The Pumpers Thread!

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I'm eager to know how the changes go for you Bev -- and please don't beat yourself up about all this! Goodness knows you are going at it with all you've got....Sometimes another set of eyes just suddenly makes things click. Give yourself a break and don't worry about it. A himself will have to face all this in time, and he (and my E) are bound at times not to get it 'right' or 'see it' at first. This is just the nature of it. We shouldn't expect too much more of ourselves!

E's numbers have been high because of a heavy cold -- the strange thing is, they weren't high for the first two days, but then suddenly rocketed... So we have two days of really fighting him down from the numbers in the teens -- a whole range of temp basals, mixed with lots of correcting....Been a bit exhausting! Finally he does seem to be coming down though: last night was only on 120% all night. Started at 9mmols, woke up at 8mmols. So getting there. Yesterday was on 200% all day! PLUS corrections! We marched through a whole reservoir one day early...

The great thing about the pump though is that it IS possible, we know it is, as long as you keep just plugging away. I think next time we will not be so hesitant about whacking great temp basals...our fear is that it will plunge him into hypos of course, and then we'll be in even worse shape by bouncing all over, but this didn't happen. He did of course become progressively more insulin resistant, so it really took some whollops of units to 'break through' with any consistency.

We discovered the obvious I guess: as long as you keep testing, you will catch any drops as they are going, not when they've already happened. And it doesn't take long to reduce the insulin going in... We were just a bit nervous, as 200% seemed a lot!


Bev, I take my hat off to you. You must be extraordinarily strong. I mean, an absolute rock. Three children, all with different needs, and the added complication of the necessity of making decisions about things which can never have set outcomes or guidelines. These are HUGE pressures, coming from all sides. I really hope you are having some help, especially practically. You have a lot of things taking up head space. A lot. I for one am completely and utterly dependent on bouncing ideas and thoughts off of my OH when it comes to diabetes care -- and everything else. I think I would collapse otherwise. Certainly I would not be able to do what I do if it weren't for us working together in all circumstances.

So I take my hat off. Your support for others is invaluable. I'm glad that at times we are able to support you too. There must be times when you are exhausted down to your bones, and when your head is just plain empty! And no wonder.

For now,



Can someone please explain in sentence or two what degassing is and why it has to be done?

Hi All,

Bev, so sorry to hear how upset you got the other night. I hope you feel a bit better now. You shouldn't beat yourself up about it! You sound like you are doing an excellent job and I admire you for that! The amount of dedication you have is amazing!

Tracey, glad to see you are getting on well with things, couldn't stop laughing about you degassing attempt though. I must admit, it all sounds very complicated.

I have my appointment tomorrow at 10am with the pump nurse so will let you all know how I get on. Hopefully it will be good news!

Feel absolutley shattered at the minute, had a bad hypo at 10am this morning when I tested I was 1.5mmol😱 I had so little energy it took all my effort to sort myself out. Couldn't keep my eyes open afterwards though and fell asleep for about an hour! Good job I'm not in work today, that would have been tough!

Lesley x
I hope you are ok now Lesley.
good luck lesley for tomorrow ,

bev- how are you and hows A?

good afternoon everyone else x
I'm feeling a lot better now just shattered. Gonna put my feet up tonight. Can't wait to go to bed but wanna watch the new programme on five.

Can someone please explain in sentence or two what degassing is and why it has to be done?


Hello Tez,

I doesnt "have" to be done. Its just that when insulin is drawn up into the reservoir it is important to get all bubbles out, and this can be difficult at times. If there are bubbles they will pass through the tube and you will basically be getting air instead of insulin, so not great. Hope I have explained that right, is new for me too.

Degassing is a process which should get rid of the bubbles by basically taking all the air out of the vial, there is a video on youtube if your interested.
I have to say my second attempt was very sucessfull :D
Hiya Bev

How are things? Are you ok? What about A and his levels?
Hi Adrienne and all,

I havent been too well - so i havent tinkered much with the basals etc. But this morning he needed a set change because all through the night he stayed at 13 to 15 with corrections. So did a set change this morning before school - he wasnt due a set change until tomorrow - so not sure why. He had 0.1 ketones - so have sent his ketone
meter to school with instructions to drink lots of water etc. First aider will ring me at 11am (breaktime) to let me know how his levels are. I didnt like doing this before school as its hard to track if there is a problem - but i dont want him having time off school if possible.

His morning basal was on the lowest 0.025 - but yesterday he was 5.5mmols at the 2hour check - so he had a cereal bar and was 9.5 at lunch. He is frightened of hypo's at school so prefers to try to nip them in the bud.
So this morning i have changed his breakfast ratio to 1:12 from 1:10 - hopefullly this will stop him going low at 11am. Although i suspect he may be high anyway due to the set change - so wont really know until tomorrow!

I wont do too many changes as i find it hard to keep track of - but i will be changing the timing of the early morning basal to what you suggested Adrienne.

Took myself off to A & E yesterday - in agony - seems i may have gall bladder problem - so being referred to specialist. Cant eat any fatty foods for the next week or so - i have had a banana and some pearl barley for breakfast.....
The good news is that i saw the cardiologist about my flutterings in the heart and he said he is 99.9% certain that i am fit and well and my cholestrol is 4.5 - which i think is ok. I am having a 24 hour ecg monitor on me overnight tonight - just to check everything is ok. The cardiologist thinks the flutterings are because of stress and broken sleeping patterns - but nothing to worry about. Bit confused though - if my cholestrol is ok - why would i have problems with gall bladder....

Anyway, sorry to waffle -how are you? I saw J's sensor results on the 'list' and thought it was amazing! Well done to you both.🙂
Hi Adrienne and all,

I havent been too well - so i havent tinkered much with the basals etc. But this morning he needed a set change because all through the night he stayed at 13 to 15 with corrections. So did a set change this morning before school - he wasnt due a set change until tomorrow - so not sure why. He had 0.1 ketones - so have sent his ketone
meter to school with instructions to drink lots of water etc. First aider will ring me at 11am (breaktime) to let me know how his levels are. I didnt like doing this before school as its hard to track if there is a problem - but i dont want him having time off school if possible.

His morning basal was on the lowest 0.025 - but yesterday he was 5.5mmols at the 2hour check - so he had a cereal bar and was 9.5 at lunch. He is frightened of hypo's at school so prefers to try to nip them in the bud.
So this morning i have changed his breakfast ratio to 1:12 from 1:10 - hopefullly this will stop him going low at 11am. Although i suspect he may be high anyway due to the set change - so wont really know until tomorrow!

I wont do too many changes as i find it hard to keep track of - but i will be changing the timing of the early morning basal to what you suggested Adrienne.

Took myself off to A & E yesterday - in agony - seems i may have gall bladder problem - so being referred to specialist. Cant eat any fatty foods for the next week or so - i have had a banana and some pearl barley for breakfast.....
The good news is that i saw the cardiologist about my flutterings in the heart and he said he is 99.9% certain that i am fit and well and my cholestrol is 4.5 - which i think is ok. I am having a 24 hour ecg monitor on me overnight tonight - just to check everything is ok. The cardiologist thinks the flutterings are because of stress and broken sleeping patterns - but nothing to worry about. Bit confused though - if my cholestrol is ok - why would i have problems with gall bladder....

Anyway, sorry to waffle -how are you? I saw J's sensor results on the 'list' and thought it was amazing! Well done to you both.🙂

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, I hope they get this sorted for you quickly. I just get annoyed if I feel ill, I don't have time to be ill.

Hope the heart monitor is ok overnight.

No idea why he would be high over night, could just be one of those things and you did the right thing by changing the cannula.

Take care x
Hi all,

Lesley, sorry to hear about that hypo and I hope you are now better. How did it go with the nurse?

Bev, poor you thinkgs arent going very well I know. I really hope you start to feel better soon but that everything just, well, gets back on track. I guess the good news is a happy cardiologist is always a good thing, but please look after yourself. Thinking of you a lot. I know you have a lot on your plate- let off steam any time, we are listening.

I had a strange pump issue yesterday. I had a low reservoir alarm at 20 units, which I had my eye on (I was going to change it when I got in) and then I looked at the pump later and it was empty! I pressed escaped and in units left it just said --/-- and the pump gage was empty!I swear it NEVER alarmed again! Has anyone else had this? I am not too impressed with the Veo alarm system as I have said before....

Hi Steff, Tez, Adrienne, Tracey and Patricia. Hey Mand, hows things? xx
Hi all,

Lesley, sorry to hear about that hypo and I hope you are now better. How did it go with the nurse?

Bev, poor you thinkgs arent going very well I know. I really hope you start to feel better soon but that everything just, well, gets back on track. I guess the good news is a happy cardiologist is always a good thing, but please look after yourself. Thinking of you a lot. I know you have a lot on your plate- let off steam any time, we are listening.

I had a strange pump issue yesterday. I had a low reservoir alarm at 20 units, which I had my eye on (I was going to change it when I got in) and then I looked at the pump later and it was empty! I pressed escaped and in units left it just said --/-- and the pump gage was empty!I swear it NEVER alarmed again! Has anyone else had this? I am not too impressed with the Veo alarm system as I have said before....

Hi Steff, Tez, Adrienne, Tracey and Patricia. Hey Mand, hows things? xx


We have the 522 (one before the VEO) and ours only alarms once I think. We set it at 20 units and I always make sure I have changed it when there are about 10 off units left in it. You just never know especially if doing a temp basal or dual wave.
Hi all

Yes I think we have one alarm too...didn't even write up here that two days ago we were temp basaling so much etc that we um, were out of insulin first thing in the morning! We knew it would be close, and woke him to change it, but didn't want to do it in the middle of the night. Anyway he'd been without for about 15 mins, but it wasn't a fun thought... Like you, we are not impressed with the lack of alarms generally.

Numbers this end been good, now back at school and okay. Odd hypo last night: at 6.8 two and a half hours into dinner bolus, THEN an hour later, 3.7! He felt pretty rough with it, because he hadn't been low in a few days probably. All we can think is that the food went through faster than the insulin. Very unusual to have a drop like that so late into the bolus. Anyway, propped him up with apple juice and he was starving (more proof food went through!), bolused for half a small packet of biscuits. Was 7.7 at 3am, and woke on 8.8. So the treatment was a bit much, but he was hungry, and we'd bolused a small amount and didn't want to risk it.

All this such an awful game!

Lesley, what an awful sounding hypo. E has had a few of these very low lows, and they are pretty shattering. I hope things went well today with your pump meeting -- do let us know.

Everyone else okay? Bev, I'm feeling for you. Great about the cardio, but rotten news about the gall bladder. You've got a hell of a lot on your plate, lady. Gall is very painful. You're right to take things bit by bit with A -- only as much as you can handle. Thinking of you anyway.

Okay, for now.

Took myself off to A & E yesterday - in agony - seems i may have gall bladder problem - so being referred to specialist. Cant eat any fatty foods for the next week or so - i have had a banana and some pearl barley for breakfast.....
The good news is that i saw the cardiologist about my flutterings in the heart and he said he is 99.9% certain that i am fit and well and my cholestrol is 4.5 - which i think is ok. I am having a 24 hour ecg monitor on me overnight tonight - just to check everything is ok. The cardiologist thinks the flutterings are because of stress and broken sleeping patterns - but nothing to worry about. Bit confused though - if my cholestrol is ok - why would i have problems with gall bladder....

Hi Bev

I'm so sorry you are feeling ill and things are not looking up yet. I had my gall bladder removed in 2004 and before the op it was the most painful thing ever. Have they done an scan to see if you have any stones? Sometimes gall bladder problems are heridetary (for me yes.) One tip i would recommend would be to sleep propped up if you are in a lot of pain, this worked wonders for me.

Sorry off topic but just wanted to wish you well xx
I had a strange pump issue yesterday. I had a low reservoir alarm at 20 units, which I had my eye on (I was going to change it when I got in) and then I looked at the pump later and it was empty! I pressed escaped and in units left it just said --/-- and the pump gage was empty!I swear it NEVER alarmed again! Has anyone else had this? I am not too impressed with the Veo alarm system as I have said before....

Hi Lou, we had this once before and i never go to the bottom of it. Normally when we have low reservoirs it will alarm a couple of times to alert us, but once it alarmed at 20 units (as it's set up) and then there was nothing else. It was only on a bolus i noticed there was no insulin left!?!?😱 I thought maybe i had missed alarms, but nope, on checking alarm history it had only gone off once, yet when i scrolled back on another time there was more than one alarm for low reservoir. Weird.......:confused:
Hi Bev

I'm so sorry you are feeling ill and things are not looking up yet. I had my gall bladder removed in 2004 and before the op it was the most painful thing ever. Have they done an scan to see if you have any stones? Sometimes gall bladder problems are heridetary (for me yes.) One tip i would recommend would be to sleep propped up if you are in a lot of pain, this worked wonders for me.

Sorry off topic but just wanted to wish you well xx

Hi Becca,
Thanks for that advice - I havent had a scan yet - will do when i go to see specialist. If you dont mind me asking you - what affect did having the op have? Did you feel better immediately? Reply via pm if you prefer. Have been out to day to buy everything either no fat or low fat, although i have to say that we dont really eat a lot of fatty things - obviously due to A's diabetes. No-one in the family has had this - so not sure where its from. Perhaps this is also stress related! Not sure why I'm stressed.........🙄🙂Bev
Hi Lou, we had this once before and i never go to the bottom of it. Normally when we have low reservoirs it will alarm a couple of times to alert us, but once it alarmed at 20 units (as it's set up) and then there was nothing else. It was only on a bolus i noticed there was no insulin left!?!?😱 I thought maybe i had missed alarms, but nope, on checking alarm history it had only gone off once, yet when i scrolled back on another time there was more than one alarm for low reservoir. Weird.......:confused:

We havent had a low resevoir yet - because we were told to put 200mls in every time we do a set change and A is only on about 20 a day - so i think we end up wasting a lot - although it is handy for getting rid of bubbles to have a bit extra! Might fill a smaller amount and see what the alarm is like for future reference.🙂Bev
Patricia, Adrienne, Becca,Lesley, Mand Tracey and Steph,
(hope i havent missed anyone out),
Thanks for your support - much appreciated! Although i seem to have a problem with the gall bladder - I feel less anxious about it now i know. I dont like the 'not knowing' part. Thanks again.:DBev x

Lesley - let us know how it went today?🙂Bev x
I have been thinking about why A went high overnight. He had a hypo 2 x hours after eating his meal (2.4). He had beans on toast as i had been at the hospital and it was the quickest thing my daughter could rustle up! He hasnt had this in ages - so does anyone else spike with beans on toast? It would explain the 15 through the night!😱:confused:😛:D
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