The Pumpers Thread!

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I have been thinking about why A went high overnight. He had a hypo 2 x hours after eating his meal (2.4). He had beans on toast

Beans, they are a bugger arnt they? On dafne we were told not to count beans as they are so low gi that they should have little or no effect on the bg. However they did say was trial and error (again🙄), and some people do dose for them, some dose for half. I personally dont dose for them unless im having a lot and then not much. we were tol not to count any pulses such as beans, kidney beans, lentils, chick peas etc. hope tis helps.

Bev sorry to hear you not too good with the gall bladder hope its sorted for you soon and not too uncomfortable. xxx
Nothing much to report myself, numbers pretty stable generally with the odd spike, but can always pin that down to what ive eaten. have upped my lunch ratio a little as been thinking of doing that for a while anyway, so dont really want to change anymore basals till i know how thats going.

Had buffet lunch today (hate those), so had to guess some of it, was 9.3 at 4 hours, so not too bad.

hope everyone is ok?
Hi All,

Bev, Sorry to hear about the gall bladder prob. you really sound like you have been in the thick of it lately! I'm sure things will take a turn for the better soon enough!

Wow, Tracey, I have always dosed for beans, never heard about not counting them before, I treat them as though they are loaded with sugar but then again everyone is different!

Well, everything went really well today at the pump clinic. Basically everything had already been approved by my consultant and the funding was already there so the nurse just wanted to go though some info with me about my doses now and also show me the pumps which were available. I have gone with the AccuChek Spirit Combo pump. She is going to order it for me (only takes a couple of days) and them she is going to ring me about pump start. She is really busy at the mo though and only does pumps on a Tuesday. She said that I will have the pump for 1- 2 weeks before "go live" so I can have a play and get used to sharing a bed with it etc! I am hoping that I don't have to wait too long but at least I know everything is definately happening now!

Yippppeeeeee (but also sort of papping myself!) x
hiya lesley congrats thats really good news , i bet you have a mixture of emotions hun but im sure you will get through it after all you have the fellow pumpers and mums of pumpers hear to ask anythiny you need x
Hi All,

Bev, Sorry to hear about the gall bladder prob. you really sound like you have been in the thick of it lately! I'm sure things will take a turn for the better soon enough!

Wow, Tracey, I have always dosed for beans, never heard about not counting them before, I treat them as though they are loaded with sugar but then again everyone is different!

Well, everything went really well today at the pump clinic. Basically everything had already been approved by my consultant and the funding was already there so the nurse just wanted to go though some info with me about my doses now and also show me the pumps which were available. I have gone with the AccuChek Spirit Combo pump. She is going to order it for me (only takes a couple of days) and them she is going to ring me about pump start. She is really busy at the mo though and only does pumps on a Tuesday. She said that I will have the pump for 1- 2 weeks before "go live" so I can have a play and get used to sharing a bed with it etc! I am hoping that I don't have to wait too long but at least I know everything is definately happening now!

Yippppeeeeee (but also sort of papping myself!) x

wow thats great Lesley, such a relief for you, I should know. You are getting the same one as me. Its great I love it! Congrats, get ready for lots of reading girl!!
I have been thinking about why A went high overnight. He had a hypo 2 x hours after eating his meal (2.4). He had beans on toast

Beans, they are a bugger arnt they? On dafne we were told not to count beans as they are so low gi that they should have little or no effect on the bg. However they did say was trial and error (again🙄), and some people do dose for them, some dose for half. I personally dont dose for them unless im having a lot and then not much. we were tol not to count any pulses such as beans, kidney beans, lentils, chick peas etc. hope tis helps.

Bev sorry to hear you not too good with the gall bladder hope its sorted for you soon and not too uncomfortable. xxx

Hi Tracey,
Thanks for your kindness. Wow- i didnt know you could discount beans! Well -no wonder we got the beans on toast so wrong! He doesnt often have them - but when he does its with a cooked breakfast - so maybe it changes things just being with toast? Anyway, thanks for the tip.

I am wearing the 24 ecg monitor. A thinks its great as it looks just like a pump and he said we are twins....Also, just had a heart scan and the consultant said the results were 'quite unremarkable'!The structure of the heart is perfect and also unremarkable! So i am very pleased with that - i will stop worrying now. He said he is only doing the 24 hr ecg to put my mind at rest.🙂

Lesley, I am so pleased for you - and excited! I am sure it wont take too long as the funding side has been sorted out - let us know when you get a date!🙂Bev x
I am hoping that she will let me have it next tuesday with maybe a view to starting a couple of weeks after that. at least I can have a play and get used to it! I won't get the monitor with it as she said I have to get used to using the pump first so that will follow a few weeks later! I know I am going to have a lot to learn and I am a bit nervous really cause of basically getting used to how you can give differnt waves and stuff. She told me anything over 5 units should always go on an extended bolus!!! Wow, get e with the lingo!!!

Wow I have a lot to learn.
Hi Bev, Sorry to hear about your gall stone problems, hope you are ok xx

I never used to take into account the beans when I had beans on toast because I was told I didn't need to by my dietician, which was fine for me at first. Since my insulin requirements increased ive needed to take into account the beans because i used to always go high after beans on toast! I think I made a thread about it at the time, but I can't find it now!
Baked beans

Hi guys

Not quite sure what to say here re the beans. I am so shocked that some of you have been told not to count beans and especially in a DAFNE course. I am gobsmacked. They are all carbs, lots of carbs and all have to be counted. They make such a huge impact on levels. It is not just the carbs it is the fibre as well. In the USA they actually count fibre as well as carbs. Not sure how that is done but in the UK we don't ! Don't know why.

For example I'm looking at a tin of haricot beans. The tin is not huge and I would put it all into a mince mix of some sort. The whole tin is 21 carbs. For 100g there is 9.0 carbs.

Baked beans : I have here a tin of heinz which happens to be 'low in sugar' on the can. It is one of the large ish cans with 415 g in. For half the can (and I can imagine some would have the whole can on toast) it is 26.7 carbs.

You cannot ignore beans. All pulses need counting unless you have so few. We have been told to not worry about counting things under 5 carbs but some people have to, we do. Also if you have lots of things on your plate with under 5 cho each then they will add up to over !

A jacket potato with cheese is hard to sort out due to the cheese (fat). A jacket with just beans is also hard to work out (due to the fibre) but put cheese and beans on a jacket and you blow it out the window. most people find they cannot work out a way of covering that particular dish with insulin. Even pumpers find it really really hard work. I can't do it and neither can the others on the email list. We have all tried and it is topic of conversation regularly.

Bev, beans on toast could well have shot A up but not all night.
Hi guys

Not quite sure what to say here re the beans. I am so shocked that some of you have been told not to count beans and especially in a DAFNE course. I am gobsmacked. They are all carbs, lots of carbs and all have to be counted. They make such a huge impact on levels. It is not just the carbs it is the fibre as well. In the USA they actually count fibre as well as carbs. Not sure how that is done but in the UK we don't ! Don't know why.

For example I'm looking at a tin of haricot beans. The tin is not huge and I would put it all into a mince mix of some sort. The whole tin is 21 carbs. For 100g there is 9.0 carbs.

Baked beans : I have here a tin of heinz which happens to be 'low in sugar' on the can. It is one of the large ish cans with 415 g in. For half the can (and I can imagine some would have the whole can on toast) it is 26.7 carbs.

You cannot ignore beans. All pulses need counting unless you have so few. We have been told to not worry about counting things under 5 carbs but some people have to, we do. Also if you have lots of things on your plate with under 5 cho each then they will add up to over !

A jacket potato with cheese is hard to sort out due to the cheese (fat). A jacket with just beans is also hard to work out (due to the fibre) but put cheese and beans on a jacket and you blow it out the window. most people find they cannot work out a way of covering that particular dish with insulin. Even pumpers find it really really hard work. I can't do it and neither can the others on the email list. We have all tried and it is topic of conversation regularly.

Bev, beans on toast could well have shot A up but not all night.

Adrienne, You are so clued up on all stuff diabetes related. Are you within the profession or have you been on a lot of training? Just interested, most of what I have learnt has just been off forums and the internet.
Adrienne, You are so clued up on all stuff diabetes related. Are you within the profession or have you been on a lot of training? Just interested, most of what I have learnt has just been off forums and the internet.

Adrienne isnt a professional - but she SHOULD be! She is more knowledgeable than most DSN's! (didnt mean to answer for you Adrienne!)🙂

So - how do you dose for beans on toast? Oops- i will go and read Katies thread now!🙂Bev
Bev, you just take the insulin for the amount of carbs as usual 🙂 So check on the tin. I now take 12 units instead of 8!
Wow Adrienne, you will be inundated with questions from me when I actually get my pump!

Just ordered myself a couple of Spibelts for the off!!!! getting kind of giddy now!
Adrienne, You are so clued up on all stuff diabetes related. Are you within the profession or have you been on a lot of training? Just interested, most of what I have learnt has just been off forums and the internet.

Ha ha ha sorry need to chuckle to myself. No I'm just an ordinary mum. I'm a legal secretary, worked for my dad for 21 years now but since Jessica was born 9 years ago and was ill from when she was born I have to work from home.

I seem to have brain to retain all this info about diabetes and Congenital Hyperinsulinism. I was always Mrs average at school. I haven't had any real training. I went on a DUK day once but argued with them about a few things, I daren't go back. I have been to a couple of advanced training days at our London hospital and learnt a bit about dual waving and that its trial and error and about new products etc.

I learn from friends as well on the email list. I would love to be a DSN but there is no way on this earth I want to be a nurse, not my bag at all.

I am very very passionate about type 1 diabetes in children and will help anyone I can. I have been asked to lead the next education evening for the local childrens support group and teach them carb counting. What an honour, I can't wait. Since I arrived down here about 10 families have transferred care out of this rubbish area to London and are now waiting for pumps, one has them. I am going to turn it around down here by hook or by crook.
Adrienne isnt a professional - but she SHOULD be! She is more knowledgeable than most DSN's! (didnt mean to answer for you Adrienne!)🙂

So - how do you dose for beans on toast? Oops- i will go and read Katies thread now!🙂Bev

Thanks Bev. I don't know everything.

We don't really have beans on toast but I would be tempted just to do an ordinary bolus (which I think you did) find out where the spike starts so test after an hour and then another hour etc. As soon as it starts really rising then you can work out the dual wave. Or just start with the basic 50/50 over two hours and see what happens. That's a good one works with loads of foods.
Beans: to add to confusion, E frequently has beans on toast for breakfast with egg or toms, etc. Also with fish or chicken at night...And he always normal boluses, I'm afraid! For what it says on the tin. And we've never noticed a rise, except in the case of the famous cheese + beans + jacket pot -- had once, and a NIGHTMARE to deal with. Rose in the night...

Lentils on the other hand are a definite dual wave. As would be haricot etc...For us I guess the processed bit of baked beans somehow makes it a normal bolus...
Beans: to add to confusion, E frequently has beans on toast for breakfast with egg or toms, etc. Also with fish or chicken at night...And he always normal boluses, I'm afraid! For what it says on the tin. And we've never noticed a rise, except in the case of the famous cheese + beans + jacket pot -- had once, and a NIGHTMARE to deal with. Rose in the night...

Lentils on the other hand are a definite dual wave. As would be haricot etc...For us I guess the processed bit of baked beans somehow makes it a normal bolus...

I agree, I would do a normal bolus as well but didn't A go high after his if that is what it was down to of course. Who knows, they are all different aren't they?
Good news! I changed the breakfast ratio to what you suggested 1:12 and it stopped him having a hypo! He was 11mmols 2 x hours after eating - BUT he had also had an impromptu set change just before school - so normally goes a bit high. So hopefully tomorow he will be a nice level and no hypo - fingers crossed!

Also - this evening i changed his 8.30pm basal from 0.400 to 0.425 to help with the late evening rise like you have suggested- i will let you know if it works! Thanks again.🙂Bev
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