NHS Shake and Soup Diet

I was told (& experienced) the same but it settled down after a couple of weeks, as did the headaches which gradually eased off - I'd forgotten about them!
By experienced, I mean the same as you ie definitely not constipated!
HI Paul, and Bessie,

I am on day 4 of the shakes and it is going well! i am also having the same issues, with the toilet! been a tough few days but getting used to it now.
Hi there! I added a 2nd dose of the fibre which seemed to help plus the bowels & headaches gradually settle over the first 2 weeks.
Just coming to the end of 16th week & lost just over 3 stone, so very pleased! Once I'd got used to the shakes only, the rest of the 12 weeks went fine - it's slightly harder to work out what to eat when once you start on food reintroduction.... I've used the Fast 800 original book plus recipe book as well as the recipes suggested by the Oviva app.

Good luck!
Hi just been referred today. Was good to agree to do it just now feeling anxious about it all
I've been doing it via Oviva app - I'd recommend doing the optional online session for an introduction & Qs&As as soon as they send you a link. If you read everything they send you via the app there's lots of info & great support - especially in the early weeks.
The shakes are basically something you get used to & so much easier than trying to do Fast800 cooking. Just make sure to drink lots of water- I keep 500ml bottles in the fridge to make it easier to measure.

Good luck! It will absolutely work if you stock to it x
Thank uou ill look out fir all that . Just been out fir a walk i need to do something
Also choose your start day carefully as that will be the day each week that you have to weigh yourself, check your blood glucose (I do mine fasting) & your blood pressure, so best not to start on a day when you need to rush out. (Weighing is more useful if done at the same time each day too)
Good advice Thanks .
Also choose your start day carefully as that will be the day each week that you have to weigh yourself, check your blood glucose (I do mine fasting) & your blood pressure, so best not to start on a day when you need to rush out. (Weighing is more useful if done at the same time each day too)
How long did it take for them to contact you after the GP had sent their referral?
I saw our very efficient Practice Nurse for a Diabetes Review on 31st January & she told me about the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Remission Programme, not expecting me to be interested as noone else had yet been (I'm not sure how long it had been available in Herefordshire). I said yes & she then made the referral.
Checking from Oviva in my emails, I had my first email from them on 23rd Feb, so just 3 weeks & 2 days. First was for me to confirm I still wanted it, then quickly the same day I had the email to download the app (think when I confirmed, there was one option of weekly face-to-face somewhere in the county, but not anywhere convenient for me, and I therefore chose the app based version - which I think offers more information & feedback as long as you're happy with apps)

They set it up for me pretty quickly - ordering meal replacements taster pack, sending out scales & blood sugar monitoring & also checking with my GP (they do this directly) about my medication including the metformin I was on then. The idea is that if you are on meds that can cause hypos they will be adjusted appropriately in liaison with your GP. I could have been lent a BP monitor too but already have my own.

They set mine up very quickly as I have a holiday next week plus a family wedding at the beginning of June, so wanted to ve able to have dome actual food at the wedding. Phone support very good when I had issues getting the equipment in time - but it did in fact arrive in the nick of time! (You can't start until it's all there plus your first month's meal replacement)

Hopefully you'll hear soon x
Hubby was offered this but declined as he not a shake fan. I couldn’t be referred as not suitable for insulin users apparently not enough carbs?
Hubby was offered this but declined as he not a shake fan. I couldn’t be referred as not suitable for insulin users apparently not enough carbs?

You can DIY a real food alternative based on the Newcastle Diet (basis of NHS programme). That's what I did.

Here's a copy and paste of the options I'd consider if doing it again:
- Newcastle Diet leaflet:
- Newcastle Study presentation: Roy Taylor, Achieving T2D remission (May 2023)
- Dr David Unwin diet sheet and presentation, The nuts & bolts of drug free T2 diabetes remission (May 2023)
- Zoe Harcombe: handy table and article What should we eat?.

Which one would I choose? Harcombe as it covers weight loss and maintenance. David Unwin's approach could be just as good if it appeals.
I started last Friday, 4 meals a day which are from a packet (soups/shakes). Day 2 and 3 were tough but felt better since then. Lost 13lbs so far (8 days). Speak to a mentor every week via phone and use an app to log weight. I like it so far, 11 weeks to go, then stage 2 where I start introducing food backb(1 x meal a day + 3 x shakes).

I asked my diabetic nurse to refer me, took about 4 months in total to start.

The meals are all provided free via a code you use at a hop called habitual. https://www.tryhabitual.com/momenta
He could try following the Fast 800 diet - read the original book then think of getting the excellent recipe books. I wouldn't recommend the soups on the Remission Plan - they're very 'gloopy & no use for taking out anywhere.

The 12-week shake plan is useful for resetting your taste buds & eating pattern completely, and aren't too sweet, especially the chocolate ones (to which you can add coffee) & banana.

Why don't you talk to your Diabetes Nurse about whether doing the Fast 800 (or the 5:2 - where you could eat the same as hubby for 2 days a week?) You'd need to modify your insulin, but she should be able to help with that.

Hope you find solutions that work for you both - I've now lost over 3 stone in 18 weeks and am now only 3kg away from being in the normal range! Started at BMI 35!! (1st HbA1c repeat test next week)

Good luck!
I started last Friday, 4 meals a day which are from a packet (soups/shakes). Day 2 and 3 were tough but felt better since then. Lost 13lbs so far (8 days). Speak to a mentor every week via phone and use an app to log weight. I like it so far, 11 weeks to go, then stage 2 where I start introducing food backb(1 x meal a day + 3 x shakes).

I asked my diabetic nurse to refer me, took about 4 months in total to start.

The meals are all provided free via a code you use at a hop called habitual. https://www.tryhabitual.com/momenta
oh dear that too a long time
Interesting BigMo - my app is different, I'm with Oviva. 30min call before starting & an online session, then all of the support is via the chat function in the app - every few days in 1st few weeks minimum, then gradually decreases - 2x weekly until back just on food (14 weeks), then weekly but more often if you send them a question. Check in with you every 2 weeks once settled from week 18. Loads of info & recipes, more unlocks each week. Can access info forever (includes mental health/wellbeing, attitudes to eating, body, exercise etc).
Shakes &/or soup plus fibre supplement from Altralife
Interesting BigMo - my app is different, I'm with Oviva. 30min call before starting & an online session, then all of the support is via the chat function in the app - every few days in 1st few weeks minimum, then gradually decreases - 2x weekly until back just on food (14 weeks), then weekly but more often if you send them a question. Check in with you every 2 weeks once settled from week 18. Loads of info & recipes, more unlocks each week. Can access info forever (includes mental health/wellbeing, attitudes to eating, body, exercise etc).
Shakes &/or soup plus fibre supplement from Altralife
I am guessing each area will follow what they have support n money for . Mine is called Oviva . Still not heard back hoping soon
but if 4 months ill be trying something else by then.
Maybe since expansion to cover all of England (I think a few different companies are providing it) they've been a bit overwhelmed?? I was referred 31st Jan & received my registration email & then quick welcome email on 23rd Feb.... Started diet in March. So you seem to be taking a long time to hear anything....
Have Oviva been in contact at all (do check Spam. Mine was titled: "Your referral to the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme: Sign up to Oviva"
I asked my diabetic nurse to refer me, took about 4 months in total to start.
Bessie it has only been one week so still time i was referring to this