Morning all. A Len Goodman for me. SEVEN! After a week of lows and alarms because my sensor was reading 1-1.5 lower than finger pricker, it’s finally caught up. And both Libre and sensor actually said 7! Long may it last, well, at least until Sunday!
Had our Covid and flu jabs yesterday at 1.30, walked down, just a bit mizzle but very mild, afterwards walked to youngest daughter’s, just 10 minutes away from the chinic ( church clinic). They were on holiday last week too at Center Parcs so we went for the craic, they’d had a brilliant time, ( they’re now absolutely skint), but all four of them are absolutely full of cold! No kisses yesterday.
😳 I was sweating by this stage and had my jacket off. Hot walk home the sun was blazing by now, 3pm, home for 4pm and our outdoor temperature thingy was showing 17 degrees, and my Libre app was screaming at me, 3.2! It wasn’t, it was 4, had an oatie biscuit and it got me up to 4.2! Then I noticed on the graph that about half an hour after my two jabs I had shot right up to 10 and then plummeted right down on my walk home. Stress? Or the jabs?

Feel ok today, arm a bit stiff, got both in the right arm, the one I have my sensor on too, I sleep on my left and that arm is always stiff so didn’t want it any worse. Touch wood I’ll be ok later, I don’t usually “suffer” any reactions, I’ve a pile of holiday ironing to do.
Have a grand old day, if you can.
Mr Eggy went aurora chasing last night. This is the result. The first photo was at 9pm out to the west in a small village on the coast. The second was at 11pm from our garden. That’s our neighbours shed lit up like Blackpool illuminations! He’s very annoyed though, as when we woke this morning we’d slept through another red aurora alert and it was showing very, very high stats at about 3am! Snooze ya loose!