Insulin pumps

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he was impressed with my last hb1ac my the nurse I asked for the result of was concerned. i guess my next one will be due in April if my I had it done in janurry?
I’m not sure when you’re next one would be , if your appointments are every 3 months then I’d assume so
I’m not sure when you’re next one would be , if your appointments are every 3 months then I’d assume so
i though they were suposed to measured every 3 months
i though they were suposed to measured every 3 months
As HbA1c is an average over the last 3 months, there is no point taking it any sooner. However, it is rare to have the test that often. Mine is measured every 12 months.
There is no "supposed to be measured" period apart from at least once per year. It depends upon the clinic and the patient.
As HbA1c is an average over the last 3 months, there is no point taking it any sooner. However, it is rare to have the test that often. Mine is measured every 12 months.
There is no "supposed to be measured" period apart from at least once per year. It depends upon the clinic and the patient.
I'll ask in Facebook. group.
i ateclly didn't quite manged o gt the question out but he knew what I was going to ask by the way of wording things.
I went to the pump & and technology info day today and have narrowed down my choice to: Omnipod dash, Dana I or T:slim. Any thoughts?

And because I don’t meet the guidelines the diabetes team are most likely going to put in a individual funding request
Glad you are getting see the pumps and learn more about them.
I don't have any experience of any of your short list but at least the OmniPod and T-slim are popular so you should get some feedback. There is talk of a new OminPod 5 coming out soon. You may automatically get upgraded (it is more likely with a patch pump than with a tubey one) . Are you likely to get a CGM or not? This may influence your decision because the T-Slim works with the Dexcom.

One small not of caution: if you diabetes team are going to put in an individual funding request, there is a possibility the request will be declined. I hope not but you need to be prepared for a bean counter who has never met you to decide you don't qualify. Fingers and toes crossed this does not happen to you.
As I’m under paediatrics then I should automatically get the Dexcom or Libre 3 when the CCG can afford to implement the new guidelines (hopefully) I have lost a lot of faith in Libre after 2 sensors were extremely inaccurate within 24 hours on each other. I was speaking to the rep from Omnipod and he did say that because the pods are disposable that when the Omnipod 5 came out I would be immediately upgraded. With the Dana I it seems good because of the ability to control it from your phone but the downside is that CamAPS only works with Android and I have an iPhone.
Sounding promising @Lily123
Sorry that I can’t help with any of the pumps on your list.
I went to the pump & and technology info day today and have narrowed down my choice to: Omnipod dash, Dana I or T:slim. Any thoughts?

And because I don’t meet the guidelines the diabetes team are most likely going to put in a individual funding request
hope it works out for all out for you. i can't sujuest anything as i'm not a pump myslef and plus been dinosgged for a much shorter time then you.
I went to the pump & and technology info day today and have narrowed down my choice to: Omnipod dash, Dana I or T:slim. Any thoughts?

And because I don’t meet the guidelines the diabetes team are most likely going to put in a individual funding request

The right/best pump is the one that’s right for you @Lily123 Other people might have different needs and different priorities and preferences.

Think about your lifestyle. Write down the features of each pump and circle anything worrying or anything extra-good. Remember too that cannulas are very important and often neglected. It’s no good having the world’s most advanced pump if the crucial interface with your body (the cannula) is crap or doesn’t suit you. Personally I’d never go for a pump which didn’t have a choice of cannulas, and I’d never go for a pump that had cheapy or dodgy cannulas. Make sure your chosen pump fulfils all the criteria: good pump for you, good cannula choice, good customer service.

I’d choose the Dana out of those, as you probably guessed. You can get a cheap Android phone if that’s an issue. I don’t loop with mine.
The right/best pump is the one that’s right for you @Lily123 Other people might have different needs and different priorities and preferences.

Think about your lifestyle. Write down the features of each pump and circle anything worrying or anything extra-good. Remember too that cannulas are very important and often neglected. It’s no good having the world’s most advanced pump if the crucial interface with your body (the cannula) is crap or doesn’t suit you. Personally I’d never go for a pump which didn’t have a choice of cannulas, and I’d never go for a pump that had cheapy or dodgy cannulas. Make sure your chosen pump fulfils all the criteria: good pump for you, good cannula choice, good customer service.

I’d choose the Dana out of those, as you probably guessed. You can get a cheap Android phone if that’s an issue. I don’t loop with mine.
I’m leaning towards Omnipod so dance and PE don’t cause issues with tubing but the only issue I have with it is that you can’t tell if the cannula gets kinked
As I’m under paediatrics then I should automatically get the Dexcom or Libre 3 when the CCG can afford to implement the new guidelines (hopefully) I have lost a lot of faith in Libre after 2 sensors were extremely inaccurate within 24 hours on each other. I was speaking to the rep from Omnipod and he did say that because the pods are disposable that when the Omnipod 5 came out I would be immediately upgraded. With the Dana I it seems good because of the ability to control it from your phone but the downside is that CamAPS only works with Android and I have an iPhone.
If it helps I've recently been through the same though process. Would love an omni but my clinic don't support it for adults on cost grounds, which left t slim and dana (i dismissed ypsomed and medtronic). My priorities were: discrete, controlled by phone, loop able - I asked to go into clinic so I could pick them up and get a feel for them. Ultimately, the fact t slim is not controllable from a phone and needs charging regularly were 2 big negatives for me. I also dance a lot and don't fancy fishing around in my clothes for a pump. So I chose dana because it feels light and small, can be tucked away and I plan to loop with camaps. I haven't had pump stat yet, so who knows if it was the right choice, but something that a number of people said was basically, it's your first pump, odds are you will love it anyway 🙂 Good luck with the decision.
I’m leaning towards Omnipod so dance and PE don’t cause issues with tubing but the only issue I have with it is that you can’t tell if the cannula gets kinked

Don't worry about that, there's viewing window to check if cannula is inserted correctly, plus manufacturer recommends that you check bg 90 mins after application to see if all is well.

I've never had kinked cannula & only couple of blocked cannula messages where had to change pod.
Don't worry about that, there's viewing window to check if cannula is inserted correctly, plus manufacturer recommends that you check bg 90 mins after application to see if all is well.

I've never had kinked cannula & only couple of blocked cannula messages where had to change pod.
Thanks,that’s reassuring. How long have you been using Omnipod?
Yeah I’m using half unit pens. I used to have different colour pens for the NovoRapid and Tresiba but on the old pen I used for Tresiba the end was that stiff I couldn’t do my own injection. So there both dark blue only a few times have I nearly done 23.5 units of NovoRapid instead of Tresiba!
@Lily123 I know what you mean with the wrong insulin. Befor I switched to Tresiba I had a split dose of Levemir, and my trick at bedtime was to grab the wrong pen! Not so bad when I realised, but not good when I didn't notice! Switching to a single Tresiba in th morning was great, as I was then taking both.

Now on Omnipod pump, so that was a whole new learning curve LOL, but well worth it. 🙂 Very happy with the pod and lack of tubes ... and no need to disconnect the pump for bathing or swimming 🙂
@Lily123 I know what you mean with the wrong insulin. Befor I switched to Tresiba I had a split dose of Levemir, and my trick at bedtime was to grab the wrong pen! Not so bad when I realised, but not good when I didn't notice! Switching to a single Tresiba in th morning was great, as I was then taking both.

Now on Omnipod pump, so that was a whole new learning curve LOL, but well worth it. 🙂 Very happy with the pod and lack of tubes ... and no need to disconnect the pump for bathing or swimming 🙂
Only problem with Tresiba is that if you completely forget to take it then you don’t realise because it lasts longer than basals like Levemir and Lantus
Only problem with Tresiba is that if you completely forget to take it then you don’t realise because it lasts longer than basals like Levemir and Lantus
I don't think that is a problem. It gives you a bigger window to remember.

The problem is the inflexibility. You cannot change the dose due to exercise or monthly hormones. And, you have to know days in advance that you are going to be unwell and need extra basal.
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