Insulin pumps

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Yep same here, I love pasta especially but I can’t remember the last time I ate it because is causes too many problems.

Yeah I know they’re notorious for causing issues but what I find so frustrating is I have really tried all the strategies I can think of and none of them seem to work.

I also tried bolusing after the meal and that didn’t work either so literally run out of ideas now

See that's where pumps work wonders, ability to bolus upfront then rest of dose over as many hours as you want, lot easier than on pens.

Tbh dont avoid any foods nowadays, all are doable with right equipment knowledge & experience.
i don't mind doing out and about when I'm not working. its just at work and i need to take my Levemir when I'm on shift sometimes
Fair enough, I have massive issues with injecting in front of people which means I don’t really like going out socially anymore if it will involve injecting/eating and also means I’m losing weight as I’m not eating properly because of it as well
See that's where pumps work wonders, ability bolus upfront then rest of disease over as many hours as you want, lot easier than on pens.

Tbh dont avoid any foods nowadays, all are doable with right equipment knowledge & experience.
how long have you been on a pump?
Fair enough, I have massive issues with injecting in front of people which means I don’t really like going out socially anymore if it will involve injecting/eating and also means I’m losing weight as I’m not eating properly because of it as well
yeah i do get a bit awkward about it sometimes. paisley when I get looks like I'm taking drugs(and I'm thinking hey I'm just keeping myself alive) which is why I find it awkward at work. i might even have to do in a truck on the 26th as I'll probably being eating on the way up and prbelly need to take my evening leivermir on why back when I'm travelling.
Yes I get you, if I can’t inject discreetly somewhere then I just don’t eat (which isn’t good as I’m only just a healthy weight as it is)
Is the reason you want to inject somewhere discreetly because you are worried about what other people will think? If so, you shouldn’t worry about what others will think. If they are strangers then it’s very unlikely that you will see them again or if they are friends then they won’t judge you. Or is it a completely different reason?
yeah i do get a bit awkward about it sometimes. paisley when I get looks like I'm taking drugs(and I'm thinking hey I'm just keeping myself alive) which is why I find it awkward at work. i might even have to do in a truck on the 26th as I'll probably being eating on the way up and prbelly need to take my evening leivermir on why back when I'm travelling.
Yeah it’s super difficult so I totally get where you’re coming from! All in all it’s a very tricky thing to deal with and when you have a super busy life on top it can seem impossible
Is the reason you want to inject somewhere discreetly because you are worried about what other people will think? If so, you shouldn’t worry about what others will think. If they are strangers then it’s very unlikely that you will see them again or if they are friends then they won’t judge you. Or is it a completely different reason?
Honestly I’m not sure, I can’t work it out. I hate injecting in front of strangers but even people I’m more familiar with it’s a struggle, just less of one.

The time I feel most comfortable is when I’m completely on my own
Honestly I’m not sure, I can’t work it out. I hate injecting in front of strangers but even people I’m more familiar with it’s a struggle, just less of one
Maybe you could try and break down that fear? Like try and think a psychological reason for the fear? I can’t be of much help as I don’t really care what others think if they are being negative on purpose. Constructive criticism is okay though
Maybe you could try and break down that fear? Like try and think a psychological reason for the fear? I can’t be of much help as I don’t really care what others think if they are being negative on purpose. Constructive criticism is okay though
Yeah I’ve tried many things to get over it but nothing I do seems to help really so it’s another thing for me to discuss next week as it’s getting in the way of a lot of things
Yeah it’s super difficult so I totally get where you’re coming from! All in all it’s a very tricky thing to deal with and when you have a super busy life on top it can seem impossible
Honestly I’m not sure, I can’t work it out. I hate injecting in front of strangers but even people I’m more familiar with it’s a struggle, just less of one.

The time I feel most comfortable is when I’m completely on my own
i aslo do stuggle with what people think so I understand/
Yeah I’ve tried many things to get over it but nothing I do seems to help really so it’s another thing for me to discuss next week as it’s getting in the way of a lot of things
Hopefully your DSN will be able to help you figure out why you don’t want to inject infront of others
Nobody goes straight to pump, or didnt use to. Was offered pump earlier than 10 years but declined, with hindsight should have grabbed opportunity.
that's exactly why i'm afraid to ask just 5 and a half months 6 months on the 4th of march
i aslo do stuggle with what people think so I understand/
Do you think your fear is because of what other people might think?
Hopefully your DSN will be able to help you figure out why you don’t want to inject infront of others
Yeah I hope so, I’m not sure if they’ll have any ideas on how to get over it.

I’ve tried a few things like injecting in front of family/close friends to build up confidence but doesn’t seem to be making much difference, injecting through clothes but still no improvement so not really sure what else to do
Yeah I hope so, I’m not sure if they’ll have any ideas on how to get over it.

I’ve tried a few things like injecting in front of family/close friends to build up confidence but doesn’t seem to be making much difference, injecting through clothes but still no improvement so not really sure what else to do
Have you spoken to your family and friends about this fear? They may be able to reassure you that they have no issues with you injecting in front of them
well i going to ring the time in morning because I cant take he's random highs anymore.
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