Good morning all. 5.8 on yet another frosty but sunny morning.
I was shattered when I got home last night at 6pm. Luckily, because I’m such a super woman, tea just needed popped in the oven, shepherds pie. Girls were great all day, think they liked being in their own domain for a change, getting them ready for a party was another matter. It was like pulling teeth, Eden kept running away, I tried to put 6-12 month tights on 4 year old Zara, they wouldn’t stand still to get their hair done. I was in a lather! Walked the 10 minutes to the soft play where the party was being held for 6 year old Teddy. Of course he’d invited his whole class, or at least it seemed like he had! The noise was just unbelievable, and they were so rough, had to rescue Eden a couple of times as they invaded the baby area more than once, throwing things about and fighting. We were so relieved when daughter arrived, we were out there like a shot! My tinnitus was working overtime.
Today is “ helping with swimming” day. Slightly less traumatic.
Have a fab day.