The Pumpers Thread!

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We're ok here thanks.

We have a couple of SPIBELTS. The idea for us lot came from a friend on the email group. She had a fab summer by all accounts. Her and her husband (both lovely people, have met them a few times now) decided to send their little girls with type 1 to summer camp in the USA which is especially for diabetes. They did a lot of research into this. It lastest 3 weeks and whilst this was going on they travelled to places in the USA they wanted to and then after the 3 weeks the family had a fabulous relaxing week catching up.

It was at this camp that they first saw these SPIBELTS and brought the info back home. Lots of the kids have them there.

Jessica loves them and for PE they are great, no more jumping up and down in the other pump packs. However she does colour co-ordinate so sometimes she goes back to her old ones.

Bev - you are a star - see told you, you were good. You have and are moving them mountains, brilliant stuff. All clinics need someone like you to push them. Our clinic is beyond help mind you, I'm trying to push them out and the PCT are listening and thinking along these lines eek ! Well done.

Skype is great. My dad lives in the USA for half the year and we have Skype calls sometimes. Infact he has a Skype phone which is cheaper than normal phones. We use the webcam which I personally hate as you always have to look ok !! SPIBELT is here!!!!!:D:D:D

Hi all, thats the only news in my camp! both my spibelts are here and its all mightily exciting!!! I have to say, I am very impressed, are you as well Bev? Lesley, was it you as well who ordered? I dont think you are going to be disapointed....

How long do these spibelts take to be delivered? They sound like they might be good for my running as the 'bumbags' I have jump around all over the place and are so annoying I don't wear them unless I really have to. That means that I'm not carrying all the stuff I should do with me. Would be nice to get one before GSR if possible.
Patricia - GLad all going well for your trip and at home. Hope you have a safe trip today! x

Bev - Well done you! You made a difference! I hope you are as proud of yourself as you deserve to be! Go Bev! x

Lesley - Great news! Good luck for 20th and 27th! 🙂

Lou - have pm'd you. x

Adrienne, Becca, Tracey and all - Hi!

I spoke to my son's dsn yesterday who is unaware of the problems that have been posted on here. She is going to contact Medtronic and get back to me. In the meantime, she advised me to use a general alarm as a bolus reminder until she finds out more.

She is coming in two weeks time to teach us bolus wizard etc! All good stuff!

Bye for now. x
How long do these spibelts take to be delivered? They sound like they might be good for my running as the 'bumbags' I have jump around all over the place and are so annoying I don't wear them unless I really have to. That means that I'm not carrying all the stuff I should do with me. Would be nice to get one before GSR if possible.


It was a few weeks and they will be perfect for running. If you look at the Youtube link you will see that is why this woman designed them, for her running to carry her cell phone and keys etc.

I thoroughly recommend them.

It was a few weeks and they will be perfect for running. If you look at the Youtube link you will see that is why this woman designed them, for her running to carry her cell phone and keys etc.

I thoroughly recommend them.

Thanks Adrienne! Too late for the Great South Run, but might get one anyway as I need to carry more stuff in the autumn/winter time.
Thanks Adrienne! Too late for the Great South Run, but might get one anyway as I need to carry more stuff in the autumn/winter time.

If you would like to borrow A's spare one for the run your more than welcome. It is only very light so wouldnt cost much to send. Send me a pm if you want.🙂Bev

Went to medtronic meeting today to train on dual wave etc - and A has been put on sensors (well we have a box of 10) - so he has one in today and has gone back to school. I have no idea how easy we will find them - but its amazing that we will be able to check his levels every 5 minutes!This is going to be brilliant for working out what foods do what to him. We will be trying all the foods we have stayed away from so we can get the best 'view' of whats happening!

Medtronic rep said not to panic about the problems with veo, but to turn off the 'missed bolus reminder'and not to use the contour link with pump - just manually insert bg and there wont be a problem. They will all be replaced in January and wont cost the PCT's any more cash as someone had suggested on another forum. I did feel less worried about it when we came out.

Hope your all ok - just off to read the manual for sensors etc...Adrienne i hope your around in the next few days! lol.:DBev
How long do these spibelts take to be delivered? They sound like they might be good for my running as the 'bumbags' I have jump around all over the place and are so annoying I don't wear them unless I really have to. That means that I'm not carrying all the stuff I should do with me. Would be nice to get one before GSR if possible.


I placed my order online on the 23rd Sept and it came yesterday, but there has been a postal strike here in the ghetto for some time now so Im not sure how long it would have taken otherwise.

Get one N, you will love it. I bought 2 and with the discounts and free P&P I spent ?21, pretty good (thats adult size obviously). I am going to use mine in the gym later today, I dont wear a pump but for my other stuff, they really dont move!

Put as many codes in N as you can, I managed 2 discounts.
SHIP09 to get free postage
PUMP for a discount
US15 for 15%off!
Dual10 for anyone buying double pouch kids spibelt.


Girls, I will have to report back in. I am in blooming advanced reply or something and I have forgotten what you have all written and what i was going to say!

What do they call it? Im having a "senior moment"! xx
Great news Bev! Let us know how you get on with the sensors! That is re-assuring news re Veo pumps. 🙂
Have just ordered a spibelt! 🙂

Thanks Lou 😉 SPIBELT is here!!!!!:D:D:D

Hi all, thats the only news in my camp! both my spibelts are here and its all mightily exciting!!! I have to say, I am very impressed, are you as well Bev? Lesley, was it you as well who ordered? I dont think you are going to be disapointed....

I shall wear it to work tomorrow and see what happens, thats the ultimate test for me.

I think I am in love with them though, I know people (you know, them abnormal ones who prefer to use their own pancreas 😉) who I think might like these for christmas presents! Great for the gym or out walking (I should be on comission)....

Lesley, great news about the pump, congratulations. I bet you cant wait, I was so excited as well. I did about 6 days with saline in it, was definately worth doing, just to get used to handling the pump and not panicing you pushed the wrong buttons etc.

Well done at the clinic Bev. I was wodnering if you feel a little let down by medtronic like I do. I wonder about Mand as well. It seems none of the DSNs have had much info on the Medtronic latest and its sad really. We invest so much faith in these people and I dont feel they are out there fighting on our behalf to get vital information out to the people....and I just saw on the TV another postal strike for London this week. tut tut. I shouldnt think I will see that letter for a while. ho-hum.

I am off to bed with my lovely new spibelt! To hell with it, I might even wear them both!

Hows it going fluffy?!


Hi all!!!

Yes sugarbum it was me who ordered the spibelt and mine too came yesterday!!! Well pleased! I ordered a full black one and thought I would go for the limited edition pink ribbon (breast cancer) one too! they seem to be really good as the belt itself is stretchy too which I didn't think it would be!!

Patricia, I am really chuffed about getting my pump and no the wait wasn't as long as anticipated!!! Just eager to get going now! Hope your trip is going well and hope you feel a bit better knowing the things can carry on without you there 24/7 (should take a bit of pressure off you)

Hope everyone else is doing fine!

Gonna read the rest of the posts now! Good God, you lot can gab for england!!!

Lesley x
How long do these spibelts take to be delivered? They sound like they might be good for my running as the 'bumbags' I have jump around all over the place and are so annoying I don't wear them unless I really have to. That means that I'm not carrying all the stuff I should do with me. Would be nice to get one before GSR if possible.

I ordered mine on the 29th September and they were delivered yesterday so they didn't take that long.
Evening all,

Today has really hammered into me how helpful a pump would have been. So, over the past few days I've been a little under the weather and I've worked out that my once finely tuned basal is no longer enough. I've had to sit around all day with bad numbers waiting until my evening levemir jab to set things right, well hopefully that is. My bloods haven't been helped by two cans of beer. Typical, I drink so little yet get so messed up by it. I've been correcting like mad today and I'm really begining to develop an understanding of how a pin cushion must feel. If I were a pumper I'd have been able to do that without any discomfort but because I go about thins the old fashioned way I've been suffering more than I usually do when I'm ill. Did I forget to mention that I can't stand being ill? That doesn't help either. I think it's a case of decision made to be honest. I will probably be asking for a trial pump over christmas and then perhaps the real thing. Actually, I think I'll ask for the trial pump at my next appointment. No point in beating around the bush. A pump would make uni life alot easier I think.

Whinge/rant/self pitying moment over,

Evening all,

Today has really hammered into me how helpful a pump would have been. So, over the past few days I've been a little under the weather and I've worked out that my once finely tuned basal is no longer enough. I've had to sit around all day with bad numbers waiting until my evening levemir jab to set things right, well hopefully that is. My bloods haven't been helped by two cans of beer. Typical, I drink so little yet get so messed up by it. I've been correcting like mad today and I'm really begining to develop an understanding of how a pin cushion must feel. If I were a pumper I'd have been able to do that without any discomfort but because I go about thins the old fashioned way I've been suffering more than I usually do when I'm ill. Did I forget to mention that I can't stand being ill? That doesn't help either. I think it's a case of decision made to be honest. I will probably be asking for a trial pump over christmas and then perhaps the real thing. Actually, I think I'll ask for the trial pump at my next appointment. No point in beating around the bush. A pump would make uni life alot easier I think.

Whinge/rant/self pitying moment over,


Your allowed to rant - you try hard to control things - its not your fault if things go wrong sometimes - its diabetes. But, yes i think you would love having a pump! Have your team ever mentioned one to you? Do they have pumpers at your clinic?🙂Bev
Your allowed to rant - you try hard to control things - its not your fault if things go wrong sometimes - its diabetes. But, yes i think you would love having a pump! Have your team ever mentioned one to you? Do they have pumpers at your clinic?🙂Bev

I believe we do have some pumpers I believe. I think the team have mentioned pumps from time to time and I've seen one or two first hand but never actually tried one out. If I were to get oneI'd wonder if now that I've mastered carb counting, ok, a work in progress but I'm getting pretty hot at this but I suppose a pump is but a not too large step upwards. Just takes some effort.

Evening all,

Today has really hammered into me how helpful a pump would have been. So, over the past few days I've been a little under the weather and I've worked out that my once finely tuned basal is no longer enough. I've had to sit around all day with bad numbers waiting until my evening levemir jab to set things right, well hopefully that is. My bloods haven't been helped by two cans of beer. Typical, I drink so little yet get so messed up by it. I've been correcting like mad today and I'm really begining to develop an understanding of how a pin cushion must feel. If I were a pumper I'd have been able to do that without any discomfort but because I go about thins the old fashioned way I've been suffering more than I usually do when I'm ill. Did I forget to mention that I can't stand being ill? That doesn't help either. I think it's a case of decision made to be honest. I will probably be asking for a trial pump over christmas and then perhaps the real thing. Actually, I think I'll ask for the trial pump at my next appointment. No point in beating around the bush. A pump would make uni life alot easier I think.

Whinge/rant/self pitying moment over,


Hey Tom,

Would you be able to just call up your DSN and make an informal appointment? It would be some support for what you are going through right now, but in my experience my DSN got the pump 'ball' sound as if you are at that crucial stage you feel comfortable to give pumping a shot. Im sorry things feel abit crap at the moment. I have to say, from what I have read, it sounds like a pump could make uni life much easier. The ability to control 'ones' basal should never be under-estimated!

Have you dafnied? I expect so, but just incase you havent, worth making that DSN call just to get yourself in the system.

I wish I could lend you mine for a week just so you can see what its like!....but obviously I shall need it 😉
Hi all,
Spoke to Sheena today at medtronic (customer servies boss i think) and told her i wasnt impressed as a new user of their pump. She apologised and said the letter went out on friday and is sending me a copy in case our team dont get theirs.She reassured me that veo pumps arent dangerous to use and that we wont have to pay ?4000 (**** had mentioned that this may be the case)for an upgrade in January. She also offered to lend us a 522 (i think) if i wasnt happy to use our veo until january. I declined the offer as i am generally very happy with the veo. Told her about the 2 lots of supplies that have taken ages to be delivered and she was horrifed and is sending us a freebie box of quicksets as an emergency supply if ever they are late again. I should have asked her for sensors instead! She was very nice and was genuinely worried that my confidence had been knocked and asked me to let people on this forum who use veo's know, that ,if they arent happy about anything, then to ring her and she will do everything within her power to help you.🙂 Bev
Hey Tom,

Would you be able to just call up your DSN and make an informal appointment? It would be some support for what you are going through right now, but in my experience my DSN got the pump 'ball' sound as if you are at that crucial stage you feel comfortable to give pumping a shot. Im sorry things feel abit crap at the moment. I have to say, from what I have read, it sounds like a pump could make uni life much easier. The ability to control 'ones' basal should never be under-estimated!

Have you dafnied? I expect so, but just incase you havent, worth making that DSN call just to get yourself in the system.

I wish I could lend you mine for a week just so you can see what its like!....but obviously I shall need it 😉

I've done the local equivalent of DAFNE - SADIE is it's name. I would love to be able to fiddle around more and have a much more flexible control over my diabetes. I should give my nurse a call I think then, seeing as I have one or two days where I am rather light on lectures I could quite easily nip home as it isn't too far.

I've done the local equivalent of DAFNE - SADIE is it's name. I would love to be able to fiddle around more and have a much more flexible control over my diabetes. I should give my nurse a call I think then, seeing as I have one or two days where I am rather light on lectures I could quite easily nip home as it isn't too far.


Great idea Tom, Im sure every clinic is different, but I cant tell you my DSN is very powerful- I think she probably leads the consultants where I go for funding and approval etc! Hopefully it is the same where you are, I think getting in with the nurse is a worth while first step. Good luck.

BEV- good work!!!

Thanks for sharing. Interesting to know. Is that letters for us all? I havent got anything as yet. I cant help but wonder why january? I do not look forward to the max-exodus on veos january. I didnt know you had waited for supplies, that is bad. On a positive note, I am so excited to hear of the sensors and really, really interested to know how you get on?! 🙂 Does A love them- what does the graph look like???! I have always wondered!

I was chatting to mand in a PM earlier, I got upset because I turned my bolus remnider off with all this news and forgot to bolus. Its not rocket science but I was distracted at work. Im thinking of turning it back on :confused:

Hope everyone is well. I expect Patricia is on her millionth plane journey by now?!
Tom - Keep us posted on your pump request - if you go ahead. You certainly deserve one because you are obviously very concientous (spelling). 🙂

Bev - Sounds like you have done ok there. It is shocking though that they seem so unorganised at the moment. :(

Lou - My son's dsn recommended setting a general alarm as the bolus reminder (rather than the actual bolus alarm). She said you can set up to 10 alarms on the Veo for whatever purpose you want. All you need to do is remember why you set the alarm!! :D

Not good numbers yesterday so hoping for a better day today. 🙂
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