• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 9.1 here. My diabetes tech needs a talking to, hm. 😉

So glad to hear your granddaughter’s out of hospital and feeling positive @eggyg. Sounds like she’s made of the same stern stuff as you!

Wednesday’s my busiest day. Going to a family get-together at the weekend, so tomorrow’ll be a flurry of work admin and lesson planning in prep for next week, then I won’t have to think about work at all over the weekend.

It’s c-c-c-cold out there but no wind and no frost...weird.
Morning all. 5.3 which quickly dropped to 4.3 by the time i got downstairs. Weekly shop to do this morning so will head out soon. Older daughter and SiL are coming for dinner tonight, i'll just do some pizzas and other bits. I don't know why but i feel tearful this morning, maybe everything is catching up with me re the funeral, mum in hospital, having to constantly speak to the hospital, OT etc. I think when i get back from shopping i'm just going to sit and craft or read.

@eggyg i'm so pleased to hear your granddaughter's cyst is moderate rather than serious but i hope its not too long a wait for her to be treated and the meds continue to keep the pain at bay. It sounds like she has a really positive attitude, good for her.

@ColinUK congrats on the HS. Take care.
Mobile mechanic arrived yesterday with the correct part and our youngest now has his car back, but as I thought might be the case I missed out on my regular Tuesday swim and will go today instead. He said he'd be here 'around lunchtime' but turned up nearer 3 o'clock. I'll also try and fit in a haircut if I can. I usually go every other pension day but my last haircut was on 16th December, so I'm a bit overdue.

Our eldest gets his new car today. Should have been a week ago but he was too unwell to go into the office for the changeover. Good to see him back at futsal training yesterday evening, so he's pretty well recovered from whatever laid him low.

Good news about your granddaughter @eggyg - shame she might have to wait that long, though.

Congrats @ColinUK on your HS this morning.

A repeat of yesterday for me, with a 5.7 on the meter and another bright but sunless morning.

Have a good day.

4.5 today, not doing much today other than knitting/crotchet.

@ColinUK - congratulations on your HS, sorry to hear you are having MH struggles at the moment.

@eggyg - pleased to hear your granddaughter is home, but waiting months for treatment is not good.

@freesia - sending hugs, you have a lot to cope with at the moment.
6.7 for me this morning after my low alarm went off at 4.4 earlier. I had been tossing and turning all night as my thumb was throbbing pretty badly after spiking down the nail with a hawthorn spike and woke up on my sensor arm so suspected it might be a compression low, but no way was I going to try to stay awake long enough to warm my meter up and do a finger prick, so (shock horror) I just bit the head off a jelly baby and went back to sleep. My overnight graph looks like a washing line. I have changed the dressing on my thumb and put more Germolene on it. It looks OK but blooming heck is it giving me some grief!

@eggyg So pleased your granddaughter is home and I agree that her positive attitude is clearly inherited from you. Hope she gets an earlier slot to fix it. Having back problems at such a young age is concerning. Can they think of any trauma which might have caused the discs to bulge in the first place?
Morning was 5.5 on waking today

Congrats on the HS @ColinUK :star:
hope your MH improves Colin, a few of us on here are honest enough to admit that MH can sometimes be a challenge ontop of everything else we have going on in this world, so :care: :star: on that one

to improve my fitness I’ve booked a 1 hour gym introduction session tomorrow evening
plus have my Saturday walking football & chat / support to look forward to on Saturday morning, I think following the session we are attending the game, which is a bonus to a supporter

I went back to work on Monday and so far the first 2 days have been OK for me
however the company are making it clear what they want out of everybody, as many people know, some businesses drive staff quite hard… onwards & upwards

had a unexpected phone call from a colleague at work yesterday, he had recently found out he is pre-diabetic so he called me asking me what this meant
he wasn’t aware of his actual Hba1c but he had been told it was between 41-47
recommended he ask his surgery
and steered him towards the fresh-well website

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Wednesday 😎
Well, I’m joining @ColinUK this morning with a very welcome 5.2 ! (@ColinUK i gave you a star for your HS but also want to give you a care for your MH rollercoaster).


@eggyg - just catching up with posts and have read about your granddaughter. Sorry to read of the episode at hospital but glad the result is now not as serious as you doubtless thought it might be at first. Hopefully the waiting list won’t be too bad.

More hanging around the house today, at least for me, whilst the tiling continues. The guy doing it has got the vast majority done now so it will be fitting toilet, basin and heated towel rail today. However there is all the grouting and finishing off to be done so I don’t think he will have done the small hall by the front door and will have to come back after our week away next week on the narrowboat.

I have my GP annual diabetic checks today with a phone call arranged for next week for the results review. Although I will see the results on the NHS app I will welcome the chance to discuss whether statins need to be adjusted or not based on these results.

Take care everyone.
Can they think of any trauma which might have caused the discs to bulge in the first place?
We can’t think of anything . It started when she left school working in a hair salon. She thought it was because she was on her feet all day. Then she moved to Primark and this episode started last Wednesday as she was pulling a big cage about. They sent her home and she was in hospital the next day. I’m afraid it may be my fault, I first was diagnosed with sciatica when I was 19, I was 7 stone wet through! The only thing I’d done was sit on a floor in a night club doing Oops up side my head! AKA The Row Boat Song. I’ve suffered ever since with my back, my two eldest daughters suffer too. Weak backs I’m afraid.
Morning folks. It's a bright sunny start to the day here in Lincolnshire.
8.4 for me today. I knew I should have said no to that yorkshire pudding with my turkey dinner last night.
Had a good email from hot water tap customer service yesterday. After looking at photos of broken hose and confirming it's covered under warranty, new tap with hoses is on the way.
Glad your granddaughter is back home and feeling a bit better @eggyg and hope she doesn't have to wait too long for treatment.

Congrats on the HS @Eternal422 and @ColinUK and sending hugs to support you through your MH rollercoaster Colin.

It is OK to let the brave face slip @freesia you have had a lot on your plate.
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I first was diagnosed with sciatica when I was 19, I was 7 stone wet through! The only thing I’d done was sit on a floor in a night club doing Oops up side my head! AKA The Row Boat Song. I’ve suffered ever since with my back,
Sorry @eggyg as I know bad back pain is no laughing matter. Reading about your floor dancing to Oops upside my head made me laugh out loud as it brought back memories of doing the same in my early twenties.
Not sure I could get down on the floor now let alone back up again :rofl::rofl:
Morning all - a very changeable one it is too. One minute it's raining the next it's blue sky and sunshine. No wind though.

6.2 first thing, with a more or less flat line overnight, just small wiggles. Surprised to see my 7 day TIR is 91% - 30 days = 90% and 90 days is 87%. It never feels like it's that good.

Last night's chicken was delicious, but it was such a blooming faff I am in no hurry to ever cook it again! Plenty of leftovers for tonight though. Today's excitement is an appointment this afternoon with the osteo Consultant and I should find out the result of the MRI on my arthritic knee. It's been well over 18 months since the GP referred me to him. Then the usual Wednesday meeting with friends in the local.

@eggyg glad to hear your granddaughter's condition isn't as serious as first thought, doesn't stop it being acutely painful though. Hope she doesn't have to wait too long for treatment.

Congratulations to @Eternal422 and @ColinUK on your HSs. Sorry to hear you're on the MH roller coaster again @ColinUK.

Hugs to @freesia

Have a good day all.
Morning all. A happy 4.7 for me earlier today.
Morning all.6.2 for me this morning.Strange day weather wise . Sunny.Heavy showers some wintery I've been in serious back pain for the last twenty years when I had surgery to remove three discs .Removed two and as much of the third as he could get out .Other bit was touching the nerve .So left me in constant pain . Ended my working career.Back surgeon said when he opened me up he had never seen discs so badly calcified and fused together like mine .Seems to be a thing with me .Lost hearing in left ear due to calcification Feet as well.
Back ,knee and hip giving me grief .Just have to bite your lip and keep walking.Have to keep stopping every few yards .But get there in the end . Congratulations to @ Colin UK and @Eternal242 on your Hs today.Enjoy your day folks
5.7 4 me
@Eternal422 congrats on your HS.

@PattiEvans those are great TIR results! I hope your appointment goes ok.

as she was pulling a big cage about. They sent her home and she was in hospital the next day
I wonder if the cage was heavy or awkward to move about whether that has caused the damage?

@eggyg, @silverminion..ah The Row Boat song, that brings back some memories. I, too, wouldn't be able to get up off the floor now. In fact, not so long ago while i was still working, i had to sit on the floor in the corridor to do some work as that was the only place with an available plug. When i finished and went to get up, i'd seized up! A tiny child walked past me and asked if i'd like some help (bless her!). I said no but thank you then waited until she was out of sight before crawling over to a bookcase to help me up! I was so glad no one saw me! It definitely wasn't a nice sight :rofl: 😳.
7.7 for me today before FOTF, a flatline of 6s all night as per usual.
Woke to a gorgeous morning, only is the last hour the breeze picked up and blew in the rain and hail for five minutes... it's cleared now.

I managed a twenty minute walk today, quite a long time for me. The breeze, at the time, was icy though and cut right through me.

I got my GP to change my prescription from Libre 2 to Libre 2 Plus too.

Sorry your on the MH roller coaster @ColinUK, I hope it settles soon, and congratulations to you and @Eternal422 the HSs!
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