Oh bother this bloomin' basal!

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YAY! I'm so happy! hehe. A month into my 'diet' and ive lost 2lb (was hoping for a bit more), but... Ive lost 2 inches from my waist, woo! I'd much rather lose inches than pounds hehe.

Northerner, have you managed to get you readings up a bit more yet? After being very fed up yesterday...
YAY! I'm so happy! hehe. A month into my 'diet' and ive lost 2lb (was hoping for a bit more), but... Ive lost 2 inches from my waist, woo! I'd much rather lose inches than pounds hehe.

Northerner, have you managed to get you readings up a bit more yet? After being very fed up yesterday...

I've tried really hard today to get over my psychological fear of high numbers and keep my insulin doses below what I first think I need - I normally give myself too much rather than too little, hence the hypos.

As a result, I woke to 5.2, lunch - 4.9, Evening meal - 3.9 (close! probably this morning's run having more of an effect, but if I hadn't reduced my insulin would have been a major hypo). I was 5.5 2 hours after evening meal, so might need a bedtime snack.

And woo! katie on losing those inches! You're right too - the pounds aren't important if you're looking good!🙂
Has your ratio changed or are you just reducing your rapid insulin by experience?

when you are at 4.9 (for example) what happens if you decide to do some unplanned exercise like go to tesco to do some shopping? does it stay at that level or do you eat something before you go?

Thanks, I just feel better for it really. The extra inches make me feel really unhealthy which I hate because ive always been quite healthy (until diabetes!) so glad im losing them.
Has your ratio changed or are you just reducing your rapid insulin by experience?

when you are at 4.9 (for example) what happens if you decide to do some unplanned exercise like go to tesco to do some shopping? does it stay at that level or do you eat something before you go?

Thanks, I just feel better for it really. The extra inches make me feel really unhealthy which I hate because ive always been quite healthy (until diabetes!) so glad im losing them.

It's mostly guesswork! Over the past couple of days though I have had to start reducing again. Yesterday I was 3.2 before lunch (after already reducing my bolus for breakfast), so was really measly with my lunchtime dose - and then I was 3.3 before evening meal! I took what I thought was a very reduced dose and ate a huge bowl of spag bol - but obviously got it right as I was 6.8 before bed. Woke this morning to 4.4, which is a bit on the low side, so considering lowering my lantus by a further unit (thank goodness I got a 1-unit pen!). That would put me on 8 lantus after being on 20 at the beginning of April - maybe the cure's back on!🙂

In answer to your question, I'd only eat something at 4.9 if I was, say, going out for a 3-5 mile run, and then just to be on the safe side as my levels would probably stay the same without it. Example: I did 5 miles this morning, was 7.7 before (2hrs after breakfast), and 7.6 when I got back, so no discernible effect! Shopping doesn't take much effort - I'm a bloke!🙂

Regarding weight - I quite liked it when I lost a lot of weight but only when it was at a healthy level, I got very underweight at one point (8st 10). Now, I've gone the opposite way a bit. Despite my running, I don't do much upper body stuff, so feeling a bit flabby there (currently 10st 11). Would ideally be about 10st 7, but toned and not flabby!:D
wow that is a mad decrease in insulin! So not fair! hehe. Mine increased and I had to go from 10 units of lantus to 20 units and my ration became 2:10g - grr :D You are so lucky with those levels not going crazy with exercise too.

Regarding weight - I quite liked it when I lost a lot of weight but only when it was at a healthy level, I got very underweight at one point (8st 10). Now, I've gone the opposite way a bit. Despite my running, I don't do much upper body stuff, so feeling a bit flabby there (currently 10st 11). Would ideally be about 10st 7, but toned and not flabby!:D

Well this is defintely a healthy level, only 2 pounds in a month hehe - think the inch loss is mainly because ive been doing lots of crunches so everything has tightened up.

Can I ask how tall you are northerner? In return I will tell you a secret.
...Can I ask how tall you are northerner? In return I will tell you a secret.

I reach the dizzying heights of 5ft 9in! In theiry I could weigh up to 12st and still be 'normal' BMI, but I only once came close to that and looked so flabby and bloated I hardly recognised myself! At diagnosis I was 8st 4, and probably didn't realise how dreadful I looked, but friends have recently told me how shocked they were when they visited me in hospital.

Ooh! What's your secret? You're not Britain's tallest woman are you?:D
I reach the dizzying heights of 5ft 9in! In theiry I could weigh up to 12st and still be 'normal' BMI, but I only once came close to that and looked so flabby and bloated I hardly recognised myself! At diagnosis I was 8st 4, and probably didn't realise how dreadful I looked, but friends have recently told me how shocked they were when they visited me in hospital.

Ooh! What's your secret? You're not Britain's tallest woman are you?:D

You must have quite a small frame if you looked flabby at 12st!
Wow you must have looked frail at 8st 4 - Wish I was that light, but I would look anorexic because im not petite hehe.

Oh no, now ive built it up and the secret is rubbish! Im not the tallest woman in Britain, thank god. I'm nealry 5'8" and I hate even being that tall hehe, I want to be short!

My secret is that I weigh more than you. Ok you probably could have guessed but nevermind :D Don't tell anyone!!
You must have quite a small frame if you looked flabby at 12st!
Wow you must have looked frail at 8st 4 - Wish I was that light, but I would look anorexic because im not petite hehe.

Oh no, now ive built it up and the secret is rubbish! Im not the tallest woman in Britain, thank god. I'm nealry 5'8" and I hate even being that tall hehe, I want to be short!

My secret is that I weigh more than you. Ok you probably could have guessed but nevermind :D Don't tell anyone!!

hehehe! Most people my height (or often smaller!) seem to weigh more than me! When I was your age I was actually 8st 5 (got officially weighed at a medical for a job). The doctor told me I was 3st underweight, but considering I was happily running marathons at the time, didn't think it was a problem. After that I put on about a stone a decade. I really was dreadfully skinny though, even though I had a huge appetite and drank for England in my student days (and beyond!). I've got an awful picture somewhere that I might dig out to frighten everyone!:D

My niece is 5'10'', although her sister is about 5'4" - they're both gorgeous though!
hehehe! Most people my height (or often smaller!) seem to weigh more than me! When I was your age I was actually 8st 5 (got officially weighed at a medical for a job). The doctor told me I was 3st underweight, but considering I was happily running marathons at the time, didn't think it was a problem. After that I put on about a stone a decade. I really was dreadfully skinny though, even though I had a huge appetite and drank for England in my student days (and beyond!). I've got an awful picture somewhere that I might dig out to frighten everyone!:D

My niece is 5'10'', although her sister is about 5'4" - they're both gorgeous though!

I know a couple of people like you, who weigh about 8.5st and look skinny but not unhealthy and I know people who are 12st who look very healthy too 🙂

But i'm a girl and should at least weight the same, grr! hehe, i'm working on it. I bet your 5'10 niece doesn't weigh as much as me :D People dont believe me when I say I could do with losing 2 stone though, not sure where im keeping all of it lol.
In theiry I could weigh up to 12st and still be 'normal' BMI, but I only once came close to that and looked so flabby and bloated I hardly recognised myself!

Oh yes and this is why I decided I really want to lose weight btw. My BMI is slightly high - 25.5. As ive always been quite sporty and healthy this shocked me a bit as I dont think I should be above my recommended BMI especially at this age. I want to be more in the middle range - not too skinny and not too big 😉
Hmm...looks like the 'cure' might be back on! I've been reducing my bolus insulin for the past couple of days, but still getting hypos. I was 3.3 before lunch, despite reducing my insulin for the same breakfast as I had yesterday. Then, I have just tested 3 hours after lunch because I was feeling a bit low - 3.0!

With what I have planned for tea, my total insulin today will be 29 units. A few days ago, on a similar food intake I was injecting 38 units. A couple of months ago I was injecting 60 units! So, I guess I'm only half cured! I will be interested to see what my HbA1c is in the next couple of weeks, as I have generally been on the low side with all the insulin reductions, plus the fact that my basal is at a much better level means I can confidently go to bed much closer to my range than I used to (i.e. can go to bed at 6.5, no snack, and wake at around 5.x - before I was going to bed at 9-11 or eating a snack to keep my levels high)
Northerner and Katie is this a private converstaion or can anyone join in? Ha ha!
Northerner, I was interested ot read your bgs don't come down much after a run. I've been finding just the same now I've started cycling again (must be the Tour de France soon, spurring me on!). Like you I've also been suffereing several lows at no particular time. I'm ust wondering if this might be what's causing your lows at other times, I have heard excercise can bring your bgs lown some time later.
Have to say I still find it all pretty random, even after 40 years of type 1, and no consultant, DSN or GP has ever managed to stop my bgs swinging around.
I'm doing about 40 mins (that's minutes NOT miles!!) each session so far, how long does it take to do your runs?
Glad to hear its not just me that finds exercise has no immediate effect.
Northerner and Katie is this a private converstaion or can anyone join in? Ha ha!
Northerner, I was interested ot read your bgs don't come down much after a run. I've been finding just the same now I've started cycling again (must be the Tour de France soon, spurring me on!). Like you I've also been suffereing several lows at no particular time. I'm ust wondering if this might be what's causing your lows at other times, I have heard excercise can bring your bgs lown some time later.
Have to say I still find it all pretty random, even after 40 years of type 1, and no consultant, DSN or GP has ever managed to stop my bgs swinging around.
I'm doing about 40 mins (that's minutes NOT miles!!) each session so far, how long does it take to do your runs?
Glad to hear its not just me that finds exercise has no immediate effect.

Hi Amanda! Yes, I have found that my levels are pretty stable throughout a run, but will then affect my levels for the next 40 hours or so, with me being more sensitive to insulin. My runs vary between 30mins and an hour at the moment. I read that, once your body becomes used to a certain level of exercise, your BG will stay stable - it's only when you increase the intensity or duration that it'll start to fall. This is also true in my case - when I stepped up to 5 miles from 3 miles my BG would drop by a couple of mmol/l, but once I got used to it they started to stay stable again.

Having only been diagnosed just over a year, everything is still relatively new to me and I've only just got back up to my pre-diagnosis weight, so am starting to think that I'm returning to my body's 'true' levels of insulin requirements. I'm going to arrange an appointment with my DSN soon so I can discuss the huge adjustments I've made and see what she says. Some people have suggested it might be partly a seasonal thing, but as this is my first real summer as a type 1 I won't know for a while yet how much is down to that. Well done with the cycling BTW - I can't even ride a bike!😱🙂
Oh dear, I apolgise for intruding on your conversation again!!!!! 😱
I hadn't heard bgs get used to excercise and it can't be that in my case as I've only been back on the bike for two weeks after nearly a year!! Interesting to hear your doing about the same length sessions as me.

Back to you Katie.......:D
Oh dear, I apolgise for intruding on your conversation again!!!!! 😱
I hadn't heard bgs get used to excercise and it can't be that in my case as I've only been back on the bike for two weeks after nearly a year!! Interesting to hear your doing about the same length sessions as me.

Back to you Katie.......:D

hehe! No problems Amanda, the more the merrier! 🙂Here's something I wrote a while ago about this, might explain it a bit more!

I was a marathon runner for 25 years before being diagnosed Type 1 last year - a week before I was due to run the Stockholm marathon! Since then I've been trying to get back to fitness and also getting used to balancing my blood sugars whilst exercising. It's a tricky business, and there is a lot of trial and error involved. Basically, exercise will make the body use insulin more efficiently, so you'll probably need less with your meals (or more food) if you're planning to exercise. The 'efficiency' can last for some time afterwards too - even into the following day, as your body replenishes its stores of glycogen in the cells and the liver.

Conversely, if you stop regular exercise for a few days, your insulin sensitivity will go back to those pre-exercise levels, so your BG will be at higher levels. An added complication is the type and intensity of exercise - high intensity can cause the release of stress hormones that will increase BG levels even though you are exercising - they may quickly fall later so you need to watch out for hypos. As you get used to a certain level of exercise, your body's energy requirements will be lower, so you won't 'use up' the glucose in your blood as quickly. As an example, the first few times I run 5 miles after being used to running only 3, my body will have fairly high requirements and my BG will likely dip. However, after a while 5 miles will be well within my capabilities so my BG will hardly change from start to finish.

Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules and everyone is different to some degree. I'd recommend 'The Diabetic Athlete' for a good explanation of the science behind it all.
Oh dear, I apolgise for intruding on your conversation again!!!!! 😱
I hadn't heard bgs get used to excercise and it can't be that in my case as I've only been back on the bike for two weeks after nearly a year!! Interesting to hear your doing about the same length sessions as me.

Back to you Katie.......:D

Hi Amanda :D

I went to a talk about exercise and diabetes and the woman who gave it does ALOT of exercise every day. When she does certain exercise at certain times of the day, it has no instant affect on her levels (running in the morning, before breakfast). But other exercise such as swimming makes her levels drop so every few lengths she eats a jaffa cake :D I posted about it here: http://www.diabetessupport.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?t=1874

Exercise definitely brings levels down hours after doing it. It the same with burning calories... you don't burn many whilst exercising, but the amount you burn in the following 48 hours (ish) is greatly increased!
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