

If you do not use either of these features you should not get an error code. As far as I know no-one has had an error code if not using them. But one lady who has a little boy had the error code, got a replacement and got the same error code, now has a 722.

I really do recommend you stop the features just for the time being.

Going back onto injections I'm sure your hospital will have a protocol if not, then don't panic. If it were me I would start with Lantus (we used that) and give the same amount of that as we do basal and then carb count using roughly the same ratios but you will no doubt need more of both as insulin needs lower normally when pumping. However I don't imagine any of your will need to go back on MDI, if the pumps fail use your NR and ring Medtronic any time of the night, the USA are very helpful. You will get a new pump very quickly.

Hope that has alleviated some fears.
Lou - read your pm!🙂Bev x

Thanks honey!

Thanks also Adrienne, you two are very good at keeping me in the loop- better than medtronic is all I can say! Just sent an email to my DSN (we email a lot) just to request she keeps me in the loop while the postal strike is on- she's a good woman, Im sure she would anyway.

Adrienne if I ended up with the 522 or the other one (Ive forgotten what numbers they are called) are they relatively the same to work?

....much clamer thank you.....and naturally starting to deviously plan how I can get the situation to work for me and get a different colour!

Thanks honey!

Thanks also Adrienne, you two are very good at keeping me in the loop- better than medtronic is all I can say! Just sent an email to my DSN (we email a lot) just to request she keeps me in the loop while the postal strike is on- she's a good woman, Im sure she would anyway.

Adrienne if I ended up with the 522 or the other one (Ive forgotten what numbers they are called) are they relatively the same to work?

....much clamer thank you.....and naturally starting to deviously plan how I can get the situation to work for me and get a different colour!



Yes the 522/722 are the same machines except for the cut off when too low and the increments for basals. The lowest is 0.05 and only goes up in 0.05, there is no 0.025 at all. They are the main differences. The wizards are all the same. We've used a 522 for nearly 3 years now and we love it. The 722 just has a bigger reservoir for bigger people that's all (probably adults as well as older children). Only four (or five) colour choices for these though. Smokey (think black/grey), blue, purple (what we have), clear and I think that is about it.

I don't think your DSN has done anything wrong by the way, she still may not even know, you may be the first to tell her !!
Viki, I have always wondered what pump you have? Perhaps we can swap notes at the London meetup?!

Im a bright green Animas 2020 girl! :D

It the only one ive ever really seen, im intrigued to see some different ones and how well the can be hidden compared to mine!
Evening all,

I'm begining to to think about a pump now that I'm at university. Not that I'm whingeing greatly about MDI but something doesn't seem to give me much fun about it. My flat mates are all very good and understanding about it but some how I think I don't want to have to nip into the bogs in a club/pub to do my evening levemir and I'd just like to have it on my belt without having to think about it.

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