The Pumpers Thread!

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Sitting here crying. A has been having loads of hypo's and today he has had 5! They were between 3 and 2.1mmols. I am sick to death of f******** diabetes. I try my best and i cant get anywhere. I also think he may be cealiac - he is windy and has random tummy aches. He isnt putting any weight on. I am sorry to be so negative - but i feel wiped out today and feel totally selfish and just want to sleep and not worry!!I cant seem to stop him being hypo and i am feeling very guilty about it. I have 2 other children and they dont get a look in with regards attention and that makes me feel guilty. I dont normally use bad language and i dont approve of other people using it - but i have had enough today...I feel useless and i am sick to death of diabetes..and sick to death of stupid people telling me to take a day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!How can I? Diabetes doesnt take a day off! Everyone thinks i cope well - but this is rubbish - why is A still having hypo's?

My sister is very intelligent and very well educated and is a medical professional and she tells me that I worry too much and that I need to relax more.....oh my god.....I am so angry with her...she knows nothing about diabetes and she thinks she can advise me.....

I am a shit mother and i feel negligent and I think A would be better off living with someone like Adrienne - she is confident and knows everything there is to know about diabetes

I apologise for my bad language - but i feel so sad and angry and i wish diabetes would just go away and give us back our normal life that we used to have...

BEV, Bev, Bev....((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))

This is awful I am so sorry my love you are upset. Go for the anger- get it off your chest. Have a bloody good cry, sometimes I think this is all we can do to express how bloody awful this is sometimes. Dont be sorry to be negative, if you cant 'fly off' here amongst us then what are we here for? I would have been much more vocal for being this upset. I wish I could pour you a G&T and let you thrash this one out, and a big hug of course.

Bev you put so much effort in. What we all want with diabetes is control and accepting we will not always get it no matter how hard we fight for it is crushing. I firmly believe to tame this disease you have to crash and breakdown with it sometimes to appreciate the good days when it goes right and you are in the driving seat and diabetes doesnt dictate what or how you feel that day. Of course you feel bad that A needs all this attension, but in the years to come you other 2 will learn what you did to give their brother a long and healthy life and understand. Sure it doesnt make it any easier but Bev you do everything a mother can do, and above that- you do it well.

I have a sister too, and bloody hell does she make me angry sometimes just like what yours has done today! (is she your older sister by any chance?). She probably doesnt know what to say in support of what you go through, so comes out with what she does know- straight from the books. It is really unfortunate and I'm sure her comments have really hurt you. Her ignorance is probably hard to stomach on such a sensitive subject but she also needs her time to learn how to respond to you with all this going on. Its cutting when people say these things, I know. I am really sorry Bev.

You have probably gone to bed now but I'm kicking about for a bit. If you feel like posting I am here.

You are in my thoughts Bev.

L x

I'm glad your afternoon was good. Don't beat yourself up about getting the pump wrong sometimes, I still do and I have friends I ask for help. I hope you are feeling better and I can totally see why it is scary for you. I do not want Jessica living on her own ever. No idea how I can sort that one out !

I don't dual wave for jacket pots. I do sometimes if Jessica has jacket pot with cheese and beans but that is all to do with the fat and fibre, not the potato.

We have had an odd day. We have been out since 9 am with my sister and niece at a fairy and crystal day. We had lunch out and I under guessed the carbs right for lunch and she spiked at 15.9 but then had an ice cream in a cone and got that right. She had tea at my sisters which was a noodle thing so I did a 65/35 dual over 3 hours (guessing as still not got that right) and so that was due to finish at 8.20 pm. By 7 pm we were at a party and she ate cake !! I told her to get what she wanted and I would deal with it. She chose the biggest bit of gooey chocolate cake and I guessed 65 carbs and bolused and she ate it. Then they brought out a hog roast !! She had one of those so I bolused for the roll.

I just tested her, just gone to bed and she is 7.8. Wow. That is 2 hours after the dual wave finished and all the cake and hog roast. All the readings today were brilliant except the 15.9. I'm feeling rather proud of myself and I let Jessica have what she wanted. She did have 34.3 units of insulin mind you and normally she has approx 22 units 😱

hey sounds like you had a great day! I bet Jessica loved all that food and freedom. Good estimations too!

Good morning, Bev. How are you feeling today? Bev, you are such a wonderful mom to A. You are so dedicated to his care and he will benefit from it in the long term, despite the problems with hypos that you are currently having. I hope you are able to get them sorted, especially with the help of Adrienne.

Please, please, please do not doubt yourself. You are doing your best and no one can do more than that. And i believe, from getting to know you on this forum, that your best is THE BEST!

I am sure that all us moms have days like this. We make all this effort, day in and day out, but it never is exactly right. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we did all the workload and then everything was steady. That would be fair but diabetes is not fair! :(

I send you a HUGE hug and i hope that today is a better day for you. Let us know how you are feeling today. x x

Adrienne - Well done on getting J through her eating day! It is great that she was able to eat what she wanted like that, so 'normal' for her. And i do not think so much insulin for an odd day here and there matters. She had fun and she was safe because she has a wonderful mom taking care of her! 😉

My son went to a sleep over Friday eve and then went shopping to the next town with his friends yesterday and last night to a party. His levels not been good as a consequence but i have told myself that it is important that he has weekends like this sometimes or else he might totally rebel against his diabetes. Today i will make sure that i keep him steady. 🙂

Patricia, sorry about all E's lows. How are things today?

Hi Lou, Tracey, Becca and all. x 🙂
Hi all,

First of all - I apologise for using bad language last night! I dont normally like it - but it felt good to let off steam - sorry if I offended anyone.😱

Adrienne, thankyou so much for your kind words - I always doubt myself and it just seems to to be confirmed when days like yesterday happen! The odd thing is that when A was on MDI we had a day of 5 hypo's and we had gone to exactly the same place yesterday - Cheltenham! Its just a shopping centre - so i have no idea if there is a connection...Thankyou for your kind offer of a weekend by the sea...I wouldnt dream of burdening myself on you - but thankyou so very much for your offer - you really are a wonderful person Adrienne. Also i just wanted to say i have no idea why you doubt yourself? Your absolutely brilliant - the knowledge you have about diabetes would put many a DSN to shame! You shouldnt compare yourself to the other people on the 'list' - of course they are brilliant too - but why dont you think that you are? Take it from me - I have told our DSN many times that i have great trust in the people on the list (and on here) - because their experience is something that a DSN just doesnt have - they dont live with our children - they just pass on knowledge - but its without the hands-on experience that you all have - which, in my book, far outweighs any advice a medical professional can give.(thats not to say that i think they are rubbish - just that they dont have all the answers).

Lou - also a big thankyou to you - your very kind and thoughtful and it was much appreciated - although i had gone to bed - so didnt see your messages until this morning - sorry i am late replying. Your absolutely right when you say we need to have days when we hate diabetes so we can appreciate it when we have the good days! My sister is the eldest one of three and i am the baby - so she has always been the one i looked up to! She is a lovely kind person - i just think she doesnt realise that her words of support are ill-thought out! She does mean well and I am probably being overly sensitive because i know for a fact that if she were in my shoes - she would behave exactly like i do and worry as much if not more than i do!

Mand, thankyou too - it really makes a difference to know that other mums feel exactly the same sometimes. Diabetes is a tough one isnt it? I think i am always looking for great numbers now he is pumping - and perhaps i need to relax a little and not expect miracles - just trying my best is all i can do.🙂

Adrienne, I will post another thread after this with all A's basals etc on and if you dont mind -could you take a look and tell me what you think is happening? Many thanks and dont worry if you dont have time to.🙂Bev x

p.s. Thanks everyone - your all wonderful. x
Bev my heart is going out to you. I admire that you even posted such a genuine set of feelings...I find it so hard to do, like people will be looking at me thinking horrible things and I should keep it to myself...But Bev, my stomach and heart lurched reading your post. I feel, in all honesty, that something in me dies over and over, just turns it back on the world, when I hit rock bottom with diabetes. We struggle and struggle, and it will never be right. And the people we thought were there for us before diagnosis...the people we really valued in our lives...many of them are simply unable to understand and see what all this is about. This hurts enormously, and is so isolating. Out of all of our family, we are the only non-medical members...the rest are all long-term professionals, across several fields...And I can't tell you how many ignorant comments we've had -- from night-testing ('are you sure you aren't testing for yourself, not him?') to hypos ('being low won't do him any harm'. This after a 1.9mmol reading!). It is SO wearing to be the only ones who know what's happening in the family, yet not to want to make a big deal, because otherwise you KNOW people are thinking 'all they live and breathe is diabetes' etc...So you hide the effort you have to put in to try to make it all okay...

Bev, about the other children. This has hit them hard too, in different ways. They will be struggling themselves in some ways and trying to understand while possibly feeling a bit left out. Even though they are older. They will know that you are doing what you have to do. If only for your sake, I would sit down with them one by one maybe and talk to them about all this, about your feelings and about theirs... They need to know how aware you are of their needs too -- this is love and care, the desire to 'do right' by the whole family. And you have it in bucket-loads.

We've been having some dramas with E's high numbers from his cold -- endless temp basaling and waiting til numbers go down so we know the pump is okay, etc...And yesterday my daughter was sitting with us as we went over numbers (dinner in the oven!), and I saw she had her hands over her ears. I sort of flipped -- but mainly didn't want her to feel so duty-bound to sit through this -- when it is SO boring, so out of her control, etc...I sent her out of the room, to go do her thing. E went to check on her (she was crying), and they played. Later I talked it through: she felt she HAD to be there, because his numbers were so high she wondered if it was crisis etc yet she finds the helplessness and boredom so difficult to take...I didn't even know she was able to feel this way so clearly. She often looks spaced out in that situation, but I didn't know she was just gritting her teeth! I would MUCH rather she go please herself and not worry. Really, NOT WORRY. We will deal with it... So she now feels she has permission to remove herself. Which is right and proper. But after all this time -- we still didn't know she was going through this...

I shall try to come back to this later today and comment on everyone else's stuff! But wanted to get this to Bev. My dear, I'm sorry again and again that no one can give us -- and you esp, today -- a break. All I can say is I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. You will feel better soon -- but it's hell. We know it is.
12 midnight to 3am - 0.450
3am to 8am - 0.375
8am to 12 noon - 0.025 ( he was on 0.050 until today - i have lowered it to help with the 11am hypo's he keeps having unless he has a cereal bar)
12 noon to 8.30pm - 0.375
8.30pm to 12 midnight - 0.400 ( this is the one i cant get right. He had been going low before bed - between 3.5 and 4 mmols - so i changed his dinner bolus - but he went too high. So i lowered his basal and he went up to 12 - but when i increased it he went back down to hypo again. So last night on 0.400 he was 12mmols and was the same at 3am. But he woke on 10mmols. He is normally waking on 7 or 8 - but i think the 10 was due to the fact he was 12 at midnight etc..?).

His breakfast ratio is 1:10 - he is normally 6 or 7 at the 2 hour check so has a cereal bar so he doesnt hypo before lunch.

Lunchtime ratio is 1:15 and he is normally 6 or 7 at the 2 hour check. But when he comes home at 3.30pm from school he has a snack and bolus's for it at 1:15 - this seems to work ok as he is normally 6 or 7 pre-evening meal.

Evening meal ratio is 1:15 and he is normally 7 or 8 at 2 hour check unless he has had some 'spikey food' and then he can be 11 or 12 - but he nearly always comes down to 7 or 8 before bed. He is very often 5 and has a small snack like a biscuit and a small amount of milk.

Not sure if you can follow my ramblings - but if you can - do you think there is a way around the late evening high's he is having? I have made the basal changes in the smallest increments the pump gives - but it seems to be he is either 12 or 4- so is he very insulin sensitive or is evening time a difficult one to get right? :confused:🙂Bev
Thankyou for your kind offer of a weekend by the sea...I wouldnt dream of burdening myself on you -

Err hello, no burden at all, you are my friend, we have spoken enough times and I've met you so the offer still stands, we could have some fun and lots of chats and gossip !
hello quick question ( i need to catch up, bev seems yuve been having a rough time, so sorry)

I am goint to try degassing this morning 🙂D sounds awful!), do you have to use a new cartridge and it has to be degassed evry time? or can i use one with a third left in it? thanks
I shouldnt have tried to advise you, I cant get it right myself. Last night I had my lowest hypo ever at 1.6mmols at 2am and I really scared myself. I was still in the dual wave and had 6 active units. This feeling a little out of sorts this morning.

I had a can and a half of cider and I hardly ever drink at home, I guess thats the moral of the story. I also dual waved for my first jacket potato on pump and perhaps I didnt need to dual at all?

Not easily flummoxed, me, but this I admit has scared me a little. That is the lowest I have ever gone.

Anyway, how is everyone? Hope you are out enjoying this good weather, I shall be!

Lots of love xx

Lou, how awful for you :( Of course you ccan advise me and please do!

hope you are feeling ok now? Can you stop a dual wave? I need to find this out on my pump, did you stop yours?
Bev, what can I say that others havent? so upsetting to hear you upset like this. It is so difficult as we all know. But you are wonderful and I wish my own mum was so caring and thoughtful about my diabetes, I wont bore you all with my own expeiences of this, no need.

I do hope you are feeling brighter today, xxxxxxxx

Well tried the degassing with the old vial, what a disaster, didnt know how many times I needed to do the plunger thing so did plenty. Left for half an hour, then drew up insulin very slowly, trillions of bubbles in fact was just a bubblethon? 😱

have got new vial out of fridge and will try with that? good job am off today and no rush, 🙄
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Ok degassing round 2!

so i thought, might as well practice with the vial i had out as was just going to throw it anyway.

Drew up insulin, nice and slow hey presto, no bubbles! didnt even need to tap reservoir, nails very happy. think i just panicked a bit before, dont know why i get so worked up doing this 😱

2nd set change completed, so far so good.
Well tried the degassing with the old vial, what a disaster, didnt know how many times I needed to do the plunger thing so did plenty. Left for half an hour, then drew up insulin very slowly, trillions of bubbles in fact was just a bubblethon? 😱

have got new vial out of fridge and will try with that? good job am off today and no rush, 🙄

Snap. I've tried degassing before and I'm obviously doing it wrong as I get hundreds of bubbles. I'm going to stick the way I know how, we never have bubbles.

Our DSN once said that some people are more prone to bubbles than others and they have no idea why.
12 midnight to 3am - 0.450
3am to 8am - 0.375
8am to 12 noon - 0.025 ( he was on 0.050 until today - i have lowered it to help with the 11am hypo's he keeps having unless he has a cereal bar)
12 noon to 8.30pm - 0.375
8.30pm to 12 midnight - 0.400 ( this is the one i cant get right. He had been going low before bed - between 3.5 and 4 mmols - so i changed his dinner bolus - but he went too high. So i lowered his basal and he went up to 12 - but when i increased it he went back down to hypo again. So last night on 0.400 he was 12mmols and was the same at 3am. But he woke on 10mmols. He is normally waking on 7 or 8 - but i think the 10 was due to the fact he was 12 at midnight etc..?).

His breakfast ratio is 1:10 - he is normally 6 or 7 at the 2 hour check so has a cereal bar so he doesnt hypo before lunch.

Lunchtime ratio is 1:15 and he is normally 6 or 7 at the 2 hour check. But when he comes home at 3.30pm from school he has a snack and bolus's for it at 1:15 - this seems to work ok as he is normally 6 or 7 pre-evening meal.

Evening meal ratio is 1:15 and he is normally 7 or 8 at 2 hour check unless he has had some 'spikey food' and then he can be 11 or 12 - but he nearly always comes down to 7 or 8 before bed. He is very often 5 and has a small snack like a biscuit and a small amount of milk.

Not sure if you can follow my ramblings - but if you can - do you think there is a way around the late evening high's he is having? I have made the basal changes in the smallest increments the pump gives - but it seems to be he is either 12 or 4- so is he very insulin sensitive or is evening time a difficult one to get right? :confused:🙂Bev

Hi Bev

I'm having a look at this. You need to tell me timings of the highs and lows. What time does he start going high in the evenings.

I have listed your basals and this is what they are (its easier to see them like that to sort them out). You don't have many basals which is fine for some people but others have many more than that. He shouldn't need the snacks to stop him going low, the basals should do that. Tell me, on this pump is 0.025 the lowest basal you can set and you can go up in 0.025 increments ie 0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.125, 0.150, 0.175, 0.200 is that right?

0000 0.450
0300 0.375
0800 0.025
1200 0.375
2030 0.400
Hi Bev

I'm having a look at this. You need to tell me timings of the highs and lows. What time does he start going high in the evenings.

I have listed your basals and this is what they are (its easier to see them like that to sort them out). You don't have many basals which is fine for some people but others have many more than that. He shouldn't need the snacks to stop him going low, the basals should do that. Tell me, on this pump is 0.025 the lowest basal you can set and you can go up in 0.025 increments ie 0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.125, 0.150, 0.175, 0.200 is that right?

0000 0.450
0300 0.375
0800 0.025
1200 0.375
2030 0.400

HI Adrienne,
Thanks so much for helping me on this. A goes to bed at 9pm and usually we test him at approx 11.30pm. At 9pm he is always a good level like 7 or 8 but if he has been lower like 5 i give him a small snack.
So at 11.30pm he has always gone up from what he is at 9pm - levels like 10 11 12 or even 13 occasionally. He stays like this until about 3ish and then starts to drop slightly so he normally wakes up on a lower level like 7 - but generally not more than 10.

The morning hypo normally happens about 11am - so he is about level 6 or 7 at 10am - then if he didnt have a cereal bar he would drop by 12 to about 3mmols.

As you know, i changed his basal from 8am this morning to 0.025 - but at 11.30 he was 4.1 - so still a little low but not hypo - as this is the lowest increment on the pump - am i allowed to do a 0% basal for maybe an hour? Also i thought that it was the morning time that there is more insulin resistance - so it seems odd that he needs even less in the morning than he does later in the day?:confused:
If you have any ideas then i will be very grateful Adrienne! Thankyou.:DBev x

p.s. Forgot to say that the increments go up like you say - but the 0.025 only goes up this small until it reaches 1 unit. Then it changes to 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000. I think i am right about this - but he is over in the park so i cant check the pump at the moment. Will double check when he comes back in.
HI Adrienne,
Thanks so much for helping me on this. A goes to bed at 9pm and usually we test him at approx 11.30pm. At 9pm he is always a good level like 7 or 8 but if he has been lower like 5 i give him a small snack.
So at 11.30pm he has always gone up from what he is at 9pm - levels like 10 11 12 or even 13 occasionally. He stays like this until about 3ish and then starts to drop slightly so he normally wakes up on a lower level like 7 - but generally not more than 10.

The morning hypo normally happens about 11am - so he is about level 6 or 7 at 10am - then if he didnt have a cereal bar he would drop by 12 to about 3mmols.

As you know, i changed his basal from 8am this morning to 0.025 - but at 11.30 he was 4.1 - so still a little low but not hypo - as this is the lowest increment on the pump - am i allowed to do a 0% basal for maybe an hour? Also i thought that it was the morning time that there is more insulin resistance - so it seems odd that he needs even less in the morning than he does later in the day?:confused:
If you have any ideas then i will be very grateful Adrienne! Thankyou.:DBev x

p.s. Forgot to say that the increments go up like you say - but the 0.025 only goes up this small until it reaches 1 unit. Then it changes to 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000. I think i am right about this - but he is over in the park so i cant check the pump at the moment. Will double check when he comes back in.

How about this then?

I would increase the 2030 by a tiny bit. If that is not enough put it up to 0.450 but A is very sensitive at the moment to insulin isn't he?

If from 11.30 pm he is level ish till early hours then the basal seems ok, you just need to get the 11.30 pm level to be good at 7 ish so he stays there (even 6.0 ish if the other basal keeps him level).

If he does drop too much at 3ish you may need to lower the 0300 to 0.350 but wait and see what happens.

If he is 5.0 don't give him a snack, wait to see what happens. He may go hypo but he may not. The food may still be working and he may go up. If you do give him a snack only 10 free carbs at most or if more then bolus for them or instead of a snack what I would do is put on a 0% temp for 30 minutes. This sometimes works for Jessica and I can only say what we do.

I am presuming A has breakfast insulin about 8 am ish if he tests at 10 am, then hypo by 11 am. You could either change the ratio at breakfast to 1 : 12 and see what happens or what I would try first is moving the 8 am basal back to 7 am so he is getting a lot less for an hour.

So this is what you would be doing if you go with the basal changes :

This is the original :

0000 0.450
0300 0.375
0800 0.025
1200 0.375
2030 0.400

This is the new :

0000 0.450
0300 0.375
0700 0.025
1200 0.375
2030 0.425

All of these things are just ideas, others would have other ideas I know.

Becca, are you reading this, what do you think? Any suggestions?
Lou, how awful for you :( Of course you ccan advise me and please do!

hope you are feeling ok now? Can you stop a dual wave? I need to find this out on my pump, did you stop yours?

I (bizarrely enough) suspended it before getting out of bed to treat the hypo and do a blood sugar....sometimes I am with it, and sometimes I'm not I guess this time I was lucky!

Bev, what can I say that others havent? so upsetting to hear you upset like this. It is so difficult as we all know. But you are wonderful and I wish my own mum was so caring and thoughtful about my diabetes, I wont bore you all with my own expeiences of this, no need.

I do hope you are feeling brighter today, xxxxxxxx

Well tried the degassing with the old vial, what a disaster, didnt know how many times I needed to do the plunger thing so did plenty. Left for half an hour, then drew up insulin very slowly, trillions of bubbles in fact was just a bubblethon? 😱

have got new vial out of fridge and will try with that? good job am off today and no rush, 🙄

Geeez, that makes me laugh. I half attempted degassing the other day only to realise I hadnt the time or the patience....Ive never seen so amny bubbles! Yes, also a bubblethon! I think I also have to do it properly on a day off to see if it works properly...
Sitting here crying. A has been having loads of hypo's and today he has had 5! They were between 3 and 2.1mmols. I am sick to death of f******** diabetes. I try my best and i cant get anywhere. I also think he may be cealiac - he is windy and has random tummy aches. He isnt putting any weight on. I am sorry to be so negative - but i feel wiped out today and feel totally selfish and just want to sleep and not worry!!I cant seem to stop him being hypo and i am feeling very guilty about it. I have 2 other children and they dont get a look in with regards attention and that makes me feel guilty. I dont normally use bad language and i dont approve of other people using it - but i have had enough today...I feel useless and i am sick to death of diabetes..and sick to death of stupid people telling me to take a day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!How can I? Diabetes doesnt take a day off! Everyone thinks i cope well - but this is rubbish - why is A still having hypo's?

My sister is very intelligent and very well educated and is a medical professional and she tells me that I worry too much and that I need to relax more.....oh my god.....I am so angry with her...she knows nothing about diabetes and she thinks she can advise me.....

I am a shit mother and i feel negligent and I think A would be better off living with someone like Adrienne - she is confident and knows everything there is to know about diabetes

I apologise for my bad language - but i feel so sad and angry and i wish diabetes would just go away and give us back our normal life that we used to have...

Hi Bev, I've skimmed the rest of the emails and have come back to this, I think things are looking a bit better now for you but i just wanted to say that you are far from alone. I have days where i think i'm a total and utter failure, sometimes i find it hard on CWD because other people seem to know and do better than me. Their HB1ACs are better, control is better etc... and that makes me sad and depressed. The worst thing is there are days like this and then there are days where things are just normal. Not sure if this post has helped at all but just wanted to say that we are all here for you and you are mos def, not alone.

You've got my number as well - please call me if you ever need to chat, when i read your post all i wanted to do was phone you up and see how you're doing, i hope you're better now?
How about this then?

I would increase the 2030 by a tiny bit. If that is not enough put it up to 0.450 but A is very sensitive at the moment to insulin isn't he?

If from 11.30 pm he is level ish till early hours then the basal seems ok, you just need to get the 11.30 pm level to be good at 7 ish so he stays there (even 6.0 ish if the other basal keeps him level).

If he does drop too much at 3ish you may need to lower the 0300 to 0.350 but wait and see what happens.

If he is 5.0 don't give him a snack, wait to see what happens. He may go hypo but he may not. The food may still be working and he may go up. If you do give him a snack only 10 free carbs at most or if more then bolus for them or instead of a snack what I would do is put on a 0% temp for 30 minutes. This sometimes works for Jessica and I can only say what we do.

I am presuming A has breakfast insulin about 8 am ish if he tests at 10 am, then hypo by 11 am. You could either change the ratio at breakfast to 1 : 12 and see what happens or what I would try first is moving the 8 am basal back to 7 am so he is getting a lot less for an hour.

So this is what you would be doing if you go with the basal changes :

This is the original :

0000 0.450
0300 0.375
0800 0.025
1200 0.375
2030 0.400

This is the new :

0000 0.450
0300 0.375
0700 0.025
1200 0.375
2030 0.425

All of these things are just ideas, others would have other ideas I know.

Becca, are you reading this, what do you think? Any suggestions?

Adrienne, that is what i would say, perfectly put 🙂 Let us know how it goes Bev....
This is what worries me. Why cant i work out what changes to make? I have just read what you are suggesting and it makes complete sense!
I think for tonight i will just leave it as it is because he went out on his bike and i set a temp basal of 50% for 3 hours as he was riding for 1 hour - he was 9.5 the whole time- but then went up to 14 pre-meal - so i think i left the temp on for too long? So because of this i think i would get a bit confused as to whether any changes were working or not..I didnt do a full correction at 14 because i thought the bike ride would kick in - 2 hours after eating he was 10 - so he still has another 2 hours left of bolus and i am hoping i made the right decision....
But tomorrow, when he gets home from school, i will change the morning one to 7am for a couple of days to see what happens. Then if that works i will try the change to his evening basal. How many basals does everyone else have?

Adrienne - your amazing. Thankyou.:D

I wish i was as eloquent with words as you - you managed to say what i was feeling so beautifully - without the use of swearwords...I am sorry to hear that E has also been suffering. Have you got to the bottom of it?
It made me cry reading how his sister gets upset if things arent going to plan. She sounds very sensitive and i bet they are very close. You are a very thoughtful mum and i know that your children will always be able to talk to you about their worries..That is a wonderful thing - lots of children cant talk to adults or parents and this is what causes some problems i think. You sound like a very close loving family. My family are also very close and i think this is why some of the emotional outbursts happen (last night). If we were aloof then i think we would cope better...

I do have an O/H - but i dont really mention him because he doesnt get involved in the day to day care of diabetes. He is aspergers and he cannot function very well unless he has a list of instructions etc ... but of course diabetes doesnt come with instructions - so sadly he is unable to make 'on the spot decisions'.(e.g. if he tests A at 3am and he is 15mmols - he cannot make a decision to give a correction because it 'isnt in the rules'). He cant help the way he is - but it means that all the decisions have to be made by me and A. So, a lot of the time, i do feel very alone in the decision-making process. This is why i find this site and the other list so helpful - i dont feel alone and i really feel supported by everyone.

Becca, thankyou for making me feel that i am not the only one! Although it doesnt give me pleasure to know that someone else feels the same as i did last night! I am not sure if i have mentioned this - but - when we went to hoburne you were the only one who came up and hugged me! You are the friendliest person i have ever met!
I wouldnt worry about hba1c's - JD said that children glycate at different rates etc - so even if you gave it your all - there is a possibility that you wouldnt gain the accredited 6.5%! I absolutely know that you are extremely knowledgeable about everything diabetes related because i have taken your advice many times! And you have always been proved right! I dont know why you and Adrienne dont realise just how wonderful you are?
Today when A was a little high after the exercise he said 'ring Adrienne or Becca - they always know what to do'! Thats because i am always mentioning your names and saying how wonderful you are!
I honestly dont know what i would do without this site and the lovely people on here. (and of course the'list').:DBev x
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