• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

it was 6.1 for me but had already got out of bed so might be lower, just booked a long weekend in Norfolk for the weekend after next hope the weather will hold out but it is late in the year to expect much but will be nice to get away. have a good day what's left of it
Afternoon all - was up early and got a 5.7 which was the lowest since I went onto the hybrid closed loop.

Anyway, it was a lovely sunny day and we had nothing planned so in reply to my query "should we go out for the day", Julian suggested that we go over to ASDA in St Austell to order my new glasses (they do a terrific deal on glasses, £139 for varifocals, light sensitive, anti glare, anti scratch etc etc), I then added to the plan by suggesting we have a nice lunch somewhere - so off we went! We ended up in Charlestown having lunch in the Rashleigh Inn. Despite not eating the bun part of my fish finger sandwich I spiked to 16.6 grrr but the fish was very tasty with lovely crispy batter. Then a nice walk around the harbour before heading off to ASDA where I ordered some lovely frames at a fraction of the price that local opticians charge in town.

As we came out of ASDA it started to rain and by the time we got onto the A30 it was lashing down and we could barely see the road!

Charlestown is where they make a lot of films and where they filmed a fair bit of Poldark.

So hope you've all had a reasonable day!


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What an annoying night. New neighbours put in a short appearance yesterday and have installed or switched something on which is alarming with a loud beep every 20 seconds. We can hear in in every room. Trouble is once you have heard it, it is impossible to shut it out.
I have contacted the estate agent to get them to contact the people.
Problem sorted it was a flat battery on their carbon monoxide detector. Now of course we have drilling, sanding and DIY noises. But at least it will not be all night.
Changed my sensor yesterday and it has been a feature recently that it tends to show lower BG values a couple of days before expiring - I was a a steady 5.7 this morning after 3 days in the 4's (and inevitable alarms waking me up when I was laying it!) - No alarms last night so finally had a good night's sleep!
Morning a 6.4 for me and another flat line and good nights sleep.
Walked the dogs in the dark and will grab another hour lie down before breakfast and ready for day ahead.
Trip to dentist later but another routine day so hope you all enjoy yours boring or exciting.
Good morning! A Heinz 5.7 for me. Had a disturbed night as woke up to find bedroom was 27C - at first I thought I had developed a fever! Turned it all off and went to open window wide for Freeh air.

Silly o'clock Podiatry today.

Cloudy - drizzle on kitchen window.
Morning all. 3.6! I need to get basal sorted now i'm off work but unsure what to do. Its that time of year when i usually need a bit more but being off work, some days are more active than others. Yesterday i had 3 very short hypos because i'd been out walking. Overnight level was good until waking. Today i might go for a walk later, depending on weather, so i'll be less active. Oh well, all part of having diabetes.

It's very dark outside atm. Thunderstorms forecast for later.

I hope its dry where you are. Have a good day.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2

Been absent for a couple of days concentrating on a song composition and recording. Got to do it for real on Thursday at the church.

Had a simple tea yesterday as my friend came to show me some stuff on a music App called Reaper. Baked potatoes for tea and after that, wait for it, chocolate fudge cake with cream! You can't get any more indulgent than that!!!

The great thing is that my friend (who is a musician) liked the arrangement and lyrics of my song.

Today sorting out songs and practice, a walk if it doesn't rain, nothing else.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. A Len Goodman for me. SEVEN! After a week of lows and alarms because my sensor was reading 1-1.5 lower than finger pricker, it’s finally caught up. And both Libre and sensor actually said 7! Long may it last, well, at least until Sunday!

Had our Covid and flu jabs yesterday at 1.30, walked down, just a bit mizzle but very mild, afterwards walked to youngest daughter’s, just 10 minutes away from the chinic ( church clinic). They were on holiday last week too at Center Parcs so we went for the craic, they’d had a brilliant time, ( they’re now absolutely skint), but all four of them are absolutely full of cold! No kisses yesterday. 😳 I was sweating by this stage and had my jacket off. Hot walk home the sun was blazing by now, 3pm, home for 4pm and our outdoor temperature thingy was showing 17 degrees, and my Libre app was screaming at me, 3.2! It wasn’t, it was 4, had an oatie biscuit and it got me up to 4.2! Then I noticed on the graph that about half an hour after my two jabs I had shot right up to 10 and then plummeted right down on my walk home. Stress? Or the jabs?:confused: Feel ok today, arm a bit stiff, got both in the right arm, the one I have my sensor on too, I sleep on my left and that arm is always stiff so didn’t want it any worse. Touch wood I’ll be ok later, I don’t usually “suffer” any reactions, I’ve a pile of holiday ironing to do.🙄

Have a grand old day, if you can.

Mr Eggy went aurora chasing last night. This is the result. The first photo was at 9pm out to the west in a small village on the coast. The second was at 11pm from our garden. That’s our neighbours shed lit up like Blackpool illuminations! He’s very annoyed though, as when we woke this morning we’d slept through another red aurora alert and it was showing very, very high stats at about 3am! Snooze ya loose!


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A 4.6 for me today. 🙂

Good morning 5.7 on waking today

Congrats @Gwynn on the HS :star::party:

Yesterday (as it’s now turning autumnal) was the first day this year I took soup to work for my lunch
it’s a homemade squash & carrot soup my wife makes me., she batch makes it fresh then we freeze it,
so I can take one out the freezer daily, zapped in the microwave it stays hot in a food flask until lunch time, I don’t think yesterdays soup hardly put up my BS (certainly didn’t get any alarm on the Libra) I saw your harvest of pumpkins and squashes @Leadinglights and my immediate thought was 😉all that delicious soup.

I’m still undecided if I’m going to ask my GP to increase my Mounjaro dose, when he phones me on Friday, currently I’m still taking the 5mg weekly dose, having moved up from the introduction dose of 2.5 (the first month) I’ve stayed on the 5 mg for 3 months now although last week I messaged him asking to increase, but now I’m I thinking the 5mg might be sufficient for me.

Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone 😎
5.7 on a thoroughly wet and miserable Berkshire morning and the forecast says it's in for the day. Had a browse round the garden yesterday afternoon and everything is completely sodden. I had to wash mud off my crocs when I got back indoors.

Tuesday, so my usual swim before lunch and then I'll have a crack at the ironing basket.

Congrats on the HS @Gwynn

Have a good day, your weather permitting.
11.9 this morning. It started to rise about 3 am, (no idea why)... so they're going to be high into the afternoon, deep joy.

I awoke with a sore throat and feeling a tad hot, maybe because I huddled up in the bed covers this a.m. I'll see how I am in a few hours.

It's cloudy here with little or no breeze.