Insulin pumps

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Sorry to jump in, but my hospital had three pumps on offer for my upgrade.
I didn’t want any of them, I only wanted the Mylife ypsomed pump (I’m currently upgrading from the Insight. )
My hospital accommodated my request. I’m going to be the only one using it.
I think it’s worth checking them all out and asking if you prefer one that isn’t on the list.
I too was offered T:Slim, omnipod and the Medtronic.
I didn’t fancy any of them after thoroughly researching.
The Ypsomed is currently the only pump that uses pump cartridges (like the insight), that and its simplicity and small size swayed me.
Good luck!
My hospital doesn’t offer Ypsopump but I hope it works out for you!

I was looking at Dana but after speaking to the diabetes nurse yesterday she said they had a lot of problems with it. She said to go and research the Tslim as it is the one that has worked well for most people on pumps at my hospital and they hadn’t had any issues with it
I have always had a pump that requires me to fill the cartridges. This is by far my preference because it allows me to put as much insulin as I will need in each set change rather than throwing out a half full cartridge.
In my experience, filling pump cartridges has always been simple and problem free.
I can understand the fear of doing it, especially after watching some videos. But in reality, you soon get used to it.
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