Oh bother this bloomin' basal!

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Brilliant - let's hope it stays that way for as long as possible!

I was 10.7 bewfore breakfast :( Had a hypo (2.5) at 1.30am. shouldn't have taken a unit at bedtime for a 7.5 Silly me!

Ooh no! I certainly wouldn't have taken anything at that level - it's virtually in range. In fact, a few weeks ago I would have had a snack!😱 Actually, I never take correction doses, except maybe adjusting my mealtime doses up or down - never on their own. Although, if I had some of the highs that many speak of I would no doubt have to!
Ooh no! I certainly wouldn't have taken anything at that level - it's virtually in range. In fact, a few weeks ago I would have had a snack!😱 Actually, I never take correction doses, except maybe adjusting my mealtime doses up or down - never on their own. Although, if I had some of the highs that many speak of I would no doubt have to!

Yeah, you're right. I guess I was thinking my BS would rise towards morning as I take my lantus in the morning. Have tried increasing it, but get hypos during day, so its about where it should be. Having a wierd day tho' - Had boiled eggs (no carbs) and 1 sm slice wholemeal toast, no spread - had 2 units insulin (I usually need 1 unit for 20 carbs) because I was already 10.7. 1 1/2 hrs later i was 13! Took another unit, then 3/4 hr later was 14! Dropped down to 9 before lunch, but that was very odd for me :confused:
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Does high blood pressure increase risk/speed damage of retinopathy?? Because I had a little bit and i really dont want it to go any further 😱

She said it isnt high yet but i dont even want it to be borderline!

Checked out www.diabeticretinopathy.org.uk for details and they direct you to the following link that gives a lot of detail - they suggest it is worth printing out. Recommended levels for home testing with retinopathy is <120/75

http://medweb.bham.ac.uk/easdec/prevention/Diabetes and Blood Pressure.htm

Hope this helps
thanks alot vanessa, i'll take a look. I'll buy a blood pressure monitor too :D
Another good day - 5.2 waking, 5.7 before lunch, 7.6 before tea (entirly due to the couple of cold beers I had to have in the afternoon!), and 4.1 before bed. Because it was so low I had a weetabix before retiring and woke to 5.1 this morning! If it hadn't been for those beers, I would have had another 'in range' day! It's probably also the reason why I dipped lower than expected before bed. Today should be interseting as I got up at 5:30 this morning so had my breakfast much earlier than usual. I'm expecting my BG to creep up before lunch as I think my basal dose, although good for me overnight, might be a liitle on the low side as the day progresses...
Another good day - 5.2 waking, 5.7 before lunch, 7.6 before tea (entirly due to the couple of cold beers I had to have in the afternoon!), and 4.1 before bed. Because it was so low I had a weetabix before retiring and woke to 5.1 this morning! If it hadn't been for those beers, I would have had another 'in range' day! It's probably also the reason why I dipped lower than expected before bed. Today should be interseting as I got up at 5:30 this morning so had my breakfast much earlier than usual. I'm expecting my BG to creep up before lunch as I think my basal dose, although good for me overnight, might be a liitle on the low side as the day progresses...

7.6 not in range?? especially after beer... for goodness sake Northe that is a great level to be 😛 Well done on perfect levels again.

Why on earth did you get up at 5.30? I thought 6.30 was bad enough! (I did go to sleep at 2.15 though!)
7.6 not in range?? especially after beer... for goodness sake Northe that is a great level to be 😛 Well done on perfect levels again.

Why on earth did you get up at 5.30? I thought 6.30 was bad enough! (I did go to sleep at 2.15 though!)

Actually, I got it wrong - it was 7.3!🙂 I woke up and was too hot, so decided to get up. I make up for it in the winter when it's dark and cold!😱
see, even more perfect 😛 I would never get up if I woke up at 5.30 - im far too lazy :D

right, im off to boots in a minute for a blood pressure monitor - fun times!! That makes me feel about 63, not 23!!
see, even more perfect 😛 I would never get up if I woke up at 5.30 - im far too lazy

right, im off to boots in a minute for a blood pressure monitor - fun times!! That makes me feel about 63, not 23!!

Hi Twin , can you let me know if the monitor is any good please? I'm thinking of buying one 😱 haha i must be 64 then lol . I have used one before and had all sorts of scary reading but I did have a zillion ketones and all sorts at the time lol.

As for Glucose Readings !!!!! Oh My God !! I can but dream of levels like that , 7.3 is a fantastic number that I wish I saw more on my meter :( Well Done on those levels , I am soooo jealous , and after beer as well !!!! not fair 😛
Hi Twin , can you let me know if the monitor is any good please? I'm thinking of buying one 😱 haha i must be 64 then lol . I have used one before and had all sorts of scary reading but I did have a zillion ketones and all sorts at the time lol.

As for Glucose Readings !!!!! Oh My God !! I can but dream of levels like that , 7.3 is a fantastic number that I wish I saw more on my meter :( Well Done on those levels , I am soooo jealous , and after beer as well !!!! not fair 😛

I've got one of those monitors - the type that goes on your wrist. It's not bad - not as accurate as the doctor's, but gives you an idea of where you are BP-wise.

Interestingly today I had an early breakfast (6.20 am) so my novorapid was well out of my system at lunch 7 hours later. My BG level was 5.9, so I guess

a) my basal dose is pretty much spot-on, as I'd hoped​
b) I dosed myself correctly for my breakfast!​

Hurrah! Perhaps I don't have diabetes after all, and it's all an elaborate hoax - maybe the 'insulin' they keep giving me is just saline!😱
I've got one of those monitors - the type that goes on your wrist. It's not bad - not as accurate as the doctor's, but gives you an idea of where you are BP-wise.

Interestingly today I had an early breakfast (6.20 am) so my novorapid was well out of my system at lunch 7 hours later. My BG level was 5.9, so I guess

a) my basal dose is pretty much spot-on, as I'd hoped​
b) I dosed myself correctly for my breakfast!​

Hurrah! Perhaps I don't have diabetes after all, and it's all an elaborate hoax - maybe the 'insulin' they keep giving me is just saline!😱

Ha ha ha welllllll , now you've brought the subject up , I have often wondered if your Diabetes is in fact Psychosymatic 😱 ( oops that me moderated ) 😱. I think I need someone to come and sort all my doses out for me , I cant leave my Basal alone 😱 I just keep tweaking it , its a bit of an obsession , which I might add is doing no b***** good at all !!
Ha ha ha welllllll , now you've brought the subject up , I have often wondered if your Diabetes is in fact Psychosymatic 😱 ( oops that me moderated ) 😱. I think I need someone to come and sort all my doses out for me , I cant leave my Basal alone 😱 I just keep tweaking it , its a bit of an obsession , which I might add is doing no b***** good at all !!

Placebo insulin for 'hypo'-chondriacs! There's a thought! Doesn't your DSN or consultant offer any help with your basal? Although I know that your experience hasn't been a good one in the past (don't I remember you saying they diagnosed you as Type 2, even though you have many family members with Type 1?).
Hi Twin , can you let me know if the monitor is any good please? I'm thinking of buying one 😱 haha i must be 64 then lol . I have used one before and had all sorts of scary reading but I did have a zillion ketones and all sorts at the time lol.

I will let you know how it is twin, im going to use it as soon as I get home... which will be after a very long walk so i'll have to do it again an hour later lol.

I've got one of those monitors - the type that goes on your wrist. It's not bad - not as accurate as the doctor's, but gives you an idea of where you are BP-wise.

Interestingly today I had an early breakfast (6.20 am) so my novorapid was well out of my system at lunch 7 hours later. My BG level was 5.9, so I guess

a) my basal dose is pretty much spot-on, as I'd hoped​
b) I dosed myself correctly for my breakfast!​

Hurrah! Perhaps I don't have diabetes after all, and it's all an elaborate hoax - maybe the 'insulin' they keep giving me is just saline!😱

Well Northe, this is a new state-of-the-arts monitor 😉 it is an upper arm one not a wrist one hehe.

Yeah i'm pretty sure you dont have diabetes 😉 how many units have you been taking?
Placebo insulin for 'hypo'-chondriacs! There's a thought! Doesn't your DSN or consultant offer any help with your basal? Although I know that your experience hasn't been a good one in the past (don't I remember you saying they diagnosed you as Type 2, even though you have many family members with Type 1?).

Ummm Consultant ? Dsn ? , I dont actually have those 😱 Well maybe I do but I havent see either of them since the begining of last year after my battle with DKA . I just tend to do my own thing and mess around with doses etc until something works or goes drastically wrong 😱
Yes you remember correctly although I was under 7 stone at the time and ALL my family are Type 1's I was diagnosed as type 2 with a level in the 20's at the time :confused: I was then left to my own devices on metformin for 6 years until Dka got me lol :D
I will let you know how it is twin, im going to use it as soon as I get home... which will be after a very long walk so i'll have to do it again an hour later lol.

Well Northe, this is a new state-of-the-arts monitor 😉 it is an upper arm one not a wrist one hehe.

Yeah i'm pretty sure you dont have diabetes 😉 how many units have you been taking?

Hi Twin , yes let me know if its any good please🙂 Hahaha yeah after a long walk in this heat you might want to leave it a while lol or you might be tempted to call the paramedics 😱
...Well Northe, this is a new state-of-the-arts monitor 😉 it is an upper arm one not a wrist one hehe.

Yeah i'm pretty sure you dont have diabetes 😉 how many units have you been taking?

Whooo! Get you, with your posh, upper-arm meter! I bet it's digital too!🙂

My insulin changes through the day, but I usually need more in the morning and less as the day goes on (for the amount of carbs, that is, which I guess is my ratio). So, a typical day currently is: 5 units NR breakfast, 8 units lunch and 10-12 units tea, plus 9 lantus per day. At the beginning of April I was on 8 breakfast, 14 lunch and 18 tea, with 20 lantus. My levels feel as though they are better now -will be interesting to see what my HbA1c is next week! Weren't you and Nikki taking bets?
Hurrah! Perhaps I don't have diabetes after all, and it's all an elaborate hoax - maybe the 'insulin' they keep giving me is just saline!😱

I thought that for about the first year of my diagnosis, that it was either a terrible mistake or they (don't know who I thought 'they' were) were playing a trick on me!

My insulin changes through the day, but I usually need more in the morning and less as the day goes on (for the amount of carbs, that is, which I guess is my ratio).

I think that's what most people find, I've yet to discover someone like me who has a bigger evening ratio than morning/daytime, maybe I have some sort of reverse dawn phenom.... Suppose I'm just a special case!😉
Hi Twin , yes let me know if its any good please🙂 Hahaha yeah after a long walk in this heat you might want to leave it a while lol or you might be tempted to call the paramedics 😱

haha that's probably why my result was borderline high, I practically ran to the doctor's surgery. BTW twin, it is wednesday! did you have your HbA1c??

Whooo! Get you, with your posh, upper-arm meter! I bet it's digital too!🙂

My insulin changes through the day, but I usually need more in the morning and less as the day goes on (for the amount of carbs, that is, which I guess is my ratio). So, a typical day currently is: 5 units NR breakfast, 8 units lunch and 10-12 units tea, plus 9 lantus per day. At the beginning of April I was on 8 breakfast, 14 lunch and 18 tea, with 20 lantus. My levels feel as though they are better now -will be interesting to see what my HbA1c is next week! Weren't you and Nikki taking bets?

Haha, it is indeed digital 😛

Wow you've almost halved your insulin, it's supposed to double after the honeymoon period!!

I'm going to place a bet of 5.3
I use my dads blood pressure monitor and it's pretty good. I do have a bit of postural hypotension on occasions, but sometimes not. Katie I must have missed it, but are you having problems with your blood pressure?

Yeah I think I bet something like 5.2 %, although I will have trawl this thread to find out for sure.

What is your average blood sugar? this site can help predict A1c.
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