The Pumpers Thread!

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Did you all change patterns for the weekend, then back to school one? Maybe patterns are more different than you think this time round?

What do I know -- heck!

I'd be interested in knowing if there's a sudden shift if the weather shifts in the autumn too, like in the spring... It's certainly cooler and blowy here...

Then again, I can't really think today. You have my sympathies though!
Hi Patricia

How you doing? I've just replied on the other thread, hope things are ok.....

The bizarre thing about Rose is that she has ALWAYS needed more insulin for school and less at the weekend. However, over the past 9 weeks, it's gone the other way around! Less at school, more at home. Not sure what's going on...

You're right about the weather though, with it being a tad cooler our bodies do change and i wonder.........
Oh poor Jessica! Same here though, Rose woke on 15.3 ?!?! Down to 10.1 by 10am and by 11.30 5.4. Growth hormones??? Was thinking it was the set but maye not....

Are Jessica's sites ok? not lumpy?


Its a worry isn't it. Jessica has never had lumpy sites, she is really lucky. Just two differences since Wednesday before last and that is using quick sets and not silhouettes and having them on her tummy instead of bottom. It took however 5 days before the hypos started last Monday !!!! Then the highs.

Hope you sort Rose's levels out ok. 😛
Canulas in the fridge


This is a reply to my email from one of the most knowledgeable mums I know. She has two children with type 1 and is amazing (Becca and Bev will agree with me here I'm sure). I asked her to explain what she actually does ie just the canula in the fridge or fill the reservoir and put that in the fridge:

"No problem. I am putting the individual little plastic cases with just the quickset snuggled inside into my fridge door - not the cannula and not disturbed from the plastic pot. I could put a whole box in, but given my children's and mine gargantuan appetites there is no room!

One son goes and gets it out just as I call him for a set change. It doesn't make it hurt more or anything.The DSN told me it gives the plastic a little more integrity as it goes in and helps stop kinks. Other than that we would have to try a different set and one son, being very afraid of change, would not tolerate that without upset.

Hope that helps"

Thank you Adrienne! And I've just spoken to our local DSN -- she says that the quicksets *do* have a tendency to do this (ack!). One of her children has just moved to silhouette for that reason. She also said they have a tendency to do it more on slim, more muscular people....
Thank you Adrienne! And I've just spoken to our local DSN -- she says that the quicksets *do* have a tendency to do this (ack!). One of her children has just moved to silhouette for that reason. She also said they have a tendency to do it more on slim, more muscular people....


Have just remembered was told by our fab DSN that most hospitals now use the 9mm and not the 6mm. The 6mm were found to kink and bend on anyone, whether small, large or whatever. She said most hospitals now only use the 9mm and I guess that is why silhouettes are used on young children and extremely skinny people !🙂
Did you all change patterns for the weekend, then back to school one? Maybe patterns are more different than you think this time round?

What do I know -- heck!

I'd be interested in knowing if there's a sudden shift if the weather shifts in the autumn too, like in the spring... It's certainly cooler and blowy here...

Then again, I can't really think today. You have my sympathies though!


We have a pattern A for weekends and holidays. The only difference is the morning :

Standard for school or early get up at weekends ! (this just the period that is different, the rest is the same on both patterns)

0500 0.85
0900 0.05
1300 0.55

Pattern A (used for weekends and holidays when getting up later than school time but still around 9 am ish give or take 30 mins) :

0600 0.95
0930 0.05
1300 0.55

That did all work for us till this last week !! Hopefully it will work again soon.

Have just remembered was told by our fab DSN that most hospitals now use the 9mm and not the 6mm. The 6mm were found to kink and bend on anyone, whether small, large or whatever. She said most hospitals now only use the 9mm and I guess that is why silhouettes are used on young children and extremely skinny people !🙂

Hmmm, we are using the 6mm. What are you using at the moment, everyone?!

The response from our other team re kinking is that yes you can try the fridge, but that it quickly warms in the body anyway so the fridge does not prevent a later knock etc.

E's levels are going up, for some reason! Argh. My husband had to do the set change last night, and he's just said it was a bit stressy, so we can't count on this change absolutely...On the other hand E was surprisingly high two days ago at this time, so maybe it's just a basal question...

He also doesn't feel great. So maybe he's coming down with something.

Oh no Patricia! Lets hope it is just his pattern and you have the basals wrong? I hate it when this sort of thing happens - i am always tempted to change site - but then i worry if its late in the day and there is a problem with the new site! Nighmare! I do hope his levels start coming down. We are battling hypo's still....Think i will reduce all basals overall as he has been on the lower side for a good few days now.🙂

Let us know later if E's levels are coming down. 🙂Bev
Hmmm, we are using the 6mm. What are you using at the moment, everyone?!

The response from our other team re kinking is that yes you can try the fridge, but that it quickly warms in the body anyway so the fridge does not prevent a later knock etc.

E's levels are going up, for some reason! Argh. My husband had to do the set change last night, and he's just said it was a bit stressy, so we can't count on this change absolutely...On the other hand E was surprisingly high two days ago at this time, so maybe it's just a basal question...

He also doesn't feel great. So maybe he's coming down with something.


I would change to the 9mm immediately. Ring Medtronic and see if you can change the boxes you have.

When you do a set change do you put on a temp basal if he tends to go up. We do a 150% for one hour, probably I need to do it for 2 hours but haven't tried that yet.
Hmm..we have 6mm aswell. I might ring medtronic and ask them to swop.:confused:Thanks for all this info Adrienne!🙂Bev
Just to let you know - another young child on the other forum has just spent a couple of days in hospital - with dka! His canula was also kinked!😱Bev
Morning all,

Sorry to miss this conversation last night. As you can imagine, we were in bed before 10pm! Then up at 1am, 2am and 6.30am...

E's numbers still not stable from late yesterday. 12mmol at bedtime. Correction did nothing, and he was 16 (!) 3 hours later, at 1am. Then did correction, and he was down to 14mmol in an hour. THEN did another correction and temp basal 120%, and this morning he was still only down to 12mmol. 😡 I've corrected this and and re-instated the temp basal. He says his throat hurts. He *was* quite wiped out yesterday, off and on...but we put it down to going through so much the night before...

Things like this are just crazy-making, aren't they?! We *know* his cannula was kinked and insulin wasn't going in. And now, coincidentally, he seems to be coming down with something! No wonder it feels impossible to tell the wood from the trees sometimes with this condition!

PLUS (selfishness coming in here), because we can see if he's sickening for something (most children would go to school feeling a little draggy), it's an extra day when the world stops and he's home, even though tomorrow and/or the next day will be when whatever it is actually hits... 😡


I'm going to ring medtronic Adrienne, and see what they say. I'm also going to contact our team again and see what *they* say!

Bev, I've seen the one child who was in hospital the same night as E on the other site -- exactly the same, but not a pump user. You mean, there's another?! What is it, the weather?!

It's pouring with rain here and I'm incredibly behind with work. My energy is sapped, I have deadlines and I'm tired of diabetes. It is just absolutely constant. Moan over!

Someone tell me some good news! 🙂


I think there were three in hospital, E being one of them. There are two on the list. What a coincidence and nightmare, it rarely happens that any are in hospital. The one boy who went in on Sunday morning was actually in DKA eek but is ok now and home.

It certainly sounds like E is coming down with something. I thought Jessica might be yesterday but would have had to send her to school anyway !!! Bad mum 🙂

I have a meeting with the Head of Paediatrics of the PCT this morning which covers Eastbourne and Hastings. They need a rocket as the care is allegedly appalling (have to say allegedly just in case anyone reading!), info for schools is really really bad, pumping is non existent and they still put children on mixed insulins purely 'it is easier for the school' arghhhh give me strength, so I'm off to sort it out ! No idea how long they will give me. It has been suggested I lock the door and put a chair under it and talk until they agree to everything.
Adrienne, go get 'em girl!. Let us know how it goes. I so admire this sort of work -- suspect that's what I'd be doing if I didn't have other work I'm locked into...Yes, put the chair under the door. Grr..

Was J high this morning as well? We've had times when we *thought* E was coming down with something, but it seems to go away...This time though he *is* draggy.

I'm going to pop onto the other list and see whether those children have gone to school!

I understand exactly how you feel - just when you think you have a handle on things with diabetes - something else rears its ugly head!

When you said that E's levels yesterday were still on the high side - i wondered whether he was coming down with something. I suppose the up-side is that E can catch up on much needed sleep and you will be on hand to monitor his levels - much easier than if he were in school. 🙂

I hope you can get to grips with your deadlines. Your not being selfish worrying about deadlines etc - this is your life and you shouldnt feel guilty for wanting things to be calm and normal. I think we have all felt this at one time or another! Whether its due to diabetes or other problems - sometimes we just want things to be calm. I would imagine E feels bad being off school if he is anything like A. Hopefully this is just a 24 hour bug and things will settle down soon.

Always remember your a great mum - and your doing the best you can.

I do hope you have a nice uneventful day today.......:D

p.s. book yourself in for that pedicure - you deserve a treat!🙂

Adrienne, I have wished you good luck on the other forum - but i will say it here aswell in case you missed it!

If anyone can get through to these people - YOU can. You always phrase things in such a way that people feel motivated to do better! And keep the door locked until they understand! Good luck and well done for trying to make things better for all children.:DBev x
...Adrienne, I have wished you good luck on the other forum - but i will say it here aswell in case you missed it!

If anyone can get through to these people - YOU can. You always phrase things in such a way that people feel motivated to do better! And keep the door locked until they understand! Good luck and well done for trying to make things better for all children.:DBev x

Hear hear!!! Hope all goes well Adrienne, and that they see sense and think about the children rather than budgets and inconvenience (risking a child's future health and quality of life so it doesn't inconvenience the school? It's immoral!)
Hi all,

I am really sorry people to hear all that is going on at the moment, big hugs again! Adrienne, I hope Jessica is better and all your worries of those persistant hypos are subsiding. Were your team helpful? How did you PCT meet go? Just where on earth do you find the time and energy? 😉 (girl, you make me look bad...!).

How is E patrica? Are also very importantly, you? You sound worn and I realy sympathise, so much going on. Is E actually coming down with something now? Thats such a shame but be mindful of yourself as well that you dont catch it- always so easy when you feel knackered and on the low side. Take care. I think you have done so well this week, such stress and worry. Its no suprise you feel as if you have had enough of diabetes, who wouldnt! the night time checks must be leaving you sleep deprived too. I hope things get back on track ASAP- much love. Having had this happen this week, do you get an appointment with your team? Some sort of follow up?? I hope there is some support being offered to you.

Tracey W how you going girl? Any developments?!


My team are fantastically helpful and have put the hypos down to going back to school. I tend to agree actually !! They are seeing loads of it, phone calls and emails daily with lots of hypos. We we have pulled right back with a basal in the morning but upped them in the evening as she was going higher overnight !!!

They really are the best. 🙂
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