I asked for a 'diet' coke......GRRRRRR :(

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nothing from mr littlewood yet but...once we get the press release etc ready i know where Mr Mcdonald uk lives and can hand deliver a letter .....
Hah! That'll show em. We know where they live! :D

now now SH no mass demonstrations !!! heheee (yet)
my thoughts are to approach McDonalds with the problem and see if we can get them ON BOARD (with promoting the campaign) I am sure they wouldnt like to be seen to not be doing anything, as this is all about raising awareness...and the choices of sugarfree beverages xxx
this has grown by MANY PAGES since i went out 😱

whats the haps peeps?? what did i miss??
I like the last logo best, and the first logo is a close second.

@Becky - What NICE guidelines are you looking for?

Hello again,

Backtracked and found the questions 🙂

WHO Diabetic figures

NHS Diabetic Figures

1 in 5 UK hospital patients has diabetes

The BBC also say the number has topped 2 million, with another 1 million undiagnosed. Theres a good breakdown of the figures for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland from 2005 at the following link (3rd last paragraph): http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4204830.stm

More useful stuff here, including it costs 6 times more to treat a diabetic patient in hospital than a non-diabetic!

Also Surveymonkey is good for surveys and PollDaddy does free poll's and surveys.

Hope these help,

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@am64 - you wouldn't have 'borrowed' that glass logo from the loading screen of AOL email by any chance would you 😛

[edit] actually just checked and theirs is smaller, and grey coloured 😉 [/edit]

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okay more logo stuff

opps did nt load !!! bear with me folks
logo ....well spotted NiVZ with a few ammendments ..do you think there is CR on it ...its like one of those 🙂 .....\~/ and means half full glass i like the way that we can all adopt it
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i like the bottom one am

speaking of diet coke. I have some right now...a whole pint of it 😱
I've been thinking that we might want to try and abbreviate this. How does DieDrA sound to people? There's nothing online for any organisation with that. Diedra? Also, you can get Diedra.co.uk for ?5 for a year. I'm thinking website for reasons that will become clear once I get home :D
hi there just join the facebook page
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