NHS Shake and Soup Diet

I always feel fabulous on it, I think it's the garlic. Family might differ though. :D
I struggle on low carb. Its very cery heavy when you have so much cream. I think if your a meat n stir fry person its ace.
i also find it hard to be with others all eating what i love so any diet is hard.
The shakes are going to be hell but with blood finger test 12 this morning i need to do something.
However i feel so much better of the Jardiance so that is a positive.
@Nayshiftin I'm not having any cream! Mind you, I think it might be very good for you as Agatha Christie drank a jugful with her dinner every day. She did okay on it. 🙂 I eat mainly salads and a big English type breakfast and try to stick to two meals a day at 10 and 4. Keep going, it'll be worth it. Only wish I could do it, but I get too hungry.
@Nayshiftin I'm not having any cream! Mind you, I think it might be very good for you as Agatha Christie drank a jugful with her dinner every day. She did okay on it. 🙂 I eat mainly salads and a big English type breakfast and try to stick to two meals a day at 10 and 4. Keep going, it'll be worth it. Only wish I could do it, but I get too hungry.
Id starve on two meals s day . Cooked breakfast are yuck without toast . Not a fan of bacon or sausages or any meat , egg and mushroom and a wee tomato is torture. Better off with a cheese omlette which is fat again. I know skinnies do not worry re fat but my cholesterol etc were up as did other bloods . I give anything a fair go.
Id starve on two meals s day . Cooked breakfast are yuck without toast . Not a fan of bacon or sausages or any meat , egg and mushroom and a wee tomato is torture. Better off with a cheese omlette which is fat again. I know skinnies do not worry re fat but my cholesterol etc were up as did other bloods . I give anything a fair go.
Have you actually tested to see if you can tolerate 1 small piece of toast and then those breakfast options may not seem too bad and may well be better than what you end up having.
With 1 slice you could then have things like scrambled egg, creamy mushrooms, tinned tomatoes, cheese with poached egg, smashed avocado, if you make the bacon crispy, you may prefer it like that, you can put all sorts into your omelette, mushrooms, courgette, smoked salmon.
Have you actually tested to see if you can tolerate 1 small piece of toast and then those breakfast options may not seem too bad and may well be better than what you end up having.
With 1 slice you could then have things like scrambled egg, creamy mushrooms, tinned tomatoes, cheese with poached egg, smashed avocado, if you make the bacon crispy, you may prefer it like that, you can put all sorts into your omelette, mushrooms, courgette, smoked salmon.
Yes , I did well but it would never be something i could keep too.
They are sending a starter shake pack so maybe once i have done this my system will settle for less.
Yes , I did well but it would never be something i could keep too.
They are sending a starter shake pack so maybe once i have done this my system will settle for less.
That is the crux of it, being able to find something you can keep to even if it takes a bit longer.
That is the crux of it, being able to find something you can keep to even if it takes a bit longer.
Yes, I was doing fine until they put me on the Empagliflozin. To be honest I should gave insisted I stay diet only but you go with your DN . However they increased that also which with raised HBA1c level up is totally wrong direction. The side effects for me were low mood and hunger which both made it impossible .
So I have gone back to drawing board so to speak and this is the new plan .
Do the soup n shake diet for initially 12 weeks then I shall see how I cope.
Have to admit it will be hard . However I need
to try.
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Oh, dear, I phoned as no appts online. Yes, we are not back until September.
That's an awful long time away.
I needed something now.
I'll have to do something between now and then.
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Oh dear, i ohoned as no appts online . Yes we are not back until September.
Thats an awful long time away.
i needed something now.
Ill have to do something between now and then .

A suggestion, try the Harcombe diet Phase 1 for week or two - and see where that leads.

It's an easier way to lose weight than the NHS remission programme even if it takes a bit longer.
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I have never thought the shakes were the answer. I couldn't drink them as I hate shakes and smoothies. I would also starve to death
A suggestion, try the Harcombe diet Phase 1 for week or two - and see where that leads.

It's an easier way to lose weight than the NHS even if it takes a bit longer.
Its almost what i am doing just have to stop drinking coffee.
I have never thought the shakes were the answer. I couldn't drink them as I hate shakes and smoothies. I would also starve to death
I need to really be strict to reset everything. I will hate it but cannot be much worse than the Cambridge diet. Or just fasting. fasting made me quite ill as my sugar goes up if i fast too long
Its almost what i am doing just have to stop drinking coffee.
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The NewDAWN project, part funded by Diabetes UK, aims to come up with less demanding diets for losing weight than NHS Soups and Shakes by 2027.

Yesterday evening, spurred on by radio silence from NewDAWN, I had a look for anything the project manager, Dr Nichola Guess, had to say about diet and diabetes. In American parlance she is a smart lady in American parlance.,The answer was quite a lot in this video, Best Diets for Type 2 Diabetes.

Dr Guess emphasises the importance of protein (as advocated by Dr Unwin and Zoe Harcombe) and says high protein is the active ingredient in low carb diets (as advocated by Freshwell and others). Well worth watching for a balanced view of the current 'state of the art'. Her conclusion? Weight loss by any means.
Id starve on two meals s day . Cooked breakfast are yuck without toast . Not a fan of bacon or sausages or any meat , egg and mushroom and a wee tomato is torture. Better off with a cheese omlette which is fat again. I know skinnies do not worry re fat but my cholesterol etc were up as did other bloods . I give anything a fair go.
I was told that my cholesterol was down after a while eating a low carb diet with all the 'bad' fats included, the 'good' fats abandoned.
Apparently fibre tends to remove nutrients, stopping them being absorbed, so on my fairly low fibre diet I am perfectly content on two meals a day.
I need to really be strict to reset everything. I will hate it but cannot be much worse than the Cambridge diet. Or just fasting. fasting made me quite ill as my sugar goes up if i fast too long
I was doing storage testing on the Cambridge diet for Dr Howerd back in the 1970s.
The desserts set with gelatine were rather nice - the apricot one in particular, though the strawberry one used a really authentic flavour. Even the chocolate wasn't bad. Of course I used the control samples kept in the chiller not the hot or damp ones.
I make desserts using gelatine, no sugar jelly, no sugar squash and frozen berries so as to 'pad out' the fruit and it is just the opposite of a smoothie, taking longer to digest rather than shorter than the fruit on its own.
I was doing storage testing on the Cambridge diet for Dr Howerd back in the 1970s.
The desserts set with gelatine were rather nice - the apricot one in particular, though the strawberry one used a really authentic flavour. Even the chocolate wasn't bad. Of course I used the control samples kept in the chiller not the hot or damp ones.
I make desserts using gelatine, no sugar jelly, no sugar squash and frozen berries so as to 'pad out' the fruit and it is just the opposite of a smoothie, taking longer to digest rather than shorter than the fruit on its own.
It was in the late '80s and early '90s I did a little on the Cambridge diet think a couple of weeks got me back to under 10 stone then. I have used other diets since I yo yo until after my children I sort of lose then plateau then increase and never go back to base. So with type 2 and losing weight the mantra I will try but satiety has always been a problem and eating when bored and alone is another.
It was in the late '80s and early '90s I did a little on the Cambridge diet think a couple of weeks got me back to under 10 stone then. I have used other diets since I yo yo until after my children I sort of lose then plateau then increase and never go back to base. So with type 2 and losing weight the mantra I will try but satiety has always been a problem and eating when bored and alone is another.
I tried the Cambridge Diet in about 1986 having met someone who was a bell ringer who had lost 7 stone doing it, sadly I saw them a few years later and they had put all the weight back on and passed away not long after.
I didn't mind the soups and snack bars or the little bags of savoury snacks but couldn't stand the shakes. I did lose some weight.
I tried the Cambridge Diet in about 1986 having met someone who was a bell ringer who had lost 7 stone doing it, sadly I saw them a few years later and they had put all the weight back on and passed away not long after.
I didn't mind the soups and snack bars or the little bags of savoury snacks but couldn't stand the shakes. I did lose some weight.
NB I am not doing the Cambridge one now I was saying how it is similar to the soup and shake diet which has soups shakes and bars. I do not ever recall snacks on it.