Oh bother this bloomin' basal!

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Well, I have reduced the lantus to 8 from 9 for the past couple of nights and am still within range. Woke to 5.9 yesterday and 5.8 today. Something I have noticed recently is that I rarely snack between meals any more - something I used to do constantly prior to diagnosis and quite frequently in the months after. Now I might just nibble on a few peanuts, whereas before I would be having biscuits, crisps or chocolate between meals.
You will be down to no basal soon! It does make sense though if you are honeymooning that your pancreas can cope with producing small amounts of insulin but the stress of reacting to food is too much and thats why you need reasonable bolus doses to have good numbers after eating.

My basal goes up and down, maximum of 22, went down to 6, now up to 13.
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