Insulin pumps

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Do you think your fear is because of what other people might think?
yeah epically at work, i worry if they spectres sees steward injecting something there their think the worst. my crazy highs have had start when I work are allowing me to travel again. their comments is "you're on medication now so we're hoping it stablished" yeah if only it worked like that.
yeah epically at work, i worry if they spectres sees steward injecting something there their think the worst. my crazzy highs have had start when I work are allowing me to travel again. their comments is "you're on medication now so we're hoping it established" yeah if only it worked like that.
They are just ignorant. Like @Benny G says no one will notice and even if they do then it’s there own problem if they do assume the worst
Good news! I had my appointment today and the diabetes team said that I should come to the pump and technology day in April! So it wasn’t a no
That's fantastic 🙂 so pleased for you.
That's fantastic 🙂 so pleased for you.
Thanks! I only know when it is and don’t know if it’s virtual or in person because of Covid
They are just ignorant. Like @Benny G says no one will notice and even if they do then it’s there own problem if they do assume the worst
yes i do need to get work to understand how diabeetes because one of the reasons they give me before was "your blood sugers"
yes i do need to get work to understand how diabeetes because one of the reasons they give me before was "your blood sugers"
What were they finding an excuse for? Do they know you need to be able to stop what you are doing when hypo and things like that?
ive j found this
What were they finding an excuse for? Do they know you need to be able to stop what you are doing when hypo and things like that?
they just seem to think if its numbers not normal its a reason to panic
ive j found this
The issue is that the NICE guidelines specify HbA1C of 69 which yours may be a lot lower than that at your next appointment- there’s no harm in asking. When I asked about a pump , I explained that I felt like I was being punished for managing well because of what the guidelines stated. The Dr agreed with me! 🙂
they just seem to think if its numbers not normal its a reason to panic
Sometimes it can be a reason to panic but you should speak to them to get them to understand when they would need to worry rather than worrying at one not in range number that they are told about
The issue is that the NICE guidelines specify HbA1C of 69 which yours may be a lot lower than that at your next appointment- there’s no harm in asking. When I asked about a pump , I explained that I felt like I was being punished for managing well because of what the guidelines stated. The Dr agreed with me! 🙂
sorry it isnt nice gudelines its saying how you might be able to make case if you don't fit my issues at the moment are diffiatty affecting the qauity of life.
sorry it isnt nice gudelines its saying how you might be able to make case if you don't fit my issues at the moment are diffiatty affecting the qauity of life.
Ah, under the guidance from ABCD. You do shift work don’t you? That would be a point for getting a pump because of the ability of temporary basal and things like that.
Sometimes it can be a reason to panic but you should speak to them to get them to understand when they would need to worry rather than worrying at one not in range number that they are told about
yes they did say if something was to happen on shift I wouldn't be able to travel as they looking ut for my well being I'm hoping by that they mean something serious happening and not just I need to eat jelly babies or inject insullin.
Ah, under the guidance from ABCD. You do shift work don’t you? That would be a point for getting a pump because of the ability of temporary basal and things like that.
yes i do shift work. which is abig reason as well as the other problems
yes i do shift work. which is abig reason as well as the other problems
Maybe write all the reasons down in a list so you have every reason that a pump could help with ready for your appointment?
yes they did say if something was to happen on shift I wouldn't be able to travel as they looking ut for my well being I'm hoping by that they mean something serious happening and not just I need to eat jelly babies or inject insullin.
It’s better that they care rather than not caring even if they seem to be going a bit overboard
It’s better that they care rather than not caring even if they seem to be going a bit overboard
yes i know it is a good they care. i think they might have meant if I claspled or anything or get rushed to hostpal(which hpfully wont happen again)
yes i know it is a good they care. i think they might have meant if I claspled or anything or get rushed to hostpal(which hpfully wont happen again)
They most likely did mean worst case scenario
Well for whatever reason it happened, I couldn't give a monkeys what random other people think of me! As long as the people who actually AFFECT my life are OK with me and my behaviour - all's fine.

They most likely did mean worst case scenario
howver im bit worred about saterday since I cant seem to get below10 until somepont in the evening or atenoon before dinner and in the then shoot up again at sompoint in the evening which is making me feel ptrrty awful physiccy
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