Group 7-day waking average?

Morning a 5.8 and a a flatfish from midnight.
I took a 2u correction to deal with the Pizza ( extra slice) which always makes me rise before bed even though last night it was 8.4 at the time.
It stabilised but then dropped to 4.5 when my alarm went off at 1130 but I decided not to do anything and it just went to the 5s and stayed there.
Looking forward to a lovely w/ end so all have a good one.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.2 yesssss

Slept like a log last night but still woke at 4am!

I did a recording (instrumental only) of a song yesterday morning. It was dreadful, distortion, boomy, sound balance of instruments way off. Spent the afternoon, checking, adjusting, changing everything. In the evening I did a second recording, so much better. Acceptable even. But no vocals.

However one final fly in the ointment. I rendered the song down to mp3 but all I got was silence. The music was there but no sound. After a lot of messing around I discovered (via the internet) that it seems to be a known problem with the VLC app for some installations!!! Doh! Still at least Wavs are ok but 20 times bigger files.

Today I do the vocals. A lot easier than keyboard! Later a walk. Then a meeting at the church to discuss the way forward for praise and worship. Then a practice for tomorrow (I will be singing).

All busy but I really enjoy it all, shame my wife does nothing. I do it all alone and she does nothing alone. Shame.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
5.8 for me on another bright, sunny but cool and frosty - yes, we had a light frost - Berkshire morning. Wife and I walked to Morrisons before breakfast to get a newspaper and some milk and it was 3 degrees outside.

My eConsult yesterday got me an appointment for 11am, which was a surprise, but it turned out to be with a physio and not my GP. She made me do all sorts of movements with my leg and concluded that my problem was muscular - my right Tensor Fasciae Latae to be precise - and not my hip joint, which was a relief. I now have a sheet of stretches etc to do each day.

Congrats to @goodybags and @42istheanswer on the HSs

@freesia - big step but well done on having the courage to take it. I'm sure everything will be fine going forward.

Friday Big Shop later, but not until I've had my coffee and read the paper.

Have a good Poets' Day, all.
Ahh, frost... no it's not Winter YET .
Good morning another HS

Had bloods taken yesterday morning, and was pleased to see by mid afternoon the results in NHS app although I’m going to have to take time to understand the results, although most of the wording (where there are words says normal (so maybe I am) :thankyou: probably best wait to hear from GP next Friday

I was wondering what this morning my levels would look like as after a lamb balti (home cooked from jar) went up into the teens yesterday evening 🙄 and rather exercise it down, I just went to bed early

@Grannylorraine I think I always do my MJ jab in my stomach but just next week I go back to the other side
it’s the same size needle as my insulin and (like the insulin injection it doesn’t usually hurt) my insulin injections I now do I’m my thighs or buttocks Hope the MJ helps for you as it definitely has for me.

I’ve also got my Flu@Covid Jabs today not looking forwards to that
but good to get them done

Have a nice day & weekend everyone 😎


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@42istheanswer should have congratulated you onnHS and the upcoming wedding.
If you get to Chester do visit Lucas.
I will definitely get to Chester soon as it's not far from home. My next visit might be with soon-to-be (in a few hours!) hubby who is dairy-intolerant just after honeymoon so I might not get to do gelato on that visit, but there will be others!
Good morning/moaning! Only a hour in bed and woken by Phantom Pain. I usually take Paracetamol before bed as it seems to reduce the chances or limit it to mild/moderate but now severe! :( BG 7.7

Cloudy - not raining.

Good morning again! BG now 8.1. Had very fitfull night and missing leg feels like aftermath of an injury. :(

Covid booster after lunch.

Still very cloudy but rain not forecast till after midnight.
My last bora da. 4.9. Never ate after our afternoon tea, (and we brought half back in a box), until bed time as I was down to 4! Didn’t want to eat but I had four Carrs Water Biscuits with cheese and then forced an oatie biscuit down and reduced my evening basal. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow no doubt when I get home.

Portmerion wasn’t as big as I remembered so we had three hours to kill before our 3pm reservation. We managed! Lots of photos, a walk along the coastal path and some retail therapy. You have to get some Portmerion pottery of course. Afternoon was fine, I’ve had better, not enough savoury and too many cakes, quite á traditional afternoon tea. Good views though.

Going to try and leave about 9ish, straight home back for lunch time.

Have a good day everyone.

Today’s photos are all,of Portmerion.


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I will definitely get to Chester soon as it's not far from home. My next visit might be with soon-to-be (in a few hours!) hubby who is dairy-intolerant just after honeymoon so I might not get to do gelato on that visit, but there will be others!
Oooh didn’t realise it was so soon. Have a fabulous day.
Not fasting (dexcom has finished and forgot to do BG before I went downstairs and did a few bits of last minute stuff and had a coffee with a little milk) but 5.8 today.

Congrats on HS @Gwynn and @goodybags
A 6.1 for me today. 🙂


PS oops forgot to say well done to today's HSs. :star:
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I am! I'm a community midwife - so no night shifts (except when I'm on call for home births or hospital support). When I was a hospital midwife, I liked night shifts - the atmosphere is lovely at overnight births. It was only when I stopped doing nights that I realised how much better I feel when I work office hours!

It was emotional but it was lovely too. I've worked with a wonderful group of colleagues so it's a wrench to leave them.

My new job is the same. I'm still going to be a community midwife but at a different Trust. It will be a 15 min drive instead of the hour plus I've been commuting for the past 2 years.

@freesia. I'm glad you've been able to make that decision and feel at peace with it.
Oh lovely - I worked at a community hospital (hence I was in at night while the midwife was on call at home) and absolutely loved it. I often ended up assisting the midwife with the birth at night as the second midwife didn't usually get there on time so it was such a lovely role. 15 minutes sounds much better (although hope you don't get called in more because of it!). Where in the country are you?
5.8 this morning, same as yesterday. Blue sky and sunshine this morning, same as yesterday but not forecast to be as warm, but at least it's going to stay dry.

Games Night tonight at our German friends' place in nearby Ascot. Our friends from over the border in Surrey will also be there. Hopefully my wife will be back from her sister's in Bedford in good time. She had a horrendous stop-start journey getting there yesterday, not helped by the main route into Bedford from the M1 still being shut due to last week's flooding.

Congrats on your HSs @Gwynn and @goodybags

Enjoy the start to the weekend.