Insulin pumps

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Well for whatever reason it happened, I couldn't give a monkeys what random other people think of me! As long as the people who actually AFFECT my life are OK with me and my behaviour - all's fine.
Exactly my way of thinking!
howver im bit worred about saterday since I cant seem to get below10 until somepont in the evening or atenoon before dinner and in the then shoot up again at sompoint in the evening which is making me feel ptrrty awful physiccy
I think that means you need to adjust your insulin to carb ratios or basal insulin if this is happening quite often
I think that means you need to adjust your insulin to carb ratios or basal insulin if this is happening quite often
yeah i can think of somthing that it might be this week now I'll just ceribated 8.9
yeah i can think of somthing that it might be this week now I'll just ceribated 8.9
Is it only happening when you’re at work?
howver im bit worred about saterday since I cant seem to get below10 until somepont in the evening or atenoon before dinner and in the then shoot up again at sompoint in the evening which is making me feel ptrrty awful physiccy
This sounds like the kind of thing you will get assistance and more knowledge how to manage during the DAFNE course.
I encourage you to push for DAFNE. As mentioned previousl, it is usually a prerequisite for a pump so you will not be wasting your time and getting the next step up the pump ladder.
(Sorry, my weird mind is now trying to picture a pump ladder - is it a ladder made up of pumps or a ladder over a pile of pumps?)
yeah i can think of somthing that it might be this week now I'll just ceribated 8.9
I get you, I’ve had a couple of instances where I think I’m having hypos when I’m in the low 5s the last few days as I’ve been higher than normal recently…really not nice as it means I’m feeling pretty bad for no reason
(Sorry, my weird mind is now trying to picture a pump ladder - is it a ladder made up of pumps or a ladder over a pile of pumps?)
My mind is saying a ladder made of pumps
I get you, I’ve had a couple of instances where I think I’m having hypos when I’m in the low 5s the last few days as I’ve been higher than normal recently…really not nice as it means I’m feeling pretty bad for no reason
Sometimes if your BG drops quickly it can make you feel hypo
Sometimes if your BG drops quickly it can make you feel hypo
Yeah may have been that but I also have been running higher as a general rule, have been cruising in 7s and 8s a lot of the time with lower levels only really in the morning before I eat
Yeah may have been that but I also have been running higher as a general rule, have been cruising in 7s and 8s a lot of the time with lower levels only really in the morning before I eat
That could be why. If you’ve been running a bit higher then your body won’t be used to more in range levels
That could be why. If you’ve been running a bit higher then your body won’t be used to more in range levels
Yes that’s what I thought, I think my basal needs some adjusting but I still need to get a half unit pen and also I have reduced my insulin to carb ratio but it’s a very awkward number and if I round it it’s either too much or not enough
Yes that’s what I thought, I think my basal needs some adjusting but I still need to get a half unit pen and also I have reduced my insulin to carb ratio but it’s a very awkward number and if I round it it’s either too much or not enough
What basal insulin do you use?
Is it only happening when you’re at work?
no not been at work this week(supose to work Saturday) but just relissed I've come down with something and there's something else on top of that.
Yeah may have been that but I also have been running higher as a general rule, have been cruising in 7s and 8s a lot of the time with lower levels only really in the morning before I eat
its not interntally runing high i;ve been struggling to stay bellow 10 this week.
no not been at work this week(supose to work Saturday) but just relissed I've come down with something and there's something else on top of that.
Ah, if you’ve got a cold or anything like that it will raise your BG
I used to use Lantus and the half unit pen for it was the Sanofi JuniorStar. I’m not sure if there is another half unit pen that works with Lantus cartridges.
I used to use Lantus and the half unit pen for it was the Sanofi JuniorStar. I’m not sure if there is another half unit pen that works with Lantus cartridges.
Ah ok thanks, yeah I’ve heard of the junior star. I actually don’t have the cartridges currently as mine is a pre-filled pen so does the junior star have separate cartridges?
Ah ok thanks, yeah I’ve heard of the junior star. I actually don’t have the cartridges currently as mine is a pre-filled pen so does the junior star have separate cartridges?
Yes the JuniorStar is a reusable pen but I think there may be a non-reusable Lantus pen, I just remembered. The JuniorStar does take cartridges
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