NHS Shake and Soup Diet

Anyone can do this for themselves (always provided you have no complications and have fully discussed and agreed it with your GP/DN). Just do the soups and shakes part for 1-4 weeks to get your blood levels down, then switch to a low carb diet to reach your target weight. Note: the NHS programme is too calorie restrictive for most people.
Hello everyone. I have been approved to go on the NHS Soup and Shake Diet. I am T2 and jot on medication. HBAC1 is 56. I am wondering whether anyone has tried it? The variety of flavours and products does not look great. Interested to hear how others found it and whether 800 calories a day saps energy levels
Hi…starting mine tomorro,Sue.
Anyone can do this for themselves (always provided you have no complications and have fully discussed and agreed it with your GP/DN). Just do the soups and shakes part for 1-4 weeks to get your blood levels down, then switch to a low carb diet to reach your target weight. Note: the NHS programme is too calorie restrictive for most people.
To elaborate, I lost 15 kg on a real food version of the Newcastle Diet, the basis of the NHS Soups and Shakes programme. In retrospect, while 800 cals per day may be ok for a managed programme with ample support for participants, it is too strict for the DIY brigade.
To elaborate, I lost 15 kg on a real food version of the Newcastle Diet, the basis of the NHS Soups and Shakes programme. In retrospect, while 800 cals per day may be ok for a managed programme with ample support for participants, it is too strict for the DIY brigade.
so what soups and shakes would you recommend and would it be a shake for breakfast and lunch then a soup for dinner and that it?
so what soups and shakes would you recommend and would it be a shake for breakfast and lunch then a soup for dinner and that it?
Please read what I wrote again. Soups and Shakes are OK if you are on an NHS Path to Remission manged programme. If you don't fancy Soups and Shakes the Diabetes UK co-funded New Dawn project is due to (possibly) come up with four other diets of greater appeal to more people to be delivered by NHS Hubs from 2027. If I were going to do my weight loss again I would follow the Harcombe Diet or the Norwood Surgery diet sheet which is similar but a simpler. Both rely on eating nutritious food to satiety:

- What should we eat? https://www.zoeharcombe.com/2021/08/what-should-we-eat/
- Norwood diet sheet: phcuk.org/wp-content/uploads/A_5_page_low_carb_diet_leaflet_Unwin_2021-converted.pdf

For convenience, when pressed or out and about, I might take advantage of the shakes at breakfast and lunch.
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I just eat low carb - that is, I eat anything not high carb or a low fat version.
I do have a bit of high cocoa chocolate now and then.
No other rules or restrictions. Fixed my type 2 in 6 months - maybe it is just far too easy?
I just eat low carb - that is, I eat anything not high carb or a low fat version.
I do have a bit of high cocoa chocolate now and then.
No other rules or restrictions. Fixed my type 2 in 6 months - maybe it is just far too easy?
Glad you have found it easy. I did well at first then my inflammation started with the winter. My bloods are all wrong now too. Unsure if its the Jardiance but my sugar levels are back on the increase. Unlike you though i don't eat just twice a day and don't exercise like you either.
I wish it were simple. Life is not.
Glad you have found it easy. I did well at first then my inflammation started with the winter. My bloods are all wrong now too. Unsure if its the Jardiance but my sugar levels are back on the increase. Unlike you though i don't eat just twice a day and don't exercise like you either.
I wish it were simple. Life is not.
Did you ask about soups and shakes with a view to taking them?
If so, I think it would make sense to try them for 1-4 weeks to see what happens to your fbg, then decide what to do next.
Need to agree a plan with your GP/DN for Jardiance.
Will explain further if you wish.
Did you ask about soups and shakes with a view to taking them?
If so, I think it would make sense to try them for 1-4 weeks to see what happens then decide what to do next.
Need to agree a plan with your GP/DN?
Will explain further if you wish.
Yes i was asking about the shakes but you just lectured me on the Harvombe Not to worry . I will sort myself out.
Yes i was asking about the shakes but you just lectured me on the Harvombe Not to worry . I will sort myself out.
Hold on. Again please read what my last post says. It suggests going on to the NHS/Newcastle Diet of soups and shakes for up to one month as a 'clinical trial' to see how far your bloods come down. That might mean dropping your current medication from the start. What to do next would depend on the results and what you and your doctor decide.

I have found weight maintenance a considerable challenge. Logically I know what to do but I dread putting all that weight on again. Zoe Harcombe was the only author with sound answers to all my questions, though Ian Marber came close.

Anyway all that has nothing to do with a 1-4 weeks shakes trial. We have Professor Taylor to thank for that. I think GPs would do well to start there before prescribing medication.

Hope you sort yourself out soon.
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I have had a very good experience with the whole ordering process so far. I had to trial pack delivered less than a week after being put forward by my doctor for the program. The only unfortunate thing is cant get an appointment with the counsellor until 14th April but was sent the link to order first month as soon as that appointment made and delivery was two days later so all set to go. In a way I am glad there was this delay to allow myself to start a healthy eating program for a few weeks before what I imagine is going to be a tough few months.
I have had a very good experience with the whole ordering process so far. I had to trial pack delivered less than a week after being put forward by my doctor for the program. The only unfortunate thing is cant get an appointment with the counsellor until 14th April but was sent the link to order first month as soon as that appointment made and delivery was two days later so all set to go. In a way I am glad there was this delay to allow myself to start a healthy eating program for a few weeks before what I imagine is going to be a tough few months.
So far (just got to the end of my 3rd week) it's very simple though deadly dull.... so much easier though than trying to eat less while others overindulge.
Managed visitors plus yesterday going to the pub with hubby while he had a full Sunday lunch. Good luck!
(I found the phone call to start very helpful plus I went on a Teams group call - if you're with Oviva look out for one as it answered a lot of queries before starting)
So far (just got to the end of my 3rd week) it's very simple though deadly dull.... so much easier though than trying to eat less while others overindulge.
Managed visitors plus yesterday going to the pub with hubby while he had a full Sunday lunch. Good luck!
(I found the phone call to start very helpful plus I went on a Teams group call - if you're with Oviva look out for one as it answered a lot of queries before starting)
Good Luck
How's the diet going Bessie? I started it on the 6th, lost 4.2kg up to now. They took me off Jardiance (empagliflozin)
and one of my BP medications Bendroflumethiazide the day the diet started, still taking metformin twice a day. My Dr has now told me to stop my other BP medication (Perindopril) as my BP has dropped so much. Morning BG test are now around 4.5mmol. Only downside for me up to now is having to rush to the loo and that's without the fibre 😱
I'm now on week 15 = 3rd week of food reintroduction & off shakes completely this week. I'm delighted to say that by the end of week 14 I'd lost 3 stone!! 23% body weight, all very gradually (the chart is pretty much a straight line). Definitely needed to do it. Got out of the Clinically Obese range at week 10, 6kg to go to be in the normal range though I'd like to get back to my post-baby 'fighting weight' of 50-55kg (1996, but sadly didn't last long!) Dropped waist size by 20cm & 2-3 dress sizes depending on style.

I'm definitely not hungry & am mostly quite full with my current 1000-1200 calorie option (though I'm beginning to crave biscuits, specifically Hobnobs! Might be able to have part of one as my 50 cal snack which was added this week....

Sounds like you're also doing well - which week are you?
I'm now on week 15 = 3rd week of food reintroduction & off shakes completely this week. I'm delighted to say that by the end of week 14 I'd lost 3 stone!! 23% body weight, all very gradually (the chart is pretty much a straight line). Definitely needed to do it. Got out of the Clinically Obese range at week 10, 6kg to go to be in the normal range though I'd like to get back to my post-baby 'fighting weight' of 50-55kg (1996, but sadly didn't last long!) Dropped waist size by 20cm & 2-3 dress sizes depending on style.

I'm definitely not hungry & am mostly quite full with my current 1000-1200 calorie option (though I'm beginning to crave biscuits, specifically Hobnobs! Might be able to have part of one as my 50 cal snack which was added this week....

Sounds like you're also doing well - which week are you?
Well done. Today's my 9th day.
Thank you!
Too be honest, I can't see how you won't lose lots of weight if you stick to the rules (especially as a bloke) .... it's definitely harder work once you have to think of meals!
I drank lots of water plus some black coffee which I think is why I didn't feel hungry - but had lots of sometimes disconcerting gurgling noises, plus loads of wee trips....
I've come out with very different taste preferences- the only diet drink I can tolerate is diet tonic, as the rest taste far too sweet.

I'm using the Oviva app which I've found really good - what about you?
Virtually the same, lots of water and coffee, the same gurgling noises and wee trips 🙂 Sorry for being graphic but the only downside for me up to now is they said I'd probably get constipated but it's the opposite for me 😱
I was told (& experienced) the same but it settled down after a couple of weeks, as did the headaches which gradually eased off - I'd forgotten about them!