The Pumpers Thread!

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Hello all,

Thanks for your answers, this has got me all thinking. Basically how I stand at the moment is if MDI doesn't lend itself to a hectic lifestyle at uni then I will ask about a pump. Frankly jabs for thirteen years gets a bit monotonous.

Hello all,

Thanks for your answers, this has got me all thinking. Basically how I stand at the moment is if MDI doesn't lend itself to a hectic lifestyle at uni then I will ask about a pump. Frankly jabs for thirteen years gets a bit monotonous.


I'm pretty sure you will make the four or more injections work for you at uni, you come across as a very sensible (and likeable of course) chap wanting your diabetes to be controlled.

I do know however that with the temp basals and other tricks the pump does, you will find uni life that much easier pumping rather than injecting, the freedom it will give you is untold. On MDI you still have to eat within a certain time frame, not as restrictive as mixed insulins of course. On a pump, you can eat whenever you like, seriously whenever you like. You may need a bit of tweaking but it is all very doable.

well a very good day today, no spikes at all except i think after a biscuit i had as a snack, but was working and didnt test so not really sure 🙄

all my readings, pre and post meal today have been in the 8"s apart from 7.3 at tea, so very very stable!! I cant tell you how much better i feel generally now im pumping, not as tired and i used to get very achey legs, shoulders and headaches which seem to have totally disappeared. Unbelievable!

And the first full day on handset, brilliant, press few buttons, no taking out pump and done, fan bloody tastic.

Done another multiwave tonight, 50/50 over two hours as went bit low last night, will see how that goes. 🙂🙂🙂

have just set up programme 2 for my day off sunday and lowered my afternoon basal as always seem to drop between 4-7 by 3/4 mmol with no active insulin? Feeling more confident about changing basals daily and jsut seeing what works or not.

trying to find some skins for my pump but cant find on the roche site? Any ideas?

Hope all well with everyone else, xxx

well a very good day today, no spikes at all except i think after a biscuit i had as a snack, but was working and didnt test so not really sure 🙄

all my readings, pre and post meal today have been in the 8"s apart from 7.3 at tea, so very very stable!! I cant tell you how much better i feel generally now im pumping, not as tired and i used to get very achey legs, shoulders and headaches which seem to have totally disappeared. Unbelievable!

And the first full day on handset, brilliant, press few buttons, no taking out pump and done, fan bloody tastic.

Done another multiwave tonight, 50/50 over two hours as went bit low last night, will see how that goes. 🙂🙂🙂

have just set up programme 2 for my day off sunday and lowered my afternoon basal as always seem to drop between 4-7 by 3/4 mmol with no active insulin? Feeling more confident about changing basals daily and jsut seeing what works or not.

trying to find some skins for my pump but cant find on the roche site? Any ideas?

Hope all well with everyone else, xxx

Woo hoo, I've been waiting all day to hear read about your day. You just sound so much more positive, this is great and brilliant for the non pumpers on the verge of pumping to read.

Excellent, long may it last.

well a very good day today, no spikes at all except i think after a biscuit i had as a snack, but was working and didnt test so not really sure 🙄

Done another multiwave tonight, 50/50 over two hours as went bit low last night, will see how that goes.

Lucky you! I could really have used a multiwave thing this evening. I had pizza for tea and my blood is now 17.4 mmol/L. Not a pleasant sight on the meter. Glad to see all if going well on the pump 🙂 Like the sound of the hand set.
Woo hoo, I've been waiting all day to hear read about your day. You just sound so much more positive, this is great and brilliant for the non pumpers on the verge of pumping to read.

Excellent, long may it last.

Fingers crossed,

everyone should have a pump its so unfair what we have to go through to get one if we want one.

12.3 two hours after my 50/50 so not right eh? think was better with the 30/70, had exactly same meal too,maybe i was just low last night as had hypo straight before tea? Let me know your thoughts on this Adrienne, thanks
Hello all,

Thanks for your answers, this has got me all thinking. Basically how I stand at the moment is if MDI doesn't lend itself to a hectic lifestyle at uni then I will ask about a pump. Frankly jabs for thirteen years gets a bit monotonous.


good luck with Uni Tom, you will have a great time im sure. good luck whatever you decide, its not like you have to make a decision right away is it?
good luck with Uni Tom, you will have a great time im sure. good luck whatever you decide, its not like you have to make a decision right away is it?

I can be rather impulsive at times but I know I need to see how things pan out in the long term with this one. Should be interesting.


Thank you 🙂 Yeah, I like my D to be well controlled. Makes for less hassle with the endo lol.

Fingers crossed,

everyone should have a pump its so unfair what we have to go through to get one if we want one.

12.3 two hours after my 50/50 so not right eh? think was better with the 30/70, had exactly same meal too,maybe i was just low last night as had hypo straight before tea? Let me know your thoughts on this Adrienne, thanks

Yes I agree, all should have a pump if they want one. It is a postcode lottery. I met with the PCT last week about this and care where I am and I wrote to the MP. The MP has now written to the Chief Execs of both local hospitals and also to the Secretary of State for Health 😱 wanting their comments. Oh boy !

The 12.3 isn't a mega spike so why not try 40/60, you can use any combination. I have a friend who has worked out something as obscure as 27/73 is ok for her son !! You could try 20/80. What did you eat? Was it rice by any chance. If it was then some people do need more over time rather than upfront. Jessica does. We use 30/70 (just tweaking it a bit more at the moment - think we used 20/80 last time).
Lucky you! I could really have used a multiwave thing this evening. I had pizza for tea and my blood is now 17.4 mmol/L. Not a pleasant sight on the meter. Glad to see all if going well on the pump 🙂 Like the sound of the hand set.


You know Tom some of my friends actually split the novorapid injection with pizza or pasta. Not sure what percentages but for example give 50 % up front and then if the spike of 17.0 was 5 hours later, then give the other 50% two hours before this spike (ie 3 hours after the first injection). Takes more testing but might work. You never know.
Yes I agree, all should have a pump if they want one. It is a postcode lottery. I met with the PCT last week about this and care where I am and I wrote to the MP. The MP has now written to the Chief Execs of both local hospitals and also to the Secretary of State for Health 😱 wanting their comments. Oh boy !

The 12.3 isn't a mega spike so why not try 40/60, you can use any combination. I have a friend who has worked out something as obscure as 27/73 is ok for her son !! You could try 20/80. What did you eat? Was it rice by any chance. If it was then some people do need more over time rather than upfront. Jessica does. We use 30/70 (just tweaking it a bit more at the moment - think we used 20/80 last time).

yes rice, think i will try 20/80 next then :D As i did 30/70 last night?
yes rice, think i will try 20/80 next then :D As i did 30/70 last night?

I dont think you did too bad their T whilst still experimenting! Im sure you have seen throughout the thread that we all struggle with this baby!

Not the master myself, but I would suggest extending your multi-wave further than 2 hours. As yet I have never had sucess at 2 hours, and 12mmols isnt too scary I think at that stage. Im in the middle of a dual wave right now which I am not sure how its going to pan out :D I find if I need a dual wave I also need to change my ratio but lets not go there right now 😱

Dont be disapointed Trace- I think thats nearly a result. Sounds like you are doing great anyway from todays posting!

I dont think you did too bad their T whilst still experimenting! Im sure you have seen throughout the thread that we all struggle with this baby!

Not the master myself, but I would suggest extending your multi-wave further than 2 hours. As yet I have never had sucess at 2 hours, and 12mmols isnt too scary I think at that stage. Im in the middle of a dual wave right now which I am not sure how its going to pan out :D I find if I need a dual wave I also need to change my ratio but lets not go there right now 😱

Dont be disapointed Trace- I think thats nearly a result. Sounds like you are doing great anyway from todays posting!


thanks Lou, I know, Rome wasnt built in a day and all that 🙂
thanks Lou, I know, Rome wasnt built in a day and all that 🙂

I shouldnt have tried to advise you, I cant get it right myself. Last night I had my lowest hypo ever at 1.6mmols at 2am and I really scared myself. I was still in the dual wave and had 6 active units. This feeling a little out of sorts this morning.

I had a can and a half of cider and I hardly ever drink at home, I guess thats the moral of the story. I also dual waved for my first jacket potato on pump and perhaps I didnt need to dual at all?

Not easily flummoxed, me, but this I admit has scared me a little. That is the lowest I have ever gone.

Anyway, how is everyone? Hope you are out enjoying this good weather, I shall be!

Lots of love xx
Thanks for the good wishes everyone :D

Bev - I've been keeping pretty thorough logs for while now (I'm a scientist, I like collecting data! 😛), but I think I'll take your advice and start writing down everything I can - anything that will help!

Lesley - I'm trying to get in touch with a girl who was put forward a month before I was to see what's happening with her. I'm finding it difficult to get any information out of the hospital itself, which is a bit frustrating! Good luck with your appointment! 🙂

I shouldnt have tried to advise you, I cant get it right myself. Last night I had my lowest hypo ever at 1.6mmols at 2am and I really scared myself. I was still in the dual wave and had 6 active units. This feeling a little out of sorts this morning.

I had a can and a half of cider and I hardly ever drink at home, I guess thats the moral of the story. I also dual waved for my first jacket potato on pump and perhaps I didnt need to dual at all?

Not easily flummoxed, me, but this I admit has scared me a little. That is the lowest I have ever gone.

How scary for you Lou. Oh dear. We don't dual wave jacket pots, if that's any help. Poor Lou :(. Not fair.

Very low lows terrify me. It's that simple. We have had several in the last 10 months, and each time I am like a leaf the next day. Oh dear.

Tracey, you sound like you are doing just great. Really. This playing seems to be the only thing that gets you there. We continue to play...

On MDI we always split rice pizza and pasta Tom. It worked pretty well, but is a pain re more injections and more testing.

Here E went high with illness yesterday evening and through the night: we temp basal-ed at 120% at first with a full correction, then raised it to 150% (with correction), then he finally came down. By 2am he was 6.8 and had another hour on a 120% basal, and this morning he seemed quite stable, woke on 7mmols. So it seems like that worst is over! He's feeling better today anyway...

Even at 18mmols last night, there were no ketones. This is such evidence of the 'some insulin' - 'no insulin' divide. When the cannula died, he obviously had no insulin, and suddenly it was ketone city. Whereas if there is insulin running around, even though not enough, he's never had ketones. Interesting.

Beautiful day.

How scary for you Lou. Oh dear. We don't dual wave jacket pots, if that's any help. Poor Lou :(. Not fair.

Very low lows terrify me. It's that simple. We have had several in the last 10 months, and each time I am like a leaf the next day. Oh dear.

Thanks Patricia, I am feeling a bit better this evening. I really dont think I needed to dual wave that pot, but for some reason it was in the pasta/pizza category in my head=dual wave. The first jacket pot since I got my pump. I wont do that again.

I felt very fragile today. I nearly called an ambulance last night, when I got in the kitchen and got the lucozade out all I wanted to do was put my head on the counter. If I had of passed out no-one would have known, thats what was most upsetting. I really feel under pressure to get that HbA1c down and sometimes I think I get silly and pump the insulin in. I have to be more careful. Didnt go to the gym today, just to give my liver a day to catch up (sounds daft doesnt it, but you know what I mean).

Sorry to hear as well in your post P that you have had a few lows too with E of late. Hard work and scary. I might take a leaf out of your book. I should learn that if I do an evening dual wave, I must set my alarm and test at the end, or simply not do it at all. I have it embedded in my brain from my work not "undermine the reguime" and perhaps I should apply some of that theory to my diabetes!

Anyway, things arent so bad. I had a nice afternoon with a friend having coffee and chocolate cake (I just checked my Bm and it is 15.9 😱) Its just going to be one of thos BAD number weekends!

How is everyone? xx
Thanks Patricia, I am feeling a bit better this evening. I really dont think I needed to dual wave that pot, but for some reason it was in the pasta/pizza category in my head=dual wave. The first jacket pot since I got my pump. I wont do that again.

I felt very fragile today. I nearly called an ambulance last night, when I got in the kitchen and got the lucozade out all I wanted to do was put my head on the counter. If I had of passed out no-one would have known, thats what was most upsetting. I really feel under pressure to get that HbA1c down and sometimes I think I get silly and pump the insulin in. I have to be more careful. Didnt go to the gym today, just to give my liver a day to catch up (sounds daft doesnt it, but you know what I mean).

Sorry to hear as well in your post P that you have had a few lows too with E of late. Hard work and scary. I might take a leaf out of your book. I should learn that if I do an evening dual wave, I must set my alarm and test at the end, or simply not do it at all. I have it embedded in my brain from my work not "undermine the reguime" and perhaps I should apply some of that theory to my diabetes!

Anyway, things arent so bad. I had a nice afternoon with a friend having coffee and chocolate cake (I just checked my Bm and it is 15.9 😱) Its just going to be one of thos BAD number weekends!

How is everyone? xx


I'm glad your afternoon was good. Don't beat yourself up about getting the pump wrong sometimes, I still do and I have friends I ask for help. I hope you are feeling better and I can totally see why it is scary for you. I do not want Jessica living on her own ever. No idea how I can sort that one out !

I don't dual wave for jacket pots. I do sometimes if Jessica has jacket pot with cheese and beans but that is all to do with the fat and fibre, not the potato.

We have had an odd day. We have been out since 9 am with my sister and niece at a fairy and crystal day. We had lunch out and I under guessed the carbs right for lunch and she spiked at 15.9 but then had an ice cream in a cone and got that right. She had tea at my sisters which was a noodle thing so I did a 65/35 dual over 3 hours (guessing as still not got that right) and so that was due to finish at 8.20 pm. By 7 pm we were at a party and she ate cake !! I told her to get what she wanted and I would deal with it. She chose the biggest bit of gooey chocolate cake and I guessed 65 carbs and bolused and she ate it. Then they brought out a hog roast !! She had one of those so I bolused for the roll.

I just tested her, just gone to bed and she is 7.8. Wow. That is 2 hours after the dual wave finished and all the cake and hog roast. All the readings today were brilliant except the 15.9. I'm feeling rather proud of myself and I let Jessica have what she wanted. She did have 34.3 units of insulin mind you and normally she has approx 22 units 😱
Sitting here crying. A has been having loads of hypo's and today he has had 5! They were between 3 and 2.1mmols. I am sick to death of f******** diabetes. I try my best and i cant get anywhere. I also think he may be cealiac - he is windy and has random tummy aches. He isnt putting any weight on. I am sorry to be so negative - but i feel wiped out today and feel totally selfish and just want to sleep and not worry!!I cant seem to stop him being hypo and i am feeling very guilty about it. I have 2 other children and they dont get a look in with regards attention and that makes me feel guilty. I dont normally use bad language and i dont approve of other people using it - but i have had enough today...I feel useless and i am sick to death of diabetes..and sick to death of stupid people telling me to take a day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!How can I? Diabetes doesnt take a day off! Everyone thinks i cope well - but this is rubbish - why is A still having hypo's?

My sister is very intelligent and very well educated and is a medical professional and she tells me that I worry too much and that I need to relax more.....oh my god.....I am so angry with her...she knows nothing about diabetes and she thinks she can advise me.....

I am a shit mother and i feel negligent and I think A would be better off living with someone like Adrienne - she is confident and knows everything there is to know about diabetes

I apologise for my bad language - but i feel so sad and angry and i wish diabetes would just go away and give us back our normal life that we used to have...
Sitting here crying. A has been having loads of hypo's and today he has had 5! They were between 3 and 2.1mmols. I am sick to death of f******** diabetes. I try my best and i cant get anywhere. I also think he may be cealiac - he is windy and has random tummy aches. He isnt putting any weight on. I am sorry to be so negative - but i feel wiped out today and feel totally selfish and just want to sleep and not worry!!I cant seem to stop him being hypo and i am feeling very guilty about it. I have 2 other children and they dont get a look in with regards attention and that makes me feel guilty. I dont normally use bad language and i dont approve of other people using it - but i have had enough today...I feel useless and i am sick to death of diabetes..and sick to death of stupid people telling me to take a day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!How can I? Diabetes doesnt take a day off! Everyone thinks i cope well - but this is rubbish - why is A still having hypo's?

My sister is very intelligent and very well educated and is a medical professional and she tells me that I worry too much and that I need to relax more.....oh my god.....I am so angry with her...she knows nothing about diabetes and she thinks she can advise me.....

I am a shit mother and i feel negligent and I think A would be better off living with someone like Adrienne - she is confident and knows everything there is to know about diabetes

I apologise for my bad language - but i feel so sad and angry and i wish diabetes would just go away and give us back our normal life that we used to have...

Oh Bev you are so so so wrong. You know so much more than you give yourself credit for, seriously. You are a fab mum, just look what you have accomplished with and for A, you are his hero. You also wouldn't be human if you didn't have shite days like this. I'm not perfect by any means so never compare yourself to me. I have awful days where I just can get diabetes right at all. Who knows what diabetes is going to throw at you.

Jessica had 18 hypos in about 6 days when she went back to school. I was pulling my hair out and it was my DSN who helped me and now I'm back on track, its not easy and I too absolutely hate diabetes with a passion.

Don't put yourself down, you know your stuff, you just don't think so. I doubt myself on a daily basis, every time I send a message. I compare myself to the two J's on the other site and I don't know half the stuff they know and feel totally inadequate. See, we are all the same.

Ok the hypos. If you want to email me off this forum with results from the last two days and all the basals and ratios you have, we'll see what we can do. Either its the ratios, basals or he could be coming down with something. Sometimes levels can go down rather than up. Depends on the illness if there is one of course.

Now go and give yourself a huge pat on the back and glass of wine.

If you and Alex ever wanna a break or weekend by the sea, you are welcome here. 😛 (sorry I just love that icon but have no use for it so thought I would put it here !!) x
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