Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone, a happy 5.7 for me on the third bright sunny morning in a row, what is this world coming to?

Have a good Saturday everyone and stay well.
Morning All - 7.9 this morning. Such a lovely day yesterday meeting a few of my friends from my gardening course at Lowther Castle. One of them couldn't make it as broke down on the M6 and spent 3 hours waiting to be rescued - such a shame but we'll get together another time soon. Lots of reminiscing as we walked around the grounds looking at all the places where we did work over the last year. Then in the evening off down to Kendal to see the Dr Louise Newson show and it was definitely worth the visit. I have NEVER seen so many women of a certain age in one place, it was hilarious. She was so interesting and really explained a lot about the menopause and particularly the frightening history of how women were treated by so called (male) medics back in the day. Came away definitely feeling positive about my own HRT and hoping that others have been inspired to be assertive and get the help they need. I'm off to Carlisle today to meet some other friends for brunch. Have a good day everyone xxx
Morning all - some sun, some cloud. Was jolly cold yesterday, so I expect it is today but not been outside yet.

7.1 this morning. Par for the course.

Not a lot on today, except a pile of ironing and cooking dinner when I've decided what to fish out of the freezer! Possibly sausages.

Wishing @42istheanswer a lovely wedding.

@Gwynn and @goodybags congrats on the HSs.

@eggyg Portmeirion looks fascinating. Have a good journey home.

Have a good day all.
Good morning everyone! 6'4.

I've been a bit absent here but things are mostly good. I had a great time in the writing and book clubs this week, and I got the holidays I wanted approved for this winter. I'm planning a trip to Wales in November, I'll visit Hay on Wye on my own and then my parents will join me for a few days in Cardiff. And I am finally watching season 2 of Good Omens. I'm using the Amazon prime free trial for that, will see if I want to buy something in this time to use the free delivery, but I probably won't.

Yesterday I went to Exeter to check the shops, I'm looking for a waterproof jacket. I didn't get one, just spent money in food and drink, which is typical for me :rofl: They had some good options in my local Trespass, and I still can try my luck in the charity shops.
I believe it it was 7. Something I had both flu and covid vaccines this morning I've now relised I have to change my dexcom later might go for the stomach this time haha
@Gwynn, @goodybags and @khskel : Congrats on the HS!

Lazy morning for me, I think I'm just emotionally wiped out! Line has been holding steady - was 6.1 when I first checked.

@42istheanswer: Have a wonderful day. Congrats on the wedding.

I'm in County Durham. I was working in Newcastle (upon Tyne, not under Lyme - THAT would have been a long commute :D) and now I'm going to be based near home.
Good day all. 8.3 @ 7.16am 🙂
. Came away definitely feeling positive about my own HRT and hoping that others have been inspired to be assertive and get the help they need.
I’ve been on HRT for almost 15 years. I used to panic every review that they’d take it off me. It’s been an absolute Godsend. A couple of years ago I had a “scare” and got a fast track gynaecologist appointment and a couple of scans. All was well but, again, I thought they would say I had to come off it. Not at all, the consultant said I could stay on it until I drew my last breath. I was so relieved, especially as my mother died of breast cancer aged just 52. They say I have no more chance than anyone else of being diagnosed with it.
Funny story re my total reliance on my three lettered friend. When we arrived in Wales last Saturday as I unpacked my various meds, I have a lot, I couldn’t find my little wheel of HRT. I was almost 100% I’d packed it, I’m very, very organised. I looked everywhere, every nook and cranny in every bag, the boot of the car, coat pockets, the fridge. I was distraught. Even one day without them my symptoms come back. I was so upset I knew it would spoil our holiday. I berated myself all day, even planning on phoning GP as soon as they reopened to send my prescription to a local pharmacy. As I started to prep our tea that first night, I picked up the local map I’d taken out of my rucksack, it was lying on the table. Out dropped my wheel of joy! Somehow it had managed to get trapped in the pages! The relief was immeasurable ( for Mr Eggy too). Long live HRT.
6.1 for me, I awoke to another day of wall-wall sunshine & blue skies... something wrong with the weather recently.

I tried getting up early and failed miserably although it was before ten (which makes a change), it just means we can eat earlier tonight!

Another day of feeling relatively ok. There's a trick to it - not panicking while lying in bed waiting for Mrs S. to wake up.

Congratulations to everyone who achieved an HS.

Have a good evening.
Congrats on the HS today @Jodee I’m sure that was a welcome & well deserved suprise today

May I ask were you still taking the initial 10 mg dose of Empagliflozin (or had they upped it to the full dose)
Thanks GB, I was taking it, the 5.2 reading though was 24 hours after I stopped it as I wasnt feeling too good, I had pains in tum and sick feeling. I thought to stop the empagliflozin for a few days. I am 5.8 today, I did tell the doc who thought I should continue but I will see how it goes, if blood glucose starts to rise again I shall go back on it. I didnt like the letter from the surgery mentioning ketoacidosis and fournier's gangrene, we need more user friendly meds for sure. Just the 10mg dose. I am going to refuse the 20mg dose should it be suggested later, just dont fancy the risks.
Morning all. 5.8

On/off sleep all night last night. I’m putting it down to the throbbing in my arm post Covid jab yesterday AM. No other side effects this time I’m pleased to say.
Good morning

BG 4.9

Today church, walk, rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all!

A 7.2 for me followed by a sharp rise while walking the dog. my liver seems to be having a merry old time when I wake at the moment.

4.3 for me and I feel really tired, going out for a walk with my friends and then coffee, so if the fresh air doesn’t wake me up, hopefully the coffee will.