The Pumpers Thread!

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Brill news randomange!!!

Any idea what pump you would like to go for? I'm picking mine up next tuesday and going 'live' the following tuesday! I've gone the for accu chek spirit combo. Keep us posted.

hello everyone else. Not had much time to come on here lately and boy can you lot gab! By the time I've caught up and typed a response I have to catch up again! I think I'll have to do a course on speed reading!

Sorry this post will no doubt be very self obsessed- I am feeling very sorry for myself.

Tune in all you medtronic people, there is a red cross on my door....

My VEO died this afternoon with "Motor Error". I personally think it had failed to deliver basal for a few hours as I went into a late lunch at 15.9! Then I got three wrong doses, NOT what I keyed in (under, thankfully) and the it as alarming "No Delivery" several times. I had never heard these alarms before..

Anyway, I was on the train to my mums and couldnt get a signal to call Medtronic. I think they have been coached more now on this, lovely lady but I could tell not giving much away. Veos replaced "sometime in the new year". Will I ever see it again??

Paradigm 522 in blue coming tomorrow to my sisters house, thank goodness I am off I will have to learn and re-program. I ordered in blue, but now not keen on the colour. Oh well, not the time to be fussy.

Gutted, girls. And pleased be warned it happened all of a sudden. Tell your kids that if the only option they are getting is to "Rewind" I would suggest coming STRAIGHT home. I didnt have the novopen with me either. Typical. Only the cartridge and needles but nothing to give it with. I phoned the local useless centre (yes, aparently in this area if you pay peanuts you get monkeys- a rather rude nurse was very unhelpful) trying to get pens/needles etc. Eventaully I went into Lloyds pharmacy, two lovely ladies elped me out. I tried to but the novopens but they were ?37 each for less than 24 hours! In the end they sold me the orange topped needles, 10 in a batch for ?1.71. They hurt going in but I will survive. I dont have a basal tonight which will be hiddeous. I only have novorapid. Ah well.

Oh the drama. Im a little shocked actually...I have been very calm and collected (yes, this is true) in some extremely awful situations in life and work, but this sends me right into panic.

Still no letter, I wonder WHO at Medtronic is CARING for me when I actually got the real reminder that yes I do rely on other people and Medtronic far too much....

I will be VERY sad to see my pump go tomorrow. :(

I dont mean to scaremonger, but peeps please BE CAREFUL.

Take care xxx
Hi Lou,

So sorry to see that happened to you. At least you have a replacement on the way. Stay strong.

I'm catching up with someone from my carb coutning course on Wednesday to chat about a pump...I'm swinging more and more towards wanting one.

You poor thing! What a time for it all to go wrong! I must admit - i am glad we disabled the 2 features that seem to be causing the problem. Do you think it was one of these functions that may have messed it all up?

I got my letter on saturday morning. The tone of the letter is very laid back and makes out that this is just a blip and that no-one has actually been caught short - so not to worry we will get a replacement in January!

I really feel for you Lou - it must be horrible to have all this unwanted change and stress. At least you finally got the chemist on your side - eventually!

I do hope you get the new pump without any hassle and that you can quickly work it all out. If you have any problems let me know and i can ask on the other forum - there are a few with this particular pump. I am presuming you keep this new pump until the new veo's are ready?

Do let me know if you have any problems setting it up and if you get stuck i am sure we can find out for you.🙂

Hope you have a better day tomorrow Lou.🙂Bev xxx
Hi all,

Sorry I posted without reading the updates earlier and I missed great news randomange and sam! Many congrats! This really is fabulous 🙂

Bev- thanks love. You got your letter on saturday? I am thinking of putting a proper complaint in. Perhaps it is all too emotional to think about just yet, but where on earth is their duty of care? Dont get me wrong, I like them- I am just abit gobsmacked over how this "has" been dealt with.

Tried googling for a better pic of the blue pump. Nothing. Im wondering if I should have given that more thought!

I tried to inject using those orange top syringes- OUCH!!!! 😡 They are not nice. I looked on the packet and they are 12.5mm!!! Enough said?

Big sigh....

I hope I am not putting all these new and wannabie pumpers off 😱
Blimey Sugarbum! Scary stuff! 😱

Hope the new pump comes soon and you like it 🙂

Plus hope your time on novarapid only goes ok, be really careful though, remember DKA can come on super quick with no background. (im sure you know all this, just worrying on your behalf 😱)
Hi lou, god that sounds scary! I'm so sorry this has happened and I hope that you'll be ok. Just be careful and look after yourself *hugs*
Blimey Lou! That is so scary! I feel for you so much! Do let us know how you get on with the replacement pump. I will keep a close eye on my son. We not using either of the functions that can cause the problems and i was hoping we would last till January when they are replaced. It really is worrying! Anyway, I send you a big hug and will be thinking of you. Hope you get set up ok on new pump. xx We have not heard anything from Medtronic either which is appalling - how do they know that my son is not using the functions that cause the problems??! Even his dsn knew nothing until i brought it to her attention and she phoned Medtronic. Not impressed! :(

I have managed to override the factory setting on the pump and can now do 200% basal if needed. Phew!

My son's blood sugars were still too high yesterday and i had decided i would take him to doctors today to see if he has an infection as he has a cold at the moment. But last night he went to bed on 6.1 and has woken on 5.8 so maybe he is getting better by himself? Will see what today brings and take him tomorrow if necessary.

At least i managed a full night sleep last night. It's good to catch up on sleep!

Bev - how are the sensors going? How long have you got them for? Are you finding them useful enough?

Patricia - Hope your trip still going well and all ok at home. x

Great news and good luck, Randomange!

Good luck with your pump requests, Sam and Tom.

Bye for now. 🙂
Just called my diabetes centre to ask about a pump. I'm trying to get an appointment with one of the nurses for sometime next Wednesday. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to the nurse that is on a pump himself. The diabetes centre said that they'd call me back after speaking to one of the nurses.

Thanks all, I am sat here at my sisters house waiting for the delivery of my replacement pump. The coudnt give me any indication of when it might come so I am in for the long haul....

How is everyone?? xx
Lou, what an awful thing to happen! :( I hope you get your pump soon and you can get on with sorting it out. How were your numbers overnight with just novorapid?

I have to say, I was leaning towards the Veo as my choice of pump, but the way Medtronic have handled this problem has left me a little bit concerned...😱 I also really like the Roche pump with the remote control, but given that I left my entire diabetes kit at home this morning, I'm not sure I can be trusted with something like a remote! Luckily I have spare kit at work...😱

Mand, glad to see your son's numbers seem to be coming down. 🙂 Is he feeling any better?
Just like to say hello to everyone.
I've been on my pump since June 23rd and loving it, Still tweaking here and there.
I am having a stay in hospital on Friday night as part of a closed loop system or artificial pancreas, I am quite looking forward to it.
I am still making my way through this thread and recognise some of the ups and downs with diabetes in general.
Velcrohead- welcome to the forum! Becca's little girl has been on the closed loop trials - so let us know how it all goes when your back - and well done for giving it a go!

Lou, how are you? Did you get the pump? How did the novo go? Dont forget if you need any help let me know and i can ask the others on the childrens forum - i think Adrienne's J has the same pump -and as you know she is an expert- but she is a bit poorly at the moment.

Mand, glad your sons levels started to come down. A's have started to go up - just when i thought we had it all sussed! So will be changing some basals i think. We LOVE the sensors - not sure about another thing being attached to the body - but the information it gives is like having a window into his body! You can see exactly what a particular food does to him - 8 hours for pasta!

Hope everyone else is ok - and Patricia - are you back yet? I have missed your posts!🙂Bev
Thanks Bev
Out of interest, What was done on the child trials?
My trial consists of being given at least a bottle of wine (due to weight) and seeing how the system copes with dipping blood glucose levels over night.
I presume that was not done with kids.
hi all. Got an appointment with the nurses at the RSH next thursday. Gunna have a chat about pumps and stuff, looking forward to it.

This who buisness with the Veo's is pretty scary though :( I've been looking at them pretty closely, but i'm kinda put off now!

Hope you're all well!
Thanks Bev
Out of interest, What was done on the child trials?
My trial consists of being given at least a bottle of wine (due to weight) and seeing how the system copes with dipping blood glucose levels over night.
I presume that was not done with kids.

Did someone say free bottle of wine . . . . :D
Thanks Bev
Out of interest, What was done on the child trials?
My trial consists of being given at least a bottle of wine (due to weight) and seeing how the system copes with dipping blood glucose levels over night.
I presume that was not done with kids.

He he - she is only 7! Not really sure what they did with her - i will ask Becca if she can put a short post on to tell you how it all went. Dont drink too much - you may want a kebab and ruin it all! lol.😱🙂Bev
He he - she is only 7! Not really sure what they did with her - i will ask Becca if she can put a short post on to tell you how it all went. Dont drink too much - you may want a kebab and ruin it all! lol.😱🙂Bev

Ha ha, thanks for that, The thing is, I never drink anyway so should be interesting, The last alcoholic drink I had was on new years day.
Hi velcrohead, welcome to the forum! 🙂

Are you doing your trial in Cambridge? I took part in an earlier trial looking at the effect of food. If that's where you're doing it, I reckon it'll be the same team - they're all lovely! :D
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