Libre 2 App July Upgrade Errors - combined thread.

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I'm one of those wating for the Android Librelink 2.10 update to appear in my Play Store so I can download it
hi there, I finally got the new libre 2 app, I have a couple of question, all my previous data has vanished, (someone on here posted that its still in iCloud?, im a bit of a tech dinosaur, so im not sure how where to start, sorry. and also, my diabetic nurse used to get all my data, is that still the case? and if so, will she just get the scanned data or the new automatic readings? ive noticed that the automatic readings aren't stored on the logbook, which are the reading she was getting? thank you in advance.
I have an android (Samsung). I've looked on Play Store, the only app showing on mine is the one i already have installed, the 2.8.4 not the 2.10
hi there, I finally got the new libre 2 app, I have a couple of question, all my previous data has vanished, (someone on here posted that its still in iCloud?, im a bit of a tech dinosaur, so im not sure how where to start, sorry. and also, my diabetic nurse used to get all my data, is that still the case? and if so, will she just get the scanned data or the new automatic readings? ive noticed that the automatic readings aren't stored on the logbook, which are the reading she was getting? thank you in advance.
Assuming you have a libre view account linked to your LibreLink app, you should have all your data there. The link is here, the login details will be the same you used to set up your LibreLink app.
Glad im not alone
The frustrating thing is that on my Desktop PC when I Google Play Store version 2.10 is offered.
Libre app is back in the app store!

Message received by Diabetes UK from Abbott:

I am pleased to let you know that a new version of the FreeStyle LibreLink iOS app (2.10.1) is now available for users in the UK in the Apple App Store.

We recommend that iPhone users upgrade to this newest version, which fixes the issue with the previous version (2.10) and includes automatic real-time glucose readings for FreeStyle Libre 2 users.

We are in the process of notifying people with diabetes who use the iOS version of the FreeStyle LibreLink app, and healthcare professionals who support people affected by this issue, that this new version in now available in the App Store.
my diabetic nurse used to get all my data, is that still the case? and if so, will she just get the scanned data or the new automatic readings? ive noticed that the automatic readings aren't stored on the logbook, which are the reading she was getting?
It seems that the CGM mode records to the Logbook when BG is 'out of range', other than that it records actual scans and 'Note' entries for insulin, carbs, etc. So the Logbook entries are what the diabetes team (and you) can see in LibreView. The 'in range' minute by minute readings are not sent to LibreView.
That's what I've seen but happy to be corrected.
OK you may be right, not sure about frequency of iPhone sending data to LibreView but not sure that matters. The only data it sends is the Logbook data. Not sure it matters at what interval it sends it. The phone doesn't record any data other that what I mentioned, just in order to send something to LibreView every reporting interval and LibreView doesn't show that it has recorded any, nor does it present it. Perhaps we are talking at cross purposes ?
The phone doesn't record any data other that what I mentioned, just in order to send something to LibreView every reporting interval and LibreView doesn't show that it has recorded any, nor does it present it.
The sensor makes a record every 15 minutes and keeps the last 8 hours of that, and as far as I'm aware that's what the graphs are based on. The app also records in the logbook when you scan, but I think the graphs have always been based on the regular 4 times an hour records. You can download data (in CSV format) from LibreView.

Oh, here's a little segment from one I saved (more haven't deleted, I guess) earlier (one night when I was a bit high by the looks of it):
FreeStyle Libre,JGMW314-T0763,19-02-2019 04:03,0,8.8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​
FreeStyle Libre,JGMW314-T0763,19-02-2019 04:18,0,8.8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​
FreeStyle Libre,JGMW314-T0763,19-02-2019 04:33,0,8.9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​
FreeStyle Libre,JGMW314-T0763,19-02-2019 04:48,0,9.1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​
FreeStyle Libre,JGMW314-T0763,19-02-2019 05:03,0,8.9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​
FreeStyle Libre,JGMW314-T0763,19-02-2019 05:18,0,8.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​
FreeStyle Libre,JGMW314-T0763,19-02-2019 05:33,0,8.6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​
FreeStyle Libre,JGMW314-T0763,19-02-2019 05:49,0,8.8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,​

I'm guessing they haven't changed it since 4 times an hour is fine for the graphs (and the other values they calculate).
The sensor sends a reading every minute for alarm purposes. It has memory to store last 8 hours of readings
To do so, it sends the current BG level it just measured
It is up to the phone software to look at that message and decide whether it should sound an alarm based on the settings in the phone software.
The sensor is a 'dumb' peripheral that just does what it is programmed for,
i.e every minute read the BG level and send it by Blue-tooth
It has memory to store last 8 hours of readings, read by a physical 'scan'
It is the phone app software that receives and decides what action to take
If high, as you were, record in Logbook, maybe sound alarm
A separate program (event (timer) driven), every interval (perhaps 15 mins) sends new logbook data to LibreView
50 years in the IT business, think I understand how this works
Libre view has all the graphs in just as before
Since Libre1 the sensors took readings every 1 minute, and then averages those for graph points every 15 minutes.

From my review of the Libre 1 in 2014

”Data points on the graph are created every 15 minutes averaged from the readings taken at 1 minute intervals.”
Libre app is back in the app store!
I had the email from Abbott after I saw it in the App Store. However I have lost confidence now and plan to keep v2.10 as long as it remains stable (which it has since last Wednesday after the delete-reinstall debacle). I’ve read in other groups that the issue with scanning the pens still causes white screen errors in the v2.10.1 updated app, so I’ll wait a while longer, perhaps until a further release. There was an old IT adage to only use even numbered versions as these fixed the errors in the odd numbered versions:rofl:
Download new version of LibreLink ? Even though my current version is working with CGM ?
If it ain't broke... don't fix it !
My upgrade to CGM 1.2 worked OK, so no desire to upgrade to a new version to fix a problem that we don't have. If I leave it running, it doesn't seem to auto-upgrade
Would love to know what Abbott think the problem was, however have asked them for error code explanations in the past with no response, just ignored, even though just trying to help, so no expectation of any explanation.
No issues with the latest iOS version here
Is the new update safe and working? Can we install it? I haven’t done so yet.

I am afraid of another Abbott Whiteout.
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