The Pumpers Thread!

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Bev, Sounds like things are going pretty well on the whole and i am ssooooooooo pleased for you and A! 🙂

Patricia, I second what Bev said, sorry to hear re E's hypos and the thought of him being teased just reduces me to tears. How are things now? x

Hi AM. How you doing? 🙂
Good luck for next Tuesday, Tracey! 🙂🙂
Wonderful Tracey -- next Tuesday!

Mand: glad pedicure did the business. *I* want pink sparkly toes!

Bev: sorry about the recurrent hypos. We have frequently had this prob with E I'm afraid, both with MDI and pump...But with the pump of course it's so flexible, so I'm sure you'll be able to make some headway into it. Have you set up a different weekend pattern for him? You may find his needs a little different...But you have my sympathies.

We too are slightly in hypo land -- two or three yesterday. One was a mid-morning one (3.5 hours after eating) at the same sort of time he was low the day before (rugby!). So we are adjusting that. The late afternoon adjustment we did (.05u) resulted in him being 13! instead of 4.5. I mean, I ask you?! We'll leave it and see what happens Monday. He had a friend round and might have been wound up...

The other two hypos were a chip problem...Interestingly, we discovered last night that the *type* of oven chip can affect the digestion -- so, the organic straight cut ones from Sainsbury's (our normal sort) seem to go through pretty much okay. Last night we had to have Sainsbury's American style ones; they are an even thinner cut, and considerably more carb per 100g, which confused us. BUT he hypo-ed and we had to prop him up twice from these chips...Live and learn.

We fully expect him to be high this morning, but opted not to wake him up last night after his full week at school. He was shattered.


I *think* he's fine re things at school. We are gently working our way round to seeing what if anything he'd like to do about a little educating of the masses...It's a hard one to figure. These boys are not his friends, and the last thing he wants is to appear to be anything other than 'matter of fact' about his diabetes. It matters to him a lot that he handles things in such a way, to the point where he will massively skim over having had a hypo if he's around a friend. He will tell us, but just to keep us informed. He won't talk about it in any detail. Understandable. But this means we have to tread carefully.

What I have done though is arrange for a new pump care plan to be sent to us via our home team. We will figure out a way to get it into the school and through to the appropriate teachers esp. Yesterday one of his new teachers clearly did know what was happening, and allowed him to step out of class (no bags in the room, but his bag just outside the door) and return with the testing kit, treat the hypo, simply saying when asking permission: 'absolutely -- do whatever you need to do'. This is all E needs to hear and know day to day, so that felt fine with him.

Just remembered your other question Bev: E usually wakes somewhere around 5.5-7.5, ending up one side or the other of this once a week or so. We've had spells of him waking lower, but a couple of times he woke up at under 4 and ended up a big groggy and low for much of the morning. We also worry that if this happens too often his awareness will be affected? Not sure if this is right...

Okay, all for now. Hope everyone okay?

Oo -- and I forgot to say Bev -- well done on bike ride! Yay. I'm glad the flutters have subsided for the moment. Really glad. Hopefully the ride will have done you good in lots of ways.
Morning all!

Well, i decided to give pizza a go last night for the first time since my son on the pump. Two hours after he was 7.7! Then at 11pm he was 4.5 so had one jelly baby. He woke at 9am this morning on 7.2. I did not use dual wave or anything as we not been taught it yet, just did a straightforward bolus. 🙂

Was this just luck or is pizza something that will not be a problem for him?? I guess i have to do it again and see! :confused:

How are you all? Hope you enjoying this lovely bit of sunny weather! :D

Mand xx 🙂
Morning all!

Well, i decided to give pizza a go last night for the first time since my son on the pump. Two hours after he was 7.7! Then at 11pm he was 4.5 so had one jelly baby. He woke at 9am this morning on 7.2. I did not use dual wave or anything as we not been taught it yet, just did a straightforward bolus. 🙂

Was this just luck or is pizza something that will not be a problem for him?? I guess i have to do it again and see! :confused:

How are you all? Hope you enjoying this lovely bit of sunny weather! :D

Mand xx 🙂

(Woops, I accidentally pressed something on the keyboard and lost my reply---?! sorry!)

These are great numbers mand, especially as you achieved that without dual wave. You must be more on track with your basal rates than perhaps you may think. Great work.

I went to Strada on Friday night and had a pizza, dual waved and then bolused again for a peice of Tiramasu (oh yes, I enjoyed every mouthful!). the next morning I was 9.5mmols, which isnt bad. Thinking back to MDI, I would have been in some serious trouble. Again, not sure how much this was to do with theory of the bottle of vino collapso- but as Adrienne said earlier in the week, sometimes it can only be guesswork. Thanks BTW Strada for not providing any nutritional info in the restaurant....I hadnt planned on eating there unfortunately! (It was yummy though).

You must be really pleased with this though Mand? Are you feeling the pump is working for you both now more than perhaps the other way round? I am starting to relax more myself (she says--I am just about to upload my Carelink data, standby!).

Patricia, sorry to read of E's hypos. I hope this is still a transition period of returning back to education. Great bev you have been out on the bikes! and moreover that you havent noticed the "flutter" of late. Im pleased. Becca thanks again for the Veo info, I have written the display message in my book.

I myself have been trying to single handedly conquor the world of DIY! With sucess so far but now I have to clear up the aftermarth. Gym later and coffee with a friend who needs propping up after having her car towed for ?250 outside the hospital last night! Im on standby with CHOCOLATE!

have a good day, love to all xx

Well we have had a nightmare time since Wednesday. Jessica had three hypos at school, then one at home, all in the low 3's. On Thursday she had another three hypos at school. Both days I had run 0% basals, then 10% basals, gave free carbs etc etc.

Friday, 4 hypos, in the low 3's. I decided it was because the canula was now in the tummy but it had taken a week to settle down !

Friday I rang the hospital and she agreed with me the tweaks I had again made.

We were away at the weekend. On Saturday 4 hypos, all in the 2's, lots of free carbs again, lots of 0% temps and 20 % temps etc etc. We stayed overnight at friends and at 9 pm on going to bed she drank two pints of water. She was 25.9 !!!! I corrected but carefully as I just couldn't let her go hypo again. Unfortunately she then had wet bed which is most unusual for her even when high !!!! Luckily we were sleep on our new camping blow up bed so didn't damage anyone else's stuff.

I then upped every single basal where all the hypos had been and she woke today at 11.4. Ok, bit high but at least not hypo.

Then guess what, 2 hypos before we left and one on the way home !!!! Arrrrgggghhhhhh

So am making sure she is higher before bed and will download all latest data and glucometer and speak to the best nurse in the world tomorrow.

I now do not think it is her site. There is no way after all the free carbs she has had and all the coke that she would have had all these hypos. I really think the 2% of her pancreas that is left has decided to come and join us. However it doesn't work like a normal pancreas. If it has woken up it just kicks out insulin in gushing torrents whenever it feels like it !!!

Oh well I guess we will see what happens.

Oh no Adrienne!
How awful for you and J. A has also been in hypo -land for the last 3 days - and i am CONVINCED it is because i put the set in his tummy as opposed to his bottom. I have lowered all basals and halved his meal ratios - and given extra carb snacks - but he is still hypoing!

I wonder whether it is the site for J too? Obviously she does have the added complication of her tiny bit of pancreas - poor poor J.:( And poor poor you too!

It seems to be for A that if he has a couple of hypo's in a particular day - it seems to start a pattern of them for the following days.

Sorry i have no advice as your the expert - but i just wanted to say i am thinking of you both and hope that tonight she is a lot higher.
Lets hope the great DSN can shed some light on things? Let us know how things are tomorrow - will be thinking of you at 3am in the morning when we check A.🙂Bev xxx
Hi Ladies ...

Sorry to hear all the little ones are having hypo horror's ... Sending you mum's big ((((((HUGS)))))) ... and too say you are all brilliant ... 🙂 ...

I have just spotted Patricia's post about E's hypo at school and being teased about it .... I so feel for you as a mum and E over this one ... We had the same with Nathan not long after he went back to school after diagnosis ... Like E it happened in rugby .. unfortunatley Nathan collapsed and wet himself ... ambulance was called ... etc etc ... You can imagine what happened after this .. as Nathan was already being horrifically bullied .... 😡 .... Children are cruel and infact are vicious sometimes ... but its ignorant they fear what they don't understand .. I know that is no excuse ... After Nathan's hypo and the direct actions of some after ... several pupils were excluded for the day and put into isolation on return until they had completed a very long essay on diabetes .. the condition, treatment and what they could do to help in situations like this ...

Sorry to hear about all th hypos with Alex and jessica :(

Hope things get better soon

Lou, am a bit confused which canula to go for, was wondering if you can give me any advice being an adult pumper. have put in the flexlink 8m today, but was quite painful to be honest, wondring if the tenderlink less painful, what do you use, and what have you tried??
Hi Ladies ...

Sorry to hear all the little ones are having hypo horror's ... Sending you mum's big ((((((HUGS)))))) ... and too say you are all brilliant ... 🙂 ...

I have just spotted Patricia's post about E's hypo at school and being teased about it .... I so feel for you as a mum and E over this one ... We had the same with Nathan not long after he went back to school after diagnosis ... Like E it happened in rugby .. unfortunatley Nathan collapsed and wet himself ... ambulance was called ... etc etc ... You can imagine what happened after this .. as Nathan was already being horrifically bullied .... 😡 .... Children are cruel and infact are vicious sometimes ... but its ignorant they fear what they don't understand .. I know that is no excuse ... After Nathan's hypo and the direct actions of some after ... several pupils were excluded for the day and put into isolation on return until they had completed a very long essay on diabetes .. the condition, treatment and what they could do to help in situations like this ...


Oh my goodness Heidi. In such a small posting that was a shocking window in to the worry which you must have for your young one in if bullying isnt dreadfully awful anyway. I have ((((((HUGS))))))) for you sweety. I hope this situation never rears its ugly head again. I am so sorry to read it. Goodness knows the worry you went through with this.

Oh Adrienne. All these hypos....its so hard. I hope you are getting your team support and that the tweaking is going ok. Again, I am thinking of you to and handing the HUGS out! Its all I can do! I hope things return to some stability asap, it must be very worrying.

Bev, you are on the HUG list too! Dont think you have escaped! In your case though its still experimental, keep trying the temp basals out and seeing how they work for you. I am still mastering mine but when they have worked they have really worked for me and I absolutely love it.

I hope Monday brings good things for us all, less hypo's at least 😉

Sorry to hear about all th hypos with Alex and jessica :(

Hope things get better soon

Lou, am a bit confused which canula to go for, was wondering if you can give me any advice being an adult pumper. have put in the flexlink 8m today, but was quite painful to be honest, wondring if the tenderlink less painful, what do you use, and what have you tried??

Hey Tracey! Sorry I missed that, we were typing at the same time!

I use the Medtronic quickset and Im afraid it is the only one I have tried. Apparently it is the most robust (but I wouldnt know) out of the medtronic ones. I use the 9mm on the 23" line (I nearly hung myself on the 43", but its good for some). What has suprised me is when you take the needle out, it is BIG! When you remove the actual cannula a few days later it is SMALL!

I think we are using different sets/supplies. I assume the sets you have mentioned are roche manufactured? And Im afraid these arent what I use.

Are you finding them painful throughout or just on insertion? I think it was Adrienne (she has some good tips!) who mentioned somewhere in the thread about using ice cubes to numb the area, may work for you in this scenario? It may be something you want to discuss with you DSN about what you can do. I have been extremely lucky as I find the quickserter machine (it pings it in) easy to use and fortunately, the cannula insertion pretty painless. Make sure you have the right cannula/needle length appropriate for your tissue fat as I am sure you know. I am quite a chunky monkey thus I find myself using the 9mm :D But thats great as the needles I was using on the MDI were 5mm and obviously too short.

Hows it going Tracey? I am thinking of you and your live start date. Are you using the saline in the pump at the moment? Last I hard you were saline deprived.

The other thing is I am not familiar with who else on the forum is using to Roche and might be able to answer your question about the sets? It may be worth putting a new thread question out there? Possibly the mums may know other pumpers they are in contact with on the other forums...

Anyhow, great to know you are experiementing and getting going on it all!

Love L xx
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Thanks Lou, you do make me laugh, nearly hanging yourself on longer line he he :D

no saline, just wanted to insert a canula so i know what it is like before i have to do it on tuesday infront of dsn and another pumper! Have been told is my choice which one to use, so have just been reading up on them? No saline :(

Am keeping canula in till tuesday, to make sure no reaction etc. Although it hurt and could feel it for about an hour, could not feel it after that. think was just a shock as size of needle seemed so much bigger 😱 Anyways,only 1 more lantus to go, wont be missing that one at all :D

do you ring medtronic for all your supplies?, again not been told much re this, think will ring roche tomorrow and order stuff.
hi gals sorry i have not popped in for a wee while now im back after a little break, sorry to hear some of been having it tough of late xxx how is everyone this fine Monday afternoon? ((((((((hugs)))))))
hi gals sorry i have not popped in for a wee while now im back after a little break, sorry to hear some of been having it tough of late xxx how is everyone this fine Monday afternoon? ((((((((hugs)))))))

Well we woke on 22.8 eek. No idea why, thought maybe dodgy canula but doubted it so corrected. Down to 19.8, then back up to 21.8 when arriving at school.

Jessica's carer has just rung as I told her if not down by lunch I would collect her for a set change. She is down to 9.0 but feeling horrid which I imagine she would due to the big drops and the high numbers. We'll see how it goes. They have a lovely furry rug in the classroom so while the rest of the class are at library this afternoon, they might let Jessica lie down !!!!!

I'm in the middle of filling in charts to send to our team for some help !
Well we woke on 22.8 eek. No idea why, thought maybe dodgy canula but doubted it so corrected. Down to 19.8, then back up to 21.8 when arriving at school.

Jessica's carer has just rung as I told her if not down by lunch I would collect her for a set change. She is down to 9.0 but feeling horrid which I imagine she would due to the big drops and the high numbers. We'll see how it goes. They have a lovely furry rug in the classroom so while the rest of the class are at library this afternoon, they might let Jessica lie down !!!!!

I'm in the middle of filling in charts to send to our team for some help !

hope they do hun , hope lilun starts to feel better soon i never quite know what to say as im clueless on pumps but what i do know is i am i quick learner :D
Oh Adrienne, how rough! Good luck with it all -- such a roller coaster for you. Oh lordy.

Jessica's nine, isn't she? Hormones may be playing small havoc? Certainly my daughter is already showing signs...

Oh Adrienne, how rough! Good luck with it all -- such a roller coaster for you. Oh lordy.

Jessica's nine, isn't she? Hormones may be playing small havoc? Certainly my daughter is already showing signs...


Oh yes hormones, lovely things, I'm sure they have something to do with it. I think this is a knock on effect from the lows or something, not really sure. I can dish out the advice no problem but sometimes I just hit a brick wall and need to ask for help myself which I am doing and am waiting for the team to get back to me.
Well we woke on 22.8 eek. No idea why, thought maybe dodgy canula but doubted it so corrected. Down to 19.8, then back up to 21.8 when arriving at school.

Jessica's carer has just rung as I told her if not down by lunch I would collect her for a set change. She is down to 9.0 but feeling horrid which I imagine she would due to the big drops and the high numbers. We'll see how it goes. They have a lovely furry rug in the classroom so while the rest of the class are at library this afternoon, they might let Jessica lie down !!!!!

I'm in the middle of filling in charts to send to our team for some help !

Oh poor Jessica! Same here though, Rose woke on 15.3 ?!?! Down to 10.1 by 10am and by 11.30 5.4. Growth hormones??? Was thinking it was the set but maye not....

Are Jessica's sites ok? not lumpy?
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