I asked for a 'diet' coke......GRRRRRR :(

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I've been thinking that we might want to try and abbreviate this. How does DieDrA sound to people? There's nothing online for any organisation with that. Diedra? Also, you can get Diedra.co.uk for ?5 for a year. I'm thinking website for reasons that will become clear once I get home :D


There might be a site you can get it for ?5 for 2 years. Hang on and let me get back to you

www.fasthosts.co.uk - diedra.co.uk is ?5.90 for 2 years. .com is taken though. Ew lol, strange spanish construction site http://www.diedra.com/pro.htm

want anything writing? :D
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I've been thinking that we might want to try and abbreviate this. How does DieDrA sound to people? There's nothing online for any organisation with that. Diedra? Also, you can get Diedra.co.uk for ?5 for a year. I'm thinking website for reasons that will become clear once I get home :D

SH we talk later but you also need a rest!!!
Hiya, sorry to come to this so late - fab to see such a campaign starting!! 🙂

Here's another thought re the seriousness of this - if for example in the case of those muppets at KFC switcing the lines, a diabetic had gone in there and asked for a sugary coke because they were going hypo, the end result could have been a collapsed diabetic in the restaurant! A bit of an unusual scenario possibly (although I must admit to having occasionally been in the situation of running low before a meal & wanting a sugary drink pronto!), but we really do need to be confident about what we're drinking!!

On the choice side...anyone remember the OneCal drinks you used to be able to get at Superdrug years ago? As I recall they were the first non "diet coke" fizzy drink I had as a kid - bliss!! 🙂 I do get really sick of diet coke- glad it's not just me being fussy!! 😉
Hiya, sorry to come to this so late - fab to see such a campaign starting!! 🙂

Here's another thought re the seriousness of this - if for example in the case of those muppets at KFC switcing the lines, a diabetic had gone in there and asked for a sugary coke because they were going hypo, the end result could have been a collapsed diabetic in the restaurant! A bit of an unusual scenario possibly (although I must admit to having occasionally been in the situation of running low before a meal & wanting a sugary drink pronto!), but we really do need to be confident about what we're drinking!!

On the choice side...anyone remember the OneCal drinks you used to be able to get at Superdrug years ago? As I recall they were the first non "diet coke" fizzy drink I had as a kid - bliss!! 🙂 I do get really sick of diet coke- glad it's not just me being fussy!! 😉

The choice side of things is particularly rubbish when you are pregnant. As I am now watching alcohol, sugar and caffeine levels even diet coke is out, so I am pretty much stuck with water. Why don't more places have diet lemonade/sprite or similar?

i find that when im out and about if i am not sure that my drinks is of the diet variety ive away asking my friend or partner to taste it first unless you ve watch your drinks being poured out and know 100per cent.
I just got home from the pub. I was 5.7mmols before I left, had a gin and slim (I saw the bottle and it was slimline) and then a "diet" coke. I thought it tasted nice (!) it must have been ordinary coke because my BM is now 19.9mmols 😱

I am already bad and paranoid about those soft drink handheld button pushing thingymajigies to dispense soft drinks in pubs. Now this is going to make me WORSE 😡

It probably doesnt have much to do with diabetes how angry this has made me, more about how I perceive others and my low level of tolerance for incompetence, but this has really made me blow a gasget. Im trying so hard for a better HbA1c perhaps I'm getting a little too desperate.

Sorry, I needed to get that out my system.

Rant over :(

Sorry to here about your problem with the 'diet coke'. I have experience a lot of this over the years and always assume i will be given the wrong drink. Now i ask for a can/bottle, so i can always see what is it i'm getting.

Never liked butter pr margarine personally. Times i've asked for a sanwich with 'no butter'. I recon 50% of time it comes back wrong! Crap service. It's no good for business.
I feel better now too. Thanks for that.
The choice side of things is particularly rubbish when you are pregnant. As I am now watching alcohol, sugar and caffeine levels even diet coke is out, so I am pretty much stuck with water. Why don't more places have diet lemonade/sprite or similar?

Hi, there is a caffeine free diet Coca Cola available but I have only ever seen it in a few cafes never a restaurant or pub!
Finally able to sit down and read all this -- fantastic! Will put up a post too in a day or two...

Have joined on Facebook, which has 187 now!

I can NEVER find anything diet in shops and pubs. Nightmare. All for this.

So sorry about everyone's experiences.

I'll do anything I can. Only have limited communications experience (so have only proofed releases!), but can proof like a mad person. Know publishers if we do anything booklet like etc. Decent at copyediting.

How about Justin Webb?
The choice side of things is particularly rubbish when you are pregnant. As I am now watching alcohol, sugar and caffeine levels even diet coke is out, so I am pretty much stuck with water. Why don't more places have diet lemonade/sprite or similar?

probably if asked why they will just say that there not enough demand and only stock what they know will sell.
ha, i don't mean 'now do' as in, as a result of this campaign...i think they've done it for a while, but still!

i think they first started doing it around new year 2009 🙂
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