• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5.7 on waking today

Congrats @Gwynn on the HS :star::party:

Yesterday (as it’s now turning autumnal) was the first day this year I took soup to work for my lunch
it’s a homemade squash & carrot soup my wife makes me., she batch makes it fresh then we freeze it,
so I can take one out the freezer daily, zapped in the microwave it stays hot in a food flask until lunch time, I don’t think yesterdays soup hardly put up my BS (certainly didn’t get any alarm on the Libra) I saw your harvest of pumpkins and squashes @Leadinglights and my immediate thought was 😉all that delicious soup.

I’m still undecided if I’m going to ask my GP to increase my Mounjaro dose, when he phones me on Friday, currently I’m still taking the 5mg weekly dose, having moved up from the introduction dose of 2.5 (the first month) I’ve stayed on the 5 mg for 3 months now although last week I messaged him asking to increase, but now I’m I thinking the 5mg might be sufficient for me.

Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone 😎
The paler ridged ones are called mashed potato and make an excellent top for shepherd's pie and I also use the others in corned beef hash instead of potato and yes, soup with red pepper or in curry with cauliflower and chick peas or just roasted in a tray bake.
Morning all, a happy 6.0 for me this sunny morning....
Was a 10 .4 this morning.went out yesterday afternoon bumped into a few of the lads from back in the day . Dragged me into a pub kicking and screaming I hasten to add .I used to be a big drinker back in the day but since turning into a recluse I don't go out now .Anyways I took 16 units of novorapid to cover the four pints of lager . Thought that would do it .After one pint it shot up to 12.5 so took another 4 units ..At one stage it was in the 18 s Good job they didn't have cgm monitors in the 80s and 90 s .Thing would have self destructed Me thinks I might have to try white wine then next time .My time in range has gone down from 96% to 80 % and after nearly five years I've demanded an face to face assessment at the hospital tomorrow. They didn't want any bloods done.and my gp practice has stopped doing them . Congratulations to @ Gwynn on your Hs today Stay safe folks
11.9 this morning. It started to rise about 3 am, (no idea why)... so they're going to be high into the afternoon, deep joy.

I awoke with a sore throat and feeling a tad hot, maybe because I huddled up in the bed covers this a.m. I'll see how I am in a few hours.

It's cloudy here with little or no breeze.
If you are coming down with a cold it's no wonder your BGs have gone up. Any stress on the body whatsoever, and that includes illness, will push BGs up.
Afternoon all - it's becoming habit to be late posting. Horrid day until now, though the sun has just broken through this minute.

6.6 first thing.

Discovered hubby had been downstairs all night, kept awake by toothache. He rang the dentist at 8:45 as soon as they opened and got an appointment at 12:30. So I cancelled lunch with my friend and took him. He had a gum infection which the dentist lanced and gave him a course of antibiotics. Also when the infection has cleared he needs another root canal, this time in the lower jaw but same area that he had one in the upper jaw 5 weeks ago. Poor man! He's having a nap right now.

Meantime I seem to be cooking a roast for the third day in a row... or rather the accompaniments to a roast (cauli cheese, roast parsnips, some cooked new potatoes, and yorkshire pudding) as we still have a whacking great bit of beef leftover from Sunday.

On my FB memories a picture of myself @eggyg and @Grannylorraine on the beach popped up. I know it's not exactly a year since we all met, so it kind of surprised me. Sorry can't post it as I can't seem to get it onto my hard drive. @eggyg has already posted a photo of us all in the restaurant.

Congrats @Gwynn on your HS

Hope all are well.
Morning all.
5.8 this autumnal morn.

Went to an opera rehearsal on Monday afternoon (Fidelio) which I loved.

Was quite a bold production with the first half absolutely traditional dress and set design and the second act a mix of traditional costumed leads and contemporary costumed chorus but it worked beautifully.

Finally this morning I’ve no ache from my Covid jab last Saturday which has been a right bugger since. I’ve had aches in my arm as well as shivers etc but the little antibodies have obviously acclimatised and are now content to zoom about inside my veins finding quiet corners, dimming the lights, getting it on and making more little antibodies for which I’m grateful.

Gym this morning. Meeting friends this afternoon for a chinwag. Supposed to be attending a Survivors UK thing this evening with live spoken weird stuff as a prelude to participating in an eleven month project to explore the voice of the survivor through writing etc. Not entirely sure I fancy it but I will probably go anyway.

On a lighter note, Bake Off this season is fantastic. What a ridiculously talented bunch.

Also has anyone else watched Grotesquerie (Disney+) ?
Good morning

BG 5.4

Busy remainder of the week ahead...playing/singing.

Finished off a Christmas carol composition yesterday.

All exciting stuff...

Shame I have to do it all on my own as my wife will not accompany me as that would leave the house 'open' to the intruders!!! Sigh

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all.5.8.I think it’s wet outside, it’s very dark!

Rained all day yesterday, a thoroughly miserable day. Even doing two hours of ironing didn’t cheer me up, for some reason! Maybe the triple monthly shop will do that today! 🙄 One minute I’m on holiday looking out to sea or wandering around spooky Italianate villages then the humdrum returns. We’ve also only got four weeks left of our grandpaternity leave. No rest for the wicked.😉

Have a wonderful, probably wet, Wednesday.

Oh and @ColinUK Bake Off is fab. Nelly is brilliant she is so funny. Dylan, who is absolutely gorgeous, is so humble and a fab baker. Think it’s going to be a good series.
Morning All - 10.1 this morning which I'm not really sure about but then have realised I had chilli con carne last night so it must be that. I still haven't got my new insulin because the letter hasn't come through from the consultant yet. I spoke to their office yesterday to check. What I don't understand is why when she sat there typing on her computer what felt like a letter to me, that just didn't ping off to my GP. Instead it's put in a pile to wait to be typed up and then posted 😡. I'm also now nervous having seen someone's comments on side effects of Rosuvastatin as I'm meant to be starting that on Thursday. I got on fine with Atorvastatin but am changing in case that's what's been giving me excruciating cramp like pains occasionally and someone said it's probably worth going onto a water based one instead. Do any of you others have any experience of bad side effects with Rosuvastatin? I think I'd rather stick with the Atorvastatin if that's a thing. Up early today (6.15am) as I have my garden volunteering on Wednesdays and need to be there at 8am but still want time to sit around drinking tea - should have gone to bed earlier though. Hope you all have a good day. @BobbleHat how's the new job?
Morning All - 10.1 this morning which I'm not really sure about but then have realised I had chilli con carne last night so it must be that. I still haven't got my new insulin because the letter hasn't come through from the consultant yet. I spoke to their office yesterday to check. What I don't understand is why when she sat there typing on her computer what felt like a letter to me, that just didn't ping off to my GP. Instead it's put in a pile to wait to be typed up and then posted 😡. I'm also now nervous having seen someone's comments on side effects of Rosuvastatin as I'm meant to be starting that on Thursday. I got on fine with Atorvastatin but am changing in case that's what's been giving me excruciating cramp like pains occasionally and someone said it's probably worth going onto a water based one instead. Do any of you others have any experience of bad side effects with Rosuvastatin? I think I'd rather stick with the Atorvastatin if that's a thing. Up early today (6.15am) as I have my garden volunteering on Wednesdays and need to be there at 8am but still want time to sit around drinking tea - should have gone to bed earlier though. Hope you all have a good day. @BobbleHat how's the new job?
The wheels of the NHS do turn very slowly, it’s so frustrating isn’t it? I would definitely chivvy them up, it may not be important to them but it’s very important to you. Enjoy your gardening, hope you don’t get too wet! Xx
Good morning! A 4.2 (earliest XJ6 for those who remember) this morning. Lot better than yesterday when I was battling tail end of booster side effects and new antibiotics affecting stomach. A five hour wait for transport after Podiatry not helping. All this resulted in a day near upper limit of normal range despite minimal eating (about 60gm CHO total().

Early doors Audiologist today.

Cloudy again but had an hour's sunshine whilst waiting yesterday.
Good morning! A 4.2 (earliest XJ6 for those who remember) this morning.
The 4.2 goes a lot further back than the XJ6. Certainly late XKs and the D Type, as well as E Types.

Hope your transport arrives in time for your Audiology.
Morning all. 4.1 courtesy of several JBs overnight. I need to get this basal sorted out.

I'm going to a friends house for a cuppa and catch up this morning, possibly help her with the dog walk later if its not pouring down and depending on how many want to go. She has three but sometimes the older one ducks out of his later walk and hides. @Bloden how is your pup?

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 🙂 6.0 here.

The puppy's doing great @freesia. I think it helps having an older dog to show her the ropes- here they are posing for a pic.
Is that Gwen, your other dog?
Morning a 4.7 for me and a 6 going to bed and a lovely line overnight.
Explained all by a trip to dentist for a filling in afternoon so only soft food so stuck to soup and a small bit of quiche ( so not many carbs) and kept my BG at lowest evening level in ages.
Wet start but not going too far and has been a quiet week and booked a night away in Shropshire next week.
Morning all. 🙂 6.0 here.

The puppy's doing great @freesia. I think it helps having an older dog to show her the ropes- here they are posing for a pic.
Cutest photo of the day!