The Pumpers Thread!

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I have just posted this on the email site re the PCT meeting. :

"Well my eyes have been truly opened today at the meeting. Two of the local support group ended up coming with me which was great. We are three very different people with the same agenda.

The lady was very nice and totally agreed the care for children is diabolical in this area !!! She said that she had had a big meeting with the adult consultants including the two paed ones back in June. She asked them to do a business plan. She spoke to them two weeks ago asking where it is, she has given them a further 6 weeks. She said that if they can't provide better care, and we are talking just basic stuff here, she will outsource to other areas in the rest of the county. She mentioned one place which is perfect really, they are already pumping and it is accessible to all of the whole county.

However she wasn't aware that there was no DSN at all for either hospital and she said she would get one and make phone calls today. She said she would ring the hospital trust and if they can't provide someone then she will purchase another one for another area until we are sorted. This is how the money works, ie she purchases time from elsewhere. We are worried and told her that the trust could produce a non specialist which is very worrying. She was clearly being told different to what we were being told by the teams and she took that on board as well. She knows this is all priority. She has apparently argued till blue in the face that both hospitals can put people on a pump and she would 'buy in' a dietician to help with the carb counting and she mentioned a good one I know. However she is being told by the consultants that they will not put people on pumps. We however, are being told by the consultants that the DSN (who has been seconded for a year and is rubbish anyway) won't put people on a pump until have a full team. PCT lady said she can't supply a full team yet as no-one pumping so that is why she would buy that in per person to begin with. Once pumping is up and running then we will get a full team. We have a pyschologist in place apparently. However people aren't told that at clinic, I didn't know !!!!

The worst bit of the meeting or rather the most enlightening bit of it was that the two paed consultants are not paed consultants eek. They are adult consultants who do the children as well. This is why they have no child friendly 'speak', care for adults is so different for children. I was shown (another meeting this afternoon) a level book by a mum who is fighting to get her daughter off mixes. The levels were consistently in the 20's and she had been told that was normal and ok !!! She knows its not so is being supplied with a retired DSN to go through 4 injections. How bad is that.

She took the details of the RCN contact re glucagon and agreed it should be in all schools. She said the trouble was that they didn't have a childrens community nurse team to do any training. I told her the DSN should be doing this along with care plans. She said they should all have care plans, I told her none of the children did unless the schools asked for one and the parents did it !

Anyway it went well. I asked for time scales and we shall see. She is going to organise a big meeting for us and the key players from the PCT, the hospitals trusts and the consultants. Should be interesting stuff. At least we know we are in agreement.

Thanks for all your help and I'll keep you posted.

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Interesting stuff eh. I'll keep you posted. 🙂
Has anyone rung medtronic or their teams re the 6 mm and 9 mm sets ? Any outcome !
Hi Adrienne,
I rang my team today and asked about the 6mm v the 9mm. She did say that quicksets can kink a bit more than others and suggested trying silhouette. She said she wouldnt advise 9mm as they are too big for Alex - his is a bit skinny and she thought they may be a bit too big. She is asking the pump rep for a few so we can try them out.🙂
She said yes to putting them in the fridge.

It sounds like you have made a great start with trying to sort out all the problems at your local hospital. At least the woman seemed to be on your side and listened to the problems - i really hope she can come up with the goods! Its one thing promising the world - and another one not delivering!😱

Well done Adrienne - you really are a breath of fresh air and truly inspirational!:DBev x
Hi Adrienne,
I rang my team today and asked about the 6mm v the 9mm. She did say that quicksets can kink a bit more than others and suggested trying silhouette. She said she wouldnt advise 9mm as they are too big for Alex - his is a bit skinny and she thought they may be a bit too big. She is asking the pump rep for a few so we can try them out.🙂
She said yes to putting them in the fridge.

It sounds like you have made a great start with trying to sort out all the problems at your local hospital. At least the woman seemed to be on your side and listened to the problems - i really hope she can come up with the goods! Its one thing promising the world - and another one not delivering!😱

Well done Adrienne - you really are a breath of fresh air and truly inspirational!:DBev x


Thanks Bev.

I personally prefer the silhouettes. They are flatter against the skin than the quicksets.

However you have to have the inserter at the right angle (not a right angle 😛) which is tricky ie not on the flat foot and not on the tip but in the middle somewhere. We changed to quicksets purely so that Jessica could think about starting to insert them herself. There is no way she would be able to do the sils, none of the kids on the list can, I don't think.
Hi all,

I am really sorry people to hear all that is going on at the moment, big hugs again! Adrienne, I hope Jessica is better and all your worries of those persistant hypos are subsiding. Were your team helpful? How did you PCT meet go? Just where on earth do you find the time and energy? 😉 (girl, you make me look bad...!).

How is E patrica? Are also very importantly, you? You sound worn and I realy sympathise, so much going on. Is E actually coming down with something now? Thats such a shame but be mindful of yourself as well that you dont catch it- always so easy when you feel knackered and on the low side. Take care. I think you have done so well this week, such stress and worry. Its no suprise you feel as if you have had enough of diabetes, who wouldnt! the night time checks must be leaving you sleep deprived too. I hope things get back on track ASAP- much love. Having had this happen this week, do you get an appointment with your team? Some sort of follow up?? I hope there is some support being offered to you.

Tracey W how you going girl? Any developments?!


Hello! Well im officially a pumper now 🙂

Going ok, have had a hypo before tea 3.4 grrr:( but i think the pump is amazing. Gave extended bolus with tea over 45 mins, how cool. Hope everyone doing ok, gonna catch up with threads now. DSN ringing ME at 8.30, wow :D
Congrats Tracey :D I'm really pleased for you honey 🙂
Hello! Well im officially a pumper now 🙂

Going ok, have had a hypo before tea 3.4 grrr:( but i think the pump is amazing. Gave extended bolus with tea over 45 mins, how cool. Hope everyone doing ok, gonna catch up with threads now. DSN ringing ME at 8.30, wow :D

Excellent Tracey, the very best of luck to you m'dear! :D
Great news Tracey, I'm so happy for you and glad you like it.
Hi Tracey - i bet you feel like its christmas! A couldnt stop grinning for days! Keep us updated when you can.🙂Bev x
Just taken off the set from A's tummy - first time in this area as usually does bottom. The whole area where the adhesive was is red roar - is there anything i can put on it or is there an easier way of getting the thing off other than dragging it? He didnt show any problem on his bottom - it seems his skin is so smooth and sensitive on his tum it looks like a layer of skin has come off!😱I vaguely remember someone said they use a spray for something - is it to remove the sticky around the canula?🙂

Lou, you give a whole different meaning to the phrase 'pumping'..........😛😱Bev
Just taken off the set from A's tummy - first time in this area as usually does bottom. The whole area where the adhesive was is red roar - is there anything i can put on it or is there an easier way of getting the thing off other than dragging it? He didnt show any problem on his bottom - it seems his skin is so smooth and sensitive on his tum it looks like a layer of skin has come off!😱I vaguely remember someone said they use a spray for something - is it to remove the sticky around the canula?🙂

Lou, you give a whole different meaning to the phrase 'pumping'..........😛😱Bev

Do you know funnily enough we have this as well, it is much redder on the tummy than bottom.

However we use Cavilon spray on the site before putting the canula on, it is a barrier. We also use Lift Plus spray to get them off.

We get the 50 ml spray. You can get a free sample from this site but it is also on prescription.

We then use Tea Tree cream on the area and it all seems to work ok.
No word of a lie, I swear to god I just farted and my pump alarm went off! :D What does this mean?🙂

I think the scientific answer is that it means you need to turn the alarms off !!!!!! :D
Just taken off the set from A's tummy - first time in this area as usually does bottom. The whole area where the adhesive was is red roar - is there anything i can put on it or is there an easier way of getting the thing off other than dragging it? He didnt show any problem on his bottom - it seems his skin is so smooth and sensitive on his tum it looks like a layer of skin has come off!😱I vaguely remember someone said they use a spray for something - is it to remove the sticky around the canula?🙂

Hi Bev, do you put Cavilon spray on before you put the set on? Also, we put tee tree cream on a site when it comes off 🙂

Do you use any adhesive remover to get the set off? We use lift plus sachets, wipe on the sticky part of the set, wait a few seconds and it peels off easily.....
HAHAHA Adrienne we cross posted 🙂 🙂
Hello! Well im officially a pumper now 🙂

Going ok, have had a hypo before tea 3.4 grrr:( but i think the pump is amazing. Gave extended bolus with tea over 45 mins, how cool. Hope everyone doing ok, gonna catch up with threads now. DSN ringing ME at 8.30, wow :D

pleased it going well hun xx
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