Group 7-day waking average?

7.8 this morning.a cloudy, breezy day with, a promise of rain, later. According to the Met. Office, is it supposed to be raining now?

I sent various emails off today, but no replies (Sunday, for you).
@BobbleHat I'm sure you have already, but if you haven't trialled both the DexcomOne+ and the Libra2Plus
remem order to order yourself the other one

good luck in your new job
Thank you. Yes, this one was the Dexcom. The Libre failed 5 days in and they sent me a replacement. Tried to apply it last night - once it was located, the other end of the sensor was sticking out, it was sharp and it wouldn't scan. *Sigh* Not sure I can face trying a 3rd attempt at the free trial!
Well back up to 6.5 today so back on the Empagliflozin, just in the BG had any ideas about continuing in the upward direction. Its been a very murky wet day here, so just been chillin with the tv 🙂
Morning all. Bit of a miserable, wallowing, weekend for me but today’s another day etc…


5.5 today, head feels muzzy and feel very tired, although the walk yesterday certainly made me feel better. I am guessing they could be side effects from starting the Mounjaro. Today I am going to go out with the running club and do a couch to 5k session with them to get me running again.
Morning, a 6.5 today. Ukulele on Zoom at 9 am then off to see 'skin and blister' for lunch. I hope she is ok!
6.9 for me. Higher than I normally go but unsurprising. New job today so not much sleep last night and quite a few butterflies this morning.

Also, as is always the way, I think I've caught the cold my youngest has been nursing all week. Hopefully it stays mild - just a snuffle and a scratchy throat.

Be well everyone.
Morning all. 4.9. This sensor is reading constantly low, just 1 to 1.5 so not reportable, but annoying as I’ve gone in the red a few times when I wasn’t hypo and it’s spoiled my TIR.

Lovely quiet day yesterday, did walk to Aldi for milk and eggs, but that was about it. Today’s the start of a busy week. Both of us are getting our Covid and flu jabs later today, we’re planning on walking to the clinic/church ( we’ve got a brand new, multi million pound, absolutely huge new doctors surgery which on the odd time I have been there’s barely anyone there, and we have to go to an ancient church!), if the rain isn’t too bad. We’ve promised ourselves we must walk everyday even if it’s just 3 miles or so, we’d got lazy, always something else to do/it’s raining etc but we felt it the first few days on holiday, we’d become unfit. We’ve our regular December break in the Lakes coming up and we need to be fitter for the fells.

@BobbleHat good luck today.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. I'm at 6s and 7s today and feeling not great. The new meds they're giving me frighten the wits out of me because of all the side effects listed so I'm not taking them which is scary as what do I know? The 'liver consultant' suggested Corvedilol but no way, good grief, nope. Also the statins, I tried the Atorvastatin? Made me feel ill so they tried to swap me but the side effects for Rosuvastatin are horrendous so I'm not taking them either. I took one and have stopped. I feel badly all the time anyway, what's the point of taking meds that make you feel like that on purpose? I don't understand that. Did the online form and told them I'll just take my regular meds. Feeling bad anyway, blown up like a balloon, tum a hard huge medicine ball no doubt with liver and feet like puddings. I've always had one fat foot now I've got two. :( Feel scared and when I spoke to receptionist at the surgery last week she was reading out my notes and I realise it was only for the bit where she didn't need to know the information but she said "Yada yada yada" at me on the phone and I felt small.

I can't get any blood out to take a reading. It must be like sludge. I should just get in one of those eggs and go away gently and painfree. I've had my allotted time, where's the ice floe!? Sorry to moan, have a good day all.
A 6.1 for me this morning. 🙂

5.5 on a Berkshire morning that started bright and sunny but has now turned grey and wet. Well, it is Autumn. Our eldest's futsal team lost their match yesterday but they were up against last season's champions, so it was always going to be a big ask. At least he was pleased to see in the Matchday Programme that he'd been September's Player of the Month. I also noted that his team photo has the Welsh flag in the corner.

Coffee, read the newspaper and then, as every Monday, strip the beds (well, ours anyway - our sons can strip their own, if they can be bothered).

Have a good start to the week, Monday Blues aside.
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What an annoying night. New neighbours put in a short appearance yesterday and have installed or switched something on which is alarming with a loud beep every 20 seconds. We can hear in in every room. Trouble is once you have heard it, it is impossible to shut it out.
I have contacted the estate agent to get them to contact the people.