Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. New sensor says 7.2, finger prick 6.8 so much better than the last one. Older daughter is coming round today to pick up a parcel she had delivered to us for her husband's birthday. Other than that, just some cleaning and vaccuuming to do and a ham joint to cook. If the weather stays dry, i might mow the lawn.

I forgot to tell you lovely lot, i handed my notice in a few days ago. I just can't do it any more. Hubby said we'll be ok but i'm going to leave it until after Christmas then if i'm getting bored or missing working, i'll get a part time job with just a few hours. Somewhere i can go, do the job and come home without any stress.

Congrats to @goodybags and @42istheanswer on the HS.

@eggyg fantastic photos! Enjoy your last day.

Have a good day everyone.
That’s great news. You will manage and a nice little stress free part time job will top up the coffers if needed. It’s pointless working if it’s making you ill. If it’s any consolation when I retired at 57 I was 9 years away from my state pension. Now it’s only 18 months away! They say time flies when you are enjoying yourself.
I went to Portmerion once - such an unusual place.
We went about 20 years ago and I agree, a very unusual place but we really liked it in a weird way. Hence the return visit. Hope it’s as good as we remember, at least we’ve the afternoon tea to fall back on. Admission was free with it.
Bora dah.5.1 on our last full day in Welsh Wales. It’s been great for my BGs. Also could be I’m always more relaxed on holiday, no worrying about kids, well I do but I can’t do anything about it when I’m away, no feeding/ babysitting the hordes etc. back to it tomorrow. All good things must come to an end.

Yesterday was a great day. Up and at it early doors to catch the dolphins. An hour before high tide is the best time to see them if they’re around. It’s a short window, September to November and then they go elsewhere. Parked in the village and walked to the headland, already lots of folk there. Walked towards the cliffs and Mr Eggy shouted, they’re there! And so they were! We got talking to a local couple who we were very lucky for first timers, sometimes they are there all day and never see any. What a sight. The Risso’s are as big as an orca about 10-12 foot long. They live up to 30 years and they don’t look anything like Flipper! But strangely cute. Mr Eggy managed to get some decent shots, even though they were quite a way out. We stayed about two hours in all on the headland, beautiful day but like @PattiEvans a very cold wind. We walked back to the village and had our picnic on some rocks overlooking a calmer bit of sea. It was stunning. What a great day we had.
Today we’re off to Portmerian for a look around and have booked afternoon tea in the hotel. Best be good, it wasn’t cheap, I’ll be expecting doggy bags!

Yesterday’s photos. The dolphin ones are Mr Eggy’s, the rest are mine.
Risso’s dolphins.
Our picnic spot.
The Lighthouse.

Have a fab Friday.
Yours have dolphins in them as well but they’re hiding.
We went about 20 years ago and I agree, a very unusual place but we really liked it in a weird way. Hence the return visit. Hope it’s as good as we remember, at least we’ve the afternoon tea to fall back on. Admission was free with it.
I’d not advise eating the afternoon tea if you’ve fallen on it

6.0 today, can’t remember the last time in was lower than 7, however today I have a leaving lunch for some of my colleagues in a Thai restaurant so that is going to be challenging.

@42istheanswer and @goodybags - congratulations on your HS.

@freesia - well done on handing in your notice.
Morning all - I'm too embarrassed to say what my waking BG was but suffice to say it was very high from scoffing biscuits at bedtime. My friend who came last week brought us some delicious shortbreads which obviously I shouldn't even entertain having, but I did. Seems even more stupid when I went out for afternoon tea with my Mum and all I had was a tiny end of her delicious orange, raspberry polenta cake. Oh well - today is a new day. Hopefully soon my prescription will come through for the second insulin that I'm going to take before my bedtime meal - I think that will make me more focussed with late night snacking (I hope!).

Today I'm meeting my gardening course friends back at Lowther Castle where it all started. We'll have some chat time in the cafe and then go around the grounds which will make us all reminisce about what we were doing there this time last year. Then this evening I'm going down to Kendal to see Dr Louise Newson (Menopause Doctor) talk. She's doing a tour at the moment and it has coincided with Panorama doing a very slanderous piece on her clinic which in my (and thousands of others) opinion is incredibly one-sided and doesn't touch on the fact that she is the person who has opened up the whole conversation over menopause and thousands have been helped by her and other specialists because it has been nigh on impossible to have this discussed with your NHS GP. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt and the talk itself, I think, will be much more about the menopause itself than medication/treatment for it.

@BobbleHat I hope your last day at work isn't too emotional. I gather from your posts that you're a midwife? I used to be a Maternity Support Worker and loved it, but the nights got the better of me and I stopped about 6 years ago. What is your new job?

@eggyg those dolphin shots are amazing - the dolphins look like they're smiling 🙂 I went to Portmerion once - such an unusual place.

@42istheanswer How exciting that you're getting married - I hope you have a lovely day.

and finally @freesia I bet that is a huge relief for you and you will feel a big weight off your shoulders.

Have a good day everyone xxx
No need to be embarrassed: all of us have to find an individual balance that keeps us (reasonably) physically healthy - without making us miserable. That's bound to mean 'lapses' from time to time. After all, "Diabetes is for life, not just for Christmas".
5.8 for me on another bright, sunny but cool and frosty - yes, we had a light frost - Berkshire morning. Wife and I walked to Morrisons before breakfast to get a newspaper and some milk and it was 3 degrees outside.

My eConsult yesterday got me an appointment for 11am, which was a surprise, but it turned out to be with a physio and not my GP. She made me do all sorts of movements with my leg and concluded that my problem was muscular - my right Tensor Fasciae Latae to be precise - and not my hip joint, which was a relief. I now have a sheet of stretches etc to do each day.

Congrats to @goodybags and @42istheanswer on the HSs

@freesia - big step but well done on having the courage to take it. I'm sure everything will be fine going forward.

Friday Big Shop later, but not until I've had my coffee and read the paper.

Have a good Poets' Day, all.
7.4 for me wasn't too bad given that they were above 11 yesterday evening, due to taking too many JBs and biscuits, as I had another hypo. I've been adjusting my morning basal, and the morning dose is still a tad high.

Also, I've been under a lot of tension and, as a result, had a stiff neck and shoulders which stops' me from normal pastimes and jobs.

I, sometimes, think that I'm coming apart at the seams.

I went for a twenty-minute walk to see my CPN and, surprise, she wasn't at work; I haven't seen her in months now and keep trying to contact her and the team before I finally crack.

But it's a beautiful day and I should be grateful.
We're all allowed to feel as if we're "coming apart at the seams" - regardless of what the weather happens to be doing. Like most laypeople, I didn't realise how stressful living with diabetes is until I was diagnosed with Late Onset Type 1.
GoodMorning I’m joining @42istheanswer with a HS today
even though yours (was yesterday) :star:@42istheanswer :party: congrats anyway

I’m fasting so I can’t even have a cup of tea to celebrate this morning - the Vampires have demanded half an arm full today - my appointed time is not actually until 09.37 🙄 I’m thinking I might just get there early & just chance it, as I can hear volcanic noises coming from my very empty stomach this morning, I can’t remember who requested todays bloods, but wanted this one to be full bloods and fasting ,rather than the Hba1c I actually had early last week.

I did drop to 3.9 (finger prick test actually said it was 3.8) shortly after I first woke up in the early hours
thought it best to pop 2 JB’s (to stave off hypo) I shall be honest and declare that to the Phlebotomist and :thankyou: it’s ok.

Have a Fabulously Fantastic Friday everyone 😎
Morning all. New sensor says 7.2, finger prick 6.8 so much better than the last one. Older daughter is coming round today to pick up a parcel she had delivered to us for her husband's birthday. Other than that, just some cleaning and vaccuuming to do and a ham joint to cook. If the weather stays dry, i might mow the lawn.

I forgot to tell you lovely lot, i handed my notice in a few days ago. I just can't do it any more. Hubby said we'll be ok but i'm going to leave it until after Christmas then if i'm getting bored or missing working, i'll get a part time job with just a few hours. Somewhere i can go, do the job and come home without any stress.

Congrats to @goodybags and @42istheanswer on the HS.

@eggyg fantastic photos! Enjoy your last day.

Have a good day everyone.
Well done for being brave enough to hand in your notice. I think often we underestimate how important it is for people with diabetes to take stress seriously, as having even more of an impact on our physical health than it does for many ordinary people.
5.8 for me on another bright, sunny but cool and frosty - yes, we had a light frost - Berkshire morning. Wife and I walked to Morrisons before breakfast to get a newspaper and some milk and it was 3 degrees outside.

My eConsult yesterday got me an appointment for 11am, which was a surprise, but it turned out to be with a physio and not my GP. She made me do all sorts of movements with my leg and concluded that my problem was muscular - my right Tensor Fasciae Latae to be precise - and not my hip joint, which was a relief. I now have a sheet of stretches etc to do each day.

Congrats to @goodybags and @42istheanswer on the HSs

@freesia - big step but well done on having the courage to take it. I'm sure everything will be fine going forward.

Friday Big Shop later, but not until I've had my coffee and read the paper.

Have a good Poets' Day, all.
"I'm a poet, I know it: hope I don't blow it"
Good morning folks, I had a rough day yesterday and decided to stop the dose of empagliflozin for a couple of days, I didn't prick my finger because my finger pads were very sore (they don't spring back so well anymore) last time I did prick it was 7mmol.
This morning though I am down to 5.2mmol, so happy 🙂
I am amazed since I did eat more bread carbs than usual yesterday.
I have slept late this morning so I think my body has had a good recovery repair time.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning 6.3 today.
I do like Monet for both style and substance.
We did two of his works as jigsaws recently, tricky dicky!
Working on the Bluebell Railway today, hot teas and hot chocolate kinda day I think although we have two fish n chip train runs today. A lovely smell wafting through the carriages all the way to my buffet car!
I will leave you with that... 🙂
Oh I could really do a fish and chip day, have a good one. What rain line is that? :D 😛
Good morning 5.8.
What a relief to get back to green and gorgeous Wales after post-industrial Yorkshire. It is a great county, after all I was born there as Dad had been posted to some chilly Northern airfield, and I spent 3 years near Halifax as a young lawyer, riding out on the great moors for pleasure, but Leeds shouldn't be inflicted on anybody. Took 30 minutes to drive the 6 miles to a dual carriageway...all of it ugly. What a start of a working day for anyone.

Managed to get the house done with the aid of chaps working for a homeless charity. All a good laugh, particularly the aging biker, and grateful for the stuff - 3 van loads. House was OK inside - quite a spacious 4 bedder: dated décor and avocado suite but very clean and organised except for the kitchen which had been left a tip by the emergency services. Not much of value but what there was is all in the back of the car awaiting delivery to my local auction house. The fridge and freezer were things of nightmare - full but electricity off - have arranged for professional skip filler and house cleaner. A very long day but duty done!

Still no wiser about history of this unknown cousin - local neighbour of 47 years says he wasn't a talker and in all that time she never got further than "Good morning. How are you" even when he was ill at the end. Absolutely no personal correspondence, no photos despite 3 cameras, quite a good computer set up. Maybe there will be something on his PC if my IT chap can break the password. Hope it won't prove to be nasty as I found the lack of personal stuff quite creepy.

Does anyone know about Seiko watches? He had a waterproof stainless steel Solar, numbers on back 081468 and v50ab. Prices on the web seem to range from hundreds to thousands.

Congratulations to all those HSs while I have been away. @eggyg Lovely photos. @freesia Enjoy freedom from work stress and hope you find an enjoyable part-time job in due course. Sorry to see @MikeyBikey having bad pain. @42istheanswer What an exciting time - enjoy. How nice to be home and reading everyone's news.

Have a lovely day everyone - its sunny here.
Morning all and 6.4 for me
Surprise, surprise our cover version of Slade's Coz I Luv You is live on streaming services. We were expecting it to be nearer Valentine's day but hey ho.

Google Skeletal Family Coz I Luv You if you're curious.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning, all (just). It's a happy 5.5 for me on this beautiful sunny day here.
Morning all and 6.4 for me
Surprise, surprise our cover version of Slade's Coz I Luv You is live on streaming services. We were expecting it to be nearer Valentine's day but hey ho.

Google Skeletal Family Coz I Luv You if you're curious.

Have a good day everyone.
"Well aaaaalriiight, ev'reeeebooooodyyyyyyy!"