Good morning 5.7 on waking today
@Gwynn on the HS

Yesterday (as it’s now turning autumnal) was the first day this year I took soup to work for my lunch
it’s a homemade squash & carrot soup my wife makes me., she batch makes it fresh then we freeze it,
so I can take one out the freezer daily, zapped in the microwave it stays hot in a food flask until lunch time, I don’t think yesterdays soup hardly put up my BS (certainly didn’t get any alarm on the Libra) I saw your harvest of pumpkins and squashes
@Leadinglights and my immediate thought was
😉all that delicious soup.
I’m still undecided if I’m going to ask my GP to increase my Mounjaro dose, when he phones me on Friday, currently I’m still taking the 5mg weekly dose, having moved up from the introduction dose of 2.5 (the first month) I’ve stayed on the 5 mg for 3 months now although last week I messaged him asking to increase, but now I’m I thinking the 5mg might be sufficient for me.
Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone