Oh bother this bloomin' basal!

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I use my dads blood pressure monitor and it's pretty good. I do have a bit of postural hypotension on occasions, but sometimes not. Katie I must have missed it, but are you having problems with your blood pressure?

Yeah I think I bet something like 5.2 %, although I will have trawl this thread to find out for sure.

What is your average blood sugar? this site can help predict A1c.

oh did i guess too? lol ive forgotten, I will look back when i get home from work.

Yep, I want a year's prescription of the pill but cant have it at the moment because my blood pressure is "borderline" on the high side of things, and it was when i went to the diabetes specialist so need to sort it out! :(
Hurrah! Perhaps I don't have diabetes after all, and it's all an elaborate hoax - maybe the 'insulin' they keep giving me is just saline!😱 ....will be interesting to see what my HbA1c is next week! Weren't you and Nikki taking bets?

Ahhh Northerner, dream on - brilliant control though, I can't keep mine that tight, otherwise I go hypo, but still pleased with how I'm doing. BP on my OH's wrist monitor was 133 over 80 today - not bad!

It was me and sofaraway, but can't remember what I bet!
Whooo! Get you, with your posh, upper-arm meter! I bet it's digital too!🙂

My insulin changes through the day, but I usually need more in the morning and less as the day goes on (for the amount of carbs, that is, which I guess is my ratio). So, a typical day currently is: 5 units NR breakfast, 8 units lunch and 10-12 units tea, plus 9 lantus per day. At the beginning of April I was on 8 breakfast, 14 lunch and 18 tea, with 20 lantus. My levels feel as though they are better now -will be interesting to see what my HbA1c is next week! Weren't you and Nikki taking bets?

My lantus has gone up from 10 to 13, but my doses with meals can range from on ave, 2 - 3 units with breakfast, 0 - 2 units with lunch, 2 - 4 units with tea and 1-2 units if I snack a lot in the evening.
My lantus has gone up from 10 to 13, but my doses with meals can range from on ave, 2 - 3 units with breakfast, 0 - 2 units with lunch, 2 - 4 units with tea and 1-2 units if I snack a lot in the evening.

We use very similar amounts of insulin, I use 12 units basal at the moment and 1-2 with breakfast 1-4 with lunch and 2-6 with dinner. my insulin needs go up and down considerably, think the heat is keeping my boluses down at the moment.
We use very similar amounts of insulin, I use 12 units basal at the moment and 1-2 with breakfast 1-4 with lunch and 2-6 with dinner. my insulin needs go up and down considerably, think the heat is keeping my boluses down at the moment.

Yeah, I think the heat has affected me too - had a strange day yesterday when BS's kept going up, in spite of usual units for readings and usual food - altho' think I am coming down with yet another cough/cold - that's my biggest bugbear about diabetes, never got them much before.
Blimey! The pressure's on, isnt it? You all expect me to get below 6.0 for my HbA1c - here are the guesses so far (and all different!):

  1. katie: 5.3
  2. Nikki: 5.1
  3. aymes: 5.7
  4. steff: 5.5
  5. runner: 5.8

I'm personally going to guess 5.4...but I really don't know what to expect. I have an idea, of course, from looking at my average meter readings - but any of you could be correct. If it's over 6.0 then I'm giving up and not having diabetes any more!😱

Yesterday was another (almost) perfect day: 5.2 waking, 5.9 lunch, 6.7 tea (and more beer too!), and 4.7 before bed, although I did drop to 3.6 about 3 hours after my tea so that's why it wasn't perfect. I woke to 5.3 this morning. I think it's the morning readings that I'm happiest with - I have been in the low 5's every morning for the past week, which gives me such confidence that my lantus couldn't be better (for now!)🙂
Blimey! The pressure's on, isnt it? You all expect me to get below 6.0 for my HbA1c - here are the guesses so far (and all different!):

  1. katie: 5.3
  2. Nikki: 5.1
  3. aymes: 5.7
  4. steff: 5.5
  5. runner: 5.8

I'm personally going to guess 5.4...but I really don't know what to expect. I have an idea, of course, from looking at my average meter readings - but any of you could be correct. If it's over 6.0 then I'm giving up and not having diabetes any more!😱

Yesterday was another (almost) perfect day: 5.2 waking, 5.9 lunch, 6.7 tea (and more beer too!), and 4.7 before bed, although I did drop to 3.6 about 3 hours after my tea so that's why it wasn't perfect. I woke to 5.3 this morning. I think it's the morning readings that I'm happiest with - I have been in the low 5's every morning for the past week, which gives me such confidence that my lantus couldn't be better (for now!)🙂

sorry if i have missed this somewhere , but have you an hbA1c test coming up northener ?
I will guess at 5.2 - because you do seem to be always on the lower side Northerner. How many hypo's do you have in a typical week?🙂Bev
sorry if i have missed this somewhere , but have you an hbA1c test coming up northener ?

Yes steff - I will find out next Tuesday🙂

I will guess at 5.2 - because you do seem to be always on the lower side Northerner. How many hypo's do you have in a typical week?🙂Bev

I've had 6 in the past week, although most of them were 'borderline' and usually readings taken just before meals. I've been improving on that side, as well as managing my evening/bedtime levels much better, so overall have been closer to my 4-7 range than I was at the last test in January. Back then I was getting more hypos and going to bed above range, so I guess that evened itself out to a 5.3. I think this test will be a better indicator of good control, although I've been lucky in that it's never really been poor.🙂
Good numbers are continuing! According to my meter software, over the past 7 days the lowest I have been is 3.5 mmol/l and the highest 8.0 mmol/l. Actually, that 8 doesn't really count, as it is a 2hr post-meal reading taken before going out for a run. My highest pre-meal has been 7.3 and I also had a 7.2 last night.

I doubt if it's possible to get any better control than that! Woohoo!!:D:D:D
Brilliant :D Hope the test reflects all your hard work - I'm sure it will 🙂
I think I was wrong when I said my numbers couldn't get any better. This morning I woke to 4.8, was 4.7 before lunch and 4.6 before tea, and no hypos. Of course, this being diabetes I'll probably get brought back down to earth tomorrow when I get all my test results...😱
I think you're showing off now.....😉

Seriously though, that sounds fab, looks like you've cracked the basal!

Good luck for tomorrow.
Well, after weeks of being fine on my lantus dose I had a bit of a blip last night. For a while now I have been able to go to bed on 5.x and wake to upper 4s or early 5s. Last night I was 6.9 before bed, so didn't worry about needing snacks or anything. But I woke up needing the loo at about 1:30 and felt a bit low so I took a reading - 3.2! I had some JBs and a biscuit and then woke to 5.0 this morning.

So now I'm wondering whether to reduce my lantus again by another unit, down to 8. It was 20 this time last year. 😱 I think I'll try 8 tonight and then see what effect it has tomorrow - might push me up a couple of mmol, but I'd rather have that than the threat of night hypos again.
Hi Northe,

I'm a bit out of touch with what's happening on the forums, but are you still training for the run - perhaps its kicking in? Sounds like a good plan anyway 🙂
Hi Northe,

I'm a bit out of touch with what's happening on the forums, but are you still training for the run - perhaps its kicking in? Sounds like a good plan anyway 🙂

You could be right there runner, as I have been getting lower than usual waking levels lately too. Good to hear from you BTW, hope all is OK?🙂
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