Insulin pumps

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Glad the appointment went well @Lily123

I have my consultant appointment next Wednesday and it honestly can’t come round quickly enough. The last few months have been a real struggle with so many issues that just seem to have no solution.

I’m super grateful they moved it a month early (I think they realised I was finding it all super hard as I sent a looooong email explaining all my issues!)

Just shows that if you push for something, you can often get the outcome you want in the end, including me getting this appointment early. Just hoping they will have some solutions for me
Good luck at your appointment! And if you're anything like me,write down a list of questions to ask the consultant in case your mind goes blank during the appointment
Good luck at your appointment! And if you'll anything like me,write down a list of questions to ask the consultant in case your mind goes blank during the appointment
Thank you 🙂

Yes I’ve been working on it, honestly have a list of about 20 things I need to discuss currently and there may well be more by next week!
I don't even know why next consutdent apoiment is I just realised I've only spoken to 1 snice dianosgous
I don't even know why next consutdent apoiment is I just realised I've only spoken to 1 snice dianosgous
How long ago were you diagnosed? I’m currently having an appointment every 6 months so this will be my second one since diagnosis as it’s been just under a year
How long ago were you diagnosed? I’m currently having an appointment every 6 months so this will be my second one since diagnosis as it’s been just under a year
Sh 6 months on the 4th. So I can't speak to them earlier I did get a text saying I have a diabtic medice apoiment next week what ever that is.
Sh 6 months on the 4th. So I can't speak to them earlier I did get a text saying I have a diabtic medice apoiment next week what ever that is.
At the hospital? That will probably be when they can answer any questions you have and you could ask about a pump if you want
Sh 6 months on the 4th. So I can't speak to them earlier I did get a text saying I have a diabtic medice apoiment next week what ever that is.
Ok so you were diagnosed in September? Do you have a designated diabetes specialist nurse (DSN) that you can talk to?

At my centre, there is a phone number that you can phone to discuss any issues day to day in between appointments if you’re having issues with particular things eg exercise, hypos, carb counting etc so you should have someone you can talk to in between.
At the hospital? That will probably be when they can answer any questions you have and you could ask about a pump if you want
I remember my friend said she brought her mum(aslo diabetic). They asked I unfounterty don't have anyone to do that. Example of the whole extra insulin thing was 8.6 when I at diner rounded 3.86 to 4 went down to 3.3 maybe I need some backroomd tests before I blame the insulin. Yeah day I was 8.somthing I think it was 8.8 and lunch think I rounded the 3.2 to 3 and I went to 10.something and stayed overcorected with my tea though and went to 4.3 though not correct a hypo that heanding there. But struggling to be in range at the moment maybe it's my honeymoon I was going to an overnightbbasdl test tonight but the 3.3 has stopped thaf plan because cau
I remember my friend said she brought her mum(aslo diabetic). They asked I unfounterty don't have anyone to do that. Example of the whole extra insulin thing was 8.6 when I at diner rounded 3.86 to 4 went down to 3.3 maybe I need some backroomd tests before I blame the insulin. Yeah day I was 8.somthing I think it was 8.8 and lunch think I rounded the 3.2 to 3 and I went to 10.something and stayed overcorected with my tea though and went to 4.3 though not correct a hypo that heanding there. But struggling to be in range at the moment maybe it's my honeymoon I was going to an overnightbbasdl test tonight but the 3.3 has stopped thaf plan because cau
It might be the honeymoon period or background insulin or you need very small doses of insulin. Whichever it is you should tell your consultant at your next appointment and also you could ask about the possibility of a pump - you might think you’ll get an immediate no (I though I would get an immediate no) but you never know!
I remember my friend said she brought her mum(aslo diabetic). They asked I unfounterty don't have anyone to do that. Example of the whole extra insulin thing was 8.6 when I at diner rounded 3.86 to 4 went down to 3.3 maybe I need some backroomd tests before I blame the insulin. Yeah day I was 8.somthing I think it was 8.8 and lunch think I rounded the 3.2 to 3 and I went to 10.something and stayed overcorected with my tea though and went to 4.3 though not correct a hypo that heanding there. But struggling to be in range at the moment maybe it's my honeymoon I was going to an overnightbbasdl test tonight but the 3.3 has stopped thaf plan because cau
I’m having similar issues currently. If I round it (which is the only option I have), it doesn’t seem to agree with me and it either sits there and doesn’t come down all that much or it sends me low.

That as well as having issues with exercising, certain foods and most importantly, my career being majorly impacted, just to name a few, are reasons why I got my appointment moved
I’m having similar issues currently. If I round it (which is the only option I have), it doesn’t seem to agree with me and it either sits there and doesn’t come down all that much or it sends me low.

That as well as having issues with exercising, certain foods and most importantly, my career being majorly impacted, just to name a few, are reasons why I got my appointment moved
those are almost exactly the reasons I'm considering it. i have an active job(I can't predict how active I'm going to be until I do the shift though) i know on pumps you can set temp basels(which i know will take some working out). but to be able to get things more exact would be good.
and the pumps will ask you to confirm bolus even my pens tell me what given myself its too late once I've done it. that's probelly not really a reason to go for a pump. but my other reasons are vaild
those are almost exactly the reasons I'm considering it. i have an active job(I can't predict how active I'm going to be until I do the shift though) i know on pumps you can set temp basels(which i know will take some working out). but to be able to get things more exact would be good.
Yes I totally understand what you mean. I have a variable job, exercise is super unpredictable, certain foods completely mess me up as well!

Pasta and sometimes rice are awful for me and I have tried everything! Suggested I tried split doses - it doesn’t work! I’ve tried various different intervals of 30 mins, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours etc and none of them seem to work and I end up either having a hypo or missing the boat and going too high!

I was then told to just do less insulin but this doesn’t work either as it doesn’t bring it down sufficiently so I have no idea what I’m supposed to do except not eat them…which majorly excludes me when I go for meals with people as we often go out to Indian and Italian restaurants!

Honestly at the moment I just feel like anything that could be an issue is an issue and that anything I try is not a solution, so frustrating!
Yes I totally understand what you mean. I have a variable job, exercise is super unpredictable, certain foods completely mess me up as well!

Pasta and sometimes rice are awful for me and I have tried everything! Suggested I tried split doses - it doesn’t work! I’ve tried various different intervals of 30 mins, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours etc and none of them seem to work and I end up either having a hypo or missing the boat and going too high!

I was then told to just do less insulin but this doesn’t work either as it doesn’t bring it down sufficiently so I have no idea what I’m supposed to do except not eat them…which majorly excludes me when I go for meals with people as we often go out to Indian and Italian restaurants!

Honestly at the moment I just feel like anything that could be an issue is an issue and that anything I try is not a solution, so frustrating!
plus the whole going off to inject as a steward is a bit awkward(when I work though the evening) and I half to find a disert place as it might look odd to cowrds.
Yes I totally understand what you mean. I have a variable job, exercise is super unpredictable, certain foods completely mess me up as well!

Pasta and sometimes rice are awful for me and I have tried everything! Suggested I tried split doses - it doesn’t work! I’ve tried various different intervals of 30 mins, 1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours etc and none of them seem to work and I end up either having a hypo or missing the boat and going too high!

I was then told to just do less insulin but this doesn’t work either as it doesn’t bring it down sufficiently so I have no idea what I’m supposed to do except not eat them…which majorly excludes me when I go for meals with people as we often go out to Indian and Italian restaurants!

Honestly at the moment I just feel like anything that could be an issue is an issue and that anything I try is not a solution, so frustrating!
Pasta and rice are annoying but also my favourite food! I think most T1s find an issue with pasta and rice - the insulin uses itself up on the glucose already in the blood and then there’s nothing left to stop the pasta glucose from doing whatever it likes
Pasta and rice are annoying but also my favourite food! I think most T1s find an issue with pasta and rice - the insulin uses itself up on the glucose already in the blood and then there’s nothing left to stop the pasta glucose from doing whatever it likes
Yep same here, I love pasta especially but I can’t remember the last time I ate it because is causes too many problems.

Yeah I know they’re notorious for causing issues but what I find so frustrating is I have really tried all the strategies I can think of and none of them seem to work.

I also tried bolusing after the meal and that didn’t work either so literally run out of ideas now
plus the whole going off to inject as a steward is a bit awkward(when I work though the evening) and I half to find a disert place as it might look odd to cowrds.
Yes I get you, if I can’t inject discreetly somewhere then I just don’t eat (which isn’t good as I’m only just a healthy weight as it is)
porridge is an annoying breakfast as well. pizza aslo annoying you can do extended boluses in pumps can't you?
Yes I get you, if I can’t inject discreetly somewhere then I just don’t eat (which isn’t good as I’m only just a healthy weight as it is)
i don't mind doing out and about when I'm not working. its just at work and i need to take my Levemir when I'm on shift sometimes
porridge is an annoying breakfast as well. pizza aslo annoying you can do extended boluses in pumps can't you?
Omg yes, I haven’t eaten porridge for months because it caused heaps of issues as well! Nearly forgot about that as I literally haven’t eaten it in forever! You can yes
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