Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Up late at 7am and immediately had to put the bins out (they reportedly empty them from 7am)

BG 5.3

Yesterday was ok sort of. Went to the church to fix some wiring to the electronic drums and informed everyone of the changes. Quick as a flash the Pastor replied saying he had just ordered some accoustic drums (to replace the electronic ones. He prefers accoustic). My time wasted. Communication just doesn't work sometimes.

Just spent a while cutting my nails on my feet. I have to use some tough but fine cutters (wire cutters) as nothing else works. I hate cutting my nails. I dare not ask the NHS to help as they did my mothers once and left her unable to walk the pain was that bad (they had cut them way too short).

Reminds me of a joke: If you're short of iron, then try biting your nails!


Which reminds me, I must go pick up my meds today.

Today not much happening. A walk.
A 6.2 for me today. 🙂

Morning all - 6.7 for this morning. Had a really early night last night (9.45pm) which is unheard of for me but I think was just what I needed. I must try it more often! Gardening this morning and it's a beautiful sunny (but crisp) day in Cumbria. @eggyg very glad to see you weren't washed off that path as that river looks wild (but gorgeous!) - hope you get to see the dolphins - we've seen Risso's a few times in Harris x

7.5 today, not much planned just work, seeing mum and maybe finding time for a bit of knitting. Very grey here so I am expecting to get a soaking again walking home from mums, at least hubby can drive me round to her.
Morning all. A good nights sleep was had last night as i took my sensor off in disgust. No alarms, no worrying about lying on it. A new one has now been applied ready for activation tonight. Finger prick shows 4.3 so i'd better get something to eat soon.

@ColinUK any specific sort of food?

@eggyg the path looks perilous! Looks lovely though.
Lots of symbolic things like honey, apples, honey cake, apple cake, honey dipped apple etc. It’s about starting the new year off with sweetness.

As you can’t cook on Rosh Hashona food is cold so it’s buffet stuff with salads, fried fish etc rather than hot food. Also you’re meant to be in the synagogue at prayer so can’t cook hot food but still need to eat. Not that I go to shul but I do eat!
s you can’t cook on Rosh Hashona
Is there a reason for that? I'm not religious but i find all the different reasons/stories about religion fascinating. I hope i'm not being discourteous.
After a thoroughly wet and miserable few days it's blue sky and sunshine here this morning, and here's the cherry on top:-

Lovely birthday meal out for our eldest's 25th yesterday evening, and his girlfriend got here too. There was some doubt as to whether work commitments meant she'd be unable to make it, so really pleased that she did.

Hope you enjoy Ynys Môn (aka Anglesey) @eggyg - I've never been but I've read that it's one of the most Welsh parts of Wales.

Logged an eConsult with our surgery this morning to see about the niggle in my right hip, which has been bothering me on and off for a few weeks, although I'd be more concerned if it was constant rather than every now and then.

Hope this dramatic change in the weather is for everyone and not just for us here in the south.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.
Is there a reason for that? I'm not religious but i find all the different reasons/stories about religion fascinating. I hope i'm not being discourteous.
Of course you’re not!

It’s part of the prohibition against doing “work”. That includes lighting a fire and carrying anything to mention just two things you can’t do.
In this modern age the lighting a fire rule has been extended/interpreted to mean that you can’t switch anything that may cause a spark. So that’s no electric switches (light switches, car ignition, oven, TV, radio, toothbrush etc).
Religious Jews can get around the restriction by having things on timer switches that are set before the festival starts. They can, and do, have stew/casserole type meals that are cooked on a very low oven for hours starting the evening before. But they’ll disable the interior light in the fridge so that it doesn’t come on when the door is opened.
My fridge has a setting for Shabbat that turns off the light and has the compressor running all the time so that won’t switch on during Shabbat and break the rules either.
Ironically it’s a German fridge!

(And yes the rules are subjectively bonkers.)
Good morning 6.0 today

@Martin.A congrats on another HS today

a pleasantly bright & sunny day today here (almost spring like)
I’m off work this week (a planned weeks holiday) although if I was working this week I would be at a sales conference today,
currently I’m sat in the garden enjoying my first cup of tea, definitely I would rather be here right now
Mrs G is off also off work, we did think originally about going away for a few days, however as I had my eye appointment earlier in the week, a dentist appointment, a blood test that should’ve been done yesterday we said we would just do some jobs around the home,
we haven’t done those jobs but have been relaxing quite a lot, I think we both needed it,

Following Mondays eye implant I’ve still got a slight headache, but far less than it was yesterday or Tuesday morning.

Have a lovely day whatever you are doing today
Just heard it’s Park Runs 20th birthday this week, think I will go do it again,I've only a ParkRun once, anyone going ?
If you didn’t know it’s not just keen runners, you can as I did walk, you will never actually finish last !
Almost forgot to post this! 01:41 BS 4.3 Not much wriggle room so had a cuppa well milk, of course, & a big heaped spoon of honey! Then, put in my breakfast fry up of sausages, veg roll & hash browns once BS had risen a bit to 5.8.

A Very Good Morning to you all, at 11:56 as I type & probably just after midday by the time I push the button to post, & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

My BS was swinging a bit towards the end of yesterday before going to bed because my ears were starting to bug me & my BS was rising so, I had to increase NR: not enough to start with & then, a bit too much so, ended up in the 4s when I woke up. I have started spraying my ears with Otomize & ordered another bottle online as I always like to have a bottle to hand given how many times I keep getting ear infections! 🙄 I get ear infections more than I get colds! :(

BS is still a bit high today as I’m trying not to do too much NR & ears are a bit sore along with my right chin to ear neck area! Higher tones hurt a bit so, not watching anything today & reading instead.