• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

Woke up twice today. First time 04:41 BS 7.1 ate breakfast & more or less fell asleep again within the hour afterwards & 1st ear sprays of the day. Second time just after midday tresiba alarm 12:05 BS 5.7 meds & 2nd ear spray of the day!

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Dat! 😉

The pain in my ears have subsided, thankfully as the spray does its thing but, the underwater feeling has been growing because of the spray build up even though I try to soak up the excess with cotton buds before each spray. The right ear’s swelling has noticeably gone down & the left is still noticeably a bit more swollen still. The swelling seems to have gone from right side of my neck & it’s now the left side that feels a little bit swollen & tender but, hopefully that will go too when the left ear’s swelling goes down with more ear spray? :confused:

Still under the weather but, getting on top of things ear & BS wise as I’m not swinging so much & getting the guessing how much extra NR doses right! :confused:🙂
6.5 this morning for me.

Another good day for weather and we went out to the Rope Bridge (Carrick a Rede) where I somehow managed to cross it despite a low of 3.1 :(, the graph shows the point I went over the bridge !

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Beautiful coastline :

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Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS!
Love & have been to the rope bridge loads of times over the years. Even been on a boat ride from Coleraine, the River Bann, to Carrick a Rede once!

I’ve loved that road trip along the Causeway Coast since I was a young child & was our favourite after Sunday lunch family drive: fun for us kids in the back with the swinging bends & up & downs of that road like rollercoaster; mum didn’t like it as much in the front beside dad in the driver’s seat! :rofl:
8.3 this morning, rising to 11.6 after breakfast. Despite the wind, it's a gorgeous day here with wall-wall blue sky and warmish sunshine.

An enthusiastic chap phoned me this morning from the local mental health team called earlier talking about some issues I'm having just lately. So my walk to the doctor's yesterday worked. The overall synopsis is that the IRS services have kicked in. There's a lot of help offered to help us.
6.6 this morning for me.

Not much today, just taken my wife’s aunt for a hospital appointment then we took the rental car back ready for flying back tomorrow. Looking forward to a nice steak meal tonight with family over here and a breakfast in the local village of Eglinton tomorrow morning before our flight home in the afternoon.

@Lanny - I bet the boat trip from Coleraine was good fun - one for another visit for us! I also want to go into the Bushmills Distillery, maybe we’ll be back over here before Christmas and fit that one in!

Congratulations to @Jodee @goodybags and @42istheanswer on your HSs today!

@eggyg - fantastic pictures, you’re having a great time by the look of it!

@freesia - well done on taking the step to leave. Your health is always worth more than a job, don’t underestimate the effects of stress. I’m sure in a few months time you’ll have a great part time job and won’t look back!

Take care everyone!
Good morning folks, I had a rough day yesterday and decided to stop the dose of empagliflozin for a couple of days, I didn't prick my finger because my finger pads were very sore (they don't spring back so well anymore) last time I did prick it was 7mmol.
This morning though I am down to 5.2mmol, so happy 🙂
I am amazed since I did eat more bread carbs than usual yesterday.
I have slept late this morning so I think my body has had a good recovery repair time.

Have a good day everyone.
Congrats on the HS today @Jodee I’m sure that was a welcome & well deserved suprise today

May I ask were you still taking the initial 10 mg dose of Empagliflozin (or had they upped it to the full dose)
Thank you everybody for your good wishes. It was a scary thing to do, but i'm glad i did it. A weight feels like its been lifted.
I keep sleeping and laying on my sensor (doesn't matter which arm I have it on!) - had a couple of hypo alarms (which I wasn't!) last night, which is very annoying and when I woke up this morning (with my genuine alarm on my phone) it said I was 4.1 - by the time I'd got to the loo (approximately 6 paces), I was 5.8! Annoying as I had an important interview at 10:00 - early night for me tonight
@BobbleHat I hope your last day at work isn't too emotional. I gather from your posts that you're a midwife.
I am! I'm a community midwife - so no night shifts (except when I'm on call for home births or hospital support). When I was a hospital midwife, I liked night shifts - the atmosphere is lovely at overnight births. It was only when I stopped doing nights that I realised how much better I feel when I work office hours!

It was emotional but it was lovely too. I've worked with a wonderful group of colleagues so it's a wrench to leave them.

My new job is the same. I'm still going to be a community midwife but at a different Trust. It will be a 15 min drive instead of the hour plus I've been commuting for the past 2 years.

@freesia. I'm glad you've been able to make that decision and feel at peace with it.

Couldn’t sleep a combination of too much caffeine yesterday after lunch, and not feeling hungry after the late lunch at the Thai restaurant which was lovely, so not eating anything else, then waking up at 4am with a rumbling stomach, tried to ignore it as long as possible. If I need to I can always have an @eggyg nana nap during the day.

6.4 today which I am ok with as nice to still be in the 6s. First dose of Mounjaro today, so hoping I don’t get too bad side effects as I am going to knit and natter later, plus big shop to do when hubby is home from work.
@Grannylorraine good luck with your first MJ shot. Do you know where you’re going to inject?

I’m taking my second 5mg today (or maybe tomorrow) and I had no side effects on this or 2.5mg. I’ll weigh myself in a bit as I weigh first thing but yesterday I was 7.7kg down so far over the five weeks.
@Grannylorraine good luck with your first MJ shot. Do you know where you’re going to inject?

I’m taking my second 5mg today (or maybe tomorrow) and I had no side effects on this or 2.5mg. I’ll weigh myself in a bit as I weigh first thing but yesterday I was 7.7kg down so far over the five weeks.
Well done on the weight loss. I did it in my stomach, hardly felt a thing, more concerned about side effects while I am out today. Any advice for the best place to inject for next week is appreciated.
5.4 this morning.

Seeing my therapist yesterday was great notwithstanding the bombshell that he’s leaving before the end of December so someone else will be in the chair for EMDR next year. That’s going to be difficult to navigate but it’s a learning opportunity.

Intention is to see Jerry privately once the two month professional gap has passed. He can’t contact previous clients in that time so I’m expecting an email in March. If it doesn’t come I’ll chase him.

We both got a bit emotional yesterday. He’s not leaving entirely by choice and the whole thing is an unpleasant flustercluck that leaves a bitter taste.

I’m going to write a letter formally expressing my gratitude etc and get that off to him this weekend as well.

Other things planned this weekend are pretty much my Covid jab this morning before feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck for a couple of days or so I’m sure.
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Well done on the weight loss. I did it in my stomach, hardly felt a thing, more concerned about side effects while I am out today. Any advice for the best place to inject for next week is appreciated.
The advice I saw was to rotate injection sites. Personally I find zero side effects and not even feeling it go in when I inject in my arm. That’s also given me most quietening of food noise.
Morning early birds, 6.6 this morning... off to the gym.
Flu jabs for both of us tomorrow :(
Morning a 5.8 and a a flatfish from midnight.
I took a 2u correction to deal with the Pizza ( extra slice) which always makes me rise before bed even though last night it was 8.4 at the time.
It stabilised but then dropped to 4.5 when my alarm went off at 1130 but I decided not to do anything and it just went to the 5s and stayed there.
Looking forward to a lovely w/ end so all have a good one.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.2 yesssss

Slept like a log last night but still woke at 4am!

I did a recording (instrumental only) of a song yesterday morning. It was dreadful, distortion, boomy, sound balance of instruments way off. Spent the afternoon, checking, adjusting, changing everything. In the evening I did a second recording, so much better. Acceptable even. But no vocals.

However one final fly in the ointment. I rendered the song down to mp3 but all I got was silence. The music was there but no sound. After a lot of messing around I discovered (via the internet) that it seems to be a known problem with the VLC app for some installations!!! Doh! Still at least Wavs are ok but 20 times bigger files.

Today I do the vocals. A lot easier than keyboard! Later a walk. Then a meeting at the church to discuss the way forward for praise and worship. Then a practice for tomorrow (I will be singing).

All busy but I really enjoy it all, shame my wife does nothing. I do it all alone and she does nothing alone. Shame.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing