The Pumpers Thread!

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Hello everyone!

Patricia, great to have you back safe and sound! I dont evny your tiredness- and I hope the case comes back soon.....what a nightmare, but I am glad their have been no dramas while you were away with E and his numbers. I LOVED the link by the way- this is very exciting. I was wondering about putting it to the main board becuase I think this would capture a lot of peoples interest who dont necessarilly visit us so I might thieve it to a new a thread 😉 This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I see your kids using in the future, how exciting.

Bev and Mand, sorry to hear the numbers are not great what a nightmare. I am racking my brains but I cannot think what a simple answer might be. I hope its not back to the drawing board? Good luck anyway girls.

I woke with a BM of 9.7mmols. I cant set my basal the same as this pump doesnt have the same increments so I shall have to also to some tweaking. I am sensitive to the half unit as well so its a bit fiddly.

Tracey, if you ever have time to completely burn and the technology I would love to see a picture of your pump! The website one is not the greatest and my level of curiosity is high!

Havent seen Adrienne for a bit, if you are reading fluffy I hope you and Jess are well.

Off to work later so back to my chores.....pah!

Lou xx
PS. Welcome back by the way xxx 🙂
Viki, I put this to the main message board so everywone can drool over it- I know you and me will like it a lot!

How good is this??? I am signing up for the green one too!


I meant to just say earlier, in light of my disaster in the pump department I am still reprogramming my settings. I hadnt realised exactly how much there was to input and Carelink has been a godsend. Just a note to say (if I actually had of paid for it!) it would have been worth its weight investing in it if I hadnt got it, even if just for this event alone.

Hi again all

Bev, feeling worried for you. And Mand. Sheesh. What's going on? Bev: do you think A has come out of honeymoon yet?

Lou and Viki: wow, huh? Love this thing. I can SO imagine E just instantly loving it. The site says little about the actual pump though...Imagine having all those stats too all in one place -- THIS is the way to get control with more ease, surely?

Okay. Now to teach. Have made it to my office. Where I am sitting down.

Can i join the argh!!! high numbers, scratching head way group?????? Am so fed up, poor Rose looks pale and says she doesn't feel right, i'm not surprised her numbers are all over the place. Feel like a really bad parent that i cannot help her. I worry so much over the damage all this is doing to her body. I then look at other people/families (which is a no no) and think how do they do it, why can't i???????????? what am i doing so wrong...

I really feel like scrapping everything and starting again fresh with the pump, all basals and ratios. Everything i'm tweaking i feel i'm getting deeper and deeper and it's just not working.....
Hi guys

Sorry not been in touch, as Bev and Becca know from the other email group I've been ill with food poisoning since early hours Sunday morning, extremely dodgy kebab on Saturday night!! I hardly eat kebabs, second one in two years, typical.

I had the doctor come out to me Sunday night as I realised I had a temperature and I was worried about looking after Jessica overnight on Sunday. He said yes food poisoning, had a temp of 39.1 and felt really really rough. I spent most of the day either laying down or in the loo :(

Jessica, bless her, looked after me and herself. She made her own breakfast of crumpets and she made herself peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and tea 😱 At 6 pm my mum said she would come down (she is 1 1/2 hours away) and stay overnight. Fab.

She slept in my bed with Jessica dealing with an alarming pump over night and she hasn't had to deal with the pump for two years now but she did great.

She then did all my ironing and washing and got my script from the chemist etc She went home at about 6 pm. Then things got worse. This is the email I put on the email group yesterday :

Well my mum had to go home last night and I'm still quite ill. Jessica was 18.0 at about 8 pm and the pump gave a 0.3 correction and off to bed. At 10 I thought I would have to go to bed and decided to test Jessica then, hoping she would be high enough at that time for me to sleep all night. She was 4.1 !! I gave her coke and tested after 20 minutes. She was 2.5 ! I gave her more coke and took her pump off. I knew I was too weak myself to deal with anything major. I made her wake up and sit up in my bed with me. I then tested her after 10 minutes and she was 1.9, you can imagine what I was thinking. She was awake and taking but it was all rubbish and it was slurred. I tested again 1.8 blimey. I couldn't give anymore coke as her pancreas would have been having a field day so I just kept popping in the glucotabs as they are slower working for her. By 11.30 she was 4.4 , I made her stay awake until about 11.45 when she was 5.4. I put her pump back on but with a 0% for 1 1/2 hours !!

I made her sleep in with me, not the best thing when I have a temp of 38.5 but needs must. At about 3 am (I can't really remember), her pump alarm woke me up and blow me she was 3.3. So I gave her coke and tested after 15 minutes and she was 3.0 . So again I woke her up and gave her another can of coke (4th one that night) and after 10 minutes she was 3.8. I waited until she was 5.0 and put her pump back on a 0% temp for another 1 1/2 hours and she woke at 10.0 mmol. I was expecting her to be higher.

I have no idea what was going on, there was nothing she did unusual during the day, infact it was very sedate. She had the day at home with my mum making jewellery as there were no carers at school as we were supposed to be in hospital so they had gone on a school day trip. Sods law really.

Anyway the two carers, who are my great friends as well, have taken over today, and have taken her to school, then swimming lessons after school, then will take her to MacDonalds for tea. Both their kids also do swimming lessons with us and we do a weekly MacDonalds.

I'm knackered now, this is the one and only email I have written today and no doubt will be. I haven't eaten since Saturday night and still am visiting the littlest room in the house despite being given lovely tablets from the doctor, which clearly aren't doing their stuff.

Oh well, at least it is helping with my Weight Watchers !!

I thought I was a bit better yesterday and I ate toast but I wasn't and today feel rubbish again. I did however go and weigh in at ww and have lost one stone in three weeks, bit extreme but its the food poisoning for some of it, just need to keep it off.

Sorry so long and I haven't managed to read all the other messages properly. Becca, Bev and Mand I hope you get the levels sorted and Lou I hope your blue 522 comes. The blue is a nice colour.

Hello everyone!

Patricia, great to have you back safe and sound! I dont evny your tiredness- and I hope the case comes back soon.....what a nightmare, but I am glad their have been no dramas while you were away with E and his numbers. I LOVED the link by the way- this is very exciting. I was wondering about putting it to the main board becuase I think this would capture a lot of peoples interest who dont necessarilly visit us so I might thieve it to a new a thread 😉 This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I see your kids using in the future, how exciting.

Bev and Mand, sorry to hear the numbers are not great what a nightmare. I am racking my brains but I cannot think what a simple answer might be. I hope its not back to the drawing board? Good luck anyway girls.

I woke with a BM of 9.7mmols. I cant set my basal the same as this pump doesnt have the same increments so I shall have to also to some tweaking. I am sensitive to the half unit as well so its a bit fiddly.

Tracey, if you ever have time to completely burn and the technology I would love to see a picture of your pump! The website one is not the greatest and my level of curiosity is high!

Havent seen Adrienne for a bit, if you are reading fluffy I hope you and Jess are well.

Off to work later so back to my chores.....pah!

Lou xx


I was given a pump on monday it's going o.k so far!!! Thought I would join to get other people's views on th epump.
Hello all,

My DSN just called and she's going to put me in the pump clinic so I can discuss pumping. I get my appointment there on the second of December. If I want to go on one I would start in January. Fingers crossed. I'm glad that they got back to me so promptly. I only called yesterday to ask about that. Now that is service.


I was given a pump on monday it's going o.k so far!!! Thought I would join to get other people's views on th epump.

Hi Lisa, what kind of pump do you have?

Hello all,

My DSN just called and she's going to put me in the pump clinic so I can discuss pumping. I get my appointment there on the second of December. If I want to go on one I would start in January. Fingers crossed. I'm glad that they got back to me so promptly. I only called yesterday to ask about that. Now that is service.


Good news Tom - getting the ball rolling! Did you see the link that Sugarbum and Patricia posted about the new pump that's coming out? Wow!🙂
Hello all,

My DSN just called and she's going to put me in the pump clinic so I can discuss pumping. I get my appointment there on the second of December. If I want to go on one I would start in January. Fingers crossed. I'm glad that they got back to me so promptly. I only called yesterday to ask about that. Now that is service.


great news ,fingers crossed
Good news Tom - getting the ball rolling! Did you see the link that Sugarbum and Patricia posted about the new pump that's coming out? Wow!🙂

Yeah I've seen that, I'm wary of new things but if I were given the opportunity to have one after the faults had been ironed out I'd seriously consider it.
Welcome back, Patricia! Good to have you back. x

Poor Adrienne! How awlful for you! Gosh a very unpleasant experience and absolutley exhausting! Try to get as much rest as you can (so much easier said than done!). Take care. x

Bev and Becca - I am so sorry that you are in the same boat as us at the moment, though i have to confess to it making me feel slightly less bad as it shows it can happen to anyone and it is not just me being hopeless!

Like you Becca, last night i just wanted to re-start everything. But then i just didnt know where to start! As you say, Bev, i need to change one thing at a time. Anyway, i have made a basal change in the day and changed the breakfast food/insulin ratio and awaiting his return from school to look at the numbers.

At the moment it seems we are right back to square one. We are night testing, sometimes bringing him down, sometimes treating a low.

Yes, let's swap notes! Hopefully we can prop each other up through this blip!

How are things with you both today? 🙂
Yeah I've seen that, I'm wary of new things but if I were given the opportunity to have one after the faults had been ironed out I'd seriously consider it.

God Tom youre soo sensible! :D

Great news on the pump clinic appointment x
God Tom youre soo sensible! :D

Great news on the pump clinic appointment x

Yeah, I reckon if I do get a pump I'll ask for a Veo seeing as the teething problems are being sorted out. The new ones I gather are going to be issued around the time I'd be going onto one.
Tom, brilliant news - i am so pleased for you!

Mand and Becca,
Changed set at lunchtime in school - he has come home on 6.9 and was 7 at his 2 hour check - so i am thinking it was a set change he needed- but that doesnt explain the odd highs over the weekend though.:confused:

Fingers crosssed for us all that we can get them all lower!
Becca, in an odd way it makes me feel better that someone who has so much experience is having a problem too - i dont mean to sound unkind - i mean that your an expert and these things can happen - so it makes us amateurs feel better! But of course i want R to feel better very soon.🙂

Lou, sounds like your cracking on with bluey so well done!🙂

Patricia - glad your back with us -- after a long sleep - do tell us how it all went!🙂

Hello to everyone else and hope your all doing ok. Bev x
Hello everyone!

Patricia, great to have you back safe and sound! I dont evny your tiredness- and I hope the case comes back soon.....what a nightmare, but I am glad their have been no dramas while you were away with E and his numbers. I LOVED the link by the way- this is very exciting. I was wondering about putting it to the main board becuase I think this would capture a lot of peoples interest who dont necessarilly visit us so I might thieve it to a new a thread 😉 This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I see your kids using in the future, how exciting.

Bev and Mand, sorry to hear the numbers are not great what a nightmare. I am racking my brains but I cannot think what a simple answer might be. I hope its not back to the drawing board? Good luck anyway girls.

I woke with a BM of 9.7mmols. I cant set my basal the same as this pump doesnt have the same increments so I shall have to also to some tweaking. I am sensitive to the half unit as well so its a bit fiddly.

Tracey, if you ever have time to completely burn and the technology I would love to see a picture of your pump! The website one is not the greatest and my level of curiosity is high!

Havent seen Adrienne for a bit, if you are reading fluffy I hope you and Jess are well.

Off to work later so back to my chores.....pah!

Lou xx

Lou i will try, am not good at tech stuff could take a while 🙄
Tom, congratulations! and welcome to Lisa,

Sorry everyone seems to be having troubles with pumps, sets and high numbers :(

Adrienne hoe you are on the mend now, take care of yourself, x
Just a quick one to send sympathy to Adrienne: crikey! And poor J too. I bet you have absolutely had enough....

I once had serious food poisoning and it took quite some time for the antibiotics and 'stopper uppers' to work. It was miserable. 5 days I think it was, from when I got the pills. I had gone another 5 before that... Ergh, you poor thing!

Will get to everything else tomorrow.

Welcome Lisa!

Don't know anything about the cool new pump...but as Tom says, I reckon this is at prototype level at the moment; otherwise we'd know more about it. ALSO it appears to be made by a company other than the front the system around its dispensing will take time to grab hold and be workable. Etc.

Sigh. Maybe I'll contact them?!

For now!

(Still standing...though a sneaky 40 minute nap *during* my daughter's violin lesson!)
Tom, congratulations! and welcome to Lisa,

Sorry everyone seems to be having troubles with pumps, sets and high numbers :(

Adrienne hoe you are on the mend now, take care of yourself, x

Hi Tracey,
Sorry - i forgot to mention you in my post! It seems ages since you were on here - did you have a good holiday? How's pumping going?🙂Bev
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