Group 7-day waking average?

Morning All,
A clickety click 66 for me so happy to go from all the 7s to all the 6s maybe a trip to the 5s tomorrow.
Pretty flat line overnight and up to 97% TIR so hopefully have got back into my normal routine after frankly being much more relaxed since Xmas.
Short trip to Footballers Wife’s country today which is always nice as a lovely choice of coffee shops to have a nice lunch and can leave the garden centres for the w/ end.
Friday is Pizza day and it is the last day they are doing the Red Pesto,Artichoke and Spinach which is our favourite so perhaps an extra slice or two.
Anyway enjoy your Friday and have a great w/ end
Good morning everyone. Up at my usual time today

BG 5.3 dancing around that goal again

My friend seems to have gotten some bug and has been laid low all week so my walks have been alone, so much more boring!

Today probably another lone walk not much else going on. Writing a user manual for my App.

Hopefully a delivery from Amazon at some point

Have great day today whatever you are doing

5.4 today, nothing much planned might do some knitting after work.

@Pattidevans - thank you for asking about hubby’s colonoscopy, no polyps were found, all good fine, some biopsies were taken, but he is feeling a lot calmer now.
Was 10 when I woke at 5am. I corrected and now I’m sensor error before breakfast. Though was 14 last time I’ve checked.

I’ve been a bit slack on not chasing the bgs down with all the other stress going on. Have agreed a change of hours at work to make the ME easier to manage, not sure how long will take to put in place but once it is then hopefully I’ll feel more on top of things.
A middle of the road 5.5 for me this am. 🙂

Good morning. 7.2, that’ll be the curry and rice, and a quarter of a gigantic naan bread. Why do they make them so big? 90 grms of carbs in just the one!

Had a good session at osteopath, told her I still had a consistent niggle in the left of my pelvis. Very tight, she said, manipulation and acupuncture, and a small toggle of the sacrum, popped out again a little bit. I suspected that TBF, as a couple of weeks ago when it was very icy, I slipped ( didn’t fall) and felt the most God awful pain shoot right up my back from the base of my spine. Anyways, all sorted now and my next appointment isn’t for two months, just a bit of maintenance. I really don’t want to go through all this again. Started 16th November, now February! I also walked there and back, just over six miles. So very happy.

Nothing much planned today, unless daughter goes into labour, so I might just read my book.

Congratulations to the plethora of HSers yesterday. @MikeyBikey @Colin g and @Eternal422 good work.

Have a fab Friday folks.
5.8 after a carb heavy night in the pub and a midnight viewing of the Apprentice.
(My Contour next gave me a 2.9 when I got in!)
Morning All - 6.9 this morning. Happy with that as it was quite high when I went to bed (very late as fell fast asleep on the sofa with Wilbur (dog) until nearly 1am!). Off to do my hospital driving today but had one patient cancelled because they've been admitted sadly, so I'll be driving all the way to Carlisle to take two people home who basically live round the corner - if only @eggyg was registered I'd ask her to do it as I know she's got nothing on today :rofl: Good though as it means I can pop to a garden centre to buy a new rake. Then this afternoon I'm going to be planting 200 bulbs in the green (snowdrops & aconites). Have a good day everyone xxx
Morning All - 6.9 this morning. Happy with that as it was quite high when I went to bed (very late as fell fast asleep on the sofa with Wilbur (dog) until nearly 1am!). Off to do my hospital driving today but had one patient cancelled because they've been admitted sadly, so I'll be driving all the way to Carlisle to take two people home who basically live round the corner - if only @eggyg was registered I'd ask her to do it as I know she's got nothing on today :rofl: Good though as it means I can pop to a garden centre to buy a new rake. Then this afternoon I'm going to be planting 200 bulbs in the green (snowdrops & aconites). Have a good day everyone xxx
Slight problem there Jo. We only have one car between us and it’s an F Type Jag with two seats, and I ( fit as a linty young lass) sometimes struggle to get in and out! :rofl:

Dad’s doing fine. Just spoke with him and mum and she said he’s not driving her bonkers yet.
Slight problem there Jo. We only have one car between us and it’s an F Type Jag with two seats, and I ( fit as a linty young lass) sometimes struggle to get in and out! :rofl:
Have you got a roof box?
Slight problem there Jo. We only have one car between us and it’s an F Type Jag with two seats, and I ( fit as a linty young lass) sometimes struggle to get in and out! :rofl:
Morning Eggy presume you really find the Jag fun to drive as thinking about one when I next change cars.My wife has an SUV so prefer a sporty saloon but probably 4 doors.