Oh bother this bloomin' basal!

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I have had perfect levels today - 5.7 on waking (after going to bed on 5.7 last night), 5.5 before lunch and 4.7 before tea. I was 5.3 3 hours after tea - really pleased with my insulin estimates today! - and then 5.5 before I took my lantus. An hour later I was interested to see what I was as I haven't had a snack tonight and wanted to make sure I wasn't dropping low - I was 6.0! I'm going to give it a go and not have a snack, and see what I wake up to tomorrow - hopefully I won't have a horrid hypo-head!🙂
Wow well done on the perfect levels. The one time i checked today i was 21...

very bad, i will get back to good levels this week i promise 😉
Wow well done on the perfect levels. The one time i checked today i was 21...

very bad, i will get back to good levels this week i promise 😉

[NAG=katie]Please do katie, I worry about you! Your reward can be a good HbA1c before you set off to OZ, so you'll have to get started NOW! More testing, stricter mealtimes and try and get more sleep! [/NAG]

My perfect levels continued - I'm quite amazed really! I happened to wake up at just before 3 am (probably all this talk about night testing!), and I was 4.9. When I got up this morning I was 5.1! How's that for blimmin' perfect? :D Well, I'm off to get some blood tests today, including HbA1c, but won't get the results until I see my GP next Tuesday.
[NAG=katie]Please do katie, I worry about you! Your reward can be a good HbA1c before you set off to OZ, so you'll have to get started NOW! More testing, stricter mealtimes and try and get more sleep! [/NAG]

My perfect levels continued - I'm quite amazed really! I happened to wake up at just before 3 am (probably all this talk about night testing!), and I was 4.9. When I got up this morning I was 5.1! How's that for blimmin' perfect? :D Well, I'm off to get some blood tests today, including HbA1c, but won't get the results until I see my GP next Tuesday.

Am I the only woman struggling with the concept of the "perfect male" :confused: - must be the "admin" effect surely🙂

More seriously though Northerner - you've done really well and long may it continue. Hope your blood tests go ok - had mine taken this morning and will get HbA1c results next Monday so fingers crossed
[NAG=katie]Please do katie, I worry about you! Your reward can be a good HbA1c before you set off to OZ, so you'll have to get started NOW! More testing, stricter mealtimes and try and get more sleep! [/NAG]

It's nice that you care Northe, but I don't think you need to worry about me 😛 Ive been working realy hard recently to get good levels and it has been working! Ive had the best results ive seen in ages! That was just a one-off weekend because I was at a festival so not testing much, drinking alcohol and eating loads of carbs. My HbA1c will be improved from last time, i promise 😎 (I hope).

Glad you've got those hypos sorted out 🙂
It's nice that you care Northe, but I don't think you need to worry about me 😛 Ive been working realy hard recently to get good levels and it has been working! Ive had the best results ive seen in ages! That was just a one-off weekend because I was at a festival so not testing much, drinking alcohol and eating loads of carbs. My HbA1c will be improved from last time, i promise 😎 (I hope).

Glad you've got those hypos sorted out 🙂

Thanks katie - and I know you're trying hard, I'm sure you'll have a much better result this time around! When will you have it done?

I went for the blood tests. I haven't had any via the walk-in centre since last October, but the lady who took the samples recognised me! Then, I popped round to the Diabetes Clinic to make an appointment to see the DSN - and she recognised me too! She apologised for not remembering my name, hardly surprising given how many people she probably deals with and hasn't heard from me for ages - what a lovely person! I've been really blessed with the people who've looked after me, which is why it makes me so angry when I hear of poor treatment of others. If my team can do it, why can't others?
Hope your tests go well Katie! Got my results today and am relieved - HbA1c: 7.3 (my recommended target is less than 7.5) glucose was 8.3 - lowest yet and cholesterol 4.5, with an HDL of 2.4 - so no statins for me still. BP normal. Yeahhh🙂
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Am I the only woman struggling with the concept of the "perfect male" :confused: - must be the "admin" effect surely🙂

Admittedly, there aren't that many of us around...😉

More seriously though Northerner - you've done really well and long may it continue. Hope your blood tests go ok - had mine taken this morning and will get HbA1c results next Monday so fingers crossed

Ooh! I hope yours is good! The nurse that took the blood didn't hurt at all, but it has left a lump where the needle went in (crook of arm), so I'm not quite perfect at the moment...!🙂
Hope your tests go well Katie! Got my results today and am relieved - HbA1c: 7.3 (my recommended target is less than 7.5) glucose was 8.3 - lowest yet and cholesterol 4.5, with an HDL of 2.4 - so no statins for me still. BP normal. Yeahhh🙂

Hey, well done runner on getting under your target! Terrific with the cholesterol and BP. I meant to change my envelope to 'fasting' so I could get the split of HDL/LDL, but forgot. I'd like to know, but don't think the LDL can be too bad as the total was only 2.4 last time.
Hope your tests go well Katie! Got my results today and am relieved - HbA1c: 7.3 (my recommended target is less than 7.5) glucose was 8.3 - lowest yet and cholesterol 4.5, with an HDL of 2.4 - so no statins for me still. BP normal. Yeahhh🙂

Thanks runner 🙂

My HbA1c is scheduled for August 15th or something. Hope it comes down!!

Well done on your results runner, they are great. What is the glucose @ 8.3 though?

Do you need to fast to get your cholesterol result? because I want to check mine is ok. My blood pressure is "borderline" high which is just ridiculous, so I really need to sort that out. What can I do???
Admittedly, there aren't that many of us around...😉

Ooh! I hope yours is good! The nurse that took the blood didn't hurt at all, but it has left a lump where the needle went in (crook of arm), so I'm not quite perfect at the moment...!🙂

I've still got a great big bruise from 2 weeks ago!

Hey said:
Thanks Northerner. Sounds like your cholesterol would be good with all your running.

Katie said: My HbA1c is scheduled for August 15th or something. Hope it comes down!!

Well done on your results runner, they are great. What is the glucose @ 8.3 though?

Do you need to fast to get your cholesterol result? because I want to check mine is ok. My blood pressure is "borderline" high which is just ridiculous, so I really need to sort that out. What can I do???
Thanks Katie. Yes you need to have a fasint test, as Northerener says its good to get the HDL and LDL cholesterol results. Apparently "The 8.3 mmol/l is a venous sample but, theoretically, should be the same as your "finger-prick" test" So, the equivalent of my morning 'fasting' test - a bit high still, so my next target to aim for!

Hope your BP is OK.
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Hi Katie, blood pressure is affected by stress, saltintake, alcohol, diet, lack of exercise - bit like diabetes really which also affects how our arteries and veins respond and in turn puts us at risk of higher BP. So just finishing your uni course may help relieve stress and the work you're already doing on your diet and exercise will help your BP too. As for the alcohol - diabeticretinopathy.org.uk indicates that 1 unit of alcohol can put your BP up by 2mm so worth bearing in mind

Hope this helps
Thanks Katie. Yes you need to have a fasint test, as Northerener says its good to get the HDL and LDL cholesterol results. Apparently "The 8.3 mmol/l is a venous sample but, theoretically, should be the same as your "finger-prick" test" So, the equivalent of my morning 'fasting' test - a bit high still, so my next target to aim for!

Hope your BP is OK.

oooh that indent code is clever, ive never seen that :D Thanks, I will ask if I can have my cholesterol checked since everything else is a bit rubbish 🙄 Only perfection will do! lol.

Ah they never tell me what my level is at the time of the HbA1c, thank goodness, i'd be embarassed if i had a randomly high morning level like 15!

Hi Katie, blood pressure is affected by stress, saltintake, alcohol, diet, lack of exercise - bit like diabetes really which also affects how our arteries and veins respond and in turn puts us at risk of higher BP. So just finishing your uni course may help relieve stress and the work you're already doing on your diet and exercise will help your BP too. As for the alcohol - diabeticretinopathy.org.uk indicates that 1 unit of alcohol can put your BP up by 2mm so worth bearing in mind

Hope this helps

Thanks vanessa,
Ive been eating too many salted pistachios lately, so will cut them out. im not going out drinking as much either as part of the diet, this weekend was an exception because i went to a festival 🙂 I'm hopefully less stressed now and less depressed! so hopefully it will come down. Does high blood pressure increase risk/speed damage of retinopathy?? Because I had a little bit and i really dont want it to go any further 😱

She said it isnt high yet but i dont even want it to be borderline!
Thanks runner 🙂

My HbA1c is scheduled for August 15th or something. Hope it comes down!!

Well done on your results runner, they are great. What is the glucose @ 8.3 though?

Do you need to fast to get your cholesterol result? because I want to check mine is ok. My blood pressure is "borderline" high which is just ridiculous, so I really need to sort that out. What can I do???

Yes, you need to fast to get the 'split' between HDL and LDL cholesterol, otherwise they can just give you a total. Booze, unfortunately, is something that can increase your blood pressure, even for some days after a session.:(
Yes, you need to fast to get the 'split' between HDL and LDL cholesterol, otherwise they can just give you a total. Booze, unfortunately, is something that can increase your blood pressure, even for some days after a session.:(

better mske sure i dont drink before my next appointment then. otherwise she wont be allowed to give me a years supply of my medication!
Thanks Katie. Yes you need to have a fasint test, as Northerener says its good to get the HDL and LDL cholesterol results. Apparently "The 8.3 mmol/l is a venous sample but, theoretically, should be the same as your "finger-prick" test" So, the equivalent of my morning 'fasting' test - a bit high still, so my next target to aim for!

Thought I read somewhere that your venous sample may come in about 0.5mmol below your finger prick (capilliary) test as UK home testing meters measure something slightly different whereas USA ones are calibrated so was a bit confused about your comments. Checking this found a bit in Hanas on Type 2 that states "In people without diabetes, venous blood tested after a meal has about 10% less glucose than capilliary blood." I presume that means that the fasting levels should be the same? Does anyone know?
Not sure, but the quote was from my hospita DSN following a query about it by me. Also my meter was American and now sold in the UK (Wavesense Jazz)
Well, my run of perfection continued throughout yesterday: 5.1 waking, 5.9 before lunch, 4.7 before tea, and 6.6 before bed (no snack). I woke to 5.2 this morning. I think this is my longest stretch of 'in range' numbers since diagnosis - no hypos (which is usually my problem) and no highs! Not bragging, but just feeling very lucky and hoping it doesn't all go t*ts up!🙂
Well, my run of perfection continued throughout yesterday: 5.1 waking, 5.9 before lunch, 4.7 before tea, and 6.6 before bed (no snack). I woke to 5.2 this morning. I think this is my longest stretch of 'in range' numbers since diagnosis - no hypos (which is usually my problem) and no highs! Not bragging, but just feeling very lucky and hoping it doesn't all go t*ts up!🙂

Congratulations !! excellent numbers ,keep up the good work 🙂🙂🙂
Brilliant - let's hope it stays that way for as long as possible!

I was 10.7 bewfore breakfast :( Had a hypo (2.5) at 1.30am. shouldn't have taken a unit at bedtime for a 7.5 Silly me!
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