The Pumpers Thread!

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Hi Tracey,
These are belts for use when doing sports etc - they dont wobble your things around! If you look at the website there is an offer on at the moment - free shipping! They are very good value and A loves them - so do a lot of children on the other forum. But they do them in adult sizes too! They keep the pump very snug to the body -so stops them falling down the loo or anything like that - also good to sleep with - stops the pump going walkies during the night!🙂Bev

thanks Bev, will have a look, what is the website?
have just read that last post back, spelling is shocking 😱😱

Yes but you could tell how excited you were in the last post......
Well what a day!

firstly, Adrienne, thank you so much! You are a star, i changed the rates like you said.

unfortunately woke on 12.4, my own falt, didnt have tea until 10pm after working late and had pasta, didnt want to go low after being busy so i know i dint giv enough bolus....

any way gave 0.5 correction on waking 6.45, breakfast at 7am, tested 8.30 as was driving 10.8 (lower than before breakfas). 9am 9.1, lower than before breakfast, 10.30 8.1, yipeeeeee 🙂 so no spike at all, only 1 day i know but how wonderful and good not to go to 18/20 for a change, brilliant.

Learnt my pump handset today, which is also my meter. Wireless connection to the pump, learnt bolus advisor, put in all current ratios and correction factors, so far been in range all day. Apart from a hypo at 17.30 :( my own fault, got a bit carried away as advisor sid gove 0.8 correction after lunch, which i did, but then went tearing around the supermarket, tidying house etc and didnt take that into account!!

Gave first multiwave with tea, homemade curry, basmati rice and small naan bread, 30% upfront and 70% over two hours, pre teas 6.6, 2 hours later 7, wow........ will see how next few hours pan out, but overall a good day and learnt a lot i think.

Thanks Again Adrienne for your advice, dsn has tweaked my evening basals as well, so a lot going on.

Wow. I have been waiting to hear your news all day. How fantastic. I guess it just shows what a small tweak does. Are you doing the same tomorrow?

If not then you could set next pattern and just copy todays but work out the timing of the new basal to breakfast and set it for that same time period and see what happens.

I'm so pleased for you.

When Jessica has rice we have to do 30/70 over 2 hours as well, sometimes that works, sometimes not !!🙂
Wow. I have been waiting to hear your news all day. How fantastic. I guess it just shows what a small tweak does. Are you doing the same tomorrow?

If not then you could set next pattern and just copy todays but work out the timing of the new basal to breakfast and set it for that same time period and see what happens.

I'm so pleased for you.

When Jessica has rice we have to do 30/70 over 2 hours as well, sometimes that works, sometimes not !!🙂

yes, i have left the same pattern for tomorrow as working and will be up at the same time give or take 30 mins? have not set another pattern yet, will do one for sunday, my next day off though.
Well what a day!

firstly, Adrienne, thank you so much! You are a star, i changed the rates like you said.

unfortunately woke on 12.4, my own falt, didnt have tea until 10pm after working late and had pasta, didnt want to go low after being busy so i know i dint giv enough bolus....

any way gave 0.5 correction on waking 6.45, breakfast at 7am, tested 8.30 as was driving 10.8 (lower than before breakfas). 9am 9.1, lower than before breakfast, 10.30 8.1, yipeeeeee 🙂 so no spike at all, only 1 day i know but how wonderful and good not to go to 18/20 for a change, brilliant.

Learnt my pump handset today, which is also my meter. Wireless connection to the pump, learnt bolus advisor, put in all current ratios and correction factors, so far been in range all day. Apart from a hypo at 17.30 :( my own fault, got a bit carried away as advisor sid gove 0.8 correction after lunch, which i did, but then went tearing around the supermarket, tidying house etc and didnt take that into account!!

Gave first multiwave with tea, homemade curry, basmati rice and small naan bread, 30% upfront and 70% over two hours, pre teas 6.6, 2 hours later 7, wow........ will see how next few hours pan out, but overall a good day and learnt a lot i think.

Thanks Again Adrienne for your advice, dsn has tweaked my evening basals as well, so a lot going on.

Wow Tracey, fantastic figures with your tea!!!! how do you know what to give when you give part and part??? it sounds so confusing!!!!

thank you for the well wishes for the pump! the consultant has said that I WILL get a pump but I am just a bit worried in case the pump nurse says different!!! oh well, we will see on Tuesday. I will let you all know how I get on!!!!!

Wow Tracey, fantastic figures with your tea!!!! how do you know what to give when you give part and part??? it sounds so confusing!!!!

thank you for the well wishes for the pump! the consultant has said that I WILL get a pump but I am just a bit worried in case the pump nurse says different!!! oh well, we will see on Tuesday. I will let you all know how I get on!!!!!


Hi Lesley, well the pump tells you how much to give but you can change it. You do have to input all your ratios etc and the pump does the maths! Just tested 3.9 after 4 hours, so not got it right just yet,

good luck next week
Today we?re off to visit Diabetic Auntie Lou,
She?s such a lovely person, and I think you?ll think so too!
She says that diabetes shouldn?t stop you having fun,
When we?re with her we dance and sing and jump and swim and run!

She wears a pump called Veo, and I want one as well,
?Coz when she has her insulin, then you can hardly tell!
It works out just how much she needs for every meal she eats,
And that includes for chocolate pud, and loads of other treats!

She has a special wizard friend that hides inside her pump ?
He must be very tiny ?coz you cannot see a lump!
She has some things called basals set that change throughout the day,
And even though there?s tubes and stuff, they don?t get in her way!

It made us laugh when Auntie Lou once made a pooping noise,
The pump alarm began to sound ? she almost lost her poise!
She said it was the bubbles in the insulin reservoir?
That didn?t explain the eggy pong that filled up Auntie?s car!

But we all love our Auntie because I think you?ll find
You?ll never find an Auntie that?s so caring and so kind!
I hope that you have Aunties too, or maybe it?s your Mum,
That love you and that care for you ? a super Sugarbum!


Northener, you are spoiling me!!!! Thank you soooo much thats really nice (apart from the eggy pong!!!!). I shall know who to come to for help when I start my "Adoptabetic" scheme to support all these forum teens when they fly off to uni in the big smoke!

Your poem has really cheered me up this evening, thank you! xx (I am going to cut and paste and save it to my computer 🙂)
Evening all,

Just a quick question, what does the cannula feel like when it's in you? I ask as I had a rather unpleasant experience with a CGM a year ago.

Evening all,

Just a quick question, what does the cannula feel like when it's in you? I ask as I had a rather unpleasant experience with a CGM a year ago.

Tom, from what i hear CGM's are a lot more painful than the cannula's! I wouldnt worry - A has got used to it and he says he would rather this than an injection any day!🙂Bev
Evening all,

Just a quick question, what does the cannula feel like when it's in you? I ask as I had a rather unpleasant experience with a CGM a year ago.


Hi Tom,

You cannot feel the cannula when it is in and in correctly, I have only done a couple, the last one i did not feel go in, the others slightly more painful than an injection going in, but its in for 3 days as opposed to around 18 injections in that time ( for me anyway), no contest is it?

You need to find the right type for you also as there are different ones, I am using ones called tenderlink which go in at 30/45 degrees, i tried one called the flexlink first, 90 degree insertion and it really hurt me. 😱
Hi Tom,

You cannot feel the cannula when it is in and in correctly, I have only done a couple, the last one i did not feel go in, the others slightly more painful than an injection going in, but its in for 3 days as opposed to around 18 injections in that time ( for me anyway), no contest is it?

You need to find the right type for you also as there are different ones, I am using ones called tenderlink which go in at 30/45 degrees, i tried one called the flexlink first, 90 degree insertion and it really hurt me. 😱

Thanks for that Tracey, much appreciated. What pump are you on by the way?
Tom, from what i hear CGM's are a lot more painful than the cannula's! I wouldnt worry - A has got used to it and he says he would rather this than an injection any day!🙂Bev

Thanks Bev, they do sound nicer than the multiple daily puncture wound treatment I'm on! Yeah, that CGM made my life hell for a few days.
Evening all,

Just a quick question, what does the cannula feel like when it's in you? I ask as I had a rather unpleasant experience with a CGM a year ago.


Hi Tom

So happy to hear you are still thinking pumps !! I have had a cannula in me before. They do not hurt at all. Jessica has been having them for nearly 3 years and also says they do not hurt. The noise of the inserter, if you use it, is more frightening than the needle.

The CGMS is the same thing as the sensor that some of us talk about. This does hurt, as you know. Jessica has it every 6 days. If you do it right then it will hurt for less than 5 seconds. I am a dab hand at putting sensors in and can do it in probably 3 seconds from start to finish. I have put a few friends' childrens sensors in for them recently. The needle is a bit thicker and stronger than the cannula needle. It has to be done at the correct angle exactly otherwise the needle stays in too long and it does hurt.

Some people who put in the CGMS don't do it on a regular basis so I imagine it hurt more than normal when they put it in you.
So glad all is so positive for you so far, Tracey! Great news! Sounds like you are really getting to grips with it all! 🙂

Good luck, Lesley, for next week! Fingers crossed!

Tom, my son thinks it hurts a little when it goes in but he cannot feel it once it is in and he sssssssssssssssoooooooooooo much prefers the pump to the mdi injections! The quickserter (the thing you use to put the cannula into your tummy) does make a bit of a loud 'click', which to a child espcially, is a bit scary.

Well, all going fairly smoothly for us. He going down to 4.3 or 4.2 at midnight so we need to tweak that basal.

Hi to everyone! 🙂
Tom, glad here too you thinking about pump...I really cannot stress the difference it makes to the feeling of *control* too: as you see from Tracey and others, it's not like it's right all the time, somehow magically (!), but being able to *do* something about it is such an improvement.

Last night was a night we wished for a sensor, I can tell you! E down with HEAVY cold, we had small portion of rice more or less as test of disaster two nights before...Anyway at end of dual wave 4.9 (50/50 dual wave, 3 hours), having fortunately not stirred when tested. Decided not to wake him. Put him on very low temp basal (20%) for an hour and a half -- tested at 11mmols at the end! By this point it's 12.45am. Did not do all of correction suggested, but this morning woke still on 11ish mmols. Damn.

BUT: this shows a clear rise at between 3 and 4.5 hours after eating. This is good to know, because we have always panicked a little bit if he's on 4 ish at the end of a rice dual wave, and free carbed...once you do that of course, it's impossible to tell where he would have gone. So we will be stronger next time, and test frequently, and see if the tail end of the dual wave can take care of that rise. In any case he continued to rise a little, of course, over the night, since he woke a little higher than he would have all thing considered.

Still, progress of sorts.

(No one mention please that he is not so well at the moment and last night may have been a completely unrepresentative experience!! 😱)

Tracey: we can relate to the drop after the dual wave. This is *inevitable* with E it seems...With plain pasta the only thing we have done which avoids this is 20/80 over 6 hours! This seems to spread the insulin enough such that the 2.5 hour point isn't too low from the upfront bolus, and the rest just keeps the lid on the pasta, whenever it comes in (which we think *is* at about 6 hours...).

This 6 hour dual though just isn't practical for the night, so we haven't figured out what to do yet. 🙄

Mand, always good to hear from you. For some reason wondering if you okay?


Re cannula etc: I can't remember if I said...duh. Anyway one team finally sort of shifted and said that fridge may help on insertion, but they couldn't see how it would make a difference once in the body, to knocks and such. They also did not think 9mm would work for E, being on the slim side.

E himself is dead set against trying sils at the moment: he has memories of trying to inject at 45 degrees to avoid bruising in his legs, and remembers it with horror. The whole thought of a set that does this freaks him out. So that's that for the moment!

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